【Kai has made up his mind. He will never give Naruto time to react.】

【After all, Uzumaki Naruto has ninjutsu skills that shocked Kakashi.】

【He immediately concluded the best way to fight, which was to use his extremely fast speed to constantly interrupt Uzumaki Naruto's hand seals.】

【Deliver a fatal blow to the opponent】

【Only with this strategy can we ensure that we can control the situation.】

【"Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, the fifth gate, Dumen, open!"】

【Kai used his ultimate move as soon as he came up. His green clothes turned into a shadow, leaving a trace in the air.】

【He charged towards Uzumaki Naruto, not giving him any time to perform his ninjutsu.】

【The whip-like kick came at him.

Rock Lee:"Teacher, you used your ultimate move right away. Doesn't that sound like a sneak attack?"

"It seems that he really takes Uzumaki Naruto seriously."

Kisame Hoshigaki,"This man is really fierce. I really want to compete with him."

"But I want to be fair, isn't the way Kai treated Uzumaki Naruto a bit despicable?"

"This is just bullying a kid who can't do physical skills."

Uchiha Madara,"In the ninja world, the ultimate goal is to defeat the opponent. There is no such thing as physical skills, ninjutsu, and genjutsu."

Ohnoki,"Based on this situation, this time, Uzumaki Naruto is afraid of a setback."

"In fact, this is a good thing. It lets him know that there are always people better than him, so that he won't become arrogant in the future."

"It is better for a person to encounter setbacks early than to encounter setbacks after he has achieved success."

"It will make his mind more resolute."

The fifth gate of Might Guy's Eight Gates is indeed too strong.

In addition, he came suddenly.

Most people think that Naruto has a great chance of failure this time.

Uzumaki Kushina,"Naruto, you are the strongest and will never be defeated. Come on!" Namikaze Minato

,"You underestimate my Namikaze Minato's child too much. Just wait and see, he will definitely surprise you."

【Facing such a powerful enemy, Uzumaki Naruto was very excited.】

【What he needs is this kind of fierce practical experience, not soft and weak tricks.】

【A surge of blood was aroused from Uzumaki Naruto's heart】

【He didn't dodge and took the powerful kick from Might Guy.】

【The force of this kick was so great that it almost made Uzumaki Naruto bleed out, and it also made his body retreat a distance.】

【Just this simple confrontation of kicks immediately made Uzumaki Naruto realize the gap between him and Might Guy.】

【Uzumaki Naruto was kicked back step by step and fell into a passive position】

【He did not immediately use the ninjutsu that he was best at.】

【Instead, he got close to Might Guy and engaged him in close combat.】

【Although Uzumaki Naruto has paid attention to physical training since he was a child, he has never had a famous teacher to guide him.】

【The physical skills are weak. There are many ideas that cannot be verified, and there are many areas that cannot be trained.】

【Today, he couldn't miss this good opportunity. 】

Orochimaru,"I didn't expect that Uzumaki Naruto would have great ambitions in physical skills."

"He is using Kai to hone his moves."

"It is obvious that Naruto's physical skills are growing at an extremely fast speed."

"Although he is a bit embarrassed now, he will soon absorb these combat experiences."

Might Guy, I can see this too. It makes me feel scared."

"Uzumaki Naruto is really a passionate and ambitious child. He dares to hone his skills in actual combat with me in a parallel world."

"Although he is in a bit of a mess, his progress is obvious."

Uchiha Madara,"He has a strong heart, and he can use it to improve his strength no matter what situation he is in."

"It is hard to imagine where Uzumaki Naruto's future achievements will be."

"Be neither arrogant nor impatient, be neither panic nor confused, be able to take advantage of every opportunity for growth, have clear goals, and a calm mind"

"Tsk tsk, his strength may not have reached the level of a shadow yet."

"However, his heart is stronger than many Kages."

Uchiha Madara has always admired strength.

Seeing a player like Uzumaki Naruto made him feel a sense of sympathy.

【Uzumaki Naruto's behavior made Might Guy angry】

【The purpose of his coming today was to avenge Kakashi and to deal with Uzumaki Naruto with absolute crushing power.】

【Instead of feeding him moves like now】

【Might Guy was angry and secretly shocked at the same time. Uzumaki Naruto was just a child of eight or nine years old, but his physical fitness was so strong!】

【Although it seems that Uzumaki Naruto is in a passive position, but at this age, he can fight against Might Guy who has opened the fifth gate of the Eight Gates.】

【Instead of being defeated quickly, it was enough to show how powerful he was.】

【"Uzumaki Naruto is born to be a learner, and my Eight Gates Ninjutsu fully meets the requirements for learning!"】

【As Might Guy roared angrily,"The sixth gate, Jingmen, open!"】

【The aura around him swelled again】

【This time, Uzumaki Naruto felt the deadly danger from him.】

【That agile figure is like that of a monkey!】

【Uzumaki Naruto immediately stopped dealing with Might Guy】

【But retreating rapidly】

【Uzumaki Naruto is very clear-headed. He has no chance of defeating the beast-like Might Guy in terms of physical skills.】

【The other party is indeed a master in this area】

【When fighting against such a martial arts master, the correct fighting strategy is】

【Widen the gap between the two sides and use ninjutsu to attack from a distance. 】

Uchiha Madara,"Such a clear battle brain is really rare."

"Uzumaki Naruto always knew what he wanted, and he always took the initiative"

"Seeing this, I can already predict that Might Guy's intention to teach the other party a lesson has failed."

【Might Guy would naturally not let Uzumaki Naruto gain an advantage, and he would distance himself from the two sides.】

【He was like a violent storm, quickly enveloping Uzumaki Naruto.......】

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