Looking at the appearance of the young man between the pillars in the picture

Everyone noticed that he was different from before.

But only a few saw what that meant!!

[Naruto Uzumaki: Eh… immortal, the appearance of the first uncle, how does it look so similar to you… But…… It seems that there are some different places…].

[Jiraiya: Stupid!! Be respectful to the first adults… Well…… This mode seems to be an immortal mode… However, it seems that there are some differences, I didn’t see the psychic beast of the first adult…].

[Senjuma: Big brother… I remember you seem to have barely mastered the immortal state when you were almost eighteen years old… This you on the screen, how old is he…].

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Hahaha, you remember it very well… I did only master this ninjutsu when I was eighteen, and before that, I tried and failed!! 】

[Orochimaru: Is this the talent and potential of the ninja god… Without relying on the three holy places, without the help of the three immortals, he was able to enter the immortal mode by himself… It’s really envious, it’s a pity that I can’t learn it…].

[Bofeng Shuimen: Is this the talent of the first generation of Mei-sama…!!] The strong man of the Warring States period is really terrible!! I used to be proud of my talent, and it seems that compared to the first adults, it is really far from it!! 】


The state between the young pillars did not seem to last long.

He immediately returned to his normal appearance.

“Just now… I seem to have found a little trick?! ”

“It seems that if you want to enter the state of this immortal body, you need to absorb the energy that is free between heaven and earth!!”

“This energy … It doesn’t seem to be the same as Chakra…”

“It feels more powerful than Chakra and more suitable for our world…”

“It’s just that this energy is too violent to absorb.”

“It takes extreme physical fitness and an affinity for this energy to be able to do this…”

In a short moment,

The young pillar clearly understood the characteristics of this energy.

[Orochimaru: The first adult, it is my sorrow that I did not live in the same era as you!!] I am ashamed to be able to deduce so much information in such a short period of time!! ……】

[Thousand hands: Big brother, how do I feel that you have been robbed of this!! Is this still you?!! 】

【Thousand Hand Pillars:……】

[Uchiha Madara: ……].

With the continuous experimentation between the juvenile columns,

The speed at which he entered the immortal state was about getting faster and faster

They are also becoming more and more skilled.

And the self-friendly who saw this scene off-screen

He almost stared out of his eyes!!

You know,

How dangerous is the practice of immortal arts!!

He was originally in order to practice the immortal art of Miaomu Mountain

With the help of the Great Toad Immortal and the entire Myoku Mountain

It was only then that he finally mastered the immortal arts of Miaomu Mountain!!

And among them,

One careless,

I am afraid that he will become a stone statue of Miaomu Mountain!!

For countless years,

I don’t know how many people have heard of the fairy art of Miaomu Mountain

Then head to the practice.

But few people practiced successfully

Most of them ended up in stone statues!!

And the juvenile pillar on the screen,

He actually only relied on a brute force

There is no external help in practicing immortal arts!!

[Bofeng Shuimen: Jiraiya teacher… At the beginning, I remember that it took a lot of time to practice Immortal Mode in Miaomu Mountain… The process is not very beautiful…].

[Jiraiya: Watergate… I’m no better than you, I practiced the immortal mode at the beginning, but I didn’t have my seniors to guide me, and it took much longer than you!! 】

Bofeng Shuimen thinks that his talent is no worse than anyone else!!

He is also very confident in his talent!!

He thinks

If it hadn’t been for the Nine Tails,

If you survive!!

He even thought that he could surpass the original Hokage Senjukuma

He was able to take Konoha to new heights!!

Born as a civilian, there is no blood succession limit,

But Bofeng Shuimen relies on itself,

Or step by step became the fourth generation of Hokage!!

He is usually modest though he is

But he himself knows

I am still very confident and proud in my bones!!

But seeing this scene in front of him, he did

Self-confidence still did not receive a blow!!

Although he worked hard for a long time to learn the immortal mode

But the physical and mental strength required by the immortal mode is too great!!

Jiraiya also helped him through the Fukasaku Immortal and the Shima Immortal

That’s why he was able to fight in this mode for a long time!!

But Bofeng Shuimen does not have this condition

So his immortal mode didn’t last long

It usually only takes about a minute to finish!!

This ephemeral pattern,

Bofeng Shuimen is not optimistic,

He doesn’t think this model suits him!!

So generally except for the most urgent moments

Wave Feng Shui Gate will not easily use the immortal mode!!

And the juvenile column in the screen,

He entered the immortal mode through self-education

The first time he used this mode to sustain time,

are longer than themselves!!

[Bofeng Shuimen: I always thought I was really a genius… But now it seems that I thought too much, I didn’t have any comparison with the first generation of adults, and when I saw the first generation of adults, I understood what a real genius is!! 】

[Ape Flying Sun: Watergate… Don’t be presumptuous anymore, your talent is already excellent!! It’s not that you’re not good enough, but the first generation of adults is too strong!! In front of him, I am afraid that no one dares to call himself a genius!! 】

[Senjuma: Junior, you don’t have to think too much… The real big brother, he is not as strong as in the picture… At this age, he has not yet come into contact with immortal arts!! 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Hahahahaha!!] Junior, what I said is right!! You have to cheer up!! When I was a teenager, I tried Immortal Mode and failed!! This energy is too difficult to control!! 】

[Uchiha Madara : Madara Mama, I’m looking forward to how far you will grow in the picture. I have a hunch that he may become a very terrible enemy!! I really want to play with him!!! 】

[Big Snake Pill: It turns out that this is the real immortal mode… It seems that I still have some problems with the development of the spell seal, and the previous thinking is not quite right!! 】

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: Fortunately, the original Hokage is no longer there, if he is still alive, our other villages will never come out!] 】

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