Uzumaki Kushina,"Shimura Danzo is really not a good guy. As expected, he is secretly colluding with Orochimaru."

"Under the leaves, undercurrents surge"

"No wonder the village's strength has been declining, there are many jackals, tigers and leopards living in it!"

Senju Tobirama,"Shimura Danzo can't be left behind."

"He secretly conspired with Orochimaru to conduct human experiments. He also claimed that he was doing it for the village, but in fact, he was just satisfying his own selfish desires."

Orochimaru didn't expect that even such a scene could be released.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Yamanaka Ino," Shimura Danzo should be driven out of the village"

【After meeting, Danzo did not exchange too many pleasantries with Orochimaru, but came straight to the point.】

【"Are there any new breakthroughs in Hashirama's cell research? Didn't any of the babies I brought to you grow up?"】

【"You know I need someone who can use Wood Release."】

【"The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is getting stronger and stronger. I need a way to suppress him."】

【Orochimaru smiled sinisterly at Shimura Danzo's request.】

【"Don't worry, there have been major breakthroughs in research, but more investment is needed to achieve results."】

【Shimura Danzo was furious,"After all this time and all the money invested in you, all you get in return is this sentence?"】

【Orochimaru didn't say anything. Shimura Danzo vented his anger and could only sigh helplessly.】

【"Well, hopefully sooner rather than later."】

【"Recently, I suddenly discovered that the growth of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is beyond our understanding."】

【"This guy has become extremely dangerous. He bombed my house a few days ago. I must have some means to control him."】

【Orochimaru made a promise to Shimura Danzo,"Don't worry, I will continue my research and there will be results."】

【"All we need to do is train more Wood Release users who can fuse the cells of the six, seven, and zero pillars, and eventually, they will be able to seal the Nine-Tails."】

【Shimura Danzo can only choose to believe it. After all, the technology is not mastered by him, but by Orochimaru.】

【Orochimaru, Shimura Danzo and the others walked into a secret base while talking.】

【Uzumaki Naruto has the Flying Thunder God Technique, and with Uchiha Sasuke, he can easily follow behind】

【In front of Orochimaru, Shimura Danzo completely lost his disguise】

【He took out his right arm, which had been wrapped up, and slowly untied the bandage.】

【"Orochimaru, do you need to check your right arm again?"】

【"After putting it on, I always feel like my body is being dragged down by it."】

【Orochimaru licked his lips with his long tongue, looking a little perverted, and said with a smile】

【"After all, you have Hashirama's cells and have fused so many Sharingans. You don't have the blood of the Uchiha clan."】

【"After pressing it, of course there will be some impact"】

【"Compared to the benefits it brings, this impact is nothing."】

【When hearing the two talking about this topic, Uchiha Sasuke's entire mind was focused.】

【He stared at Danzo intently and forced himself to hold his breath. He didn't want to be discovered by the two men because of his heavy breathing.】

【"Sure enough, this is the truth. The Sharingan of our Uchiha clan was pressed by Danzo on his right arm!"】

【A surge of anger flowed in Uchiha Sasuke's heart】

【This gave him a great shock. His Sharingan was shaking uncontrollably.......】

【The next moment, Shimura Danzo completely removed the bandage on his right arm, revealing the densely packed Sharingan】

【At this moment, Uchiha Sasuke could no longer bear it!】

【These are the lives of his Uchiha clan members! The painful scene of the night of genocide once again echoed in Uchiha Sasuke's mind.】

【The huge mental stimulation almost made him lose control. It was also in this way that Uchiha Sasuke's Sharingan changed.】

【Transformed into a Mangekyō Sharingan! 】

Uchiha Fugaku,"Although it's cruel, congratulations to Sasuke, he has become stronger."

Haruno Sakura,"I really feel sorry for him. The Uchiha clan's Sharingan upgrade comes at the cost of grief......."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Congratulations, Sasuke's Sharingan has finally been upgraded, which means he can have more powerful power and kill the enemy with his own hands!"

Uchiha Sasuke,"I'm so envious, I just turned 10 and I've already opened the Mangekyō Sharingan"

"For me at this moment, that is an unattainable dream"

【Seeing the change in Uchiha Sasuke's situation, Uzumaki Naruto used the Flying Thunder God Technique the next moment to transfer him away first.】

【Uzumaki Naruto patted Uchiha Sasuke's shoulder and used the Nine-Tails Chakra to stabilize his weak state after opening his eyes.】

【Because of Uzumaki Naruto's presence, Uchiha Sasuke's manic mood gradually calmed down.】

【"I must kill Shimura Danzo"】

【"Naruto, when do you think the timing would be appropriate?"】

【After spending a long time with Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke also deeply understands one truth: Don't be impulsive.】

【If you do something wrong, you may lose everything.】

【Uzumaki Naruto thought for a moment and spoke】

【"Shimura Danzo transplanted so many Sharingan on his arm, they must be very powerful"】

【"We have to kill him. Let's test him today and see what he has."】

【"But keep your identity secret."】

【Uchiha Sasuke nodded heavily and followed Uzumaki Naruto's instructions.】

【"After you upgrade to the Mangekyō Sharingan, what abilities do your two eyes have?"】

【Uchiha Sasuke said,"The ability of one eye can release a large range of black flames to burn the opponent. It will not disappear until the target is burned out."】

【"The name of this eye is Amaterasu."】

【"The ability of the other eye is to distort space from a long distance to kill the enemy."】

【"The name is Shenwei"】

【After playing with Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke also developed the habit of reading.】

【"Uchiha Itachi has one Sharingan with the ability of Amaterasu, and the other Sharingan is a genjutsu."】

【When he opened his eyes, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but think of his hateful brother.】

【Regarding the Sharingan, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke conducted some research together.】

【Sharingan is synchronized with the power of the mind. Uzumaki Naruto saw Uchiha Sasuke awaken these two, both of which are extremely aggressive abilities.】

【It is enough to see his pursuit of power and desire for revenge. 】

Uchiha Fugaku,"The two awakened abilities are great and have a huge bonus in combat."

"Now Sasuke is finally similar to Naruto, and has the means to completely save his life"

"If he could evolve to the Eternal Kaleidoscope, he would be able to launch his revenge plan."

"At that time, it can be basically guaranteed to be foolproof."

Uchiha Obito,"Sasuke in the parallel world still looks pretty good."

"It's just a pity that if his left eye opened Amaterasu and his right eye could open Kamui Space, a defensive ability, it would be better."

"That way, he will have a stronger ability to protect his life."

Uchiha Madara,"Attack is the best defense"

"Both eyes are offensive, which is good in my opinion. It will make Uchiha Sasuke's advantage more prominent."

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke have discussed】

【"I will use the Flying Thunder God Technique to transfer us in, and you will immediately use Amaterasu on Shimura Danzo."】


【The next moment, after Uzumaki Naruto formed a seal, the two suddenly appeared inside the base.】

【Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto cooperated well and launched Amaterasu against Shimura Danzo at almost the same time.】

【As Shimura Danzo was talking to Orochimaru, a black, hot flame ignited on his body.】

【Screams followed. 】 (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Orochimaru took a defensive step forward as if facing a formidable enemy, his cold, snake-like eyes moving around, searching for the enemy hiding in the dark.】

【He only saw two black figures in the shadows in the corner, wearing black cloaks covering their bodies. They were wearing masks, so their true faces could not be seen clearly.】

【Orochimaru did not act rashly, because he had discovered that the two's target was Shimura Danzo.】

【Orochimaru's signature move of wishing for unrest in the world appears】

【The snake-like tongue licked the lips, but it didn't say anything. It didn't even make any attacking moves.】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke watched Shimura Danzo being burned to death by Amaterasu】

【However, the next moment, Shimura Danzo appeared behind them out of nowhere.】

【"Wind Style Vacuum Big Ball"】

【Shimura Danzo launched an attack, but Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke disappeared, and Shimura Danzo's attack failed.】

【Before leaving, Uzumaki Naruto asked Uchiha Sasuke to imitate Uchiha Itachi's voice and said something.】

【"I'll be back anytime"】

【Seeing the two people leave in the air, Shimura Danzo's face turned pale.】

【"Is that a warning from that damn guy to me?"】

【"Uchiha Itachi, remember this, you owe me a life"】

【Orochimaru came over and said】

【"You see, my scientific research is still very helpful to you, if it weren't for this Sharingan arm......"】

【Shimura Danzo said coldly】

【"Got it. I will continue to support your research, finances, and experimental materials, and I will find a way to get them later."】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Naruto is very smart. At this time, he should blame the enemy and let them fight among themselves."

Uchiha Madara,"It is really a smart move. It not only tests the depth of Shimura Danzo, but also does not expose himself."

"It can also divert conflicts"

"It can be said that this is a plan that kills three birds with one stone. Uzumaki Naruto is very experienced in this regard."

"Now, at only 10 years old, he has such adaptability and thinking."

"It is hard to imagine what a cunning old fox he will be when he really grows up."

If I had the ability to think as much as Uzumaki Naruto back then,"

"I'm afraid I wouldn't be besieged and killed by those two beasts."

"There would be no cholera in Konoha after he gave up his throne to Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"To sum up all this, I didn’t do enough and didn’t think carefully enough back then."

"The young are indeed to be feared."

Yamanaka Ino,"That Shimura Danzo, he was clearly burned to death, how come he suddenly appeared again?"

"Could it be that he can use illusions and has unknowingly made Uchiha Sasuke and the others fall into illusions?"

Uzumaki Naruto,"I don't think so. Orochimaru also said that he saved Shimura Danzo's life. It should be Orochimaru's secret research."

"What does this have to do with the Sharingan arm?"

Uchiha Fugaku,"It turns out to be Izanagi from my clan!"

"Izanagi has the terrifying ability to change unfavorable conditions and turn favorable situations into reality."

"The reason why Shimura Danzo was able to be resurrected was because of this."

Choji,"This is too incredible, there are so many eyes on his arms, how can he use this ability?"

"Doesn't that mean that as long as Shimura Danzo is careful, it will be almost impossible to kill him."

Hyuga Hinata,"I think that what Naruto and Sasuke are doing is correct."

"Don't expose yourself easily."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Why did Danzo say that it was Uchiha Itachi who warned him?"

"Why is he so suspicious?"

"Could it be that there really was some agreement between Uchiha Itachi and Danzo?"

"In the parallel world, is Uzumaki Naruto's guess about Uchiha Itachi's stance on the night of genocide correct?"

【Next, Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru continued to plot other things, and the scene changed to Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.】

【Uzumaki Naruto is speaking seriously】

【"Just now I was sure that your Amaterasu completely burned Shimura Danzo to death, and his life ended"】

【"That was not an illusion, he was definitely dead, but he was resurrected immediately"】

【Uchiha Sasuke's face was pale and not very good looking. He carefully analyzed the various details of the scene at that time.】

【"I noticed that the Sharingan on his right arm went from open to closed. It looked like he was permanently blind and could no longer use it."】

【"This should be Izanagi's ability."】

【Uzumaki Naruto concluded,"There are at least 10 Sharingans on that arm of his."】

【"We don't know how many of the Sharingan can activate Izanagi's abilities."】

【"In other words, I don't know how many lives Shimura Danzo has left."】

【"If we want to really kill him, we should prepare more killing moves."】

【Uchiha Sasuke nodded heavily】

【"I understand. Don't worry, Naruto, I won't act rashly. I will definitely make myself extremely powerful before I go for revenge."】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and patted Uchiha Sasuke on the shoulder】

【"Okay, let's go back and rest. Today's 1.0 day has yielded a huge harvest."】

【After returning to Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke continued to practice hard.】

【Uchiha Sasuke knew that he needed to become stronger, both in terms of fighting against the enemy and increasing the number of times he could use his Sharingan.】

【Uzumaki Naruto focused on improving the Flying Thunder God Technique. He found that this technique was really useful.】

【The distance he can teleport is getting farther and farther.】

【After that, he could even transfer the ninjutsu sent by Sasuke to another location.】

【With Uzumaki Naruto's hard work and practice, he was finally able to perform the Flying Thunder God Technique without any seal.】

【This is a huge breakthrough】

【It also means that Uzumaki Naruto can appear and disappear without a trace. 】

For this, Namikaze Minato was quite pleased.

"The reputation of the Golden Flash will be reborn in Konoha."

Uzumaki Kushina," I finally breathed a sigh of relief."

"Naruto has learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, and he will have the ultimate means of saving his life."

"This time, there is basically no need to worry that he will be killed by the enemy."

Senju Tobirama," Another assassin king has appeared. Uzumaki Naruto, who has learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, will be able to dominate the battle."

Might Guy," In fact, the Fourth Hokage at that time relied on the Flying Thunder God Technique to support local battlefields and accumulated enough fame and achievements to become the Fourth Hokage."

"If it were still a war time"

"Uzumaki Naruto can also restore the glory of his father"

"Perhaps, the youngest Hokage is about to be born."

Kakashi, you are right."

"But don't forget that the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is different from the one in this world. He sneers at the position of Hokage."

"His ultimate goal is to achieve world peace!

" Hạnh

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