【After Sarutobi Hiruzen received information from the Kirigakure Village, he stepped up his intelligence observation.】

【Afterwards, I got some more information about the Hidden Mist Village.】

【"According to the feedback from the villagers of Kirigakure,"】

【"The destructive power of Uzumaki Naruto and his team's battle was even greater than the power of the Nine-Tails when it disrupted Konoha."】

【"The current Uzumaki Naruto and the Nine-Tails must be working together very well."】

【"Uzumaki Naruto has grown into a terrifying weapon. If used improperly, it will be an uncontrollable disaster."】

【"Moreover, the name of Golden Flash is widely known in the Mist Shadow Village."】

【"He is the hero who ended the Blood Mist Village"】

【The more information he knew, the more Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he was out of control.......】

【"Is it because I am getting old? I am getting closer to death. Recently, I always feel that something ominous is going to happen."】

【"Don't think about it, it's probably because I'm old. When I was young, I never felt this way."】

【"Since the Hidden Mist Village has most likely become an ally, let's send them an invitation to the Chunin Exam."】

Uzumaki Kushina,"The old man Sarutobi Hiruzen also feels that death is approaching"

"His premonition was quite accurate."

Senju Tobirama,"It would be a good thing to end that wrong decision as soon as possible."

"Uzumaki Naruto, send him to freedom."

Nara Shikamaru,"I was just thinking about one thing, after Sarutobi Hiruzen is killed, who will succeed as the fifth Hokage?"

"Uzumaki Naruto is definitely not interested in this position."

Akimichi Chouji,"It is very likely that it should be Master Jiraiya. His qualifications are enough."

"Or, it could be Tsunade-sama, they are both one of the three ninjas."

"Moreover, she is the granddaughter of the first Hokage, so her prestige is definitely enough."

【The messenger sent by Sarutobi Hiruzen soon arrived at the Hidden Mist Village and brought the news that they were invited to participate in the Chunin Exam.】

【Originally, Momochi Zabuza had just become the Fifth Mizukage and wanted to focus on developing the domestic economy and didn't want to get involved in this mess.】

【But as a subordinate, he still went to ask Uzumaki Naruto for instructions.】

【Uzumaki Naruto stopped practicing the Water Style Water Mirror Technique and made arrangements for Momochi Zabuza.】

【"You stay in the Hidden Mist Village and continue to carry out construction in various aspects."】

【"Let Mei Terumi serve as the fifth generation Mizukage to participate in this Chunin Exam"】

【"The ones I bring to the exam include not only the Genin who really need to take the exam, but also some elite troops. Maybe I will be useful to you then."】


【Mei Terumi was delighted when she heard that he was going to Konoha with Uzumaki Naruto.】

【After these days of contact, Mei Terumi has been completely convinced by Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Whether it is the other party's talent, learning of ninjutsu, or knowledge, as well as the development of the country, vision, etc.】

【It fits Mei Terumi's fantasy of being a strong person.】

【But these days, she has been troubled by one thing, that is, why is Uzumaki Naruto only 12 years old?】

【Even if the other person was 18 years old, she would still pursue him boldly, but it is indeed a bit beastly to attack a 12-year-old boy.......】

【Mei Terumi simply stopped thinking about it and after receiving the order, she began to select the best fighters in the Hidden Mist Village.】

【She had a premonition that this time, she and Uzumaki Naruto were going to Konoha to do something big. 】

Mei Terumi,"I feel relieved to see that the me in the parallel world is so insightful."

"Try to take down Uzumaki Naruto, come on, Mei Terumi, you are the best."

Yamanaka Ino,"Damn it, are you still going down the path of an old cow eating young grass?"

"Aunt Kushina, you can't agree to this, right?"

Haruno Sakura,"How abominable! How come there is suddenly another competitor?"

Hyuga Hinata,"I don't think I have any rivals."

"At least, at present, Naruto-kun has only met my parents."

【Afterwards, Uzumaki Naruto gave Zabuza another mission.】

【Let him send someone to kill Cardo, control the Wave Country, and support its development.】

【Build a bridge, train local ninjas, develop the economy, and form a linkage with the Hidden Mist Village.】

【During the Chinese New Year, Naruto Uzumaki learned about history and other knowledge.】

【If you want to develop the economy, you must be open. The more money circulates, the more money there is.】

【As for the specific implementation methods, after Uzumaki Naruto gave the direction, it was up to Momochi Zabuza to worry about sending people to do it, and he was only responsible for checking the results. 】

Senju Hashirama,"Uzumaki Naruto is really a natural leader, with such a big vision"

"According to his development ideas"

"I'm afraid that within a few months, the economic strength of the declining Mist Shadow Village will surpass that of the current largest village, Konoha."

"Give him a few more years, and the ninja's strength will catch up directly."

"The influence of the Blood Mist Village policy will be eliminated soon."

Uzumaki Kushina," Hahaha. Thank you for your praise, Hashirama-sama."

"For Naruto, it's not so bad. After all, he will be the man who will unify the ninja world in the future."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Now, I also have a new goal"

"In the future, we must unify the ninja world and make sure there is no more war in this world."

【The Water Style Water Mirror Technique is one of the strongest skills of the Fourth Mizukage Karuta Yagura.】

【This ninjutsu���Can create a mirror out of thin air】

【In the mirror, you can create an entity that is the same as the enemy, and the ninjutsu moves and power are exactly the same as the original body.】

【Of course, the clones created cannot actively attack, but they can offset the enemy's ninjutsu.】

【Theoretically speaking, as long as the Fourth Mizukage Karutagi Yagura keeps using the Water Style Water Mirror Technique, he will be invincible and no one can harm him.】

【This is definitely an S-level ninjutsu.】

【Of course, this is only a theoretical statement, because the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura does not have such a huge chakra to support it.】

【If the enemy is too powerful, perhaps the extracted chakra can directly suck the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura himself dry.】

【But this concern is not a problem at all for Uzumaki Naruto, who is a big chakra user.】

【He himself is a member of the Uzumaki clan, possessing a vast amount of chakra, and with the Nine-Tails, an automatic chakra replenishment source】

【The Water Style Water Mirror Technique, in the hands of Uzumaki Naruto, can play a very amazing role. 】

Uchiha Madara,"Uzumaki Naruto has learned the Water Style Water Mirror Technique. If he can perform it, this is another super S-level ninjutsu."

"Just thinking about that scene is terrifying."

"When an enemy comes, Uzumaki Naruto directly uses the Water Mirror Technique to create a clone of the enemy and confront it."

"Then he quickly used the Flying Thunder God Technique to fly behind and assassinate him."

"The enemy won't be able to spare any effort to resist, and will die immediately.

"If you think about it, I'm afraid I'll have a headache facing Uzumaki Naruto by then.""

"It seems that the best way is to use Wood Release to protect yourself."

"Of course, I also want to try the Water Mirror Technique. Can you replicate my True Thousand Hands moves and fight me?"

"I really want to experience the fun of fighting with myself."

"Tobirama, if a fight really breaks out, then Uzumaki Naruto will be left to you to deal with." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Senju Tobirama,"???"

"What are you talking about, brother? You're leaving the hard fights to me, right? You're really my good brother......."

Orochimaru:"Just thinking about the scene at that time, it's very scary."

"How can I win if I fight myself? If someone attacks me from behind, I will most likely lose."

"Suddenly, I felt a sense of crisis for myself in the parallel world."

"My plan to subvert Konoha will not be interrupted because of this kid Uzumaki Naruto, right?"

"Do you think this is possible?"

"When Uzumaki Naruto comes back to Konoha, he will be so angry that he will not only kill Sarutobi Hiruzen but also me as well?"

Uzumaki Kushina,"Killing you at the same time is inevitable.""

"What kind of good person do you think you are?"

"How could Naruto leave behind a scourge like you to hinder his future and world peace?"

Orochimaru, I curse Uzumaki Naruto to never learn the Water Style Water Mirror Technique."

【The Water Style of Water Mirror is indeed quite difficult to learn, but with Naruto Uzumaki's tireless study, his progress is also advancing.】

【"Water Style Water Mirror Technique!"】

【Soon, Uzumaki Naruto was able to replicate the complete water mirror.】

【However, he needed to solve the next problem, which was that the enemy reproduced by the Water Mirror Technique was a little weak.】

【Uzumaki Naruto pondered over it and soon found a solution.】

【"It should be the amount of chakra injected. There is a breakpoint, but the amount is not enough."】

【After thinking about it, he quickly made adjustments. This time, the Water Mirror Technique was more perfect than the last time.】

【It was through repeated attempts like this that Uzumaki Naruto's mastery of the Water Style Water Mirror Technique made rapid progress.】

【Uzumaki Naruto's learning speed and the huge amount of chakra he possessed shocked the Fourth Mizukage Karuta Yagura.】

【"How can you learn so fast? It's faster than when I was learning, at least 5 times faster"】

【"If you don't know, you might think I'm from Konoha. Uzumaki Naruto is a ninja born and raised in Kirigakage Village."】

【"This talent is too strong. Is this the special feature of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"】

【"And with this terrifying amount of chakra, it seems like he doesn't use it at all. Doesn't he feel tired at all?"】

【"Uzumaki Naruto was born to fight. If you encounter him on the battlefield, he can kill the enemy just by using chakra. It's too unreasonable......."】

【Seeing Uzumaki Naruto grow up like this, the fourth generation Mizukage Karutagi Yagura has become autistic】

【I can't help but feel inferior in my heart.......】

【At this time, Momochi Zabuza finally felt balanced.】

【He recalled again the scene a few days ago when Uzumaki Naruto and he learned the Water Style Water Dragon Bullet Technique, and the feeling of being dominated by the other party's terrifying talent.】

【Now, the Fourth Mizukage, Karutagi Yagura, also realized that he was dominated by the other party's talent and that he was not alone.......】

【As for Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi, Haruno Sakura and others, they obviously don't have this feeling. Everyone is used to it.】

【If you often hang out with the top students, there will only be one outcome: first you will feel inferior, then you will become a jerk. 】

Oonoki,"`.I bet that in one day at most, the Water Style Water Mirror Technique will be completely mastered by Uzumaki Naruto."

"Moreover, he will exert the power of this spell to become the strongest among all the casters."

"This Water Style Water Mirror Technique may have been an S-level technique, but with Uzumaki Naruto, it will definitely become a super S-level one."

Hashirama Senju," Yes, I agree with you."

Tobirama Senju,"Congratulations to Uzumaki Naruto for inventing another forbidden technique."

"Fortunately, he and I are not from the same generation, otherwise, a famous technique would not be passed down, and as long as he uses it, my brother will ban him directly."

Uchiha Madara, with the talent of Uzumaki Naruto, even if he only uses ordinary escape techniques, he will be a leader."

【After only half a day, Uzumaki Naruto had a new breakthrough in the Water Style Water Mirror Technique.】

【This technique, which was more difficult to learn than level S, was thoroughly mastered by him, and he had his own changes.】

【When the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura performed this move, he only created a mirror, which could create a clone of the enemy to fight against.】

【After Uzumaki Naruto thoroughly mastered this principle, he split out 6 mirrors at once.】

【In this way, when fighting an enemy, you can create 6 clones of the enemy, facing the enemy from 6 directions: up, down, left, right, front and back.】

【"In this way, it is all-round and has no blind spots, turning an original defensive technique into an offensive technique."】

【Uzumaki Naruto is eager to try out the power of this ninjutsu and needs to find an enemy.】

【The fourth generation Mizukage Yagura was stunned when he saw this scene. He had been learning this ninjutsu for so long, but he never knew that it could be performed in this way.】

【In other words, he didn't dare to think about it in this way before.】

【Because, the performance of the Water Style Water Mirror Technique ultimately depends on the amount of chakra of the person performing the technique.】

【The fourth generation Mizukage, Karutagi Yagura, used the Water Mirror Technique to split the enemy into two and fight against them. This has already put a certain amount of pressure on him.】

【Not to mention 6 pieces. Even if he could separate these 6 pieces of water mirror, the next moment, using the water escape water mirror technique to create a clone of the enemy, it would immediately suck him dry, and he would be the first to die.......】

【The fourth generation Mizukage Karatachi Yagura said,"This......"】

【"The power of the improved version of Water Style Water Mirror Technique is probably no less than that of the Rasenshuriken!"】

【"Uzumaki Naruto's talent is truly terrifying. Not only does he have an extremely strong learning ability, but he can also easily improve a technique into a forbidden technique!"】

【The fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura suddenly began to feel grateful.】

【"Fortunately, when I was hostile to Uzumaki Naruto, I chose to surrender instead of fighting hard......."】

【"Otherwise, I don't know how miserable my death will be."】

【At this moment, the Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karuta resonated with Zabuza Momochi at that time.

Zabuza Momochi,"That's right, the best decision I made in my life in the parallel world was to surrender to Naruto Uzumaki."

"If I hadn't surrendered, I would have died. I was friendly at that time, and now I have everything I need. I have changed my fate."

The fourth generation Mizukage, Karutagi Yagura,"It seems that my brain in the parallel world is also quite useful."

Senju Tobirama,"I really want to go to the parallel world's Uzumaki Naruto to learn from him. He has too many wonderful ideas."

"I think that if we were born in the same era, we would be close friends."

Senju Hashirama,"I still follow the same principle. As long as it is not water escape technique, all other techniques developed by others should be banned."

Uchiha Madara,"I am looking forward to seeing the effect of this improved version of the Water Mirror Technique."

【Uzumaki Naruto is also looking forward to the effect of this water mirror technique when used against the enemy.】

【Just at this moment, Momochi Zabuza came to report the situation.】

【"Boss Naruto, we found the trace of the Six-Tails Jinchuriki Yugao"】

【Uzumaki Naruto nodded and said】

【"Okay, let's go over there and take a look."】

【Since the mysterious masked man wants to take action against the tailed beasts, Uzumaki Naruto might as well control the tailed beasts in advance.】

【The plan to capture the tailed beast begins】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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