Complete Body

Chapter 1059: : Noli Pannuo's stubbornness

For decades, this is the first time Nuoli Pannuo has quarreled with his mother-in-law. He knows that his mother has paid too much, but now he has changed his mind and made him unacceptable.

択 浠 was arranged in the Furao residence, and several attendants took care of it. She seemed to have nothing to do with this matter. No matter how the mother and son argue, they will not dissuade.

Now that the woman has agreed, she will naturally do it. After all, the reason for all this is because of her own obsession, and now she wants to change all this, and she has to serve Nuo Li Pun.

In the fourth place where Luxi stayed on the island, the differences between Noli Pannuo and the woman reached a climax, and he threatened to first imprison the Luxi, and then forced the woman to stand with herself again. She launched a comprehensive attack.

What is more important is that he is ready to win over She Linai She to form an interest alliance, so that he can increase the pressure and force Baduo Qi She to make some concessions.

Faced with the toughness of her children, Fong once felt powerless. She knew Nuoli Punuo very well. All these stubbornness were caused by her insubstantialization for many years.

"High priest, are you still used to living here?" During these times, the woman came to the mud house for the first time. Judging from her face, it was much haggard than before. It seems that this matter Make her very worried.

"There is nothing that I am not used to when I come. How to adapt to different environments depends on my mentality, not external factors." Yi Xi said calmly.

"The high priest is really different, and every sentence reveals the infinite mystery, and I will not be so in your state of mind." The woman sighed.

"It seems that you didn't take the promise, but it made him more disgusted, and he wanted to imprison me as a threat to launch a full-scale attack on Chelinai She." Lu Xi Road said.

"Yes, his temperament is the same as that of his father, and he will not easily compromise. I think I am doing the right thing in these years, but I didn't expect it to be so ridiculous at the end." Fu Rao was very depressed.

"Do n’t blame yourself, everything is human nature, and the truth is often confused by your own eyes, all the bonds will be removed, and Cheryl will return to its heyday. It ’s just that all this is made by Baba Mo It ’s caused by your father, and now it ’s up to the chief of Baduo Qishe and the head of Nuolibanguo to understand it. ”Luoxi comforted.

"You ’re right, but I ’m really a bit confused at the moment. Although I have been leading Nuolipan ’s thinking in recent years, he has grown up now, and my advice is just listening, not listening. We have never been like this. Stalemate, remember to have not abandoned each other in the most difficult times. "Woman said.

"If he still listens to you now, I honestly despise him. Mature men must have their own opinions. As to whether it is reasonable, this will only be known after practice. I can understand his inner entanglement, but now he is on the string. , Have to send! Otherwise, the rebel army will not obey his command, all his efforts will be zero. "Xi Xie said.

"But this is a war with no chance of winning. He won't get anything. I'm afraid that even Ba Mo Mo will not admit that he has such a child." The woman said anxiously.

"Everything will be okay. Only when you encounter setbacks can you know how to deal with it! It's very different for Noli Pannuo to bring this war to him." Lu Xi laughed.

"What time is it now, the high priest still has the heart to tell these truths to my mother!" At this time, Nuo Lixunuo appeared in Luxi's residence, with five or six old men beside him.

These old men have a strong breath, and at a glance each is extremely powerful.

"What are you doing, Nuo Er, so disrespectful to the high priest!" The woman's face changed greatly when she saw Nuo Li's promise and these followers.

"You mother has been deceived by her. The things you have seen before are all tricks. Why do you still believe her so much? Isn't our mother-child relationship decades worth the nonsense?" Nuoli Chen Nuo shouted.

"This is not a magic technique, but a psychic thing, you naturally don't understand these! Of course you can also use your own way to fight back. I don't mind turning Lili Island into a real island of hell." Calmly said.

"It's such a big tone. It's no wonder why the Chief Executive and the Lord continue to disagree during this time. It turns out that you are the one who instigated them. Do you really think that Lili Island is a place to come and go?" The hot old man shouted loudly.

Obviously Nuoli Pannuo did not tell them their true identity.

"Oh, it seems that the head of Nolino didn't tell me who he is, what is he afraid of?" Muxi didn't care about the other's growl.

"No matter who you are, you must surrender when you come to Lili Island, here we dominate everything!" Said the old man.

"Isn't it under the governance of Cherishna? Can you tell them about the head of Nuolipano ~ ~ Who am I?" Lu Xie looked at Nuolijunuo.

"You came to the island secretly, with my clever teeth to persuade my mother, who knows your identity is true or false." Nuo Lixunuo's face is very ugly, he knows in his heart that the prestige of Lu Xi has a great influence, once these old people know each other Identity, then there must be a shadow in my heart.

After all, he launched an offensive against the city of Chernaze, and Badou Kisho needs a process to solve it. If he imprisoned the high priest beside him, Nolihano's initiative will be higher.

"You don't even have the courage to do this. How could it be a long opponent of Baduo Qishe? I think it's still a good surrender. Once his deployment is completed, then you can't solve it by asking for mercy!" The other side said.

"I don't think you can see the current situation. Think about whether you can survive again!" At that time, the hot old man was lying on his side, and he was bullying himself, trying to make a sneak attack on Muxi.

In the surprised expression of the woman, the old man ’s double fists have already attacked the eyes of Mu Xi, and he is so strong that he obviously wants a trick

But the next second, just as the old man's fist was about to hit the 択 浠, he only felt a flower in front of him, and his figure disappeared.

At this time, the old man screamed badly, he immediately forcibly withdrew his fist, but it was too late.

No one could see how Muxi hit his fist. I saw the old man bowing all over his body, the expression on his face was very distorted, an extremely powerful force struck him directly, and built a thick wall with the rock barrier on the island. The body was hit a big hole by the old man, and he flew out of his residence.

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