【Jiu Lama said,"You can use my chakra as you like in the future, and with my recovery speed, it is almost unlimited."】

【"Another thing, you know, my chakra has the ability to quickly heal injuries."】

【"You can also lend my chakra to your companions to help them recover quickly and grow faster."】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled brightly,"Thank you, Kurama!"】

【Uzumaki Naruto had already discovered this. But before, he did not dare to lend the Nine-Tails' chakra to his companions.】

【After all, he is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, so perhaps Kurama's chakra can only be used on himself.】

【If he gave it to others, it would cause some potential danger. To be safe, he did not try】

【But now, this danger has completely disappeared.】

【He can let Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuga Neji and other companions practice Taijutsu boldly without worrying about overexertion and hurting themselves.】

【In this way, everyone's strength will be greatly improved.】

【The day of revenge on Sarutobi Hiruzen, the third generation thief, is getting closer.】

【Uzumaki Naruto knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen was a bad old man, and he was also very powerful. 】

Oonoki,"In this way, Uzumaki Naruto's strength has been strengthened again."

Uzumaki Naruto,"I am so envious. Even at this time, I didn't say much to the Kurama in my body."

"I didn't even have any contact with him, but in the parallel world, I have truly reached a reconciliation with Jiula......."

"No, I have to start trying to communicate with the Nine-Tails in my body. I can't fall too far behind my parallel world self."

Might Guy," Uzumaki Naruto's real advantage as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki began to emerge."

"He was able to use the Nine-Tails Chakra to restore his own strength and injuries!"

"With Naruto Uzumaki's determination to practice, his strength will make rapid progress!"

Uchiha Sasuke,"I have a feeling that makes me feel very emotional."

"This Uzumaki Naruto, relying on his clear mind and immense perseverance, step by step turned the situation that was originally unfavorable to him into a situation that was completely under his control."

"It really makes me feel teary-eyed."

"I must work harder than I do now and take control of my life."

Uchiha Itachi,"My dear brother, this is the right way."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Itachi, although you may be like the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world guessed"

"The family was destroyed because they were forced by three generations and had no other choice."

"But I won't forgive you"

"The purpose of my hard training is still to kill you and avenge my parents."

Kisame Hoshigaki,"This kind of family ethics relationship is very troublesome for me."

Orochimaru,"Kill them all, kill them all."

"Uchiha Sasuke, you have to become as strong as possible, I am waiting for you."

Uchiha Sasuke," Orochimaru, no matter how much nonsense you talk, I will kill you."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Now I can basically rest assured."

"Naruto has come this far, it is very difficult for him to be killed by others"

"We are one step closer to defeating Sarutobi Hiruzen's dog head"

"But Naruto, don't be in a hurry, take your time."

I think he should learn the Flying Thunder God Technique as soon as possible, that would be the safest way."

"Just thinking about it, another golden flash will appear in the ninja world soon makes me feel proud."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"......"

【Uzumaki Naruto's face was full of excitement. He ran out and took the initiative to look for Might Guy.】

【"Kai, let's duel again. As you said, youth should be used to burn!"】

【Might Guy, who had just finished plotting with Kakashi,"???"】

【"Is this kid so energetic?"】

【Although Might Guy is a master of physical skills, he couldn't help but feel a little tired at this time.】

【Might Guy remembered the embarrassment just now, coughed lightly, and said to Kakashi】

【"I suddenly remembered that I had something urgent to do, so I decided not to meet Naruto for now and would talk about it later......."】

【Kakashi's mouth twitched, and then he laughed out loud.】

【At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto, who was extremely eager to fight, appeared here.】

【"Kakashi-sensei, what are you laughing at?"】

【"I think I saw Kai here just now. Where did he go?"】

【"I have developed a new ability for the Nine-Tailed Fox. From now on, I can fight recklessly all day long without worrying about getting hurt."】

【When Kakashi heard what Uzumaki Naruto said, he felt a little weak in the knees.】

【And in his heart he was thankful that he had overcome the difficulties and that Uzumaki Naruto had drained away his knowledge.】

【The next person to be tortured is Might Guy.】

【Kakashi smiled and said,"He has diarrhea."】

【"Go find him for training tomorrow, he will teach you his strongest power, the Eight Gates of Dunjia"】

【"You can learn taijutsu from him every day until your tai number surpasses his."】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"That couldn't be better."】

【Uzumaki Naruto also took this opportunity to ask Kakashi his questions.】

【"I want to make more changes to the Rasengan, that is, to add wind-attribute chakra to it......."】

【"Eventually a powerful ninjutsu that can be thrown out is formed"】

【"But I always feel that there are some obstacles"】

【"Teacher Kakashi, do you have any better suggestions?"】

【Kakashi felt his scalp tingling. He couldn't avoid this question.】

【In order not to lose the dignity of a teacher on the first day】

【Kakashi decided to make up a reason. If the other party couldn't do it,】

【That must be because the other party's efforts are not enough.......】

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