But Otto on the other side is not as worried as Walter.

After all, people will grow, and the good qualities Teresa possesses will make her a gentle and kind person.

Her own path was not suitable for her at all, so Otto never thought about what would happen after Teresa from the beginning.

Anyway, the Mandate of Heaven has a great cause, even if Teresa is defeated, at that time he himself is dead, where can he care about the aftermath.

"However, it seems that the little Teresa in the future has grown a lot."

Looking at Teresa, who is just as tough as Karen on the screen, Otto is very relieved.

Void Manzo and Otto don't deal with each other, anyway, he can make Otto unhappy.

"Do you need me to remind you that she was forced to grow up because of whose evil deeds?"

Not surprisingly, Otto's gratifying smile froze for a moment.

[When Hyperion arrives at the old Mandate headquarters, Korosten, the person who came to receive him was an unexpected figure.

Looking at the girl with long blonde hair, everyone was a little surprised.

"Captain of the Immortal Blade, Lauderdale, on the order of Bishop Otto Apocaris, is here to welcome Lord Teresa Apocaris of the Far Eastern Branch."

Teresa: "You're welcome, Lauderdale. You probably know that the current situation is very complicated, so I will jump right into the question. "

"Does the bishop have any arrangements for what comes next? Where are the clues to the core of the lawyer?"

Lauderdale did not hide that she herself was a knight of Geng Zhi, and would only tell the truth, "The bishop said that he was sorting out the aftermath of his resignation, and he lacked skills. He ordered me to do my best to assist you in exploring this area infested by the core of the Dominated Law. "

"Also, the bishop had previously contacted the Tree of Imaginary Numbers with the help of the remnants of the Dominion Theater and the Second Divine Key Thousand Realms."

He speculated that perhaps because of something like that before, the nearby area was associated with the core of the lawyer.

"After all, after Vimmour's experimental field was destroyed by the World Snake, some of the supporting facilities of Thousand Worlds were transferred and placed in this old headquarters."

Tesla: "... Slow down"

Tesla's eyes widened and he grabbed a clue, "You, what did you just say?" Did Otto use the remnants of the Dominating Theater? When was that?"

Lauderdale was a little puzzled, but replied anyway, "A month ago." "

Einstein muttered, his eyebrows a little worried, "This time has been a long time since the Dominance Law was defeated. At least there is no way for reverse entropy to be able to enter the domination theater again.... Not to mention taking advantage of it. "

Lauderdale: "Maybe the bishop himself can answer your questions." However, at the moment I can't get in touch at all....."

“.... This is indeed very embarrassing, but it can also be said that it is the usual style of his work. "

Teresa expressed understanding.

"I don't blame you guys. Grandpa, he has always been so irresponsible. Especially..... While he was secretly calculating something. "

Lauderdale was noncommittal, "Maybe. But anyway, it was with his help that I reconnected the world bubble that I had protected back to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers..."

“.... I am only grateful to him for this. "

Einstein listened to Rendell's words next to him and fell into deep thought, "It is an impossible challenge to reconnect the world bubble back to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers." "

"However, we cannot speculate on Otto's true purpose in this matter at this stage....."

“.... Even though we can clearly sense that he is taking advantage of Miss Lauderdale. "】

Miss Randale of the Mandate Headquarters tilted her head in silence.

"I was used by the bishop?"

"If you think about it, since it is Bishop Otto, it is not an impossible fact that he is being used.

It's just that when I think of Teresa using the radio to reveal her whereabouts to Anti-Entropy before, now Bishop Otto is using himself again.

Miss Langdale felt frustrated.

Are you grandpa and grandchildren bullying honest people like this!?

In the Promised Land of the Past, Mebius's attention was attracted for a moment by the world bubble of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, and then there was little interest.

She remembered that the fire-chasing moth had also done such a study.

But this is not her research subject, no matter how much I don't know.

Einstein shifted his gaze to Lander again, "Miss Lauderdale, what do you mean when you say that the clues of the core of the Lawyer appeared near this old headquarters?"

Lauderdale: "Literally, I mean the anomaly of the space-time environment. The bishop believes that this anomaly is likely related to the out-of-control lawyer core. "

"And the core of the Law of Domination, whose whereabouts are unknown on this premise, is naturally our number one target of suspicion."

Tesla nodded thoughtfully, "It's not that you can't justify yourself - but it depends on what you mean by anomalies in the space-time environment." "

Lauderdale: "The specific situation remains to be investigated. However, from what we know so far... It seems that the space-time information of a certain historical period in the past is projected into our current space-time. "

Einstein was silent, but his eyes widened slightly

Tesla: "Oh, the spatiotemporal information of a certain historical period in the past is projected into our current space-time..."

Halfway through, Tesla jerked his reaction.

"Wait, are you talking about that space-time projection? The one that the head of the chicken nest has studied specifically?"

"Do you know what you're talking about yourself, Destiny S-Class Valkyrie?"

Einstein: "... To outsiders, you should call me Dr. Einstein, Dr. Tesla. "

"However, Miss Lauderdale, Tesla Botu does have a reason to gaffe like just now."

"In our real-world environment, bending space-time already requires quite powerful mass or energy, and space-time projection is even more so."

"In general, this situation is only possible on the other side of the singularity, in the depths of the Sea of Quanta or the Tree of Imaginary Numbers."

"In other words, without a very specific reason, this phenomenon would not have appeared on the surface of the earth."

"But... If what you said is true, Miss Lauderdale..."

"The worst inference is that this place will soon face another imaginary invasion after Changkong City."

Lauderdale: "Imaginary invasion." That is, the phenomenon that ordinary space is eroded by singularities and assimilated by imaginary space....."

"But the Mandate of Heaven does not observe the entity of the singularity like Changkong City, is this really possible?"

Tesla: "Quite simply, if this singularity happens to be the core of the so-called runaway lawyer, then its body may still remain in imaginary space." "

"If so, the current state is a delicate dynamic equilibrium ... Just like the steady state on the surface of the long short market in previous years. "

"If this fragile situation is out of balance, it will probably take a turn like a volcanic eruption."

"- Gee. How did I start helping that Otto justify himself? I don't have any empirical information on hand."

Tesla smacked his tongue unpleasantly, and he was uncomfortable at the thought of a certain Mandate bishop.

Einstein: "Anyway, if the situation with space-time projection is true... Then Bishop Otto really threw us a cauldron. "

"It's like the second breakdown."

Everyone was silent, the second collapse was a tragedy that no one wanted to remember.

Lauderdale coughed and drew everyone's attention to herself, "Everyone, since you have such serious concerns, how about using the current time and exploring the area where the anomaly occurs with me first?"

Lauderdale: "After all, whether it is destiny or anti-entropy... It is our duty to prevent the collapse. "

Teresa: ".... Truly. "

"However, you should be able to understand.... Because of the existence of a certain bishop, the allocation of troops on our side has many difficulties. "

"Well, Lauderdale, I'll go alone and check the situation with you first, what do you think?"

Tesla: "Hey, Teresa. Aren't you a little too risky?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Teresa shook her head, "It's okay. Even from the point of view of holding Destiny hostage, I am the most suitable person on the current Hyperion. "

Tesla hesitated, "This....."

Lauderdale. He nodded in understanding, indicating understanding.

“... I see. After a series of previous events, it is normal for Senior Teresa to have such concerns. "

"Then please also ask our civilian crew members to leave the Immortal Blade on the Hyperion so that the follow-up contact work can be carried out." I don't know what you think?"

Einstein looked at the mighty and righteous Rendell, thinking in his heart.

“...... Is that fair enough to let us hold some of their hostages at the same time?"

"I was also inclined to think that Lauderdale was a character used by Otto..."

"Now that she has shown sincerity, we should also do the work more solidly at one time."

After thinking for a long time, Einstein replied, "There is no opinion on reverse entropy in principle. "

"It's just that Ms. Teresa is not a technician after all, and she may not be very efficient in gathering intelligence..."

Einstein's gaze swept over Tesla on the side, and the corners of his mouth rose, "In order to make up for this, please trouble the two of you to bring Dr. Tesla with you during the site investigation." "

Lauderdale: "If she has basic self-preservation, there is no problem. "

Einstein: "Hmm. Her mech piloting skills are world-class. "

Tesla looked at the two people who were discussing where she was going in front of her, and Dr. Tesla, who was straightforward, was very upset, "--Hey, you guys agreed in two words... Didn't anyone ask me how I felt?"

Einstein: ".... Why did Dr. Tesla prefer to stay in Hyperion as a liaison so that he could be in charge of contacting Bishop Otto if necessary?"

Tesla: ".... Yes? That kind of thing loves who's in charge of that bastard's voice, I don't want to hear more."

Turning his head, the naked eye was visible to the disgust of Otto.

Einstein: "But... There are only two of us in the Hyperion technicians..."

Tesla: "... Tut. "

"Okay, okay, I know, then I'll go to the scene, hmph, can't I go?"

"Teresa, Lauderdale, let's go if we don't get along with this, it will make the chicken nest head of the agitation method generally visible."

Yourandall and Teresa looked at each other, then followed with a smile.

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, Einstein was a little worried.

As the three of them walked together towards the target location, they suddenly heard other voices.

"Vera, where are you?"

"--Damn, what are these?"

The man's voice was a little more anxious and panicked.

Youlandale frowned, "What's going on, someone is calling for help?"

Teresa: "Go check it out"

Worried that the other party would be attacked, Teresa rushed to the place where the other party was with Youlandale non-stop.

"Ah, thank goodness, I finally met a living person, have you ever seen a girl?"

The blond man covered his head, seemingly relieved.

Then as if thinking of something, looking at these three strange-looking lifesavers, he said anxiously, "She has silver-gray curly hair. With a one-sided ponytail and a berets, he looks about a head shorter than me....."

Looking at the anxious blonde man, Yourandel and Tesla were silent, quite doubtful about the meaning of life.

Teresa's eyes widened and she cried out in disbelief, "Grandpa?!" "

In the heart of the town of Korosten, the trio exploring the problem of space-time anomalies discover a familiar and strange person.

At this moment, they cannot realize how this small turbulence will affect the world in the future.

The three of them were silent with Otto for a while, but still told this inexplicable Otto about his current situation.

Otto's eyes were confused, "..... Anyway, you let me sort out the situation. "

Looking at the three people in front of him, Otto said with some hesitation, "What you mean is, this is 2017 AD... You guys are also from 2017 A.D. And they all know me?"

Teresa nodded and said of course, "Otherwise, why would I call you grandpa?"

Otto could not be finished now, "But... Even if what you say is true... How can I live to be more than five hundred years old?"

Traveling through time and space, or immortality, for this young Otto who lived in the Middle Ages, is really unimaginable. 】

(Okay Zhao) "Don't talk about this Otto, I think I'm also confused." Kiana scratched her head, "What's the situation, it turns out that the time travel in the novel really exists!" "

"It's incredible."

Kiana's eyes widened, then she looked at the bud beside her and laughed a little pervertedly.

I don't know what the bud clothes looked like when I was a child, if I can also cross over, it must be very cute, Miss Ben will definitely hug the bud clothes when I was a child, and then come a few flying high.

"Kiana..... Don't look at me like that....."

Although I don't know what Kiana is thinking, Raiden Bud Yi also has some back hair from the other party's smile from time to time.

"But is this really Otto five hundred years ago?"

Fu Hua Shangxian sent a question.

"As far as I know, Otto has never done anything thankless, let alone such an unexpected change, it is impossible for Otto to let him appear."

Bronia: "So squad leader, you mean, all this may be directed and acted by Otto?" "

Fu Hua nodded affirmatively, "Although I don't know what Otto wants to do, this so-called Otto five hundred years ago must also be part of Otto's own plan. "

People off the screen, watching the whole scene Tesla gritted his teeth.

"Abominable! This dog Otto, and stepping on the horse to calculate the two of us, could it be that he thinks we are good bullies!? "

Einstein sat on the chair next to him and looked sideways slightly, "Correct, it's you who is deceived." "


"That's what you mean."

"Wow, Eden, look at it, this five hundred years ago Otto looks very deceptive~"

Eden smiled and didn't speak.

Pardophyllis flicked his tail, "I don't see what to cheat at all." "

In the eyes of Padolfelis, the difference between this Otto five hundred years ago and Otto five hundred years later is not in the brain but in temperament.

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