"Of course, compared to those, I am Zigfei's daughter, Teresa's niece, Lauderdale's sister, Himeko's student, and a friend of Nha Yi, Bronia, Fu Hua and others. "


"Kevin's descendants."

Faced with his question, finally Yankiana answered everything she knew. 】

Kiana of St. Freya Academy looked at the complete answer of Qiana, and her heart was slightly more grounded.

Since the future self will answer like this, it must be because everyone recognized her.

Clench my fists, since that's the case, I'm also Kiana, and I definitely can't lose!

Since what Kiana can do in the future, she will definitely be able to do herself!

"But then again, the strongest Valkyrie of Heaven's Destiny, Yulandale, turned out to be my sister!"

Kiana was a little crazy, and she couldn't understand why Yourandel would become her sister!

"Could it be that in the future, I recognized Youlandale as a righteous sister!?"

Kiana wondered.

Compared to Kiana, Bronia is much calmer, "According to your future statement, you are an extension of Celine, an experimental subject created by Otto, the bishop of destiny, in that case, is there a possibility that the daughter Kiana Caslana born to Siegfried and Cecilia is the current Yulandel." "

Although saying this hurts Kiana's heart, based on rational judgment, this kind of thing blindly concealed and evaded will not have a good result.

Instead of causing a series of troubles because of this matter later, it is better to spread it out now.

"However, the Kiana we know is you, stupid Kiana, you should not sneak your nose."

Bronia has a hard mouth and a soft heart, and as Kiana's friend, she will naturally worry about the other party's psychological condition.

"Hmph - little man, Miss Ben won't sneak her nose."

Having said that, Kiana still felt that her nose was a little sour.

Kiana is not as stupid as she seems, she is just too lazy to get up, in fact, she is a gentle and sensitive girl.

Bronia's kindness, of course she knew.

"Kiana, since you will use the title of sister in the future, this shows that the future Youlandale actually agrees with you and has no opinion on your name."

"So, no problem, you are you."

Teresa tries to get Kiana not to care too much about it, but in fact, it is Teresa who cares the most.

She didn't expect that it turned out that Otto didn't lie to her, Cecilia's real daughter Kiana was okay, and as brave as her mother, not only became the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny, but also like Cecilia, she was recognized by the Black Abyss White Flower.

[Under everyone's gaze, the white figure asked the second question.

"-Why are you here?"

"This....... Asking why? Or do you say... Wishes?" Kiana was a little puzzled.

But she gave what she thought was the answer.

"Hmm....... A long, long time ago, my wish was to find my father. "

"After entering Saint Freya, my wish is to become the strongest S-class Valkyrie."

"At some point when I left campus, my desire was to go back in time."

"Now, my wish is to bring this imperfect story closer to perfection."

"Just like in the old days, people learned to make fire in order to obtain cooked food and ward off beasts. In order to solve the dilemma at hand, in order to make our wishes come true, I will come to you. "

"But if you stretch the scale of time..."

Whether it is "fire" or "ultimate power", they will eventually become the most ordinary part of people's lives, and they can be seen everywhere. And human life will therefore make more progress towards the "future". "

"So, I came for this, to be a bolt of lightning that struck a tree."

"And what can humans create with the "fire" on dead trees..."

"Let's wait and see."

White figure: "-Why are you doing this?"

"Ha, I can't imagine that your "why" actually has two ways to ask."

The corners of Kiana's mouth rose, and her tone was a little light.

Kiana: "To be honest, every "human being in action" doesn't think too much about this question. "

"Because the answer has always been within their reach and in sight."

"Because the world raised me; Because before me, there were people who kept moving forward to make the world a better place, to make the people who helped him happier. "

"They taught me to be strong and persistent; They gave me the courage to move forward; They told me what love is and what is good; They are the same ones who have accompanied me to this day. "

"Although many times, we never knew each other and never met."

"But who's to say that you've never been helped by 'them'?"

"Therefore, even if it is not me who is standing in front of you today, there will be another person who will appear and come for "them."

"And the other she will definitely show exactly the same will as I am at this moment——!

"The world gives us life—"

"But only by burning it can we get our own value."

Kiana's voice echoed through the space, and such an answer was something she had experienced for this girl in her life.

It was also her words from the bottom of her heart.

........ Silence for a moment.

Then "He" asked the last question.

Except for the future Kiana herself, no one knows what the problem is.

The moment she heard this question, Kiana had already given an answer.

Kiana: "I don't need to say that!"

"Of course I do..."

"Fight for all the good in the world."

This is the reason she has always believed in, and it is the reason why she has always acted.

I want to make the story a little more perfect, I want to make this imperfect story what I want it to be.

Fight for all the good in the world!

Blessings to all the good in the world!

"He" stepped forward, seemingly smiling and not answering.

And the moment "he" stands—

Something poured into the body and resounded in the spirit.

Kiana said, "Sure enough, you're just a mirror." "

"Or to say........ You are me. "

"Face the truest self.... Is this the qualification to undertake the "final end"?"

With a twinkle in her eyes, Kiana faced her truest self and said all the truth in her heart and the reason for acting.

And this is also the reason why she is recognized by the final cocoon.

Kiana: "It seems that we are finally on the same starting line as Kevin. "

"Although his way is close to "stealing", "Cocoon" still recognizes him and looks forward to seeing the victor among us."

"-In that case, it's hard not for us to win beautiful!"

Kiana, Raiden Bud Yi, Bronia Zajček.

The three stood side by side, staring ahead, as if looking through distant time and space to the hero who had the symbol of salvation.

Raiden Bud Yi: "Of course. After all, we, like Kevin, each represent an era. "

"Because of all the coincidences.... Compared to ordinary people, we have taken one step forward and are therefore in the spotlight. "

"We have indeed become lawyers, but we are still human."

"The next thing we have to do is to carry out the "human will" throughout and have a final confrontation with the "gatekeeper"."

Bronia: "Humans are a truth-seeking species. Everyone grows gradually in the search for truth. "

"Yes, we will make mistakes, we will go astray."

"But the human will is also manifesting here—"

"If you make a mistake, correct it. Go astray, just turn back. Although the sinful karma of the past cannot be changed..."

"But as long as we have the present, we can still build tomorrow."

Raiden Bud Yi: "The origin is an end..."

Kiana: "The end is also a beginning. "

Bronia: "Even truth is not eternal—so the search for truth is a never-ending process." "

Kiana: "It's not a game between the three of us and Kevin. This is the struggle of all mankind against destiny. "

Raiden Bud Yi: "Inherited from the "past"......."

Bronia: "Crossing the "now"..."

Kiana: "Until...."The future!"

This is what they have chosen, the path to tomorrow!

Fight for the future of humanity! 】

"The lawyers of the new era are really cute."

Alicia hummed an unknown tune with gusto, and if she could, she really wanted to meet these lawyers.

"Ha - this broken place is a servant, who do they say to!?"

The irascible old brother Qianji is as violent as ever, but the spit is also sharp.

"Thousand Tribulations, don't say that~ They are facing their true selves."

Grace: "So, why fight with Uncle Kevin?" Uncle Kevin is a good guy. "

Kevin: "............."

Pardophyllis: "But fighting with Boss Kevin, in a sense, is really bold." "

Staring at the three lawyers, the memory Kevin was silent.

It's not that he is arrogant, he knows from their conversations that they are now running the same line as himself.

But whether it was Kiana, who became the final lawyer, or whether they stood at the starting line together, Kevin had no way of knowing.

But in a sense, Kevin thinks that he will never lose at the same level.

If you want to defeat yourself, it is not easy to rely on the three of them.

Maybe it's possible, but it's a little less likely.

"I'm a descendant of Kevin, and now I'm going to fight Kevin with Bud Yi and Bronia, so I'm going to fight with my ancestor!?"

Kiana herself was serious, looking at her thoughtful look and thinking that she was going to say something, but it turned out to be this question.

It can only be said that Kiana's focus is different from ordinary people!

Bronia: "In a sense, it is. "

Teresa: "Ha, what is this, ancestors and their own unworthy descendants!" "

Teresa, who was made in Kalien's genes, is also a descendant of Kevin.

As Kiana's aunt, she doesn't think she will stand by while Kiana beats Kevin, and it is very likely that she will also help her eldest niece to beat her ancestors.

"However, we still don't know why the future Kiana will fight with Kiana's ancestor Kevin." "

Kiana: "Could there be some misunderstanding between us and our ancestors?" "

Raiden Bud Yi: "Compared to misunderstandings, I always feel that it is a disagreement." "

In the dark, Leidian Bud Yi felt that this was the right answer.

"Oh, what's the use of thinking so much, isn't there a big cut anyway! Let's see the future Miss Ben show her strength, defeat the old ancestor Kevin, and let him agree with our will! "

"Stupid Kiana, it's simple to say, but I don't know if I can beat it."

"Abominable! Miss Ben will be the ultimate lawyer in the future! How can there be no reason to win! "

"Although I don't want to interrupt your fantasy eldest niece, in a sense, I know from the mouth of the future that Kevin himself also has the power of the Ultimate Lawyer, which means that you are both on the same level. But then again, in the future, your cultural class results are already so good, so eloquent! "

"Hmph - Miss Ben is an extremely clever Valkyrie!"

"If I hadn't graded your test paper every day and knew your score, I would have almost believed it!"

"Teacher Himeko, the exam paper this time was changed by the class leader, and you were drunk that day."

Raiden Bud Yi reminded weakly, in exchange for Himeko's embarrassed smile.

Although they all want to know what the battle between the three lawyers and Kevin is like, it is a pity that this video is not released.

This made Otto, who wanted to refer to combat power, a little disappointed.

Kevin in the Quantum Sea is still indifferent, and for him, the future is not equal to the present.

Even if they are eligible to stand on the same starting line as themselves in the future, it does not mean that they can get their own recognition now.

Without experiencing any tribulations, the flowers in the greenhouse are difficult to bear the burden.

PS: New books are in storage, ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for tips.

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