The memory Mebius was silent for a long time.

Grace, that lovely child lost tracks.

The universe is so big, it's normal to have accidents, but knowing the news is another matter, which means that conjecture has become reality.

Hua's Tinder plan brought disaster to the judgment-level Collapse Beast out.

Sue also did not find a specific way.

This means that all acceptable plans have been lost.

In this case, it is not incomprehensible that Kevin would make up his mind to start Project Stigmata.

It's just that compared to the clear former doctor of civilization, the current civilized people are really confused.

For them, even these people of the former civilization were so unfamiliar, not to mention the plan they had made fifty thousand years ago.

They all had doubts in their hearts about what the Stigmata Project was, which could be regarded by the former civilization and Kevin as the last plan.

But it turns out that plans aren't always good.

"How powerful is the Ultimate Lawyer?"

Through Kiana's eyes, the Void Lawyer watched the scene of the former civilization's thirteen heroes landing on the moon and then failing miserably, almost fleeing from the desert, and his heart was full of doubts.

Unlike a bunch of blind guys, Celine had completely recognized the Fu Hua sitting in the corner as the Red Kite Immortal who had given him a sword and hammered himself to the ground fourteen years ago.

Even such a guy can only escape in front of the final Yan to save his life.

This made the Void Lawyer yearn for the power of the Ultimate Lawyer.

As for the tragedy of the demise of the former civilization, the break between Kevin and his best friend.

Oh, she's a lawyer, but I hope these guys are as miserable as possible.

Otherwise, how can you highlight the power of Honkai!

Sooner or later, she will kill all these hateful humans!

To carry out this plan, Kevin founded an organization called World Serpent.

Through manual intervention, the Avalanche antibody genome that Mei had been inoculated in the embryos of a small number of offspring but was separated by human lineage was activated and recombined.

Kevin's use of the British Isles as a testing ground convinced SU that he had gone astray.

So he lured Kevin to the Empty Key, locked him in the World Bubble, ostensibly fought with him to delay time, secretly activated the first rated power of the Empty Key, and sank the world bubble they were in to the bottom of the Quantum Sea. 16

Keven can destroy the core of the Void Key before the passage of the Quantum Sea is opened, but SU gives up because he is concerned about delaying time.

When the world bubble is about to sink into the quantum sea, Kevin returns SU to the real world, and he sinks to the bottom of the quantum sea with the world bubble, spending fifteen hundred years.

After Kevin disappeared, the World Serpent hid in the shadows, patiently waiting for his return.

The real Kevin who was locked up by Su in the quantum sea saw the old things reappear in front of him, and cracks appeared in his cold eyes for a long time.

"Su, we didn't have to, and we shouldn't have come this far."

A long sigh sounded, but no one could hear it.

He smiled as Otto Apocalis watched in the picture as Kevin carried out the preliminary stages of the stigmata plan, and then broke with his best friend.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny about that. "

Void Manzo was dissatisfied with Otto, as a product of the former civilization, Void Manzo knew the greatness of that era, so he also carried a thick filter for Dr. Mei's plan.

"Void Wanzang, you don't understand." Perhaps it was the Void Wanzang Future who was in trouble when he saved Kalien, and because of this, Otto's attitude towards him was much better.

Otto explained to it, "I laughed because Kevin was afraid. "

"Don't you think? Kevin was simply afraid of Honkai catching up. "

"In order to eliminate Honkai, he does not even regard the current civilized human beings as their own kind, and in his heart, the current civilized human beings are just a number that can be sacrificed."

"I'm afraid that the only people who can be put in his eyes and regarded as companions are old friends and that Su, who are also survivors of former civilizations."

"Not only is he afraid, but the Honkai and the Finalist are like shadows in his heart that cannot be shaken off, reminding him of his powerlessness over and over again."

Void Wanzang said hard, "It's as if you can defeat the Honkai and the Ultimate Lawyer. "

Otto smiled, "No, no, no, how can this be the same, my friend, my lifelong wish is to resurrect Kalien, as for Honkai, what does it have to do with me?" So, you don't have to provoke me so much. "

The worldview collapsed and Kiana, who couldn't believe her eyes.

"Kevin he..."

Point to Kevin in the picture, what hero, savior.

When Kevin chose to use an island as an experimental field and put in avalanche energy.

Kevin simply became a demon in Kiana's eyes, turned into an enemy.

For the people of the Kaslana family, protecting the people comes first.

What Kevin did was simply stepping on their bottom line.

Dr. Tesla in reverse entropy has exploded.

"Huh? Doesn't he want to save humanity and destroy Honkai? What are you doing again, is the brain kicked by Honkai! "

"Is the stigmata so good to awaken!?"

Tesla gritted his teeth and literally wanted to give Kevin Bangbang two punches.

"Made, retarded!"

"Let's not mention that other plans have failed, can the stigmata plan succeed, let's just say that this collapse energy is afraid that the human extinction will not be fast enough!"

"When the Third Law awakened, I didn't see a few stigmata! How many people are in Changkong City, a whole tens of millions! "

"How many people could there be on the island of ancient England. War, famine, natural disasters, plague go down in waves, and Avalanche can be dropped, is Kevin the enemy! "

The people in the promised land of the past were speechless.

Kevin folded his hands to his chest and leaned against the wall, his eyes glazed.

"Don't look at me, Sue, I'm not him." Kevin was in a low mood.

Sue stood aside and sighed, "I know, Kevin, time can change a lot of things. "

[Kevin: "Sue, you might be shocked when you say it! I decided that I would be a hero. "

Sue looked at Kevin, who was as excited as Erha, a little blankly.

Kevin was watched silently by Sue, a little confused for a while, "What's wrong?"

Sue: "Eh.... Not to mention why you think this way. ..... Do you really know what the hero represents? "

Kevin: "Of course. There is no second way to solve difficulties when they arise, and to bear them when pain strikes. "

Kevin: "All heroes are accidents, not an act of initiative. "

Sue: "Indeed... A hero cannot be a goal, but only an action, an outcome. "

Sue: "What else did Mei say to you?"

Almost without thinking, Kevin followed suit.

"Oh, she also said..."

Halfway through the words, Kevin's eyes widened, and it was not difficult to see his shock.

Sue: "That's not like your own thinking at all, Kevin. "

Kevin: "Aha.... I can't suddenly... How to say... Epiphany?"

Kevin: "Alas,.... What the hell is wrong with you? When I mentioned her before, you didn't have that attitude. "

Sue: "Because at that time, you hadn't gradually become Mei's shadow. "

Sue was a little strange, "You... Haven't you noticed that yet?"

Kevin blinked blankly, not quite able to understand what Sue meant, "..... Is there anything bad about that? Mei Ke is a genius, isn't it the right thing to do to ask her humbly for advice?"

"Sometimes I also think... Since someone always has to lead everyone, if that person is Mei, at least I will be much more at ease when I follow her forward than I can explore it myself. "

Listening to Kevin's words, Sue was silent for a long time.

After a short silence, Su spoke first, "So, how did you answer her?"

Kevin smiled stupidly and said a little embarrassed, "Hehe... Well..... In fact, at that time, in order to blush on the ground, I deliberately said, I want to be a hero for you alone. "

Kevin: "But her response was very strange... She said to me..."

"As long as you can be a hero of one person, you can also be a hero of all." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Sue, what do you think this means?" 】

"Ha..... It's gone, it's gone. Tesla snorted coldly, Kevin's student days and current civilization are really two extremes.

"Dr. Tesla, you don't have to."

Einstein certainly disagreed with Kevin's approach, but she knew it very well.

It had nothing to do with their thoughts, and it didn't stop Kevin's approach.

Kevin will not give up his ideas because of the criticism of several people.

"Of course I understand what you said." Disappointed, Tesla said in a muffled voice, "Everyone knows that this is not right, and if there is any other way, Kevin will not make such a decision." "

But if this can save the world and eliminate Collapse, how many people will not waver?

[Under the plan of the gray snake, using the desire gem, Kevin escaped from the Quantum Sea.

He continued the Stigmata Project, even experimenting with people from a city.

In the following time, the Law of Thunder was codified.

Finally, without everyone realizing it, Project Stigmata was successfully launched.

Twinkle with stars, on the desolate moon.

On the desolate land, a man was sitting quietly.

A man who cannot be ignored under any circumstances.

Or rather, the savior.

The power that could have swept the world away like dust was now at his feet, yielding and obedient

However, apart from this power, should he be called nothing?

The footsteps behind him are soft, but at Kevin's point, hearing is not the only way to judge position.

"You really know I'm here, Hua."

"It was Sue who told me inadvertently."

Fu Hua lowered his eyes and looked at Kevin, his eyes a little lonely.

"It was more than 2,000 years ago."

Turning to look at Kevin, "As we each fulfill our forerunner mission... You happened to miss one of these meetings. "

"Sue told me that on this day of every year, no matter how important everything else is, no matter what the emergency use of the Second God Key will do to your body... You're going to be here on the moon alone. "

"You'll spend a whole day here looking at the remnants of the Finalist."

Kevin: "That's a promise that I keep to keep. "


"You didn't have to come, it's redundant."

"You saw it just now. During Project Stigmata, the Serpent of the World has prepared a resting place for you. "

"It is indeed a mountain that is a little more beautiful than in reality."

Recalling the resting place prepared by the snake of the world, Fu Hua praised from the bottom of his heart.

"But you also know that I'm not actually obsessed with seclusion."

Fu Hua will not sit idly by.

"That's just a habit from the past. That's all. "

Kevin: "I don't want to fight you anyway. "

Fu Hua: "Do you think I'm going to stop you?"

"It's like..... What Sue did. "

The man's almost icy breathing paused, but he didn't respond more.

If this girl was not his former comrade-in-arms, he might have thought that the other party had launched a psychological offensive.

The two people standing here are the only remaining human beings in the world that span two eras, with the longest 027 life and the longest memory.

Yet they kept nothing but the desolation in front of them—at least in his opinion.

Kevin: "Hua, the promised land of the past no longer exists. "

Fu Hua: "It seems that I have forgotten some things that were important to our past. "

The man shook his head slightly, as if he wasn't quite sure of what he was about to say.

"It doesn't hurt. It really doesn't matter to you anymore. "

The man's tone was still the same as usual, and it was impossible to hear what kind of emotions were contained in it.

“......... You see, this is the most ordinary scene in the universe. "

Fu Hua: "Nothing is like a grave... Right?"

The man replied with silence.

"Although it is too mean to think so..."

"But... Kevin, in your opinion, this generation of people, even if they belong to the same species as us, are not your kind. "

She remembered creatures that had become extinct over time—like a strange and precious fish.

The world is indeed alive, but nothing will ever understand its language anymore.

Loneliness cannot be dissolved, and the ice that has never been transformed by eternity.

"No, Hua. It is not difficult to consider them as their kind ....."

"The real difficulty is actually letting it go."

- Of course, his comrades were not wrong.

This attitude, like Mei at work, treats everything in the world as an objective object... It really has nothing to do with the so-called sense of belonging.

"I understand that. That's why I'm here. "

“........ For them?"


"First of all....... It's for you. "

"At this moment – at least in my opinion – you need a fellow human being who can understand your own language."

"Even if you don't say anything, even if it's-for-tat, even if..."

“........ Hua, there is no need to talk any further. "

Because the sentence poked Kevin's heart.

But at this moment, Fu Hua is the only human being who can talk to Kevin on an equal footing.

Kevin: "Hua, that title... It has never been achieved and is no longer possible."

"So, as a sinner?"

Kevin: "........"

This silence was not hesitation.

It may be better interpreted as helpless.

Fu Hua: "... I understand. "

That's why you are like this now.....

Frail, lonely, and ....

Fu Hua took two steps forward, bypassing the unrivaled back, lowered his head, and saw the man's expression clearly for the first time.

“..... Kevin. You're looking for a place to bury your bones, right?" 】。

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