[The reflection of the projector on the movie screen slightly illuminates the items in the secret room——

There are several rolls of motion picture film on the floor and several suction bottles on the table. The cap had been opened, along with several used syringes, cotton swabs stained with complex iodine, blood-stained bandages.

Wendy hugged her knees. Sit on the bed and stare at the curtain.

"What do you mean when you say that some people are not worthy of being people~?"

Dressed in rags, wearing only a white shirt that covered the base of her legs, and long hair hanging down the sides of her calves, Wendy's godless eyes stared ahead, and asked blankly.

"I explained it during the day."

"I forgot." Lowering her eyes, Wendy was absent-minded.

"Very simple truth, again-"

"Everyone has their own essence, and the essence between people is up and down."

"The superior is destined to be noble. The inferior is destined to be lowly. "

"Lowly people have many characteristics, such as hair that is too long to take care of, likes low-grade entertainment, bad skin, is poor and does not work hard or blindly, does not accept the education of the upper class..."

"These inferior people are not worthy of being people, they are just consumables dressed in human form."

"So the superior dominates the inferior. Very natural truth. "

"Do you know what you are?"

To the man's surprise, Wendy didn't answer as he thought.

Just looking at the curtain, Wendy's eyes showed a little unbearable: "It feels a little cruel." "


"Pyle is pathetic."

"Ahhh, the plot in the movie?"

The man narrowed his eyes, looked at Wendy, raised his hand, and made a gesture to the person next to him, but his mouth did not pause.

"No, Wendy."

Doctor see order. Stick the syringe around Wendy's neck.

"Pyle is a pariah who steals food, and his comrades are punished by instructors, and the clown is angry."

"So Pyle didn't shoot the instructor in the end and chose to commit suicide."

"It turns out . . . So..." With her eyes wide open, Wendy's godless eyes lost their color.

The doctor stood aside, writing and drawing in a notebook, recording Wendy's condition, "Memory impairment. Impairment of consciousness. Organic anxiety...."

"If you don't punish you again..." the doctor said with some hesitation.

"It's okay, people who come to the island are good at this."

The man stopped the doctor's mouth with an indifferent tone.

Turning his head and looking at Wendy on the bed.

"So, do you know what you are?"

"I am..... inferior....."

"Unworthy to be human."

"Not human."

The man nodded, a smile on his face, and seemed quite satisfied with Wendy's answer.

"That's right."

"That said, you don't have to feel cruel."

"Even if you are born an inferior being. Once you learn to accept, there will be many, many happy things waiting for you. "

"Yes, yes..."

"Oh, isn't this a guest."

"You can have fun with your guests."

The man left, and Wendy sat dumbfounded on the bed, shrouded in darkness.

"Wendy!" The girl's anxious cries pierced through the darkness and loomed in Wendy's ears.

"There seems to be some sound..."

"I seem to have forgotten something again."

"Forget it....."

"None of that matters."

"No, Wendy. Nope"

"Hurry up and wake up. Wendy. Don't go over there."


The body seems to be dissolving........

Now I...

I don't know happiness, I don't know sadness.

The superior dominates the inferior,

After all, it is........ Taken for granted.

Not cruel at all.

In the dark, Wendy closed her eyes, she had given up the struggle, and now she didn't want to do anything. 】

"Wendy! Can't give up! "

Wendy's past in another world is revealed, and although she has an extreme dislike for the two hateful men in her heart, her concern for Wendy in the other world is the first.

Wendy, who watched the other world fly freely like a bird, chose to wait quietly for death as if her wings had been broken.

This kind of thing - "Abominable! Cheer me up! Past things, does it matter to have Totoli! "

In New Zealand, Wendy's eyes are filled with worries about another self.

Teresa: "This scene, it seems to be in Totoli's memories before, when the cinema was there!" At that time, Wendy was also like now, and she couldn't wake up no matter how she screamed! "

In St. Freya's Academy, Kiana had a sense of immediacy about Wendy's current situation, and now listening to Teresa's words, she also reacted.

"Abominable! It was said before that Wendy's voice in her head urged Wendy to attack the fleet, and now that Wendy is dead, does the other party still want to do something while Wendy has no resistance! "

Raiden Bud Yi frowned, "The future is uncertain now, and now Miss Wendy looks like she is in pain." "

Kiana: "It's really abominable, those two guys, what superior people dominate the inferior people, it's best not to let Miss Ben see it, otherwise one shot at a time!" "

Since childhood, this kind of perversion, Kiana has not seen a lot!

You can also understand how miserable it is for a girl like Wendy, who has been raised in captivity since she was a child, and her common sense has been distorted.

The more I think about it, the more angry I become, but it's useless to be angry, it's really angry with Kiana!

She could only sit here, sulking, powerless about what was happening or had not happened or happened in another world.

[- Too virtual front, front line.

When the Wind Lawyer calmly accepted the fate of death for Totori, and the news of the Wind Lawyer's death made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, the mutation burst out.

I saw that the sky began to darken, and huge incomprehensible creatures appeared in front of everyone from the sky.

Although suspended motionless in the air, it emitted some kind of monster-like moan.

It makes people think that it is actually a living creature.

And the same thing it has descended all over the world. It is called divine punishment.

People inevitably take it and a man dressed up a certain religion a few days ago. Linked to the quirky speeches he makes.

"I will ask the great gods to come and grant you true evolution"

What is this person talking about. Is the brain okay?"

But when the life that you take for granted is broken by tragedy after tragedy -

People know - the past will never come back.

"Call Commander"

"This is Situ." Connecting the communication, Situ Jinghong's face was full of heaviness.

"Nope. Checkmate. Saturation fire attacks have no effect on the target"

"Collapse fission bomb too?" Situ Jinghong asked in disbelief.

"No collapse energy is detected from the surface of the object."

"High energy reaction in the subject's head"

"Strong white light, don't look directly, don't look straight-"

"Report on your location"

The soldier's communication stopped abruptly, and Situ Jinghong's tone was a little anxious, and a bad premonition surged in his heart.

Until the appearance of Phymilis.

Femilis: "The biological signal has disappeared.... Strongholds throughout Area D. All evaporated...."

Situ Qinghong: "Evaporation? What was the attack just now?"

"Through image analysis by the observation machine, the object emits high-energy rays from the head, releasing energy equivalent to 35 billion tons of TNT equivalent..."

"Put the entire D zone, together with all the mountains nestled in ....."

"Evaporation into gas."

Femilis and Situ Jinghong, fell into a brief silence.

"If this continues, the entire Tai Void Mountain Range will be razed to the ground——"


Femia's words were tantamount to a blow in the head, almost crushing the human being.

"Is there any progress in its analysis?"

"Spectral analysis shows that the substances that compose it do not correspond to any of the substances known to man..."

"No collapse energy can be detected on the surface of the object."

"So..... Can't parse..." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"This is Zone T, where the rock formation dissolves and the atmospheric stabilization device fails. Snowmelt in the mountains is gasifying. Temperature rise"

"Detected a spatial crack above the Tai Void Front, and a large number of unidentified collapsed creations gushed out, orders of magnitude above ten million"

"So, what the hell is that?"

"The Law of the Wind strikes repeatedly, the Law of the Wind strikes"

"She is slaughtering our soldiers, aaaaaa

"Hasn't her strength been exhausted? Why is it still—"

Situ Qinghong: "......... Is this the true power of the will to crumble?"

"Otto......... Is that what you want to see?"

Phimilis: "Anyway, let me think of something first"

"Everyone must live"

Compared to the ambiguous concept -

Disasters take on a more tangible form.

The so-called gods. It doesn't have to be something that responds to people's expectations and hopes.

Bring simple destruction to the world.

Then people pray and thirst. Bow. Submit to....


Perhaps this is the nature of God. 】

In an instant, all the mountains turned into gas, tens of millions of broken creations, and resurrected wind lawyers.

In the quantum sea, Kevin's eyes were heavy, but he couldn't stop being horrified in his heart.

Although they use some means to give themselves the authority of the final lawyer, this cannot resist the horror in his heart, because this is not the means of the final lawyer, but the real broken will.

Looking at the still monster in the sky, Kevin was confused in his heart, why, would the Honkai Creation have no Honkai reaction?

But he reacted quickly, as if it were a tragedy in the first place.

Everything that Honkai does is unreasonable, because Honkai itself is a truth.

["Call the Tai Void Front, we are the Valkyrie Force, and we need to support the repeated attack of the Air-Specialized Avalanche Creature Array——"

"Damn, why can't I get in touch"

"A huge number of unknown Avalanche creations were observed in the rear, covering the entire sky?"

"Those glowing clouds.... Are they all made of them?"

Kumar: "Wow, wow, there's fire everywhere," the girl in the orange bear puppet suit shouted in some panic.

"Only one engine is left working, and the damage to the body has reached 80%"

Aisha: "Himeko, Huihuo, wake up quickly"

Kumar: "Obviously the travelers are awake, why can they still sleep so soundly!" "

Traveler: "It's the stigmata anomaly, I was just lucky." "

"After all, who can explain the stigmata thing clearly."

Valkyrie squad member: "We need support, call too virtual battle line repeated-"

Aisha: "The enemy is all solved. "

Valkyrie squad member: "Power restored, start the crash landing now." "

Kumar: "Forced landing? Mountains everywhere. Where is the forced landing?"

Traveler: "I don't know, there will always be, right?"

Phymilis: "Connected"

"Follow my instructions, dive towards the specified coordinates"

"Trust me. Aren't we partners in inverse entropy?"

Seeing Kumar's inquiring eyes, the traveler gave a thumbs up.


——Taihuan Front, Central Headquarters Base. Seventh Airport.

"Yes, saved" Kumar patted his chest, it was a great blessing to have successfully forced a landing.

"Whew... Our spaceship is also not saved...."

Traveler: "It's a blessing that only the spaceship was not saved." Everyone is alive, and Himeko and Kaihuo are fine. "

Aisha: "When I was outside the battleship just now, I saw a large sea of fire down..."

"And that oversized unidentified object."

"It seems that Otto succeeded."

Everyone had a heavy look on their faces, and they all understood what Aisha meant by success.

The Broken God was summoned by Otto.

Phimilis: "The teleportation coordinates are being calculated, the location is-ah, I forgot, I said that the numerical value Celine can't understand." "

"See, this is it?"

The space tore apart, and two people fell from it.

"It hurts Toli, are you all right?"

Gritting her teeth, it was Teresa who had just jumped into the air with Totoli in front of the wind puppet.

"Aisha? Why are you here? Who is the person next to you?"

"I want to ask the same question."

Aisha and Teresa look at each other, and both of them are confused about the identity of the traveler and Kumar.

"The greetings after the meeting will become very long, so I will talk about it later"

Phimilis appeared in front of them and looked at them with a smile.

"Director Situ, Fabei's troops, and the other Valkyries are still on the front line, what is it to do on such a large scale..."

Then her voice stopped, and she was speaking to the other girl next to her, her tone anxious and a little worried.

"No, no, Celine, you must not force yourself to rest."

Situ Jinghong's communication was inserted, and the message was very brief.

"We're not coming back."

"According to the calculus route. That giant Avalanche creature is advancing towards headquarters. "

Being on the front line, Situ Jinghong looked at the huge Collapsed Creation, his face full of worry and determination.

"The words of the headquarters lost . Too virtual front is all over. So we have to hold it off. "

Teresa: "But at the same time, there is the Law of the Wind..."

Situ Qinghong replied very crisply, "It can be said that there is no chance of victory. "

"The enemy is far more powerful than strategy can maneuver."

"Plus you guys in the rear too. So don't come to support us. "

Teresa: "It's tantamount to using a praying arm as a car..."

Situ Qinghong: "But we must also hold them back." "

After waiting for a while, there was no sound on the other side, and Situ Jinghong grabbed his messy long hair, with a smile on his face.

"Hi. It seems to be too serious~"

Situ Jinghong's decision to give them a little spiritual encouragement.

"You are the most professional Honkai force in the world."

"And according to Femiah's intelligence, the Valkyries named Himeko, Radiance and Aisha are the combat power of the first echelon."

Teresa sighed.

"I guess you're going to hold the enemy in front."

"And I'm going to command everyone. Work out the Annihilation of the Giant Collapsed Creation. As well as the battle plan of the Wind Lawyer, defeat turned into victory. "

Shenzhou soldier: "General. This is the central headquarters. "

"The civilian retreat route was intercepted by Honkai Creatures. It will not be possible to complete the evacuation work in the short term. They can only be temporarily left at the central headquarters base. "

"According to the calculations of the Taihu Lab, it is expected that after 12 hours. At 5 a.m., the giant Avalanche Creation will arrive at the central headquarters base. "

Situ Qinghong: "Understood....."

"12 hours, that's time for us."

"Try it?"

Teresa: "It's too hard for strong people, right...?" "

General Situ had a smile on his face, and Delisa's reaction was within his expectations.

However, there is no problem, as a qualified commander, General Situ has the confidence and ability to convince Teresa.

And Teresa was indeed persuaded, although she said that it was difficult for a strongman, but she still followed this burden.

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