Comparison Of Two Sasukes: Sissy Sasuke Cries Naruto!

85 The Senjutsu Of RyūChi Cave! (Please Subscribe!)

"Ryūchi Cave?"

Sasuke thought for a moment.

But I've definitely never heard of this name.

"Haha~~ It seems that you don't have a lot of communication with Wan She!"

Orochimaru smiled and began to collect the experimental equipment on the table.

"Really? You have time to communicate with this dead snake.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed.

It seems that a new continent has been discovered.

"Where are we going?"

See Orochimaru has set off.

Sasuke asked.

"Haha~~ I'll take you to understand the basic concepts of immortality."

After determining the coordinates of Orochimaru.

Sasuke used the Flying Thunder God Technique to lead him over.

This is a secret base in Orochimaru.

The two entered slowly.

There isn't much in this secret base.

It seems that everything is serving the prison in the middle.

"Go ahead! You should be able to feel something."

Orochimaru gestured to the central prison.

Then he stood there smiling without saying a word.

Sasuke didn't hesitate.

Go straight up to the prison.

The people inside seemed to sense Sasuke's arrival.

But he did not greet "800".

In Sasuke's perception, the other party seemed to be hiding.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!"

"I beg you!"

A young man's pitiful voice came from inside.

His voice was pleading.

It sounds subconsciously convincing.

But only a few seconds passed.

The voice inside the door suddenly changed.

"Hahahaha!!!! Kill you!"

"Kill you!"

"go to hell!"


The prison door was violently smashed open.

Behind him is a monster with a ferocious face.

The monster laughed maniacally.

Although the sound is the same as before.

But the tone and demeanor are completely the same as two people.

"This is……"


Sasuke immediately noticed the strange lines on the other person's body.


A simple fist bump.

Chongwu's figure was directly hit and flew backwards.

There are even signs of dent in the body.

After this period of time, energy is absorbed.

Sasuke's physique and chakra amount are even more terrifying.

Sasuke believes that in a few years.

His own Chakra amount can even surpass Naruto's Uzumaki physique.

"Strange power?"

"She found something indeed!"

"What a genius!"

Orochimaru subconsciously stuck out his tongue.

I'm already excited about Sasuke's scientific research results.

"Curse seal? No!"

Look at Jugo getting back to normal.

Sasuke was lost in thought.

At first she thought Jugo was Orochimaru's cursed seal test subject again.

But just now she sensed a different energy.

It is similar to the energy Jiraiya absorbed at that time.

"Haha~~Have you found it?"

"That's right! Chongwu is the origin of the curse seal."

"The subsequent Heavenly Curse Seal is actually just a part of his body."

"To put it bluntly, his curse seal is a manifestation of out-of-control natural energy."

Listen to Orochimaru's explanation.

Sasuke finally started to observe Jugo seriously.

Jugo at this moment is completely different from the monster just now.

He lowered his head in despair.

Judging from his appearance, he looks like a shy big boy.

In fact, under normal circumstances, he really is.

"In other words, the curse seal is actually the prototype of the immortal state?"

"And Jugo is in the failed sage state?"

Compare Jiraiya’s Sage Mode.

Sasuke came to this conclusion.

"It can be understood that way!"

When it comes to senjutsu, Orochimaru, the loser, has done a lot of research.

The research and development of the curse seal proves that Orochimaru still has some unwillingness to accept magic.


"Their clan has a natural constitution."

“It can absorb natural energy naturally.

"He has a very strong physique."

“But there is no way to manage it.

"So it's hard to control your rationality."

"Zhongwu is the only survivor of their clan."

After listening to Orochimaru's words.

Sasuke became a little more interested in Jugo.

Seeing Sasuke in this state.

Orochimaru's mouth twitched.

He knew that this dead girl was poaching again.

But it doesn't matter, since I developed high-end topics such as Hashirama cells with Sasuke.

Orochimaru has no in-depth development of curse seals.

Without him, it is low-end.

So Jonggo isn't that important to him anymore.

"Your name is Chongwu?"

"Is Kimimaro with you?"

Jugo didn't answer Sasuke's words.

But he asked with expectation.

"Yes, you are friends?"


Jugo nodded vigorously.

Kimimaro serves as his check and the only person willing to listen to him.

What Zhongwu is most concerned about is the whereabouts of this brother.

"Follow me, and I'll be with Kimimaro every day from now on!"


Jugo nodded without hesitation.

"Good! Windfall!"

Sasuke was satisfied.

I didn’t expect that Kimimaro, a tsundere with a facial paralysis, would have such a charming personality.

As for Zhongwu, she is still very optimistic.

Although he was knocked away with one punch.

But Sasuke usually selects players based on their ceiling.

Jugo's pseudo-Sage Body is really powerful.

If one day he could control the natural energy in his body...

Isn't it the kind of Sage Mode that can maintain Jiraiya permanently?

Because according to the truth.

His natural energy never runs out.

His body will absorb natural energy on its own without limit.

As for how to control Sage Mode...

Sasuke looked at Orochimaru.

"Haha~~Yes, it does exist."

“Everything you want is there!”

"It's dangerous! Very dangerous! This is my advice to you."

"And I'm not afraid of your jokes, I'm a loser.

"Do you still remember the body we first met?"

Sasuke thought back to the White Snake Sage.

I shuddered subconsciously.

Although she always bickers with Orochimaru.

But it's actually in Sasuke's heart.

She admires Orochimaru very much..0

He also recognized his abilities.

But Orochimaru has accepted the fact that he is a loser.

A trip to Ryūchi Cave has proven to be treacherous.

"I know! That's ridiculous!"

Sasuke gave a small smile.

He took out a scroll from his pocket and threw it out.

"Stop doing that crap reincarnation technique of yours!"

"Let's study Hashirama cells!"

"This is my achievement!"

"Even if you still don't give up your bad reincarnation Technique!"

"At least use this to build a decent body!"

"Send Jugo back to the country of waves!"

"Ninja Technique! Reverse Summoning Technique!"

The blood formed a strange symbol on the ground.

Sasuke's body disappeared from the spot.

Only Orochimaru was left holding the scroll in his mouth.

"Hmph! This little brat!"

"It's quite cute!"

【Uzumaki Naruto: It’s started! It’s started! So Sasuke is going to have Sage Mode too? 】

[ Terumi Mei: The three holy places of senjutsu? Why have I never heard of it? 】

[Senju Hashirama: Mount Myōboku, Shigun Forest, Ryūchi Cave! Logically speaking, they are all qualified to practice senjutsu. 】

[Jiraiya: Orochimaru, so you have also practiced senjutsu? 】

[Orochimaru: Yes, but I failed. Do you think the snake fairies in Ryūchi Cave are as easy to talk to as your toad? 】

【Uchiha Sasuke: Damn! Why didn’t I know? Orochimaru, are you still hiding something?】

[ Orochimaru: How dare you say that? Look at this person, even though he is not called a master or a disciple, he still knows how to respect his teacher. Look at you! I’m just looking for a father to go back to!]

【Uchiha Sasuke: Tsk! You still want my body!】

【Senju Tsunade: Oh no! Don’t talk about the other!】

[Uzumaki Naruto: What's in it? I feel that apart from being a little more difficult to practice senjutsu, there doesn't seem to be much danger! 】

[Orochimaru: I told you that is your Mount Myōboku way of training! Do you expect snakes to be as friendly as toads? 】

[ Senju Tsunade: Yes, Katsuyu and Toad are both very friendly Summoning beasts, more like partners. Half of the snakes in Ryūchi Cave were either enslaved or sacrificed. For example, most of Orochimaru's Summoning beasts were forcibly enslaved by him, while the slightly more powerful ones like Xiang Wanshe only had a cooperative relationship with him and required sacrifices. In short, they were not very friendly.

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Really? I feel like Wan Snake is quite friendly to Sasuke! 】

[Senju Tsunade: She was also enslaving, she just enslaved all the snakes! 】

[Haruno Sakura: So Sasuke's career is dangerous, after all, no snake is her partner. 】

[ Uchiha Madara: Don’t worry too much. No matter where you are, hard power is always the most important. 】

It seems to confirm Madara's conjecture.

Sasuke's figure appeared on the screen.

But there seemed to be no sign of Ryūchi Cave in front of me.

Move forward slowly.

Sasuke was alert to everything around him.

But just for a moment.

A luxurious palace suddenly appeared in front of Sasuke.

It is marked Ryūchi Cave.

At the same time, there was a girl in white with dark green hair standing in front of the palace.


"Welcome to……"

"Ryūchi Cave!".

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