【The hardworking Uzumaki Naruto leads everyone in daily training, making their days fulfilling and filling everyone's hearts with hope for tomorrow.】

【One day, after training, Hyuga Hinata prepared a loving breakfast as usual and gave it to Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Uzumaki Naruto did not take the breakfast immediately, but walked to the side, broke off a small tree, held the trunk in his hand, and performed the wind escape technique.】

【"This is my latest gadget. It can be used to effectively train and control chakra more carefully."】

【Soon, Naruto controlled the chakra and carved out a tree sculpture of a big-headed doll of Hyuga Hinata.】

【Naruto smiled and patted Hinata's head,"I'll give you a small gift."】

【Hinata fell instantly, this wooden doll really looks like her, so cute】

【The point is, this was given to me by Naruto-kun!】

【Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuga Neji looked over eagerly.】

【"Hey, do you two boys need something like this too?"】

【Uchiha Sasuke is not the cold-blooded boy after the genocide,"But the figures you made are really cool"】

【Hyuga Neji nodded】

【Uzumaki Naruto,"......"】

【"All right"】

【He was very perfunctory and made two figures of Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuga Neji.】

【The two of them smiled and treasured it, which represented their precious friendship. 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Our Naruto is still good at coaxing girls, hehe."

Jiraiya,"This is completely popular with both men and women." Tsunade

,"But that figurine is really cute, wait? Are we overlooking something important?"

Orochimaru,"Naruto's control of chakra is really amazing, too delicate."

Terumi Mei,"This means that when using the same technique, Naruto only needs half of the chakra output of others, and the power is even greater than others."

"In addition, Uzumaki Naruto has a huge amount of chakra, and he is also a Jinchūriki. It is hard to imagine how others will fight him in the future."

【Uzumaki Naruto walked into the school. At this time, he had become the school's recognized school idol and a famous figure.】

【Everyone was discussing it, and some bold girls even sent love letters to him in person.】

【Yamanaka Ino watched all this and was very anxious. On this day, she brought a bouquet of flowers to Uzumaki Naruto.】

【This bold and careful, blonde, blue-eyed, rich and beautiful girl, although her figure is not yet obvious, has a very perfect body proportion, which makes Naruto quite fond of her.】

【After receiving the flowers, Naruto touched her head with one hand, leaving only love in Yamanaka Ino's eyes.】

【He gave her a wooden sculpture of Yamanaka Ino, which made her feel very confused.

Uzumaki Naruto complained,"Hey, I'm such a bad person in this parallel world. Why am I so affectionate?" Yamanaka Ino

,"You are not allowed to say bad things about Naruto-kun." Yamanaka

Ino,"I want to punch this Naruto to death. How can he be so unfaithful to girls?" Jiraiya

,"Actually, if you think about it, you can understand it."

"After all, Naruto was so lonely when he was young, and it is normal for him to want more people to accompany him when he grows up."

"Besides, their family is small, so finding more girls and leaving more offspring is also a good thing."

Mei Terumi,"I agree with Jiraiya on this point."

【During the training process of Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuga Hinata and Hyuga Neji, they also learned from each other and improved.】

【Hinata Hyuga saw Naruto's interest in their family's secret technique, the Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms, and learned it from her father at a very fast speed.】

【"This is what Naruto wants to learn, I must learn it first, and then teach him."Hyuga Hinata's heart is quite determined.】

【The transformation of Hyuga Hinata also made her father Hyuga Hiashi very happy.

Hyuga Hiashi,"I am not happy at all, no, Hyuga Hiashi in the parallel world, you are not happy at all."

"If this continues, my daughter will be kidnapped by someone else. Maybe in the future, Hinata Ichizo's property will be taken away by someone else."

"How can Hinata teach others the secret skills of her family? Girls are really outward-looking."

"Uzumaki Naruto has evil intentions, he is obviously using seduction to take advantage of those girls."

Hinata Hiashi was anxious.

Yamanaka Inoichi,"Yes, this Naruto is not a good person, every father will feel this way."

"Seeing our Ino fall into the arms of a sea king, I feel heartbroken!"

Yamanaka Ino,"Dad, don't say that about Naruto, he's fine, it seems."

Yamanaka Ino,"......"

"Ahem, but Ino will definitely have some sense of propriety and won't pass on our family secrets."

【Knowing that Uzumaki Naruto and his friends were training together, Yamanaka Ino could no longer hold back and chose to join their training team.】

【Watching everyone sharing their experiences in cultivation, Ino couldn't help but say】

【"Naruto-kun, our family's mind-turning technique is special and not something most people can learn, but if you want to learn, I can tell you everything."】

【Naruto said,"Okay, I'd love to learn more about it."】

In the mountains,"......"

He has a swear word, but he doesn't know whether he should say it or not....

Yamanaka Inoichi,"If Uzumaki Naruto is willing to marry into our family, we can accept it."

Uzumaki Kushina,"......"

Namikaze Minato,"......"

Mei Terumi,"Hehe, you're probably thinking about something beautiful."

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