Uchiha Sasuke,"I'm so excited, the me in the parallel world is so cool at this moment"

"This guy Orochimaru is so abominable. He actually bit my neck and left a curse mark. I was so scared that I trembled."

"In the parallel world, I went to seek revenge on him, and he was also frightened to the point of trembling."

Nara Shikamaru,"Reverse tracking, active attack. It's very dramatic."

"In this world and the parallel world, the identities of hunter and prey are completely reversed."

Uzumaki Naruto,"It turns out that Kabuto Yakushi is a spy for Orochimaru."

"I thought he was a gentle senior."

"In the ninja world, there are indeed minefields everywhere, and you need to be careful everywhere"

"Why haven't I awakened the Kagura Heart's Eye yet?"

"I can't understand these situations at all, just like a fool"

"I am such a loser. After watching the movie, I must use all my energy to become stronger."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Silly child, don't blame yourself like this, you are also very good."

"It's just that I was deceived before and was too kind."

Jiraiya,"Orochimaru is in danger. Even if Uzumaki Naruto doesn't kill him, he will definitely make him suffer."

"After all, Orochimaru coveted Uchiha Sasuke's body and wanted to use him as a container."

【Seeing the sudden appearance of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, Yakushi Kabuto immediately became alert.】

【He didn't expect that his secret visit had been discovered by the other party and was tracked back.】

【My spy mission was a complete failure.】

【Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips perversely.】

【He looked at Uchiha Sasuke with greed in his eyes, thinking】

【"Judging from the information collected, as Itachi Uchiha's younger brother, Sasuke Uchiha's strength is indeed quite good."】

【"This is a perfect body. Once I take possession of it, it will be of great use."】

【"I can't wait any longer."】

【Orochimaru was originally planning to contact Uchiha Sasuke in the second exam of the Forest of Death.】

【At that time, a curse mark was left on his neck, allowing him to feel the power of the curse mark.】

【Then, through the desire of the curse seal to become stronger, he attracted Uchiha Sasuke to become his subordinate.】

【Then wait for a suitable opportunity, reincarnate directly into his body and devour his flesh.】

【"Since Uchiha Sasuke took the initiative to come here, today is also a good time."】

Uchiha Fugaku,"You, Orochimaru, dare to think that. You are so delusional. You can't see the situation clearly."

"Soon, Sasuke will beat them to a pulp."

Haruno Sakura,"You still want to use the power of the curse seal to attract Sasuke to be your subordinate?"

"What good things are you thinking about?"

"Sasuke can grow further by following Naruto, why would he follow you?"

"Not good enough"

"Orochimaru, you are nothing more than a traitorous ninja of Konoha, a stray dog"

"Still pretending here, do you think you are so powerful?"

Yamanaka Ino,"Yes, it makes people feel disgusted when they see you." Orochimaru

,"You little brats, I hope you can still be so stubborn when you meet me in real life."

【Uzumaki Naruto spoke first】

【"Orochimaru, as a traitor of Konoha, you suddenly came back this time. Are you planning something?"】

【The confidence on Uzumaki Naruto's face that he could control everything made Orochimaru feel a little uncomfortable.】

【In Orochimaru's eyes, these two are just children.】

【He is an S-rank rebel ninja, and his danger index is at its highest. Even if Uzumaki Naruto and the others are not scared to pee their pants, they should be very serious.】

【Orochimaru said that he did not want to talk to Uzumaki Naruto】

【Instead, he looked at Uchiha Sasuke】

【"Since you know me, then we can talk easily. Uchiha Sasuke, you should have a general idea of my strength."】

【"As an S-rank rebel, I am very powerful and possess power far beyond your imagination."】

【Uchiha Sasuke cut off Orochimaru's words with a disdainful sound.】

【"You have power far beyond my imagination, and you are still very strong? Why did you defect?"】

【"Even when he came back to Konoha, he didn't come back openly, but did these sneaky things."】

【"Orochimaru, you may be a little confused about your own identity, right?"】


【Was he just being mocked by the other party like this?】

【Orochimaru felt as if his breath was blocked.

Terumi Mei,"Hahaha, there is nothing wrong with what you said."

"You are a traitor who sneaked back in secretly, and you dare not even show your face, and you still have the nerve to say such big words, no wonder people ridicule you in person."

Uchiha Sasuke,"I am really cruel in the parallel world, it looks so cool"

"It's just a pity that I don't have the assistance of Uzumaki Naruto from the parallel world, and my strength is improving too slowly."

"The power of the curse planted by Orochimaru really fascinates me."

"In this world, I would not refuse Orochimaru's offer and would follow him."

【Orochimaru thought in his heart】

【"As expected, I was a little hasty today. I didn't show Sasuke my strength, so he looked down on me."】

【"But soon, I will shock him, and then he will be attracted by the power I give him and come to me."】

【Orochimaru laughed pervertedly again】

【"Uchiha Sasuke, next, I will let you feel my power for yourself"】

【"Let me tell you, I once fought with Uchiha Itachi"】

【"I am his enemy as well. I know what he did to your Uchiha clan. You must hate him very much."】

【"So I hope you can be my subordinate and I will improve your strength."】

【"When the time is right, we will kill Uchiha Itachi together, why not?"】

【Orochimaru is trying his best to seduce Uchiha Sasuke】

【But he also saw that the murderous intent in Uchiha Sasuke's eyes was surging more and more.】

【"Naruto, I want to kill this Orochimaru"】

【"The greed in his eyes made me feel sick, and he mentioned that person's name, which made me hate him even more."】

【"The point is, he seemed to be treating me like a fool and was deceiving me."】

【Uzumaki Naruto said indifferently】

【"Indeed, what Orochimaru said is really disgusting."】

【"It's up to you. I also want to see how strong Orochimaru is to make him say such arrogant words."】

【Orochimaru felt more and more that the situation was getting out of his control.】

【Why are these two guys so arrogant? So arrogant!】

【It happened in a flash】

【Uchiha Sasuke's Fire Style Great Fireball Technique has already sprayed towards him】

【Orochimaru immediately began to dodge, but was also chased by Uchiha Sasuke's fireball technique.】

【He suddenly seized an opportunity and spewed out a large number of snakes from his mouth, rushing towards Uchiha Sasuke.】

【When the snakes approached, they spit out long swords from their mouths and stabbed again.】

【However, this kind of painless move was naturally easily resolved by Uchiha Sasuke.】

【After the test, Uchiha Sasuke directly took out his ultimate move】

【Sharingan opens with its divine power】

【The right arm of Orochimaru, who was swimming towards Uchiha Sasuke like a snake on the ground, was immediately broken.】

【Orochimaru was immediately shocked】

【He didn't expect that the other party had already opened the Mangekyō Sharingan】

【"No wonder he dared to mock me, it turns out he has already opened a kaleidoscope"】

【"This Uchiha Sasuke is even stronger than I thought. The point is, he was able to stay so calm during the battle."】

【"If I hadn't reacted in time, I'm afraid that my head would have been broken by the Sharingan."】


【In the next moment, a flash of lightning】

【Uchiha Sasuke's clone appeared behind him without him noticing, and used Chidori to hit his heart.】

【If it was a normal ninja, he would have been dead after this combo.】

【But Orochimaru has a very unique technique in the area of life.】

【He was still able to escape. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【"It is indeed very difficult to deal with. Let’s take a look at this trick."】

【Suddenly, Orochimaru also felt the lightning chakra in the air gathering.】

【He raised his head and looked upwards. He didn't know when the dark clouds had covered the sky and flashes of lightning were flashing.】

【Just now, Uchiha Sasuke used the Fire Style Ninjutsu to attack Orochimaru. It was not just a simple attack test, but also had the function of gathering thunderclouds.】

【This is a series of attack methods.】

【Uzumaki Naruto watched from the side and commented】

【"Yes, Uchiha Sasuke's combat experience has also improved a lot."】

【During this process, Yakushi Kabuto saw that the situation was not good and wanted to escape.】

【Uzumaki Naruto used Flying Thunder God and flashed to the tree next to him and said】

【"I advise you not to leave, otherwise, your head will move in the next moment."】

【"Watch it quietly here"】

【Suddenly, the pharmacist's heart sank, and he dared not make any move.】

【Uchiha Sasuke's Lightning Kirin began to attack Orochimaru】

【That posture almost made him unable to resist】

【As a last resort, Orochimaru could only transform into a snake and burrow underground to save his life.】

【Uchiha Sasuke said again with disdain】

【"With this level of ability, you still dare to act in front of me?"】

【This naturally made Orochimaru very angry.】

【His purpose just now was to show his strength in front of Uchiha Sasuke and let him follow him.】

【Now, I am still in such a mess. I must not let Uchiha Sasuke look down on me.】

【The next moment, Orochimaru came out again and used a new ninjutsu.】

【I saw a huge snake suddenly falling from the sky, opening its ferocious mouth and wrapping around Uchiha Sasuke.】

【There is strong acid in the stomach of this big snake. If you are wrapped by it, you will be melted immediately.】

【At this time, Uchiha Sasuke had already consumed a lot of chakra and was unable to dodge.】

【He was not panicked at all, because he knew that Uzumaki Naruto would come to save him.】

【Uzumaki Naruto's Flying Thunder God Technique was about to wrap around Uchiha Sasuke in the mouth of the snake. He was quickly transferred】

【Orochimaru just showed a sinister smile】

【"Uchiha Sasuke, although you are very powerful, you are still......"】

【Suddenly, I found that Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke appeared on the tree beside them and were not attacked.】

【Orochimaru almost went crazy】

【There seemed to be thousands of snakes spit out from his mouth.】

【It's so crowded, it looks like a disaster.】

【Orochimaru is going crazy】

【He even blamed Uzumaki Naruto for his failure to detain Uchiha Sasuke.】

【"Blond-haired boy, you too should die."】

Uchiha Madara,"As expected of Orochimaru, he does have some strength."

"But I want to say, he is not crazy, he is crazy"

"Originally, Uzumaki Naruto wasn't going to make a move, but Orochimaru was afraid that he wouldn't die fast enough, so he dragged the strongest one into the battlefield, right?"

Senju Hashirama,"Hahaha, I suddenly feel that this Orochimaru is a bit pitiful and a bit cute"

"Indeed, people should not lose their rationality at any time, otherwise, it is easy to bring disaster upon themselves.���


"I have never regretted anything I have done in my life. Even if Uzumaki Naruto is very powerful, he can't really kill me."

"I am immortal"

【Uzumaki Naruto still disdains Orochimaru's horrific attack】

【What’s the use of having a large number?】

【Uzumaki Naruto casually used the Nine-Tails' chakra to condense a Rasengan】

【It is called Rasengan, but it is actually equivalent to the Tailed Beast Ball.】

【The huge energy gathered together, and Orochimaru, who was crazy about killing, suddenly sobered up. 】773

【At the same time, it is extremely shocking!!!】

【"It made me feel the danger of death. He is so strong!"】

【This is a rare time when Orochimaru feels panic and fear.】

【His body subconsciously retreated, then he bit his fingers and slapped them on the ground, using his strongest defensive move.】

【"Spiritual Summoning, Triple Rashomon"】

Senju Hashirama:"How ridiculous, you think you can block the Rasengan that is as powerful as the Tailed Beast Ball with the Triple Rashomon?"

"You look down on Uzumaki Naruto."

"Although Orochimaru is indeed very powerful, his combat experience seems to be average."

"This behavior is indeed a bit stupid."

"Back then, I used the Five-Layer Rashomon, but it didn't stop the Tailed Beast Ball's attack."

Orochimaru,"I don't want to say it, but this is my strongest defensive move......."

【The triple Rashomon summoned by Orochimaru looks ferocious and solid.】

【However, the super-large Rasengan fired by Uzumaki Naruto was still not enough, and destroyed Rashomon layer by layer.】

【Although some of the power was offset, the remaining Rasengan was used to attack Orochimaru directly.】

【His body seemed to turn into powder the next moment. 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Orochimaru, why did you mess with Naruto when you could mess with anyone else? It's obvious that you don't want to live anymore."

"Now I have killed myself."

Orochimaru:"Haha, I have already told you, it is not that easy for me to die."

"It's just a body, I can still survive"

"My soul fragments are scattered everywhere."

The fourth generation of the Raikage,"Orochimaru, don't pretend here, Uzumaki Naruto didn't intend to kill you completely."

"If I really want to kill you completely, it won't be a simple Rasengan."

"He has so many forbidden techniques that he can perform, and if he performs them one by one, it will be enough to completely kill you."


He didn't want to be tough about this.......

The strength that Uzumaki Naruto has shown so far is indeed too terrifying

【In the bombarded battlefield, a small snake slipped away inconspicuously.】

【Uchiha Sasuke asked Uzumaki Naruto】

【"Really, just kill that guy Orochimaru directly?"】

【"Will it have any impact on our subsequent plans?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto shook his head and said】

【"Not completely killed, this guy is quite hard to kill"】

【"I have a feeling that he probably ran away."】

【"Anyway, there is no rush, let's see what his subsequent plans are."】

【"Orochimaru still needs to live"】

【"It would be better to let him clean up some of the small fish under Sarutobi Hiruzen."】

【Uzumaki Naruto looked at the shivering Kabuto Yakushi who didn't dare to run away.】

【"You can still continue to find where Orochimaru is, right?"】

【"Bring him some words back."】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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