Orochimaru,"I can't stand it anymore, this Uzumaki Naruto, isn't this pure bullying?"

"The ghost is lingering. It appears next to people and appears immediately."

"That's too disrespectful to people."

"From the day he blackmailed me in the parallel world, the money and the Triple Rashomon Scroll, it can be seen that"

"Uzumaki Naruto is a bad person."

Orochimaru cursed in the live broadcast room.

Uzumaki Kushina,"Haha, Orochimaru, you brought this upon yourself."

"Naruto has already warned you not to covet Uchiha Sasuke."

"But you didn't listen and insisted on going against him. Who else should I suppress if not you?"

"Naruto just kept you around for a bit. Otherwise, I would have killed you long ago."

"I'll kill you once if you revive me, and see how many lives you have left."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Orochimaru, you are still a thief, and you ignore the words of me in the parallel world."

"Really, you were beaten to death again, and it was not unfair."

Mitarashi Anko," When Uzumaki Naruto appeared and saved me from despair, he was so handsome"

"Originally, this young man was handsome, and his behavior at that time was so safe......."

"Ahem, it's just that I'm a little older, otherwise I would definitely pursue him."

Mei Terumi,"I think age is not a problem."

"Love should not have these boundaries."

Jiraiya,"Uzumaki Naruto is really good at showing off."

"This scene must be recorded"

"In the future, I will also use it, I am afraid that I will have no problem chasing any girl."

Tsunade,"Haha, Jiraiya, if you can open up earlier, you won't be single until now"

"However, at this age, he still pursues girls."

"Don't think about it, wait until next life."

【In fact, the snake was ready to kill Mitarashi Anko】

【This time I met her and I felt more like reminiscing about the past.】

【Speaking of which, Orochimaru has a special feeling for Konoha.】

【Uzumaki Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere, ruining Orochimaru's mood. He no longer had the mood to reminisce with Mitarashi Anko, and prepared to leave.】

【However, Uzumaki Naruto is obviously not as good as he wished.】

【"Orochimaru, you didn't listen to what I said to you that day. Today, let me teach you a lesson."】

【Finding something wrong, Orochimaru immediately fled】

【In his eyes, Uzumaki Naruto is a disaster star. Orochimaru really doesn't want to face this trouble. He is very troubled.】

【At least, at this stage, Orochimaru's strategy is to hide as far away from Uzumaki Naruto as possible.】

【"After I complete my plan to overthrow Konoha and kill Sarutobi Hiruzen, I will deal with you Uzumaki Naruto."】

【However, how could Orochimaru's escape speed catch up with Uzumaki Naruto's speed in pursuit of him?】

【Uzumaki Naruto used the Flying Thunder God Technique and flashed directly behind Orochimaru, and a Rasengan hit him on the back.】

【The next moment, Orochimaru's body was split in half.】

【If it were someone else, they would be dying by now.】

【However, Orochimaru's vitality is indeed quite tenacious.】

【Many snakes strangely stretched out from the middle of his body that was broken into two halves.】

【He then put his body, which was broken into two pieces, together again.】

【But, it can be clearly seen】

【This strange ninjutsu wastes a lot of chakra and vitality. Orochimaru's face turned pale, just like the state just now.】

【Orochimaru's mentality was about to collapse. He glared at Uzumaki Naruto and roared:】

【"Uzumaki Naruto, what do you want? You have no limit to bullying people, right?"】

【"I'm warning you, that's it."】

【"Don't mess with me again, or I'll die with you"】

【Orochimaru's embarrassment and the harsh words that sounded like begging for mercy left Mitarashi Anko dumbfounded.】

【Even at this moment, she felt that the wound on her body didn't hurt as much, completely because of the shock.】

【Is this still the same Orochimaru who just beat Mitarashi Anko like a devil?】

【With this comparison, Mitarashi Red Bean felt that Uzumaki Naruto was terrifyingly powerful.】

【The sun shines through the leaves and onto Uzumaki Naruto's handsome face】

【Plus the slightly sarcastic smile on his face at this moment......】

【This made Mitarashi Anko's heart beat faster and she couldn't control herself.】

【"This man is so powerful."】(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Mitarashi Red Bean,"I want to say one thing now, no woman can refuse, Uzumaki Naruto's charm"

"No matter how old she is, whether she is in her teens, twenties, or thirties......"

"If you want to find a husband, you should find someone like Uzumaki Naruto. He is so secure and powerful."

"This is a woman's reliance and final destination."

Terumi Mei,"Mitarashi Anko, so you want to join our team, too, right?"

"But it doesn't matter. I'm very confident. At worst, we can just compete together."

"Anyway, there are already a lot of people in this team."

Hyuga Hinata,"You guys, one by one, are you really not ashamed?" Uzumaki Kushina

,"Hahaha, don't fight, don't grab. Peace and friendship"

【Uzumaki Naruto ignored Orochimaru's accusations..】

【He summoned the Shadow Clone Technique and used the Shadow Clone Shuriken to attack Orochimaru densely.】

【Orochimaru was very depressed at this time】

【The warning that was rising wildly in his heart let him know】

【He couldn't dodge these shurikens at all. Uzumaki Naruto was here to kill him.】

【I'm too lazy to struggle and dodge.】

【It's just a life, so I'll leave it.】

【It's not the first time I've been killed, I'm kind of used to it, so let it be, it's not a big deal】

【Orochimaru's mentality was surprisingly calm at this moment】

【Besides wanting to curse】

【He could see that Uzumaki Naruto wanted to use this price to warn him not to have any ideas about Uchiha Sasuke again.】

【Orochimaru looked at his body speechlessly, which was pierced like a sieve, and then he thought of other ways to revive.】

【Uzumaki Naruto used the Fire Style Great Fireball Technique to burn Orochimaru's body into ashes.......】

Orochimaru,"I'm also convinced, Uzumaki Naruto is really endless, he kills people whenever he wants."

"This character is so cruel."

"He is not suitable to be the master of the ninja world in the future"

"I advise all of you who have fought with him to conquer the country, to stop assisting him from now on."

"In the future, Uzumaki Naruto might kill all of you heroes."

"His character is flawed and too unstable, and he will definitely explode in the future."

Hyuga Neji,"Orochimaru, why do you talk so much nonsense as a villain? Isn't it right to kill you?"

"Besides, you have so many lives, I'll kill one of you if I want to, why are you complaining?"

Uchiha Sasuke 5.3,"You deserved to be killed by Uzumaki Naruto"

"Who told you to stop targeting me, but you just didn't listen."

Uzumaki Naruto,"I feel this way now."

"In the parallel world, killing Orochimaru is as easy as cutting a watermelon. It takes no effort at all."

"Looking at Orochimaru, his attitude is quite calm. I guess he was killed by me, so he is used to it."

Jiraiya,"Suddenly I feel that Uzumaki Naruto is quite skilled in killing people."

"What about this other kind of beauty?"

"His killing process is quite elaborate."

"After killing a person, they cremate him directly and scatter his ashes."

"There is no trace left, the whole process looks neat and tidy."

Kakashi,"Just now, I actually looked at this process with an admiring eye, am I a little perverted?"

Nara Shikamaru,"I've learned it, next time after killing someone, I will cast a fire escape on him and scatter the ashes for him, this is considered to be killing him."

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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