Complete Body

Chapter 1042: :? 樯 窦 利? / A>

Baduoqi did not know about this matter. At first, his current energy has shifted his focus to dealing with the affairs in She. Secondly, for him, he will not go to anything other than the matter of governance. Guan, even said that after Shefu, the status of Lu Xi was higher than him.

Therefore, the private affairs of Xixi naturally do not bother him. If even she can't solve it, Baduoqi naturally has no way.

Of course, Xiye also needs him to know that, after all, there are some things that Bardoki cannot currently control.

The temple of She Temple in Shedu is extremely huge. It is the largest temple in the entire continent. In terms of area, it is more than three times as powerful as the city of Habbo.

She was also shocked by such a huge temple when she saw it. Of course, she has seen countless giant artificial buildings, but compared to a non-modern industrial society like the Dali Artesian, it can be built like this. She also admires the huge building complex.

The appearance and layout style of the temple are similar, but there is not much difference, but the specifications are naturally much larger, and the statue of the **** here is made of a rare metal on the Dali Ashti star. The metal is similar to silver on the earth, and it is also silver, but the hardness is higher than silver, and it has strong corrosion resistance!

The temple has three entrances, and these three entrances are facing different directions. At special times of the year, three stars will simultaneously shoot light into the temple from different directions. This season is the middle of the Dali Artisan Almanac calendar, which is the dividing point of the first half of the year.

At this time, the statue of the **** of God will emit a dazzling light, just like the rule of heaven and earth.

After the first year of the year, the **** sacrificial sacrifice is about to begin, which is also the most grand sacrificial activity every year. The main person is the **** god priest specially trained in each she.

They served in the Temple of Life for life. They rarely appeared in the Temple. They were kept in special residences. They only went to the Temple of Art in the Temple on the occasion of the major sacrifice day.

Their identity is not very high, but during the sacrifice of the gods, they have the absolute right to speak, and even the leader must obey their arrangements for sacrifice.

The time of invitation for Lu Xi was the day before the sacrifice of the **** of gods, and it was also the most lively time, so they were dared to be invited by the elders of Badou. After all, the incident of the **** temple in the city of Habbo has left them feeling terrified.

At this time, countless humble wooden houses have been built around the Temple of God, these are used to temporarily live for the people of Chelinai She who came to visit.

In addition to these wooden houses, there are many temporary eating shops, which are provided free of charge, and are contracted by those rich and wealthy dignitaries.

This is similar to many charities on the earth hundreds of years ago, giving food items for free and gaining spiritual comfort.

This situation naturally does not exist on the earth now, the material is extremely rich, and public welfare has become the mainstream idea and a trend of human evolution.

Therefore, the **** worship of Shedu attracts hundreds of thousands of people to worship every year, which is still under the condition of allowing multiple levels to enter.

During the sacrificial worship of the gods, there are very strict procedures. The sacrificial offering is carried out for a total of ten days. On the first day, Shechang and She enter into worship and pray.

The next day was Shezi or the head of the world. Because no one was chosen in the previous year, the eight heads of the world entered the temple to worship together.

This year is different. Baduo Qishezi will enter alone the next day, while the other world leaders will be arranged on the third day.

In the next few days, the military department, palace officials and other dignitaries successively entered by level. Generally, other ordinary people were allowed to enter within the last four days.

Because the temple is large enough, there is no problem for hundreds of thousands of people to enter, so in the last few days, the temple is really full of people and lively.

When Xixi arrived in front of the Temple of the Emperor, it was already crowded, but now there was no one within ten meters of the Temple of the Emperor, and it was guarded by the elite guards.

The time for sacrifice is not yet reached, and no one is allowed to enter, unless you have a Shechang Pass.

Hundreds of priest priests and numerous dedicated servants can be seen inside the temple of the priest, and they are busy. The sacrifice begins tomorrow, and everything is actually prepared. They are just doing the final inspection. serious.

At this extremely important moment, there may be excuses for offending She Chang, but if you offend the words of God, I am afraid that the entire Chelinai She will have no luck in this year.

It is conceivable that the offending person will end up. This kind of punishment may be much more serious than the Zhujiu on the earth.

Mu Xi's arrival did not attract anyone's attention. She wore a veil and walked in the crowd without any abruptness.

Naturally, Bartholomew also came very early, not only himself, but he sent almost all the night hunters. Since the death of the original hunter, he has appointed a new one.

Before arriving at the Temple of the Emperor, he specially sent people to the elite guard to greet him in advance, hoping to send more people during the sacrifice at the Temple of the Emperor to avoid unnecessary riots.

However, in the past 100 years of the history of Cherishna, only two disturbances have occurred, and these two happened to be during the war.

Therefore, in this stable social atmosphere, riots are almost impossible, but the elite guards will naturally not relax their vigilance. They do not want to make any mistakes at this time. After all, no one can bear the consequences.

"Senior Barthos ~ ~ We didn't see the woman appear, it's almost noon, and according to the time, she should also come." Inside a temporary residence, it was cleaned very well Clean, this is specially prepared for him, several aides and new chiefs are there.

"No hurry, maybe she is also looking for us, as long as some time later, just go to the appointed place. Today is a good day, the day before the **** sacrifice, I don't know what tricks she can play?" Ba The long-term world is very calm on the surface, but his heart is still a little uneasy.

"All of our manpower is arranged properly, and I hope she is not coming alone, but the person who brought Baduoqi, so that we have enough chances to make the temple incident." One of the staff said.

"What if she came alone?"

"She has a very low chance of coming alone in this kind of scene, and she should know that we will definitely send enough manpower to deal with her, not to mention that the head of the De Morui family is still in our hands, we need to wait patiently." In addition Said his staff confidently.

At this time, Li Shi had long been aware of the location of the world leader of Baduo, but she did not rush to the predetermined location. It was rare to encounter such a grand priest sacrifice. She also had to know it on the spot.

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