Destiny Collapse Three Otto sat on the sofa and looked at himself in another world, his heart full of ridicule.

Otto: I laugh at every clown equally.

Bishop Otto had a discerning eye, and looked at himself in another world, only feeling ridiculous.

Why? Because he couldn't recognize his status at all.

Even if he is the bishop of the Destiny of the wise superhuman on the earth of another world, in the vast universe, in the face of the broken will of civilization more developed than the earth, he is nothing more than a dust.

"Let me see what kind of ending Otto in another world is~ Anyway, it will definitely not be too good~"

Otto felt that although he was arrogant, he also knew what he could and could not do.

Supporting his chin, Honzo Otto looked at Honji Otto, only feeling that Honji Otto, his heart is higher than the sky, his life is thinner than paper, and his brain is not smart enough.

Otto is smart, but not smart enough.

Or too arrogant, really thinking that he is a child of destiny, and others should revolve around him.

Without any chips, without any power, dare to talk in front of Honkai.

Shouldn't he think that the Broken Will on the other side is as good to talk to as Prometheus?

Otto of the collapse can already foresee the miserable end of the other party.

But Otto on the screen doesn't know ah, he is still confident, confident as if there is no forced two hundred and five.

[Bishop Otto of the Broken Two sat on the main throne of the Brilliant Covenant with an indescribable smile.

(System tone) Welcome back. Lord Bishop.

Otto: "It's just a key... Kiana in that world. Surprisingly resilient. "

04 Otto stood up from his throne.

Although it is on the moon, the ship still simulates the blue sky and white clouds of the earth.

He has completed the confirmation: when he was involved in the world of stigmata. The will is not affected in any way.

"Flora and Karen have boarded the escape boat."

[Completely abandon the flesh and return to the stigmata? 】

[Is this your final plan?] 】

Otto: "When my consciousness is reconnected to the Stigmata world, victory will usher in." "

"Don't you think it's ridiculous? Will ruler? "

Will Ruler: [Non also. 】

[My emotions are data simulations, textual expressions of rhetoric. 】

[I never find it ridiculous, I judge it to be ridiculous. 】

Otto: "Your arrogance as always will ruin you." "

Otto: "Sometimes, the most absurd and unscrutinizing plans.... is the plan that must win. "

[Tell me about the basis for your victory. 】

Otto: "Hmph-"

Otto didn't want to waste his tongue, but in his opinion, the plan went to this point. The ruler of the will does anything in vain, so he must give alms to his long-standing enemies the minimum respect.

Otto: "There is no God? Childish and cute imagination? Know me better than myself?"

Otto: "Your words are not even as good as a stupid woman with a blindfold." "

"As I predicted—"

"The essence of Honkai is a group of energetic lifeforms. It's a civilization from another universe. "

"And you. It is the king of this civilization. "

"The escape ship has crashed."

Otto's eyebrows did not wrinkle a little. He poured himself a glass of red wine and sat back on the throne. Holding Erlang's legs.

Through the red wine in the glass. Otto saw his confident and majestic eyes.

He took a sip and rested his hand on the armrest of the throne as he shook his wine glass. While slowly and methodically pondering the sentences in his head.

He is doing this by draining the patience of the Ruler of Will. Enjoy the upcoming victory.

Otto: "Humanity has always fought against Honkai. Always a pointless war of attrition. "

Otto: "Because you are invisible energy beings who have never been directly to the human world. "

"But I understand the lawyer—"

"The purest in this collapsed system. The power closest to the truth of Honkai. "

Otto: "The social structure of your civilization is very reasonable: from top to bottom, the king rules over the subjects. But it is as if the destiny of heaven without me, human civilization without a monarch, will fall apart. "

Otto: "After destroying the king, that is, after you. Honkai civilization is nothing more than a piece of scattered sand. "

Otto: "For this, I have given you a cage called the flesh and reduced you to our universe. "

Otto: "The form of the stigmata terminal of the flesh determines how I win." "

"Through it, I built two battles: a battle of reality and a battle of souls."

Talking and talking. Otto became more and more excited.

He stood up. Wave, clench fists, walk around.

Sometimes nervous, sometimes relaxed, as if countless spectators cheered him on.

"Realistic battles are used in wars of attrition, whether it is god-killing armor, or those little girls who are pre-anti-entropy, and the entire human civilization... are necessary sacrifices, and the ugly old world must be destroyed. "

"Fighting them can drain your energy and the power of your men. But that's not the point...."

"The key lies in the stigmata world. Battle of the Soul"

Otto: "Because stigmata is a tempered human soul. It greatly sublimates human willpower and gives human beings the conditions for direct confrontation with energy life forms. This was verified hundreds of years ago."

"And the cage called the flesh will greatly devalue your purity as an energetic being."

"Stigmata World Stigmata Terminal simulates the imaginary world. It is my best battlefield to break you with pure will beyond the shackles of reality. It is also a place directly connected to your plane. "

"And I, Otto—"

"This one is beyond human intelligence. Witness countless parallel worlds, the longest-lived and most daring in ancient and modern times——"

"—the Mandate of Heaven, who represents the strongest will of mankind,"

"As a challenger. Naturally, it will replace you—"

"Have your authority. To be the new ruler of the will"

"With the stigmata terminal, become the creator of the new world."

"Once I became a god. You can create and dominate the world at will. Turned this ugly world into what I wanted it to be."

"I, the battle against Honkai, ushered in the final victory."

Otto bowed gracefully to the front of no one, offering the most contemptuous respect to the formidable enemy he had fought against all his life.

He quietly enjoyed the moment, waiting for the ruler of the will to say the words he was most looking forward to



A spear fell with the voice of the Will Ruler, running through Otto's body.

Karen uses a spear to stab Otto in the waist.

Otto: "Aaaaa Karin?"

[I let them come back]

Flora: "Haha. Lord Bishop who does not measure himself. The color is so beautiful~"

Otto: "Why?"

[Children, they are lawyers]

Otto: "I made them——! "

[What does it matter?] 】

Otto ran away with a roll. Forced back to the throne by Karen again. Face. It was full of expressions of horror and disbelief.

Karen pierces Otto with a spear several holes. Insert the pipe roughly into his body. As originally planned. The tubing is connected to the biocurrent through skin contact.

Under the influence of the stigmata, Otto's injured flesh is slowly regenerating.

"You're about to access the world of Stigmata. Please confirm. "

Otto's expression became more and more hideous because of the pain.

Flora stood aside, watching the embarrassed Otto laugh maniacally.

[I allow you the decisive battle you want.] 】

【Please confirm.】 】

Otto held his forehead and laughed maniacally.

That maniacal laughter. It's hard to judge to be confident. Or beat yourself up.

Otto: "It turns out that Flora is also a waste. How could I end up with the waste?"

"Karen is just a replicator, a pawn, the real Karen died early"

"You think they can break my will? It's naïve, Honkai"

"(System tone) begins to access the Stigmata world."

Otto: "Wait and see!" You're destined to be by me—"

"By me—"

The moment of the link, Otto's brain was poured with a lot of information.

He finally found that the so-called victory was just a fantasy -

The so-called plan, everything that is paid, is meaningless——】

"What, that's the plan!?"

790 Kiana, who had been watching Otto's performance like a middle school sickness, finally couldn't hold back.

Seeing Otto being pierced through several holes by Kalien's spear, and then climbing with a rolling belt, his heart was relieved and his thoughts were clear.

"Miss Ben originally thought that Otto of the other world was incredibly smart, so she chose to summon the Honkai God."

"That's the plan to defeat the Broken Will!?"

Looking at Otto's miserable condition, Teresa was also dumbfounded.

"It's strange that this plan can succeed, right? Although I don't know what Bishop Otto's force value is, since Wendy the Law of the Wind can almost destroy the world with a single thought, and the Final Law even brought Ragnarok to the world with a single thought, so to think of it, the power of the broken will will will only be above the Final Lawyer. "

Raiden Bud covered her face, to be honest, she couldn't believe that Otto in another world was actually this hanging sample.

Bronia made a cold face, "Consumption of soul and body..... Bronia felt that the earth's too empty front, just after the Wind Law was parasitized, the human race was almost extinct, and the rest of the attacks were just broken creatures parasitized by square-headed octopuses. "

"The battlefield of the soul, according to Otto, is at the stigmata terminal, consumed by Kiana."

"However, although Kiana is the designated Ultimate Lawyer, her spiritual power is only an ordinary human being. How can the spiritual power of human beings compete with the spiritual power of God? "

"To sum up, Bronia feels that Otto's plan is pure and cannot withstand a little scrutiny."

The rest nodded one after another, quite acknowledging Bronia's words.

But then, there's another problem.

Boundless Tower Himeko: "Words.... No one has ever broken the will, isn't humanity about to become extinct? "

Teresa: "Ah this..."

Kiana: "Then again, I remember that Broken Will was summoned by Otto, right?" "

Raiden Bud Yi: "But Otto is dead..."

Everyone was speechless, their hearts were full of killing intent, this damn Otto!

He died quickly!

Didn't you think that you couldn't beat the world to death! .

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