Complete Body

Chapter 1036: : Class teacher returns to Shedu

Four days later, the victory of Modiana City reached Shedu with the greatest speed. This made Baba Moshe very excited. Before the war, he learned that the Kamen people assembled more than 300,000 offensives in Modiana. City, he was extremely anxious, originally wanted to mobilize the army to go to the reinforcements, but the military commanders told him that there was not enough time for reinforcements.

But the most important thing is that the proud priest persuaded him to grow up without worry, everything is under the control of the peacemaker.

Sure enough, when this battle with less wins and more ended in victory, Badu Mochi immediately issued She Ling to reward Baduoqi and all the sergeants.

In Puxi, when he heard the news, he was ashamed. As a result, he could not bear it.

"Chief of the World, is it that the Chief of the Geniya has not dispatched 300,000 troops? Otherwise, with his ability, how could he be defeated?" Bardo chalk's staff was skeptical of this information.

"It's unlikely to be fake, he has his purpose, and we just need to send someone to the city of Modiana to confirm it, we can only say that this Bardoki is also lucky!" Bardo is extremely angry. .

"What does Shichang mean?"

"At the time of the war, they suffered nearly 200,000 soldiers from the snow storms and armored people. It's really God's eye."

"Snow storm? Although the weather is cold this season, snow storms will not occur, at least after the end of the year."

"So his luck is too good, and now this victory has made his father's trust in him completely different. I'm afraid that after returning to Shedu, he will override all the world's leaders." Bardo was cold. Said coldly.

"This is indeed the case. The current situation of Chief Gecheri and Commander Latmo is very good. If the Chief of Barthos really wins, it will undoubtedly resolve this crisis successfully. We are very unfavorable, all previous efforts have been in vain, and the other three will be necessary to claim compensation for this loss. According to the current situation, this possibility is not impossible! "The staff said with some concern.

"They dare? To know that this matter was first proposed by them. It's not so easy to tear the face. Now Bardoki is not long, and I am not so easily defeated, as long as the Father still trusts me. , Everything is possible! "Baduo Cha naturally did not admit that he failed.

"Now we only have to wait patiently. Chief Baduoqi will not come here. He needs to sit in the city of Modiana to stabilize the people there in order to obtain the necessary support in the future. When Commander Temo returns with victory, he will naturally return to the capital as a war supervisor. The only thing we can do now is to hope for miracles in the other two lines, but from the current battle situation, the hope is very slim. "Other aides also said Said.

"How many things did this group of people have taken me before, and now they are so unbearable. I originally thought that Ge Niya was the successor to take over Kaishi, and would have some brains, but I did not expect such a fiasco!" gas!

At the same time, in the long fort of Gotcheri's military fortress, he breathed a long breath after learning of Bardoki's victory, because one hundred thousand compared to three hundred thousand, even he did not have any confidence in victory .

And this victory made him believe in Mu Xi's ability, because all this must be mastered by this mysterious woman.

This War of Modiana has almost become the battle of fame of Badoki. When he became Shechang, the people even rendered this matter to the extreme.

Said that the long Badouqi world clamored for storms, used snow storms to defeat the armored She people, and took the lead to break into the large array of tens of thousands of opponents alone and capture the opponent.

Anyway, if there are many people listening to any version, what version of the narrative will evolve.

Of course, this is something.

Twenty days later, Getcheri took a spur of the drove out of the Losin She army out of Cherina She land, and caused the other party to lose several cities over, causing the other party to be seriously injured. And Chief Ratmo almost wiped out all the living forces of Habimi Lushen. I am afraid that in the next ten years, Habimi Lushen will not be able to cheer up.

Although the impact of this war of Baduoqi is much smaller than others, after all, the nature is different, and the most important thing is that this is the first battle in his life.

The gradual cessation of the third-line war, the border has returned to tranquility, and President Baduoqi is ready to set off for Shedu.

"High priest, we are about to set off tomorrow. I don't know if President Kan Jina would like to go back with me?" Chief Baduoqi stood at the top of the military fortress and looked at the normal night view of the city of Modiana, although the weather It was a little cold, but he couldn't resist his warmth.

"I ca n’t help you with this matter. She is a soldier, a soldier who deserves respect, but it is not the time for her to go back. The people here need her, and even though the armored people have retreated, the border needs A big long guard like her ~ ~ And before your goal is reached, she stays here without any harm. "Luoxi laughed, she naturally knew what Badokki was thinking.

"But ..." said Chief Baduoqi.

"Ban Jinna can be farther than you think. She once told me that she is very willing to follow you for life and serve you. But if these people need her, they will give everything back! If you want to let her Follow you, then let these people live and work in peace and contentment. "Said Xixi.

"It's really a wise woman, I will let her see this day!" Baduo Qishi said with pride.

At the same time, Kan Jina didn't fall asleep, she seemed to see the longing look of Baduo Qi through the window. This war not only won the victory, but she also won the feelings of Lord Bardoki.

And Kan Jinna from the beginning of rejection to approval, from likes to love, she knows what she wants!

She was naturally reluctant to leave the head of Baduoqi, but she could n’t do without the people of the city of Modiana, so she wanted to let the head of Baduoqi build a stronger Chernai, so that Kan Jina would feel at ease Follow your favorite.

Of course, this female elder who has been trained from the war. When the head of Baduoqi really became She Chang, he devoted himself to assisting and pushing Celinai together to another peak era with Baduoqi.

Sure enough, the next day, when Badou Qi long and lightly left the city of Modiana, they were greeted by all the people. They cheered for the long leader, but Kan Jina did not appear, but all this has been expressed It is very clear that the tears of parting are heartbreaking.

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