Mebius, like Fuhua, was attracted to the black box.

The love story of Otto and Karen is tragic, but for Mebius, she has seen the destruction of the world.

This pretentious love and misunderstanding tragedy, she does not care at all.

In contrast, the importance of the lawbreaker is obvious.

Once, she asked Hua to steal the black box that sealed the Law Eclipser for experimentation.

She and Hua are both experimented individuals, but Hua's experiment is more successful.

Or that the law eroders showed kindness to Hua, did not attack, and it was unimaginably smooth.

"Hmm... Should I say that Sakura died a long time ago and didn't know about this? "

Mebius's gaze crossed the screen, not knowing what he was thinking about, and his fingers tapped ~ on the table.

Perhaps she was thinking about how the black box she deliberately broke was discovered by the Mandate of Heaven, or why the Law Eroders broke through the seal and escaped at that time.

[When Karen was brought back to trial, she went so far as to say that she was in love with the like-lawyer.

This infuriated the churchmen, and Karen was imprisoned and soon executed by her.

When Kalien's verdict was handed down, Otto, the anxious man, racked his brains with all his strength, just to give the saint a chance to live.

So he can only go to his father, as long as he relaxes, he will definitely let Karen survive.

Otto's father seemed to have known his intentions, and looking at his young son, the bishop of Destiny turned his back.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

The old man's voice was exhausted.

The aftermath of the failure of the Mandate of Heaven Crusade has not disappeared, and Kaslanna's youngest daughter has handed over another scandal.

In the history of thousands of years, the three major families have never been so embarrassed, and the Castle Council will never give up. "

"Bringing down the Kaslana family is only the first step, and the nobles will make a big fuss about this case.

Their aim is to destroy the system in which the three families share power and force us to cede power to parliament – which must not be allowed. "

The old man paused, and his gaze fell on the young Sanzi with deep meaning.

"Kalien, Kaslana must die."

Although it was expected, Otto. Apocalis still felt as if he had been hit hard, and suddenly felt the sky spinning.

This is because the woman he loved has been sentenced to death,

It is also because he has sought all the means he can think of, and all the people he can think of,

Finally, he reluctantly came to his biological father, but opened his mouth to intercede but was refused.

Karen must die.

These words turned into heavy weights, constantly falling against Otto's heart, wanting to press it lower, lower.

He thought about these six words, not even paying attention to what his father was saying.

"I'm old.

Nicholas. Apocalis, the most powerful man in all of Europe, said slowly.

"As we get older, people become faint and make big mistakes without knowing it. The fiasco of the expedition should have been a wake-up call for me, but I hesitated - instead of retreating, I dropped the handle.

The responsibility for this menacing impeachment of the three major families lies with me. "

"After Kaslanna's execution, I will retire from the old age, which will satisfy the wishes of the Castle Council, but it will also catch them by surprise.

"But the question is—who will succeed as the bishop of Heavenly Destiny?"

“.... The most ideal heir died. "

"My Ferdinando. If he were still alive, the failure of the crusade would never have affected him. Fapien? My second son, Seri Rin, is a Kaslana at heart

And you, Otto . . ."

Suddenly hearing his name awakened Otto from his trance.

He looked at his elderly father,

I was surprised to see a hint of warmth on his face that had never been shown to him before.

"You, Otto.

Think that I usually don't care much for you, so I underestimate you because of this? No, you are my son anyway. "

"Of all the children, you are the most complex..."

"Inheriting the intelligence of your mother Sabrace, I learned a little bit of power from me, and the part of the owl is very much like your grandfather Frank."

"People say you're weak and incompetent, but that's obviously not the case."

"Your great achievements during the Black Death plague are enough to prove your ability."

"But Ming said, you want to appoint the Archbishop, you are not qualified."

Otomo was silent.

He vividly remembers that at the last family meeting, Nicholas himself said that the throne would be passed to him.

But Otto also understood his father, it was just casual talk, if he really believed, it was only himself who was unlucky.

He waited for his father's next words.

"I will put this seat,"

Nicholas. Apocalis continued,

"Passed to Ferdinand's eldest son, Marcel. The child was only sixteen years old, and he had a heart of iron and stone, and his wrists were calm and sophisticated. "

"Your mother and I, along with Fapian and Lisa, will retire together, which will paralyze the castle council into thinking that we have handed over the core power, and when they find out that Marcel is not a little prince but a male lion, they will not be able to return to heaven."

"Your mother and I both agree: this is the best decision, except for a little accident. It is this accident that allows you to stay here and listen to the conditions I have laid for you. "

Nicholas took a step forward, and the archbishop exuded a stunning majesty, making the air in the entire room seem to freeze.


The old man said solemnly,

"It is already the biggest hidden danger of the Mandate of Heaven and even the three major families.

Today, Kaslana is no longer our strong ally.

If Francis were still alive, he would never have let his precious daughter fall into such a field, and the castle council would not want to ride on our heads. "

"Unfortunately, there are no ifs..."

"Francis is dead, and his wonderful sons and daughters have fallen in plagues and expeditions, and there is no successor.

The current head of the family, Luca, does not have his brother's talents, just a dying sick dog. One Kaslanna, the traditional third family,

If we don't put it back under our control,

Sooner or later, this vital point will become the Achilles' heel of destiny. "

I see.

Otto Apocalis understood.

In the final analysis, Otto is not important, Karen is not important, what matters is only the marriage contract, which allows Apocalis to easily seize the marriage contract of the Kaslana family.

A calculating fox.......

In just a split second, Otto had already figured out everything and the consequences.

Looking at his father again, Otto clenched his fists, now he was in front of his father, those so-called intrigues were really weak.

Moreover, the real weakness has long been known.

So, Bishop Nicholas smiled ambitiously: "Otto, my son... Next, I'm going to open you a bid code, a price you can't refuse:

Karin. Kaslanna's little life. "

"And my request will also be a request that you have no reason to refuse, I want you to marry Karen and Kaslana."

"By any means, you must make her fulfill her original engagement.

In return, I'll keep Karin, hand over the position of head of the family to you, and clean up Luca for you, it's as simple as that. "

With his father's words in his ears, Otto had a dream-like feeling.

Looking ahead in confusion, Otto had mixed tastes in his heart.

How strange, he couldn't help but think so.

A lifelong dream is just around the corner,

The right time and place are the right people to gather

The flow of cause and effect wraps the tide of time,

It actually pushed him to a coveted result:

Persecute him, Otto. Apocalis and the woman he loved

Get married.

But he wasn't happy at all. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because he knew it wasn't what Karen Kaslana wanted.

"Fulfill your marriage contract with me, you know me... I won't let you die. "

In the darkness, within his reach, is the untouchable Kalien. Kaslanna.

“... Destiny does not care whether I live or die, nor does it care about my relationship with you. I promised you that I would be a hostage to the Bishop to control the Kaslanna's household. "

After leaving Otto, Karin, who fled in exile, was also forced to grow up, and now she is no longer the little girl who didn't understand anything.

Dirty politics is just an unwillingness to think, but it is a simple and understandable truth, the bishop of destiny, Otto's father, will never save himself for no reason.

Even if there is one less Valkyrie of herself, there will be the legion of Destiny next.

Then the only one who has a plot is the Kaslana family.

“... Right. "

Otto didn't lie, because that's exactly what it is.

Otto lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Kalien's eyes.

None of this was what they wanted, but if he could keep Karen alive, he would rather let Karen hate himself.

"But so what? Since this marriage contract is just a pretense, it can also be just a pretense in the future. It is important that: You live. Kalien, as long as you live...."

On the other side of the iron fence, came Kalien's unwavering speech:

"Maybe it's important to be alive.....

But betraying his heart and playing a pawn, is this really alive? I don't think that way of living is nobler than death. "


He already knew what she was going to say, even every word she was going to say... But he did not accept, did not accept

In order to fulfill the wish she had said as a child, he had done so many things that she would not agree with and would not agree to, so why not do it again?

Isn't this time more noble than any previous one? He was there to save her life

.... But he didn't do anything.

His hands gripped the cold iron fence as if they were connected to it.

"You go back and tell Bishop Nicholas that Karen refused his request. It was her own decision. "

"I cannot agree with what Destiny has done, I spurn the dark heart of Destiny draped in the cloak of glory, and I will never bow my knees to save my life. Karin. Kaslana would rather die, this is my struggle, it's just.......... Fight. "

Otto. Apocalis lowered his head in silence, "... I understand, Kalien.... I really, understand. "

The silent rain fell on the atrium, fine and invisible, like smoke in a fire.

"But I won't let you die. No matter what means you use, whether you promise or not, I will never let you die. "

There was silence on death row for a long time.

On the other side of the darkness, Karen Huer smiled softly:

"Thank you for being my great inventor...."


Somewhere "clicked" a sound, as if heartbreak.

He waited. Thought she still had something to say, just like him. He has so much, so much to say.

But this silence was longer, shorter, and more complete than the last. There seemed to be no need for words between the two.

"Do you carry wine? If I want to have a drink, just have a drink. "

The dark red liquid flowed into the container, and Karen shook the wine glass gently, a little surprised: "Is this the bottle of red wine I gave you?"


“... That's nice. "

Karin. Kaslana drank the wine in her glass, and without speaking, the glass turned into mist and dissipated.

"Maybe in some world..."

The last words Otto did not hear, because he had already left the place and fled.

Soon after, the Archbishop of Destiny died suddenly, which surprised Otto and was glad that Kalien's death sentence had been temporarily suspended.

"What's wrong, my good brother? Shouldn't it be time for our father to keep a vigil in church?"

“...... So why are you here. Sister Lisa. "

“...... Because I hate that old man and don't want to pretend there, is that okay?"

"My father was poisoned. I know who the murderer is. "

“... Oh? Who is it, I really want to know. "

"Let the temptation to ask knowingly end here."

"You need the throne of the Mandate Bishop... And I need to close a deal. "

As for his father, Kaslana is what he is plotting, so he will take the marriage contract and let himself marry her.

But for her sister, Kalien's life and death are dispensable!

This gave Otto a chance, but it was also a more dangerous signal.

"Kalien. Kaslanna, right? You really like her." "

"It's a pity that she will be hanged tomorrow, under the dangling rope into a corpse that will never wake up."

"And she did it voluntarily, didn't she?"

“.... It was we who drove her into this corner. Each of us is guilty. "

"Well, I know you don't want her to die."

"But what are you going to trade with me? Her death sentence was passed by our parents and the parliament. "

"Since our father can be murdered like this, then I believe that you must also have a way to rescue Kalien."

Otto is convinced of this, after all, his father is much more difficult to kill than Kalien.

"When this is done, we promise to fly away - we will not covet the position of bishop you value."

“....... You seem to have some truth in saying that. "

"But ah, my good brother, even if the previous bishop is dead, the next bishop cannot revoke such an important death sentence in a hurry."

"It's about that person's prestige in a particular circle... Do you understand?"

“....... You are reluctant to help me. "

"Oh, don't worry, Otto, Apocalis."

"I didn't say I wasn't going to let you live?"

"Just... Are you willing to get your hands dirty....."

So, Otto Apocalis finally made the stupidest move of his life.

Cornered on the day of the execution, he released the Broken Beast on the execution ground.

He tried to take advantage of the chaos to take Karin, but he still underestimated Kalien's determination.

In the end, Karen Kaslana lost her life while protecting the population.

The loss of his loved one turns Otto's world gray again.

Unwilling, he tried to chase Kalien's shadow.

Trying to make this not good world what she wanted

He sounded the clarion call of revolution with his ingenuity and cleansed the decaying remnants with his hands

The people praised his feats, and the warriors admired his resourcefulness.

When the cheers of victory echoed in the silent church hall.

Otto couldn't help but ask himself, so....... Is that enough?

For hundreds of years that followed, the hole in Otto's heart was not filled in the slightest.

And the only answer that can bridge it is -

Resurrect your beloved, the holy daughter of the people.

Resurrect Karen Kaslana. on].

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