Complete Body

Chapter 1032: : Closing the market

The strength of the armored She people and the perseverance of the Geninya are indeed beyond expectation. Under such circumstances, they will also attack. It seems that the loss caused by this snow storm makes this world Long lost his mind.

The frontal attack has been slain and dark, and the two sides are evenly matched to not take too much of the advantage. For the Geninya, all his hopes are placed on the raid soldiers who will soon enter the city of Modiana.

In order to give them enough time, they have put all the forces on the frontal attack. This way, they forced the Baduo Qishi to use all their forces to resist the frontal attack.

The battlefield was very tragic, and the two sides pulled back and forth nearly a dozen times for three consecutive days.

There are nearly 30,000 of the remaining armies on the two sides of the valley. These 30,000 are definitely the strongest of the strong. After experiencing the resistance of the death squad and the rage of the snow storm, their willpower and ability reached their limits, so for It's almost crazy to win the city of Modiana, because there is everything they want, food and women!

During these three days, they did not go well. The valley stretched, especially after the snow storm, and there were traps everywhere, so these soldiers were very careful, although they could overlook the city of Modiana from the mountain, but the distance was always so far away. .

Gen Niya ’s mentality was also extremely bad. He did n’t expect that the unexpected arrival of the snow storm would completely disrupt his plan. Although there are still more than 100,000 people in the advantage, the cold weather has greatly increased the soldiers ’fighting power. decline.

Although logistics supplies are still available, there are too many casualties, and painful moans can be heard everywhere in the barracks, which is very affecting morale.

"The high priest, although we have stopped the frontal attacking enemies, we are probably difficult to guard against the valleys on both sides. Snow storms have blocked all roads. We cannot organize effective markings. According to these three days of observation, The other party is coming soon. According to the investigation, these people are mixed with many night hunters. I have informed them that all the leaders must strengthen their guard, especially their personal safety. " It makes the spoiled world leader look tired,

Coupled with the tragic situation on the battlefield, he kept thinking about it in his mind, and the world leader's mood was not stable.

"Well, the city of Modiana is connected to the valley after all. It is not realistic to prevent these people from sneaking in. After three days of fighting, we have less than 60,000 troops left. If we want to completely guard this, Back, I am afraid that these 60,000 troops are not enough. The fastest reinforcements will also arrive five days later because of the weather. If it is not the snow storm that helped us, I am afraid that the city has now fallen out of control. "Said Xixi.

"If it doesn't work, let all the people evacuate. It's a big deal to leave an empty city, or we invite them to come in, and then!" Chief Baduo Qi thought and said.

"Oh, I have an idea. Does this mean Kan Jina?" Yi Xi glanced at Baduo Qi Shichang and said.

"Yes, during the fighting discussion in the afternoon, she said that it was impossible to withdraw her people, as long as the people were still in the city and could be rebuilt. Although there are still less than 50,000 people, they are all for Modi. What the city of Yana has dedicated, we cannot let them fall into the hands of the enemy again. "The long head of Badoki did not conceal.

"I have also considered evacuating the people before, but now the weather is too difficult, and the nearest one is close to the city of Modiana. Once again, once they withdraw, they are refugees in nature. Do you think other cities Will you accept it? You are just supervising the war. Naturally, other cities have countless reasons to refuse. You can let them contribute material assistance, but suddenly these 50,000 people are influxed, which may be unacceptable. If you report to Sheshan, this time is unlimited Was procrastinated. "Xi Xi said.

"So what should I do?" Said Badou Qi, who was sullenly.

"Since the evacuation can not be done, then we will close the city." Xi Xian looked at President Baduoqi, said after thinking for a while.

"Close the market?"

"You ask Mr. Kan Jina, how much of the material storage in the city of Modiana, except for our use! Then distribute all the excess to all the people, at least three to five days, and then they want Seal all the dwellings and turn them into impervious fortresses. Since we can't stop the other party from invading, then we will starve them to death! "Explained Xi Xi.

"This method is okay, but how can the dwellings of the people resist the intrusion of these fierce and terrible generations?" Chief Baduo Qi asked.

"We are doing our best to avoid the battle while facing the frontal attack of the Great Geniya, and leave more than 30,000 soldiers to patrol the city. As long as they can survive for three days, these people are not enough to worry about!" Mu Xi said.

"Do you mean to kill them?" Said Chief Baduoqi.

"Yes, they think they can do whatever they want in the city of Modiana, then give them the city of Modiana, and these 30,000 soldiers have reached the limit of their bodies. When everything they want becomes a fantasy, Then the pressure in the final heart burst instantaneously ~ ~ said Xixi.

"Aren't you afraid that this kind of difference in heart will become the source of their madness?" Chief Baduoqi said.

"Crazy? They have to be physically mad too!" Mu Xi said with a smile, and then whispered again in the long ears of Baduoqi.

"Is this enough for the high priest?" Chief Baduoqi said in surprise.

"There is no mercy in the war, just do what I say! As long as we can minimize our casualties and encircle them in the city, then the victory of this war will belong to us." Xi Xi said .

The next day, the entire city of Modiana began to get busy. All the storage materials of the military fortress except for the more than 60,000 soldiers were distributed to the people.

Every family ’s doors and windows were sealed from the inside out, and all the people cooperated to seal themselves in the residence. They believed that it was reasonable for President Kan Jina to do so.

On the evening of the third day, the night had just fallen, and the remaining sneak attack soldiers of Kai She poured into the city of Modiana from various mountain roads.

But to their surprise, there was no one in the entire city of Modiana, and all the residences were sealed with various wooden planks and metal strips. They could vaguely hear the sounds inside, but they could not break in.

This is a very heavy blow for soldiers who have been hungry for three or four days in the valley.

The leader didn't even think that the chief of Baduoqi actually shrunk all the people inside, which was beyond their expectations.

However, after their crazy search, there is still some good news. There are still some foods in the store that have no time to transfer, which makes them overjoyed.

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