After seeing the first law of fighting for mankind, Walter, for the future of mankind, knowing that it was a certain end, he still decided to go to the moon to fight the second law to the death.

And the vehicle on board is Alahato.

The huge mech made Bronia's eyes shine.

And Raiden Bud Yi looked at his father on the screen and felt guilty, after coming to St. Freya Academy for so many days, he almost forgot his father in prison.

Kiana looked moved, "Although Mr. Walter usually seems to be a taciturn and smiling soft and weak person, he is really reliable. "

Everyone: Nod.

Walter:? Effeminate and weak?!

In contrast, Kiana stared at the stinky dad who could only be incompetent and furious, waiting on the screen.

What to do, suddenly a little disgusted with his father.

In the Anti-Entropy Base, Walter voiced his plans before heading to the moon.

After arriving on the moon, he hides Alahatto, and Walter attracts the attention of the Second Lawyer, and then Ziegfried collects soul steel and returns to Earth.

Because Soul Steel contains important information about the former civilization.

To ensure success, Walter also developed a Plan B.

But looking at Zigfried's angry eyes, you know that this plan may be the worst.

But Siegfried's opinion is no longer important for this Earth-Moon trip.

Ziegfried and Walter carried Alajato to the moon.

Bishop Otto watches over Teresa on the bed.

Cecilia stood on the balcony with her two-year-old Kiana in her arms, watching the light flying towards the moon.

Off the screen, looking at the mother Cecilia who was as holy and gentle as moonlight, Kiana's eyes rose with envy almost instantly.

"Mother Cecilia..."

"First Lawyer, Lord Queen has been waiting for a long time, let me show you the way. "

On the moon, there is no air, so sound cannot be transmitted either.

But the voice of the visitor sounded in Walter's mind.

Benares spread his light wings and floated in the air, looking indifferently at the first law in front of him.

Walter looked at her, and he could feel the girl in front of him between the Law and the Broken Beast, a creature he had never seen before.

Walter flew up silently, following Benares towards where the Void Law was.

After they moved away, Siegfried jumped down from Alahto to collect Soul Steel.

Lunar Relics Center ——

"Finally here, First Lawyer."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I didn't expect you to really come to the moon for those ants."

Celine looked at the silent Walter, her tone full of mockery and contempt.

"Are you ready to trade your life for the lives of those ants?"

"It's a shame to lose the face of the lawyer!"

The purple wings of the Void Lawyer spread, and the patterns represented by the power of the five Laws appeared under the starry sky.

Showing his power to Walter is like a child showing off his toy.

"Huh, are you scared? Traitor, this is the true power of God's apostles. "

“...... If you are willing to obey me, I can consider letting you go. "

"As long as you kneel down and swear obedience to me..."

Walter raised his head and looked at the arrogant Celine with a calm face.

"Haha, originally I thought that if I didn't see it for a while, you would grow a little."

"Even if you have obtained the power of God, I have already made a plan for victory."

"Let me teach you about human wisdom!"

Walter's disdainful words made Celine snort coldly.

"It's a big talker. I hope you can play with me for a long time. "

The Spear of the Void appeared from the imaginary space behind him, and Cyrene was the first to attack.

Walter frowned, and quickly flew into the air, dodging a blow.

"Hey, such a slow attack, but it can't hit people."

"If you want to hit me, you have to be faster."

Using the power of the Star of Eden, Walter taunted and flew away decisively.

Celine clenched her fists and said a little unpleasantly, "Hmph, the so-called human wisdom, is it originally to escape?!" "

"Bella, catch up."

Walter was in front, and Celine and Bella were chasing behind.

Three meteors fly in the starry sky, and Walter is creating time for Ziegfried.

"Damn, it's flying around like a fly."

"Your Honor, she has been deliberately keeping her distance from us."

"Once the distance is exceeded, it stops, I think he is..."

"I know, Bella. He is grabbing our attention. "

"Hmph~ I don't know what conspiracy he prepared this time."

As if thinking of something, Cyrene stopped flying and stood in place, with a malicious smile on her face.

Celine soothed Bella, "You don't have to worry. I just thought of catching flies. "

"Whatever his tricks, flies are just flies after all. Stop it, Bella. "

Celine stretched out her hand, and a crack in imaginary space suddenly appeared in front of Walter.

The pale imaginary hand appeared out of thin air, grabbed Walter and sent it to himself.

Looking at the embarrassed Walter, Celine's eyes were full of excitement.

"Flies, fell into the trap~"

"Now, you can't escape."

A smile rose at the corner of Walter's mouth, and the Star of Eden, held in his hand in the uneasy premonition of the Second Lawr, emitted a strong fluctuation.

"The one who can't escape is you, the second lawyer!"

The quasi-black hole of the Star of Eden blooms in the starry sky, which is Walter's biggest hole card.

"Hmph! Do you think you can beat me like last time! "

Celine looked at Walter unpleasantly, and in his shocked eyes, the imaginary hand forcibly pushed the pseudo-black hole away with only brute force.

"She actually suppressed the quasi-black hole in an instant... Has she evolved to this extent? Walter's pupils shook, and his heart was shocked.

"I can feel that your strength is less than half of the last time we met, no wonder you have been running away."

"Very good, you have been holding out for a minute~ It's a pity that the game is almost over."

Walter: "............"

"What's going on! This strange feeling..."

Celine frowned, and the sense of discord in her heart became stronger and stronger.

"I sensed that something had just left the moon. And the speed of movement... Very fast. "

Turning his head and looking in the direction he came, he saw that Alahato's reboot from the moon, and then quickly moved away from the earth, turning into a black dot.

Celine, who knew that she was being teased again, became angry, and the imaginary hand squeezed hard, and the powerful force of the lawyer directly shattered the Star of Eden, and Walter fell to the ground with it.

Benares hurriedly rushed to Celine's side, his tone full of happiness and anxiety.

"Lord Queen, it's great that you're okay."

"You have been in a motionless stalemate with that traitor for more than an hour."

Hearing Benares's words, Celine was startled.

"What!? How is this possible, I didn't even have a minute just now..."

Suddenly thinking of something, Cylene gritted her teeth and looked at Walter in the pit.

"What the hell have you done to me!"

"Huh... This is human intelligence. "

50 hours ago, the medical room of the Yellowstone anti-entropy base in the United States——

Walter: "... How am I doing? "

Einstein: "It's terrible. "

"Your fight with the Second Law severely disrupted your bodily functions. Even if the injury on the leg is healed..."

"Judging from the test results just now, you can only exert 47% of the power of the core of the lawyer now. On the other hand, your body's resistance to Avalanche Energy is reduced by 70%. "

"If you use the power of the 'Law of Reason' with all your strength—"

"—8 minutes... No, in about 5 minutes, the collapse energy will completely erode your body. "

Walter: "According to the plan, I have to fight for at least 30 minutes for Siegfried..."

Brows furrowed, and Walter smiled bitterly.

Einstein: "Since you have limited time. Let's break one minute into ten minutes. "

"The black hole effect and time dilation, when an object is at the edge of a black hole, its time becomes slow."

"If you're around the Second Lawyer, release the simulated black hole of the Star of Eden and let both of you be captured by the black hole-"

"Then your time will become slow for the outside world."

"According to my calculations, for every minute you pass at the edge of the black hole, the outside world will pass 60 to 65 minutes, so there will be enough time."

"But the stakes are high. If you are not careful, you yourself will be swallowed by the black hole.

To the danger in Einstein's mouth, Walter laughed, "... Don't worry, Ain. As long as you can buy enough time for Ziegfried, you can do it. "

The memories were like a flash of water, and Walter shifted his gaze to Celine again.

"The first part of the plan is complete."

“............ The second half of the rest is up to you, Tesla. "

With his hands on the ground, Walter stood up with his body propped up, for the sake of humans, he could not fall down.

Benares: "Your Honor, that ant has flown away." "

"If pursued..."

Cylene snorted coldly, and did not take Zigfei to heart, "Don't worry about him, just run away all the time." "

"Today's main course, it's that traitor!"

Celine turned her head to look at the weak Walter, her golden eyes full of anger.

Walter stood up, but stumbled to his knees under Celine's gaze.

Celine frowned in dissatisfaction, "I waited for you for three days, but now you can't even stand up?" "

With a hook of his finger, the surrounding gravel gradually rose.

"You've disappointed me so much."

Walter's eyes widened and he looked at her in disbelief, "What are you going to do!" You said... As long as I come to the moon, I won't..."

Celine: "I regret it, since you are so disappointing." I'll have fun elsewhere, and you can honestly watch the meteorite fall to Earth! "

Under Celine's threat, Walter gritted his teeth and struggled to stand up.

“...... I won't, let these meteorites fall to Earth! "

Celine: "Do you still have the strength to resist?" The look is good. That's right, please me as much as you want! "

Looking at the weapons and mecha around Walter that used the First Lawyer's ability, Celine smiled.

Celine: "Let's play a game." "

Celine: "Let's see if the meteorite I threw out is faster, or your toy bullets are faster..."

Walter: "Come on! The Second Lawyer! "

"This is ... The last battle..."

"I'm proud, at the last minute."

"You can still fight to protect this world!"

Pressing his body madly, Walter blocked the meteorite that Celine threw towards Earth.

Celine: "Good job, I didn't expect you to be able to block all four stones." "

"However, it looks like you've used all your strength. The game is over. "

"Then let me reap the spoils."

Celine stretched out her hand to reach the opponent's chest, aiming at the core of the first lawyer, but was grabbed by Walter's wrist.


“...... Still want to resist? "

Walter was silent, but from where Walter and Celine touched, dark purple stripes continued to spread along Celine's arm.

"What is it? What the hell are you doing again! "

"First Lawyer!"

Time goes back fifty-one hours.

Yellowstone Inverse Entropy Base, USA, Tesla Private Research Laboratory.

"You said... You said...... You want me to study... How to detonate your own lawyer core? “

"Well, yes."

"If I fail to defeat the Second Lawyer on the moon, my Lawyer Core will fall into her hands."

"To be on the safe side, I have to have a way to ruin the core."

"Moreover, the self-explosion of the core of the lawyer should be able to cause some damage to her."

“............ Detonate the core of the lawyer, and your body will shatter into powder..."

"I know." With his head down, Walter did not dare to look into the other's eyes.

"Tesla ..."

"I see!"

"I'll look into it right away!! You are now..."

"Get me out!" With a crying voice, Tesla lowered his head and told Walter to leave now.

Crystalline tears ran down her cheeks and dripped onto the ground.

"I hate it the most..."

"Most annoying... I hate those of you who don't value your lives the most! "


I'm sorry...... Tesla ....

At the last minute, I received Tesla's findings.

Imitating the process of star collapse, the collapse energy of the lawyer's core is compressed to the extreme, so that the physical structure of the core enters the fusion stage, and then the core will be converted into the purest collapse energy. Cause a huge explosion that turns everything into dust.

If Tesla's theory is correct, I can involve the core of the second lawyer into fusion!

"Hmph, is there still such a hand hidden? This powerful force... Even I felt a little nervous. "


"I accept your challenge, traitor!"

Walter and Celine compete, the battle of the core, the battle of wills, the confrontation of strength.

After all, it was still a chess game, and when it was too late, Celine took out Walter's lawyer core and ended the challenge.

Looking at Walter who fell to the ground, Celine smiled proudly.

"Huh... It's a close call! "

"At the moment before the outbreak, the core was taken out."

"It's so naïve to want to use God's power to kill God's apostles!"

Having said that, Celine's face was still a little afraid.

Walter looked at Celine unwillingly, and held his hands helplessly.

Just a little....

...... I'm sorry...... Joyce....

"Traitors, human wisdom, are no match for God at all."

Sorry, Ayin....

"You are alone, die on this icy moon."

I'm sorry...... Tesla ....

"Haha. Next - it's harvest time. "


"No, yes, go..."

The will replaces the body, and on the verge of death, Walter stands up again.

Then it turns into ashes and disappears.

Celine looked at the place where Walter turned to ashes with fear, and was a little afraid, "......... What a tough guy, but that's the end of it. "

Holding the core of the First Law in her hand, Celine opened her mouth and swallowed the core into her belly.

"The power of the first lawyer, the knowledge of the first lawyer, are now all my things!"

"It's time to go back to Earth and punish the ants who claim to be human!"

Thousands of years of human knowledge and heritage are all pocketed by the second law at this moment.

Behind the Second Lawyer, that is the army of weapons that humanity now possesses. 】

To this, Bronia's answer was, "But if Sister Bud Yi had one-sixth of the second law, Bronia would not single it out." "

Raiden Bud Yi looked at the emotional Bronia silently, and his heart was shocked.

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