Yamanaka Ino,"Naruto, your behavior is really disgusting. I can't stand it anymore and can't help but speak up for Sakura." Uzumaki Kushina

,"Poor Naruto, it's all our fault for not being able to teach Naruto."

"For girls, you need to attract them, not this kind of annoying behavior, to win their hearts."

Jiraiya," Speaking of which, Naruto in the parallel world is simply a textbook of love!"

"Naruto in this world is really stupid......"

Orochimaru,"Haha, what's this? The Uzumaki Naruto in the two worlds are totally incomparable."

Tsunade,"Yes, the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world has a group of people vying to be his girlfriend."

"This world, ah, forget it, I won't talk about it, it hurts Naruto's self-esteem too much."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Naruto, you really need to think about it, let Sarutobi Hiruzen suffer a little"

"Look what he has done to you."

"In fact, your talent is not bad, but because of your childhood experiences, you have never put your mind on it.���Refining the top"

"This is why you have so many annoying moments and girls dislike you."

"The source of all this is Sarutobi Hiruzen's conspiracy."Sarutobi

Hiruzen,"Uchiha Sasuke, calm down and don't be brainwashed by the conspiracy theory of the parallel world."

"You are so disappointing to me. I have placed such high hopes on you."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Shut up, old thief Sarutobi!"

"When the movie is over, I will definitely find a way to kill you!"

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahaha, that's right!"

Orochimaru,"Interesting, there are more like-minded people."

"However, I will take Hiruzen-sensei's life."

【Uzumaki Naruto repeats his mischievous life every day】

【Back in my house, I feel so empty again】

【He was very confused and had no idea where to go.】

Days passed like this, and he wasted them until he was twelve years old and about to graduate."......"

"The picture progresses so fast, so I really have nothing to say, right?"

Yamanaka Ino,"Just you know, every day he is either naughty or sleeping, doing all kinds of nonsense, what is there to see?"

"Switch to the black border screen now!"

【Teacher Iruka took Uzumaki Naruto to the classroom to review for the graduation exam】

【In the test of transformation, Uzumaki Naruto took a different approach and used his own seduction technique to transform into a naked woman.......】

【Teacher Iruka was bleeding from his nose and told Uzumaki Naruto not to use such a boring technique and to be more normal.......】

【In the afternoon, Iruka-sensei, seeing that Naruto was not in high spirits, decided to treat him to ramen.】

【Uzumaki Naruto's emotions were ignited, and he patted his chest and said that he wanted to become a Hokage and be stronger than all the previous Hokages so that the villagers would recognize him.】

【Teacher Iruka didn't say anything, he just smiled.......】

【On the second day after he made his grandiose statement, during the clone test, Uzumaki Naruto created a noodle-like clone that looked malnourished.......】

【Naturally, he couldn't pass. 】

Yamanaka Ino,"I give up, this Naruto is so vulgar, what kind of seduction technique is this, shameless......"

Iruka,"Yeah, you guys also think Naruto is vulgar, right? Actually, I wanted to say......"

"I was just afraid of hurting his feelings."

Haruno Sakura,"Teacher, do you really think it's vulgar? You were bleeding from your nose at that time!" Uchiha

Sasuke,"It's hard to imagine how I stayed in the same class with such a boring Naruto for six years."

Uchiha Madara,"I hate people who only talk big but never take action."

"Do you think strength can be obtained out of thin air? It requires continuous efforts."

【Uzumaki Naruto was very depressed. Seeing others easily pass the graduation exam and become Genin, he felt like he was abandoned again.】

【At this time, Mr. Mizuki gave Naruto a good idea and asked him to steal the seal book.】

【As long as you learn the above ninjutsu, you will be able to become a powerful ninja, and graduating successfully will not be a dream.】

【Uzumaki Naruto was immediately moved and took action without thinking too much.】

【The sealed book was stolen by Uzumaki Naruto, and Mizuki also showed his fangs】

【To kill Uzumaki Naruto and Iruka, who came to look for Uzumaki Naruto, and take the Book of Seals】

【In order to prevent Uzumaki Naruto from getting hurt, Iruka pushed him away, but he didn't have time to dodge Mizuki's kunai attack and was seriously injured.】

【Uzumaki Naruto was extremely angry, and Mizuki began to sow discord, saying that Iruka had never truly recognized Naruto, and also called Naruto a fox demon, saying that no one would like him.】

【At this moment, Naruto was angry and collapsed......He began to doubt his life. 】

Mei Terumi,"Little Naruto is so pitiful. It's hard to imagine how much harm Mizuki's words caused him."

"But I want to say that he is really simple.......Or, a little silly......."

"How could someone just let someone instigate him to steal the forbidden item in the village, the sealed book?"

"He is already twelve years old, he should use his brain more."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"This is a normal child, okay? The Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world, his brain is obviously not right"

"You are so young, but you are so scheming. Haha, you are not a good person."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Bah! You old thief Sarutobi, stop talking.""

"It is because of you that Naruto has been isolated since childhood and has not received a good education."

"So he looks stupid, counting the money after being sold!"

Uzumaki Naruto,"......"

Is this still my biological mother?

Haruno Sakura,"Yes......Although I don't want to say it, it is indeed a bit stupid to be fooled into stealing something so important with just a few words."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Naruto, you should wake up and reflect on yourself. Why can't you even pass such a simple Genin exam.""

Onoki,"There is no harm without comparison"

"If it was the Uzumaki Naruto from the parallel world, he should have beaten Mizuki by now."

Tsunade,"Haha, Mizuki is a Chunin, is he worthy of being beaten by the Naruto from the parallel world?""

"The point is, in the parallel world, Mizuki has no right to talk to Uzumaki Naruto, let alone seduce him."

"Just that Naruto's brain, as soon as Mizuki opened his mouth, he had already thought of how Mizuki would die."

Hyuga Hinata,"Naruto-kun's strength at this time is indeed a little weak, but it started to get better later."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Okay, okay, I will slowly catch up with my parallel world self in the future, everyone give me a chance......."

"Look at the back, I finally defeated the bad guy!"

"I'm very good! My talent is no worse than my other self!"

Aburame Shino,"I know this. Uzumaki Naruto in this world stole a scroll and learned the Shadow Clone Technique when he was twelve years old."

"In the parallel world, Uzumaki Naruto created the Shadow Clone Technique at the age of six"

"The Naruto in this world is a late bloomer! He is far ahead!"

Uzumaki Naruto,"Aburame Shino! If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!".........

【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone! 】

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