"I really didn't expect that Otto's old and shady lifelong dream was to resurrect a person who had been dead for five hundred years!?"

Tesla looked at Otto's infatuated look, his expression was complicated, his face was strange, and he was annoyed but had nowhere to complain.

"Maybe this is the so-called people who play with feelings, and they will also be played with feelings."

Dr. Einstein's eyes were deeply helpless and complex.

In any case, she could not have imagined that the heinous, rhetorical, and calculating Otto was actually an infatuated lover who had been planning for the resurrection of his lover for more than five hundred years.

[Three minutes ago, a violent collapse energy reaction was observed in Siberia, and the collapse energy is spreading outward at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, and the estimated impact range is ——

"Ready to destroy all of Siberia in one go?"

"It seems that there is not much time left for me."

"Inform the entire army that it's time to meet with the Second Lawyer."

At Otto's order, the whole army gathered and marched towards Siberia.

After the Second Law began to attack, the entire Siberian town was attacked by the Avalanche.

In an instant, the total number of Honkai beasts on the Siberian Plain exceeded half a million.

After the destruction of the town, a strong collapse energy swept through Siberia.

After that, Mandate satellites and radars could no longer detect the situation in Siberia.

Affected by high concentrations of collapse energy, satellites and radars have failed in the interior of the Siberian plain.

Destiny cannot locate the position of the Second Lawyer.

All the Valkyrie forces of the Mandate of Heaven will be divided into two teams and assembled in the northern position of the plain and the southern position of the plain.

The Northern Force is the Valkyrie unit at the European headquarters. Led by Siegfriekaslana, a total of 230 people.

The Southern Force is a Valkyrie unit of the African and Oceania Branches, led by Cecilia Shanyat, with a total of 212 men.

At eight o'clock in the morning of February 17, we will deliver carpet strikes on the entire Siberian plain with heavy weapons.

It is expected to be able to destroy 90% of the Honkai Beasts this time.

At ten o'clock on the same day, two units entered the Siberian plain from the north and south to search for the location of the second lawyer.

After successfully locating the Second Lawyer, Mandate of Heaven will concentrate all forces and destroy it in one fell swoop.

"When searching, try to avoid fighting with the Honkai Beast and lose combat power."

"Remember that by destroying the Second Law, we can save the world."

"Finally, me, Otto Apocalis."

"And the ten guards led by Cheng Lixue will set up a headquarters in the western part of the Siberian Plain to provide support to you."

"This is the battle to save the world! Destiny, with you! "

Before the carpet bombing of the Siberian plains by the Mandate of Heaven, the S-class Valkyrie Cecilia personally led the search for and rescue of those who might have survived.

However, even she only rescued dozens of people....

Over thousands of years, with the development of human civilization, the Avalanche Beast has also continued to evolve.

In the second millennium AD, the Honkai Beast was no longer what it used to be.

The shell of the Honkai Beast is extremely strong, and ordinary bullets cannot do the slightest damage to it.

To break through this shell, at least an anti-tank rocket is required.

However, even if it breaks through the shell, it will face the emperor-level collapse beast more than ten meters——

Anti-tank rockets, too, can destroy only a small part of their bodies.

According to statistics, every emperor-level Collapse Beast is destroyed. Five thousand heavily armed soldiers would have to be sacrificed.

Therefore, use traditional armies to fight with Honkai Beasts. It is simply a waste of life and resources.

On the battlefield of the second collapse, half a million Honkai beasts were produced.

In contrast, the Valkyrie force that Mandate of Heaven could put in was less than five hundred people.

Five hundred people against half a million broken beasts, think about it, it is an impossible task, even if they fight one by one, I am afraid they will be exhausted to death.

Therefore, in the face of a huge numerical difference, Bishop Otto ordered a carpet strike on the entire Siberian plain with heavy weapons before the Valkyrie troops entered the Siberian plain.

The missile arced in the sky and then rained down on the Siberian plain.

The pouring missiles landed on the Siberian plain, and the artillery fire was deafening.

The snow-covered land of Siberia also turns scorched black all year round.

On the plains of Siberia, huge explosions are constantly taking place. The hot air generated by the explosion instantly turned the snow into water vapor.

The Honkai Beast located at the center of the explosion, even if it had an extremely hard shell, instantly turned into ashes.

In this hour, almost all the heavy missiles in the Mandate of Heaven arsenal were also exhausted.

But for Bishop Otto, it's definitely worth it.

After the bombing, Bishop Otto ordered all Valkyrie troops to enter the Siberian plain in search of the location of the Second Lawyer.

At this time, the Siberian plain had turned into a sea of fire.

The northern forces led by Siegfried encountered hundreds of surviving Honkai beasts during the search and fell into battle.

"I didn't expect to encounter it so soon..."

"There are at least 50,000 Avalanche Beasts left on the snowfield."

"If it is discovered by other Honkai beasts and enters the war of attrition, it will be finished."

Nicholas and Ziegfried were grouped together, and when the girl above the sky appeared, Nicholas recognized each other at a glance.

Benares fought against the Northern Forces of the Mandate of Heaven.

At the top of the Tower of Babylon, Celine observed the situation on Benares' side through imaginary space.

"Those ants are really trying."

"It's just that some Honkai beasts were eliminated."

"As long as I want, no matter how many Avalanche Beasts I want, I can create them."

"Just leave the deworming work to Bella. I'll just... Well? "

There was a strange fluctuation in the space behind him.

"It seems that bugs have mixed in... And there is more than one. "

Miss Celine began to swell and squint at the incoming person.

"It seems that those ants are just outcasts that you used to distract me."

"Right? Annoying bug~"

Celine looked at the three of them alone, extremely confident.

"I recognize you, you broke my Agata and Galena."

"I'm feeling a little bored. Crushing you should be much more fun than slaughtering those ants. "

"Let me have fun~"

With a snap of her fingers, Celine's golden pupils were full of confidence.

He didn't notice the other three people looking at the fool's gaze at all.

Fu Hua took a step forward and moved his fingers.

His eyes stared directly at Celeine in front of him, but he said to Otto, "Otto, according to the plan." "

"Let me fight her alone, and neither you nor Lixue can interfere."

At the same time that Fu Hua spoke to Otto, patches of red feathers with shimmering light suddenly appeared and fell into the air, but Celine was unaware.


Celine was obviously angry when she heard Fu Hua's words.

It was only her Celine who despised others, when was it the turn of a human being to despise herself so much!

"It's just that I defeated that waste in Agata, less get carried away, bug!"

"Lord Bishop, do we really not have to help Master?"

Faced with Cheng Lixue's concern, Otto smiled incomparably confidently and looked at Fu Hua in front of him, which was unparalleled trust.

When the power that had been lost for five hundred years returned to Fu Hua's body——

Fu Hua is the strongest person in the world.

Although 500 years is still a big number, it is better for humans to live for 500 years than to live 50,000 years, right?

The duel between Celine and Fu Hua was only for a moment.

In an instant, Fu Hua punched.

But Celine did not put Fu Hua's fist in her eyes, but casually unfolded the same imaginary number barrier as when dealing with Walter before.

Human attacks cannot pass through the imaginary barrier of the lawyer.

This is the reason why Celine is so confident.

But when Fu Hua's attacks followed, she found that she was very wrong, and it was very wrong.

For half a second, instead of the fist thrown by her opponent, she saw ... Hundreds...... Thousands, tens of thousands of fists ... The walls of the fist ....

No, it's a storm of fists.

Most of the fists hit the imaginary number barrier, and all disappeared.

However, there are one in ten thousand.

Passed through the gap between the imaginary barriers....

Looking at the shattered imaginary barrier, Celine was hit in the face of the door in countless punches.

Out of instinct, Celine used the power of the Law of Death, the black mist that could erode everything.

However, for humans, the power of death that was undoubtedly certain was almost ignored by Fu Hua, and all of them dissipated the moment the flame in the opponent's hand rose.

At the moment when the black mist dispersed, Fu Hua unleashed his most powerful blow.

This move was called by Fu Hua.

"Inch——! Open the Sky——!!! "

The fist of the Red Kite Immortal directly caused Celine to land from the very top of the Tower of Babylon, and was violently smashed into the ground and smashed out a pit.

Until the dust cleared, Celine's face was still dazed and unbelievable.

At the same time as that punch was thrown, the space even almost collapsed.

Fu Hua's crimson eyes stared mercilessly at the Void Lawyer below, and then stretched out his hand.

"Lixue, lend me Ruoshui."

The azure blue long sword was thrown into Fu Hua's hand by Cheng Lixue in an instant, and Fu Hua reached out to hold the hilt.

The long sword trembled lightly, and a faint aqua blue light surrounded the long sword, and at a glance, he knew that it was absolutely extraordinary.

Celine got up from the ground and covered her head a little blankly, "It hurts... What happened? "

"What just happened!?"

After a few short seconds, Celine, who remembered everything, gritted her teeth a little, and looked at the top of the Tower of Babylon with incompetence and rage.

"That's right! The guy did it. "

Looking at Fu Hua's shadow, Xi Lin's expression was a little stunned.

"I... Defeated!? How is this possible! "

"Abominable! Ants actually made me so embarrassed! "

Angry and corrupted, Celine manipulated the power of the thirsty gem, swung the wind blade, and attacked the rune in the air one after another.

Even if the huge wind blade could instantly cut a huge rift in the Tower of Babylon, it would not be able to hurt Fu Hua in the slightest.

In an instant, Fu Hua had already arrived in front of Xi Lin, her face expressionless.

Celine looked at Fu Hua's figure, and a feeling of trepidation rose in her heart, becoming more and more intense.

Under fear and unease, the Void Law put aside his previous arrogance, hurried, and shouted in panic, "You... Don't come here! "

In the face of Fu Hua's attack without hesitation, Celine's mind was thinking rapidly, "Three times more powerful than Agata before, the flame of the Law of Flame, so... It should be able to stop the opponent's pace. "

However, the ideal is plump, and the reality is skinny.

"Too virtual sword shape, sword swift."

The long sword in Fu Hua's hand manipulated the flow of water, outlining the water shadow of the swift behind Fu Hua.

As Fu Hua unleashed his sword move, the huge Water Swallow pounced on Xi Lin, extinguishing the flames of the Void Lawyer.

Fu Hua's sword pierced Celine's body, and the moment the crimson feather fell, Celine also lost consciousness at the same time. 】


"The martial arts of the Red Kite Immortal are really exquisite, and they can actually break the barrier of imaginary numbers with only the power of their fists."

A trace of appreciation flashed in Youlandale's eyes, and he was curious about the gesture of the Red Kite Immortal in his heyday.

The Red Kite Immortals in their heyday back then, just by recording it, is enough to glimpse the power of Fu Hua.

"It is worthy of being one of the thirteen heroes with the same name as the Venerable Lord! With such a powerful force, the number one Lord Venerable is definitely even stronger! "

The woman with the jackal mask looked feverishly at the red kite immortal in the picture, while the gray-haired and red-eyed girl who was tightly wrapped on the side looked helpless.

It seems that this religious fanaticism is taken for granted.

Raven let out a long sigh, a little glad in his heart, great, fortunately the pyramid scheme leader of the gray snake did not brainwash himself back then.

When he thought of becoming a jackal, a fanatic believer, the raven felt that life was hopeless!

"The power of the heroes is extremely strong, and it is not difficult to defeat the lawyers."

The gray snake was holding the black umbrella he had been holding, maybe he thought it was cool?

"Hua, look quickly, the one outside you used the posture of a fusion warrior."

Pulling Hua's arm, Alicia's eyes shone brightly, looking expectant.

Hua frowned, and looked at Alicia with some doubt.

Alicia's smile added a bit of cuteness to her bright and moving look, but this smile felt a little ill-intentioned.

"So, can you show me like that?"

To this, Hua replied, "I refuse." "

Alicia puffed out her cheeks, "Huh? Why! Obviously, after becoming like that, Hua is also very cute! "

Hua: "That's a gesture toward the enemy, and Senior Alicia is a very important person to me. "

Covering her face, Alicia was a little shy, "I didn't expect Hua to be so bold, but it's okay, I like Hua's straight look." "


Looking at the smile on Alicia's face, Hua was dazed.

Did I just say anything to make Alicia happy? No, right?

What he said just now was all from the heart of Hua!

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for votes.

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