The scene in the spiritual space suddenly changed!

On the street of Konoha Village, Uzumaki Naruto, who was only a few years old, was standing in front of a mask shop.

At this moment, he was looking at one of the masks in a trance.

It was obvious that

Uzumaki Naruto wanted that mask.

The few-year-old Naruto rummaged through his trouser pockets and saw that the change was not enough to buy a bowl of ramen.

He could only hide the love in his eyes.

"How did I meet this little devil here!"

"It’s really unlucky! It’s really unlucky!!"

"Stop talking, and leave! I can't eat dinner at night just by seeing him!"

"If the Sandaime Hokage hadn't allowed it, I really wanted to go up and beat him up!"

"He killed so many of his companions in the village!!"

"Damn fox demon!!"

"Hush! Keep your voice down! Don't let him hear you!"

"What are you afraid of? I heard it! I'm telling the truth!"

The passers-by around him glared at him after seeing the young Naruto!

【Uzumaki Kushina:"Third generation old man!! What on earth did you do?!! Naruto is clearly the hero who saved the village! Why! Why was he treated like this!!"

In the original Naruto world, Uzumaki Kushina in the Pure Land, after seeing this scene, her lungs were about to explode!!

【Namikaze Minato:"Third generation! Please stand up and give us a reasonable explanation!"】

【Senju Hashirama:"Sarutobi, Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage, and the Fourth Hokage sealed the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body at all costs for the sake of the village. Even though you said earlier that you didn't expose his parents' situation in order to protect Naruto, why would the villagers treat their savior like this?"】

【Uchiha Madara:"Haha, Hashirama, can't you see the darkness of the village? You think too simply about the darkness of the village! And the even more naive Fourth Hokage! With your naive thinking, I really can't understand how you got the position of Hokage."】

【Namikaze Minato:"I......"】

【Uchiha Madara:"In order to consolidate his authority as the Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to pull out an object or person to divert everyone's hatred. At this time, you, the naive Minato, sent Naruto out by yourself, and you still fantasized about letting Naruto become a hero and live? Hahaha! I'm dying of laughter!"】

【Namikaze Minato:"......"】

Although, he wanted to refute what Uchiha Madara said.

But it seems that what Uchiha Madara said is the truth!

In the sky screen of the second Naruto world.

In Naruto's spiritual world.

The owner of the prop store saw so many people gathered at the door, and immediately walked out with a smile. He began to fantasize in his heart that today's business seemed to be better than before!

However, when he walked to the door with a smile on his face.

His face instantly became extremely ugly!!

Because he saw Uzumaki Naruto!

That fox demon!!

"Get lost! Why are you in front of my store?"

"Get out of here!!!" the shop owner yelled angrily!!

"I......"Uzumaki Naruto opened his mouth and looked at his boss in confusion.

He was just standing here.

He didn't do anything.

"I see! You want this mask, right?"

"Here you go! Get out of here!!!"

The shop owner picked up a fox demon mask and threw it directly on Uzumaki Naruto's head!

"Get out of here!!"

"It’s really unlucky!!!"

"I'm so pissed off!!" the shop owner cursed.

Uzumaki Naruto covered his head and looked at the mask that fell to the ground.

Then he held back his tears and ran away.

"Sandaime! What on earth has he done all these years!!!"

In the spiritual space, Namikaze Minato clenched his fists in anger!

"The old man from the Third Generation! Is he still a human being?!"

Uzumaki Kushina was also burning with anger!

【Namikaze Minato:"Third Generation! I have given so much to this village! Is this how you give back to my children?!"】

【Uzumaki Kushina:"We paid the price of our lives to protect the village! Old man Sandaime! Are you a human being?!"】

【Senju Hashirama:"Sarutobi, you are not really like what Madara said before, deliberately letting the villagers' hatred be directed to little Naruto in order to consolidate your position as the Third Hokage, right?"】

【Uchiha Madara:"Is that even necessary?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen:"First generation, the situation in the village was very chaotic at that time.......This is also to protect Naruto......"】

【Namikaze Minato:"Protect?! Protect your mother!!!"

Namikaze Minato in the belly of the Grim Reaper was already furious!!

【Namikaze Minato:"I'm still in the belly of the god of death! Still in the belly of the god of death! Sarutobi! Is this how you protect the child of Kushina and I?!"】

【Uchiha Madara:"Tsk tsk tsk, Namikaze Minato, you are nothing more than a tool to Sarutobi Hiruzen, hahahaha!"】

【Uzumaki Kushina:"Protecting Naruto? Sarutobi! You call this protecting Naruto? What did you protect?! Afraid of exposing the fact that Naruto is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki? Now even ordinary villagers know that Naruto is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, may I ask! What did you protect?!!"]

Uzumaki Kushina in the Pure Land was so angry that her hair exploded!!

She wanted to beat Sarutobi Hiruzen to death!!

In the original Naruto world.

In the Chunin Exam venue, the villagers also began to discuss.

Together with the ninjas, they all began to discuss secretly.

"The Sandaime Hokage told us......Was it because of Uzumaki Naruto that the Fourth Hokage was killed?"

"the truth......"

"Is it really like this?"

"It turns out that the truth was that the Fourth Hokage sealed the Nine-Tails in his son's body in order to protect us."

"But why didn't the Sandaime Hokage tell us this?"

"However, the Sandaime said to protect Naruto and the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but......The entire Konoha Village knows that Uzumaki Naruto is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!"

"If it is protection"

"The Sandaime could have hidden Naruto after the Nine-Tails Rebellion."

"Yes! Why did they release the news that Naruto was the one who killed the Fourth Hokage?"

"The key is, this is fake news!"


For a moment.

Sarutobi Hiruzen on the high platform, suddenly felt that there were at least hundreds of eyes around him staring at him!

This hair-raising feeling made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel like sitting on pins and needles!

Above the sky, the next scene made Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina even more furious!!

In the picture.

It started to drizzle, and Uzumaki Naruto covered his head with his hands, running back to his home breathlessly.

After opening the door, what caught his eye was the dirtiness.

Uzumaki Naruto brushed off the water stains on his body, then touched his stomach.

Then he took out a box of instant noodles that was about to expire from the cupboard.

"I have no money, so I can only make do with what I have."

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the instant noodles in front of him and tried to make the best of a bad situation.

【Namikaze Minato:"Sarutobi!! Don't tell me!! You don't even give my son enough money to eat?!!!""】...


The author is very nervous.���Did you guys see this?(╥﹏╥)o, those who read this, please vote for me!!

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