[Above the Tower of Babylon, Cyrin killed Cheng Lixue.

Playing with the few remaining feathers in his hand, he looked at Cecilia and Ziegfried who were heading to the battlefield.

Yuduchen's feathers floated down in front of them, and then fell into the spatial crack in front of everyone's eyes.

Their consciousness is drawn into the beautiful dream of feathers weaving.

In the fantasy of feathers, Cecilia and Ziggy fly to live ordinary and happy lives.

“...... An ordinary and happy family..."

"If there hadn't been a crash, if mom hadn't died... So, can I have this happiness too? "

Feeling Celine's desire, under the automatic trigger of Yuduchen's feathered ability, Celine strayed into the fantasy realm.

Then became the daughter of the two.

When Cecilia and Siegfried and Celine staged a family of three together, Walter, who had been hiding, quietly went online and repeatedly approached Siegfried, telling him that this was just a beautiful dream. 】

"Is it only I who want to kick Yang down?"

Watching the Void Law unload his heart in the next step of Cecilia's maternal love, he almost staged a beautiful family scene of three.

Tesla covered his heart and gasped, "For the first time, I think Yang is so redundant——! "

I already knew that the second law raider only needed a gentle mother, who stepped on the horse and wanted to fight and die in the second collapse!

But the beautiful dream is like a bubble in the water, and it will be broken with a poke.

When the Second Regularist is awakened by the death of the companion Honares Beast, Einstein arrives on the battlefield in Alahato, loaded with the engine of the Moonlight Throne, and Delisa carries the Tower of Babylon with the Oath of Judas.

The cruel reality can only be ended by the death of the Void Law.

The divine enchantment of the Judas Oath, Teresa successfully kills the Second Lawyer.

Then at the moment when the Divine Enchantment dispersed, the power belonging to the Tranquility Gem revived Celine in an instant.

"The ideal is plump, the reality is skinny. When the vow of Judah was made, neither enemy nor friend could be separated. Damn, when the restrictor of the law was fully exerted, he was not affected! "

Wilvie complained a little resentfully.

Alicia whispered a few words of comfort, and then shifted the topic of the Restrainer to Kevin.

"Kevin, why are you trapped?"

Alicia asked Kevin with some curiosity.

Kevin shook his head calmly, "I don't know." "

At the same time, I was relieved in my heart, great, the real Kevin outside didn't mean to sit idly by.

At least this battle must belong to humanity.

Looking at Zigfei on the screen who was forcibly turned on the posture of a fusion warrior, Zigfei in the state of a half-collapsed beast like a demon, Kevin's eyelids were lowered, which was a curse belonging to Kaslanna.

"However, the husband and wife relationship between Cecilia and Siegfried is really good. I was able to come to my senses. "

Alicia sighed, but after watching the scene of Celine running away after losing her core, her brows couldn't help but wrinkle, and her bright and moving face had a helpless sadness.

The huge collapse in Celine's body can be violent, so that it will affect the whole of Siberia.

Watching Otto on the screen give the order to abandon the rescue, Alicia took a deep breath.

"Saving the world is never easy, and sometimes it's hard to save even one person."

[But Otto doesn't want to waste extra strength saving people, doesn't mean that no one wants to prevent this disaster.

Cecilia has such abilities, and she also has the determination to sacrifice herself for humanity.

"Sorry, Siegfried. I lied to you..."

"This time, I can't go back with you."

"I'm sorry, Kiana... You must take good care of your father in the future..."

The blood in Cecilia's body, known as the Law Killer, can kill the Law Killer, and can also clear the Avalanche Energy.

With the rated power of the Black Abyss White Flower, Cecilia successfully made the collapse energy of Celine's out-of-control explosion completely dissipate, and the body of the second lawyer also appeared in front of Zigfei.

Zigfei stood up, raised the Heavenly Fire Saint Judgment, and locked the position of the Second Lawyer.

"Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor! Unleash all your power! It doesn't matter if my body is going to burn out! "

"In order to protect the people I love the most, I am willing to give my life!"

The monstrous flames turned into a flame sword that pierced the world, and even directly combed the earth.

Thanks to the efforts of Siegfried and Cecilia, the Second Law and the disaster it brought were successfully contained at the source. 】

However, when the people who remained off-screen thought that everything was going to come to an end.

"Hey, Otto, this dog thing——! I knew he had a hole in his head——!!! "

Scratching his head, Tesla directly scolded a series of national essences.

Einstein was also stunned to watch.

Good you Otto, the wife died in a few breaths to save the world, and you stepped on the horse and directly carried it on your back to send a fission bomb that could be destroyed.

The reason turned out to be that Ziegfried was too strong to control it!?

Even calm as Einstein can't help but be silent, could it be that something is wrong with Otto's head, just like Zigfei, a feather of a feather can deceive him into not finding the southeast, northwest.

"Absolutely—it's amazing—"

World Snake Headquarters, looking at Otto's backhand backstabbing behavior, jackal clapped his hands and praised, I almost wanted to ask what kind of circuit Otto's head was, or whether Otto's soul steel head was blown away by the knowledge of the Collapse God and did not adjust.

Deep in Kiana's consciousness space, the Void Lawyer sneered.

"Otto, good man, uh~"

The Void Law was almost laughed at by anger, and of course she would not hold her breath and sulk if she was not in a good mood.

After coming out and wandering around, looking at the group in the dormitory of St. Freya's College, his golden eyes were full of mockery.

Especially Kiana, the Void Law read her words to her unchanged.

Kiana clenched her fists, and there seemed to be fire burning in her azure eyes.

"I've never seen someone so brazen——! Sooner or later, Miss Ben will screw his head off! "

The clenching of her fists crunched, and Kiana's white face was flushed with anger.

Thinking of herself who said that Otto was a good person before, Kiana couldn't wait to open an arbitrary door, and then slapped her in the face!

Teresa is silent.... Or maybe the brain capacity is not enough.

"Grandpa.... Bishop...... My memory..."

Covering her head, Teresa's three views collapsed, and her memory was modified!?

No wonder she didn't recognize Walter!

So it is, his memory has been carefully modified by Otto!

"Fu Hua......... Are you okay? "

Infinite Tower Himeko looked at Fu Hua, who was calm as water on the side and had a face as usual, and instinctively regarded her as his own student, not the old ancestor of Shenzhou, the Red Iris Immortal.

But the next second, I suddenly thought of Fu Hua's true identity, and I was a little entangled in how to get along with the two of them in the future.

On the fact that he did not want to change his homework to supervise the student's exam, the class leader who lost the work to was his ancestor.

Limitless Tower Himeko was a little embarrassed.

But this little discomfort is nothing, the key is that Fu Hua now looks like he doesn't react, which makes Infinite Tower Jizi feel a little panicked when he didn't come.

Among the six people present, Bishop Otto was pitted a lot.

Ah, there seems to be the consciousness of the Void Lawyer in Kiana's consciousness space.

"Dean Teresa, I suddenly remembered that something was wrong, and I was about to go back to the Mandate of Heaven headquarters to lie down, do you want to go together?"

Slowly straightening his clothes, Fu Hua asked.

Bronia sat next to her, already seeing the squad leader's unconcealed look at the dead body, and couldn't help shaking her body.

However, substitute Bishop Otto's affairs with Fuhua on himself.

Bronia suddenly wanted to bring the heavy bunny to Otto to eat the cannon, and it was better not to leave the gray one.

Silver-gray eyes looked at the squad leader, and there was an unconcealed pity in the three victims, Teresa and Kiana.

One memory is modified, one memory is played with, and one is the subject.

Coalition of victims!

At the Mandate of Heaven headquarters at this time, Geng Zhi and innocence looked at the various scenes of Otto crossing the river and demolishing bridges, and he almost wanted to pull Otto's collar and ask him, why is this kind of thing of pulling hatred so skillful!

"Your Honor Bishop........ I can't keep you, bless yourself. "

Thinking of the possible actions of the victim, Youlandale felt that he did not join in, and punching and kicking Otto was worthy of Otto.

Without him, Otto would be too disgusted and hatred.

Miss Wendy, who was far away in the Atlantic branch, was stunned, and subconsciously touched her unconscious leg.

Suddenly spied on so much secret, should he not be extinguished!?

The white and tender face was loveless, and Wendy touched and touched her legs, which contained the desire gem of one-sixth of the power of the Second Lawyer.

The second law is so miserable, as the owner of the gemstone, should he also be contaminated by the luck of the second law who is almost certain to die!?

Wendy's mind was thinking stormily, and the longing gem in her body seemed to feel the uneasy panic in Wendy's heart, flickered a few times, and then behind Wendy, an emerald green breeze swept by, ruffling her hair.


[Honkai Comparison Series, Honkai III, Celine the Law of the Void, the broadcast has ended].


[Honkai II, Celine the Law of Emptiness! ] 】

"The first and second laws don't seem to have changed much."

Alicia coughed unnaturally a few times, and just now she was also shocked by Otto's various commotions.

Even if the infighting is like a moth of fire, there is no way to fight and die in front of the fusion warrior, and launch a nuclear bomb behind the back and be forced to die together!

It has to be said that Otto's various actions have refreshed Alicia's cognition.

Maybe Alicia didn't have such deep feelings for the other two, but when she saw Hua wake up from a serious injury and step into the confused road alone again.

Well, Alicia admitted, she had never had such a strong urge to stab a person off than she did today.

Damn it! Such a cute junior as Hua should be pampered by everyone like Grace Xiu!

St. Freia's College, inside the dormitory ——

The atmosphere of saber rattling was all directed at Otto.

Everyone looked at Teresa and hung up the communication, and couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

"I'm sorry, Urandale said, and she doesn't know where the bishop is now. Now the things of destiny are handled by amber. "

Kiana gritted her teeth, "Hmph - the abominable Otto, he must be hiding with a weak heart!" Better not let Miss Ben see him! Otherwise, otherwise..."

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think of anything else, it was simply lonely.

No way, Kiana thought about it with her few little brains, the Destiny family has a great cause, and Otto is old and cunning.

Don't say give Otto a punch, even if others don't know where they are!

There was no way, but to continue to sit down and sulk alone.

"Kiana, don't be angry, come back and make you fried chicken to eat."

It turns out that food is still somewhat useful for foodies.

Especially when she couldn't find Otto, Kiana was ready to eat more to dissipate the depression in her heart.

The Void Law in the depths of consciousness has become accustomed to Kiana's actions, and it is not strange.... Probably.

Can this idiot pay for the Otto knife?

The Void Law still thinks that the possibility of Otto staging me to kill myself will be a little higher.

Kneeling, the Void Lawyer floats in the void, his gaze drawn to Cylene, another world on the screen.

She remembered the last time Celine from another world appeared, it was when Ragnarok made Kiana a lawyer.

"Me in another world, let me see what role you play."

Unlike Celine of Honkai III, Cylene of Honkai II first appeared in a border town in Siberia.

The Void Lawyer frowned, realizing that something was a little wrong.

[In a small town on the border of Siberia in the Soviet Union, Celine, a blind girl, lives with her mother.

Although life is difficult, her mother still paints a beautiful picture of the world for Celine.

Celine dreams of being able to see the beautiful world and her mother.

Until the day when the collapse comes.....].


Silence, a long silence, silence is tonight's Cambridge.

"Damn it—how is it a tragic story!"

Alicia let out a mournful cry, can you stop stabbing Celine, this lovely child.

If Celine had grown up with her mother like herself, she might have become a new human lawyer.

But there are no ifs.

Celine in her own world, Celine in Ragnarok, plus Celine this time...

Alicia wondered if the world had any deep hatred with the Second Law named Celine.

Three times.... Three times in a whole time... Honkai, is this looking at Kiana and Celine, these two people don't let go!?

In the Promised Land's own area, the flames burning on Qianji's body became even more intense.

"How! Honkai will also be unusable! Catching a poor innocent child is simply scum——! Scum ——! "

Brother Robber's vocabulary is not very sufficient, and he scolds and curses only those few words.

Grace's hand that drew did not stop, she wanted to draw a picture and give it to Sister Celine.

ps: Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for rewards. Finally wrote about the little angel.

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