[At this time, inside the Hyperion -

Under Tesla's gaze, a beautiful girl with purple hair appeared on her communication screen.


The girl who provided Einstein's information greeted Tesla ~ warmly.

The doctor named Nagamitsu seems to be a Tesla fan.

The full name is Elizabeth Long Light, Max-Mies

Tesla: "Well, after going around for a long time, it turns out that you are a technician of destiny. So what did you say to Einstein earlier?"

Changguang: "Just now, I used the supercomputer at the headquarters to solve the full-dimensional collapse energy distribution of this anomaly, and I will send the results to you later." "

"It can be seen that it is very similar to the energy properties of the dominating theater in all four hypothesis test points, and the two are likely to come from the same source."

"This can prove to you from the side the credibility of Mr. Otto's assertions."

Tesla: ".... Assertion? What assertion?"

Changguang looked at Tesla suspiciously, "Huh? Bianca—no, didn't Miss Lauderdale tell you?"

"Because we have used Domination Theater for experiments before, the anomaly in this area is also likely caused by the lost core fragment of the Dominance Lawyer."

"This is Mr. Otto's assertion on this matter, I thought you should have heard of it."

Tesla: "Ahhh... All right. That's what Lauderdale told us. "

"But you just said that you should use the calculation results to prove it.... Don't you know on what basis Otto came to his conclusions?"

"This: Tesla's predecessors should have known more or less that without Mr. Otto's permission, our ordinary staff of Destiny would not have the right to know the details of those decisions. "

Changguang spread his hands helplessly, looking accustomed to it.

"So if we are skeptical and confused about certain aspects of reasoning, we must test the clues ourselves to find the truth."

Tesla agreed with her, "Well, I understand that." After all, I worked for that guy many years ago. "

Tesla: "To get back to the point, do you have any more detailed discoveries besides the global collapse energy distribution?"

Changguang: "Hmm... If Tesla seniors want to collect the relevant data, then I recommend going to St. 537 Church, St. 1491 Square, and the eastern section of Kaslana Street. "

Tesla.::.... It really deserves to be the destiny of heaven, and there are really many such titles as Saint So-and-so. "

Lauderdale was next to him, hearing Tesla's words, and kindly explained.

"It's a tradition. As early as after the Civil War of 1491, some buildings and neighborhoods were changed from personal and family names to neutral names to commemorate important years. "

Changguang: "And compared to them........ Wouldn't place names like C Avenue and 5th Avenue be stranger?"

Tesla: ".... Okay, whatever you want to call it is also your freedom. It's better than coming to what Otto. Apocalis Avenue is much better. "

Speaking of this, Tesla snorted angrily, and glared at the innocent Otto five hundred years ago next to him.

The disgust visible to the naked eye made the other party a little helpless.

"St. 537's Church, St. 1491's square, and the eastern section of Kaslana Street—well, northeast, due west, and southeast of town, respectively."

Changguang: "You can first go to the square of St. 1491, which is closest to the current location, then turn around and go east to St. 537 Church, and finally go to Kaslana Street on the other side of the Virgen River." "

Teresa: "Well, this route is very reasonable. "

"After we have been to these places to collect data, we will return to Hyperion to join Kiana and find a way to invade the space where the core of the Lawyer is."

Einstein: "Please wait, Ms. Teresa"

Einstein called out to Teresa.

"Speaking of which, Kiana herself has something to say to you."

Kiana appeared on the communication screen, a little hesitant,

“.... Headmaster, I can understand your desire to make sure we're as safe as possible. "

"But now the Immortal Blade of Destiny and Miss Changguang are trying hard to help us, and everyone wants to end the chaos caused by the Law of Domination as soon as possible."

"In this case..... As someone with the power of the Law of Voidness, I want to do more than I should be able to do. "

"Please at least let me join the exploration team, Headmaster."

"In this way, everyone can adapt to the action and use my power more flexibly."

Bronia: "Bronia understands Kiana's mood. This time it may be difficult for Bronia to help directly... But Kiana, she was originally part of the plan. "

Fu Hua: "If the head of the school is still worried, then let me go with Kiana." Bronia, they could have done a good job guarding Hyperion. "

Ciel: "We will all try to help Dr. Einstein and sister Bronia"

Everyone begged to help Teresa.

Teresa: "... I understand your feelings, it's just..."

When Teresa was hesitant in embarrassment, Yurandell on the side spoke.

Lauderdale: "If you can, please let Kiana join us on our exploration, Teressa-senpai." "

"We had a meeting with North Africa in Skydome City before, and her defeat of the Dominating Law two months ago is even more awe-inspiring."

“... I really hope to have a better relationship with Miss Kiana. "

Tesla stood aside and agreed with Urandell's words, "Alas, as long as the person you know who it is doesn't come to cause trouble..... I think it's all about how things should be. But—"

Changguang: "Miss Lauderdale is the kind of thing that won't let you worry about happening, Tesla senior." "

Changguang is very confident.

Lauderdale: ".... Alas?"

Changguang smiled and looked at the confused Youlandell, "You guy, everything else is good, but it's a pity that the mouth is really stupid." "

"Come, sorry for bullying you, ask - what would you do if Mr. Otto ordered you to destroy the world bubble you guarded before?"

Hearing this, Lauderdale instantly frowned, "This... IMHO . It is certainly impossible for me to follow such orders. "

"I am indeed his subordinate, but this does not mean that my life value and mission are also his possessions."

The corners of Changguang's mouth rose, "Oh." You see, this realist honest man's ideas are not much different from yours. "

What's more, what she had originally asked for from Mr. Otto had finally ushered in some form of closure recently. Now she is a more free Valkyrie. "

Lauderdale: "... You say too much, long light. No one should use their own unilateral reasons to ask others to change their opinions. "

Changguang: "Hehe, didn't I say I'm sorry... Excuse me? Next time you come to the institute, how about I prepare an extra dessert?"

Youlauderdale's cheeks were slightly red, and she wanted to skip the topic, "Ahem.... All in all, Senior Teresa, in the next exploration operation, the Immortal Blade will unreservedly support you and the anti-entropy side. "

When Teresa heard this, she could only reluctantly agree.

“... I understand. So, in order to improve the efficiency of the operation: we first join Kiana and go to Piazza San 1491 to get the data, and then explore the other two locations. "

"If there is no problem, please take action."

After obtaining her consent, Kiana also set out from Hyperion to quickly reconcile with everyone.

"Long time no see, Kiana, Kaslanna."

Yourandel greeted Kiana in a friendly manner.

Kiana's eyes were a little complicated, with some memories, "Yes." When I ran away from you before, I definitely couldn't have imagined that you would have a day to fight side by side like this. "

Lauderdale: "It can be said that the cause of fighting Honkai has brought our paths back together. "

Changguang: "That's right, that's right. Let the past be unhappy, let it stay in the past, and the future Destiny Organization will belong to our generation after all. "

"Otto. Mr. Apocalis also found his true path before resigning. His future will probably not overlap with ours in any way. "

Changguangxin spoke quickly, completely unaware of what news he had revealed.

Tesla: "... What?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Teresa: "What does it mean that it won't coincide?"

Lauderdale: "Changguang, what exactly are you..."

Know what?

Changguang smiled slightly, "Ah. To be clear, this is just speculation. Although I think it's a reasonable speculation. "

"Let's start with the conclusion."

"I believe. Mr. Otto did find it in previous experiments... A way to be able to go back in time. "

A statement stirred up the world.

Teresa asked incredulously, "Back in time? Is it time travel?"

Tesla subconsciously wanted to deny, "How can it be that as long as it is physics that allows the world to function normally, it is impossible to support the existence of time travel?"

Tesla: "Even if we catch this strange Otto, he can't really be Otto himself five hundred years ago?"

Pointing to Otto beside him, Tesla shouted, trying to reverse time.

Otto was helpless, after all, what he did in the future was indeed hateful, "Uh... Well, I understand your reasoning. "

Changguang: "That's right, Tesla seniors are right. The kind of time travel in science fiction that twists time and space into fatalistic twists really can't exist. "

“... From an ontological point of view, I feel that Mr. Otto still has a way to go back in time in a sense. "

Tesla: "Hey, you're not playing with words, are you?"

Changguang: "Of course not, Tesla senior." Ontology is a very serious branch of philosophy and logic. "

When it comes to his own field, the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere of Changguang before is less and more serious.

"However, in order to explain what exactly I was talking about, I need you to recall the meaning of time."

Teresa was dazed.

"No, Teresa. Time is indeed a primitive concept that is difficult to define, and its meaning actually depends on what angle we want to see things. "

Tesla: "Essentially, everyone can only think in this moment. "

"Therefore, for each person himself, time means sequence and causation."

"But if we continue to dig into the bottom and wonder what it really means to be now: Then I'm sorry, but human logic is already powerless here. "

Changguang looked at Tesla meaningfully, "That's not necessarily, Tesla senior." "

"You should also know that our world is not the so-called limit of existence, and there are also imaginary trees and quantum seas that affect our destiny."

Tesla: But what can time be outside the world—wait, are you suggesting that there really could be an observer outside the world?"

Changguang: "This is one of the gains of our previous experiments. From the initiation experiment of the Second God's Key, to the attempt to connect the world to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers. "

"We can assume that outside the world, time has its own laws, and it does not degenerate into absolute chaos and disorder. More specifically...."

"There, the inversion of time is free, no different from all other spatial dimensions."

"It follows some more basic laws on this basis, accepting the bondage of all kinds of energies like other dimensions."

"And it is these specific constraints that fix the direction of time in certain subspaces, allowing everything in it to reorganize from infinite to finite."

"We believe that this is why our world of real numbers exists."

"That is, time fixed forward is not an absolutely fundamental law."

"It's actually a consequence of the existence of our world."

Kiana: ".... I don't understand well, but do you want to say-"

"It is precisely because our world is stable that no force can interfere with the passage of time?"

Changguang glanced at Kiana appreciatively, "That's true. "

But on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, things are different, because beings like it transcend the realm of the world. You can understand it as...."

“.... Yes, the server that records game data. "

"This server uses various mechanics to generate an unknown number of game worlds, and you are just a character in one of them."

"Your actions in the game at every moment are recorded as a save in this server, and you can view them, but you don't have permission to modify them."

"You take it for granted that no one can change the data in the game server. But for the server itself, this is not the case. "

"A game server called the Tree of Imaginary Numbers can generate a new, parallel world from any save point in time of any game."

"Just like operators of online games can roll servers, combine servers, and open new servers."

Tesla: It's not that different from the parallel world theory. That new you is not the current you. "

"Just like this Mr. Otto we met."

Changguang: "Indeed, in a general sense, this is how we understand parallel worlds. But Tesla predecessors, that refers to the parallel world that already exists. "

Tesla: ".... What are you trying to say?"

Changguang: "What I want to say is that in the special space-time position of the starting point of the parallel world, the other does not yet exist, and there is only one reality. "

Changguang: "For a person who experiences this only reality, he has what kind of future he chooses." "

Changguang: "Even, such a situation may be happening all the time.... It's just that our subjective perspective can never realize the change. "

Kiana and Teresa stood by each other, silent for a long time, she scratched one of her long hair, and looked at Tesla and Dr. Nagamitsu who were discussing fiercely with a little embarrassment.

“.... Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying at all. "

Teresa nodded unconsciously beside her, because she couldn't understand what they were saying. 】

"What a thing, I see that this is clearly making things difficult for me!"

Kiana puffed out her cheeks, like herself on the screen, she, she couldn't understand anything!

"Can't the two of them say something simple and easy to understand!"

Listening to Kiana's words, Teresa agreed very much.

Teresa touched her head, listening to the discussion between the two of them, her head was about to get bigger.

"As the saying goes, the gap between people is obvious, some people get angry and punch the lawbreaker, while others can only be angry all day."

Boundless Tajiko looked at the two stupid protein hair leaders and continued, "You two are the latter kind of people. No matter how angry you are, you can't understand these professional theories. "

"So, let's listen to the professionals simplify the analogy and tell you."

The corners of Bronia's mouth rose next to her, "The future Kiana looks quite mature, but she is still a fool." "

Kiana: "Little dwarf, who do you say is stupid!" "。

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