On a large pirate ship.

All the pirate leaders who went to the gathering this time gathered here.

Including the Four Emperors Whitebeard, Red Hair, Legendary Pirate Golden Lion, Wang Zhi.

And many pirate forces including the Seven Warlords of the Sea Hawkeye Mihawk, Gekko Moriah, Crocodile, and Golden Emperor.

In this war on the top, the pirates have gathered all the strength they can.

After so long since the video came, everyone held a war meeting for the first time.

At this time, everyone looked back and forth, but no one spoke first.

Finally, five minutes later, Golden Lion stood up and spoke first,

"You should have found some clues from the comparison video. We don't have to worry about the world comparison. We can enjoy the benefits brought by the improvement of strength every time.

"But random questions are a key point that cannot be ignored. If our people answer the questions correctly, it's okay, but if the navy on the other side answers the questions, it will continue to increase their strength!

"Just like the navy in the original world, from being stronger than the opponent at the beginning to being evenly matched now, this is because the emergence of random questions has changed the difference in strength between the two."

Golden Lion glanced at the whole audience, and then said:

"I think we can't delay it any longer. At most, after one more random question, we must take action and start the prelude to the war on the top, otherwise it will be more disadvantageous for us as time goes on.

"The current comparison video is showing Lu Ming's growth path. He is an absolute leader. Maybe some pirates have been inspired and are planning to abandon the dark and join the light. If this continues, our power will only get smaller and smaller!

"Now is the best opportunity. Roger has been resurrected, and we have added a top-level combat force.

"And with his resurrection, the former members of Roger's pirate group will also gather, and some other pirates who admire him will definitely follow.

"These will fill our current strength, and we are qualified to fight the navy. Everyone, you don't want to be sent to the execution platform by the navy, right?"

Golden Lion finished speaking and sat down again.

What he said touched the pirates around.

In fact, now they are very clear about Lu Ming's code of conduct. He is a good leader and can distinguish right from wrong.

As long as he has done things like massacring civilians or oppressing others, even if he is a Celestial Dragon, he has killed him once, not to mention other pirates.

And if those who have never done bad things like massacring civilians, even if they are pirates, he will only catch them with the intention of rebellion, and will not send them to the execution platform and behead them directly.

Unfortunately, looking at the whole field now, basically all the pirates who can become big pirates have done this kind of thing. Once they lose, they will be beheaded.

Only a few people can avoid being beheaded.

No one wants to die, so they will unite to start this war at the top.

After a long time, Moonlight Moria in the field stood up and said:

"It is indeed as the Golden Lion said. If we want to win a chance to survive, we can only fight quickly. If we drag it on, the situation will become more and more unfavorable to us.

"Anyway, this war will be fought eventually, so we might as well do it as soon as possible. The foundation of the navy is too strong. The longer they drag it on, the stronger they will become.

"In the war at the top of the other world, the navy has revealed the existence of the Peace Justice. There must be one in our world, and they have even researched a stronger existence than the Peace Justice!

"The longer it drags on, the more foundation they will have. After all, their previous generation of navy has probably returned to the peak state of their youth after several energy baptisms! "

Moonlight Moriah finished speaking, and Golden Lion added.

"Maybe it's more than that."

His words were a bit inexplicable, and everyone's attention was immediately shifted to him.

Under the gaze of everyone, Golden Lion slowly rolled up his trouser legs.

This made everyone's pupils shrink instantly.

Golden Lion's original legs had been chopped off from below the knees, and in recent years he has used two famous swords as substitutes for legs.

But now the originally chopped legs have inexplicably grown a part, and this part looks like it has obviously grown recently.

"That power can not only improve strength, but also make old people

It has the physical strength of its youth, and what's more terrifying is that it also has the ability to regenerate flesh and blood. "

Golden Lion said, and everyone was completely shocked.

"There are definitely quite a few people with broken hands and feet on the Navy side. If this energy allows them to regenerate all their flesh and blood, then these marines who have already retired can also rejoin the Navy, making the Navy even more powerful.

"If we want to fight this battle, we must not delay it any longer. When Roger arrives, we must set off and really start this war on the top!"

After the voice fell, the others nodded in agreement.

There are too many soldiers who retired because of broken hands and feet on the Navy side. Perhaps many of them are powerful generals. If they really regenerate all their flesh and blood, the Navy's power will become huge again.

If this accumulates several times, they really have no chance of winning compared to the Navy.

Do they really have to surrender and be pushed to the execution platform and beheaded?

No one wants to.

At this moment, everyone began to discuss the plan.

"We first need to send a team to monitor the movements of the Dawn Army. It is an organization directly under Lu Ming, with a huge force and many strong people.

Although the Dawn Army and the World Government had a complete falling out some time ago and have now left the Navy, it is possible that Lu Ming will mobilize them to support, so we need to keep an eye on their movements."

Beckman said.

Everyone agreed with him after he finished speaking.

Unlike the original world, the current world has the Dawn Army, a force that no one can ignore. There are many top-level combat forces and even more subordinates.

Among them are the world's number one female swordsman Kuina Shimotsuki, and the swordsman Zoro, whose strength is second only to Hawkeye, and can be regarded as the world's second largest swordsman.

Some Dawn Army cadres such as Nami, Nokiko, Usopp, etc. are quite powerful.

Although the Dawn Army has now completely separated from the World Government and is no longer assigned by the Navy, the Dawn Army's superior leader is Lu Ming, and no one will forget this.

Therefore, it is very necessary to monitor them to ensure that they will not appear in this war on the top, otherwise the pirates will just be sent to the battlefield.

"I will be responsible for monitoring their movements. Although that kid is powerful now, he can't match me in terms of observation Haki at this stage."

In the Red Hair Pirates, Jesus Bu took the initiative to volunteer.

After confirming the deployment, Jesus Bu quickly set off and arrived at a very far distance outside the Dawn Army's station to observe their movements.

Many pirates in the command center continued to discuss combat strategies.

Including the attack route, the allocation of war personnel, and leaving some people to cover the rear at the end to ensure that everyone has a way to escape at the most critical moment.

This must be planned in advance to avoid being in a hurry at the critical moment.

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