
"I admit that Uzumaki Naruto is truly a genius"

"It was unexpected that someone could come up with such an idea of improving the fairy spell and it was successful!"

"Just by using the Nine-Tails' chakra, can we build a model that can absorb natural energy?"

"This idea is really brilliant, I want to go and catch the tailed beast too!"

Senju Hashirama,"Uzumaki Naruto is indeed a genius"

"No one has ever thought of such a route before."

Senju Tobirama,"As expected of Uzumaki Naruto, he is really good."

"What's going on with his brain?"

"It's so shocking."

"It turns out that the tailed beasts have such a great effect.......How come I didn't notice it?"

Uzumaki Naruto,"That is to say, I in this world can also try to build this cursed version of the immortal art model."

"Improve the strength of your friends"

"It's really exciting to think about it."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Forget about you in this world."

"I don't know your strength. When will you be able to reach the level of your parallel world?"

"Now you haven't even taken the first step"

"How is your relationship with the Nine-Tails? Don't you have any idea in your mind?"

Nine-Tails,"That's right, Uzumaki Naruto, the me in the parallel world has established a bond with you early on."

"I admire you, that's a parallel world."

"This world is totally different"

"At least, you are not qualified to talk to me right now, so just focus on improving your strength first."

"Otherwise, even if I lent you my chakra"

"You can't control it well at all. Forcibly constructing a fairy art model will only make it a disaster."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Come on, Ming!"

【Karin exploded with great power in Sage Mode】

【This time she came back to Kusagakure Village, she didn't kill too many people.】

【She found a few people who, in her opinion, deserved the most hatred and killed them.】

【When the blood of those people splashed on his face, it seemed that the haze in his heart was also dispelled.】

【The moment Karin looked at Uzumaki Naruto's face, she once again deeply imprinted him in her heart.】

【Karin has made up her mind that her life is Naruto's.】

【She wants to do her best to improve her strength and be useful to Uzumaki Naruto】

【"Brother Naruto, when we get back, I will learn ninjutsu from you."】

【"I will do my best to improve my strength as soon as possible and will not hold you back."】

【Karin said this with great force, her fists clenched, her nails digging into her palms.】

【Uzumaki Naruto naturally saw the other party's intention to repay her, and smiled and stroked her head and said】

【"This is naturally a good thing. Becoming stronger is everyone's life goal."】

【"But remember, don't be bitter and resentful."】

【"You need to focus on getting stronger, not on your emotions."】

【"Being too anxious to become stronger may hinder your progress. You must strike a balance between the two."】

【"In your spare time, I also hope that you can learn more cultural knowledge."】

【"After all, I want to lead a big country in the future."】

【"Some special talents are needed here, such as accounting, planning, etc."】

【These words that Uzumaki Naruto said, no one else has ever said to Karin】

【That is a special kind of care, that is something that reflects a sense of inclusion】

【It makes Karin feel warm in her heart and gives her infinite hope for the future.】

【"Naruto-brother, I will fulfill all your expectations!"】

【Karin clenched her fists and raised them above her head. She had made up her mind.】

【"Well, let's just let the matter of Kusagakure and the tragic memories he caused you be forgotten."】

【"You can temporarily forget the hatred in your heart, which will make your life less tiring."】

【"But remember, weakness is the original sin."】

【Uzumaki Naruto used the Flying Thunder God Technique and brought Karin back to Konoha】

【I am also going to spread the magic seal I developed to Uchiha Sasuke and the others. 】

Uchiha Sasuke,"Just now I thought about it carefully, what Uzumaki Naruto said does make sense."

"Over the years, I have been thinking about revenge all the time, and I have been overwhelmed by the hatred in my heart."

"Although I worked hard to exercise, under such great pressure, the effect of my training was not as good as I expected."

"Because I wanted to grow up so much, the huge mental pressure made me suppress many things."

Jiraiya,"I understand you on this point."

"Appropriate pressure can make a person progress"

"However, excessive pressure can easily crush a person." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Uchiha Sasuke, you have done a good job."

"Under such great pressure, he was able to move forward without collapsing......."

"I have surpassed many of my peers."

Uchiha Itachi looked at the messages in the Phantom Live Room and fell into deep thought.

"Could it be......Was what I did wrong?"

"At that time, I wanted to bear the blood debt of the Uchiha clan by myself in exchange for Sasuke's safe growth."

"I also used my poor mind to choose his fate and set a path for him to take revenge......."

"Now that I have seen so much, I was completely brainwashed by that old man Sarutobi Hiruzen."

0Please give me flowers

"At that time, I stood on Konoha's side"

"Because of the will of fire, he believed that the village was above everything else and even betrayed his family......."

"I can obviously have a better solution......."

Now, Uchiha Itachi has grown a few years older.

He is an adult with more mature thoughts.

In addition, the appearance of the live viewing room and the revelation of Sarutobi Hiruzen's true face have made him start to figure out many things.

It's just a pity that it's too late.

"No, there is still a possibility of salvation, there is a question and answer system!"

"Once I draw something that can revive the Uchiha clan, I can make up for my wrong decision at that time!"

【On this side, Uzumaki Naruto found Uchiha Sasuke first】

【I briefly told him about the successful development of the Immortal Art Curse Seal.】

【Uchiha Sasuke was so excited that he wanted to jump up】

【"Quick! Plant the curse on me!"】

【"I also want to experience what it's like to enter the Sage Mode. That kind of powerful power will definitely make people addicted."】

【Uzumaki Naruto rolled his eyes at Uchiha Sasuke and said,"Don't think that you can be lazy just because this thing has been developed."】

【"No more chakra control training"】

【"You are fully qualified to enter Sage Mode, and you must enter the official version of Sage Mode."】

【"This trick is just to let you feel it temporarily."】

【"The real Sage Mode entered by oneself is more than ten times more powerful than this Sage Mode of Sage Art Curse."】

【Uchiha Sasuke,"Don't worry, let me experience it first."】

【Uzumaki Naruto planted a modified version of the immortal spell seal on Uchiha Sasuke】

【Uchiha Sasuke begins to condense the chakra of immortal technique】

【the other side】

【After careful consideration, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally took action.】

【He sent someone to summon Hyuga Hiashi to talk to him.】

【He tried to regain some of his strength in a situation that was becoming increasingly unfavorable to him. 】

Hinata Hiashi,"Haha, it's already too late to talk to me in the parallel world at this time."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, your final fate has already been determined."

"No matter how much you resist, it will be useless."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Sarutobi Hiruzen is now a joke."

"Everything he does is like a clown."

Senju Tobirama,"Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen step by step towards his demise, I actually feel quite emotional."

"But I felt relieved."

"He is finally reaching that point, and Konoha is finally going to have a new turn.......

Dry". Hạnh

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