Complete Body

Chapter 1075: : Luo Guan's dream

After a long sea voyage, everyone has reached the limit of physical and psychological state, and some people actually have nautical syndrome after returning to land.

These people did not immediately explore after landing. In addition to repairing the ship, they also built a temporary settlement. After all, this is a long-lasting operation. It is extremely difficult to find the gods and beasts in the vast continent.

They are the most elite members of every She. Naturally, they have detailed plans, and they will not blindly go to explore without knowing the situation of the magic domain.

Equipment and equipment on the ship have been evacuated, and four temporary settlements have been built. Although the scale is not large at present, it is foreseeable that this will be the prototype of the new city of the Dali Athetis in the mainland of Akedu.

And it is amazing that two continents each landed on two continents. God does not have any favoritism. I am afraid that in the near future, the Demon Realm will become the focus of the two continents.

And the most powerful Celina She naturally became the leader. Although they lost the most this time, but because there were more people on the voyage, the absolute number of survivors was still the largest.

More than a thousand elites dismantled one of the maiden voyages, and built a small-scale corner area using the huge ship frame.

After the first maiden voyage was completely repaired two months later, some members returned the same way. The first was to report the situation to Chelinai She. The second was to send more ships to transport materials to build a permanent corner city. The future city-building will lay the foundation.

On this unfamiliar continent, everything is a new beginning, and the Demon Realm also connects the Dali Assettis of the two continents.

After the news of the success of Badoki Shechi, the entire Cherinai was in a state of extreme celebration, and the news quickly spread throughout the entire continent.

Then all the Shes began to invest in a new round of HNA plans, and even some Sheshang went to She wanted to cooperate with Baduoqi.

And they guarantee that they will not participate in the battle for the gods and beasts after arriving in the Demon Realm, as long as they can be divided into some land.

Faced with these requests, President Bardo Qishe basically agreed after deliberation. After all, there are many people, and this will greatly reduce the cost and loss of HNA.

Faced with the large-scale naval operations of the Dali Assettis, Luo Yun and they were not surprised, remembering that such naval expeditions have occurred in the history of the earth.

"Mother, for more than a year, the giants have been expanding a little bit faster. The coastal zone of Yakaidu, which is closest to the other two continents, has been divided by each She. They have begun to establish permanent settlements here. How long to wait? "

When Luoyun returned to the expedition ship and completed a shift, she went to the cabin of Xixi alone. In addition to greetings, she also gave a detailed report on the current progress.

"Don't worry, such a large area of ​​continent needs time to explore, and the living environment of the Akaydu continent is extremely poor, and they also need a buffer period." Yi Xie replied.

"We have finished generating data for the entire giant star and established a biological framework theory. From the current situation, giant star is in an extremely stable state of gravity. Such a state can be maintained for 100,000 years. Smoothly, they can complete the path we have traveled for thousands of years in hundreds of years. "Luo Yun also said.

"This should be patient, don't worry, just arrange everything. On the earth, it will take decades to provide assistance to the backward countries, not to mention that we are facing a comprehensive promotion of an alien wisdom civilization!" Said.

"By the way, my mother I entered Mayfair ’s system a few days ago, and in the highest authority you set, I found information about the star Sapierra. This giant star turned out to be Dali Ashetti. I saw you. Have met with them? Can we still complete the established plan? "At this time, Luo Yun turned around and changed the subject.

"I thought you were too busy to pay attention to it anymore!" Xixi laughed.

"These are my mother's secrets. I will not easily go through them. Besides, you have to grasp the overall situation. I don't have to worry at all. Now I have a little leisure and looked at it!" Luo Yun smiled.

"Daliseti is not too important for the Tupperites. They are just experiments, so we promise to let us deal with it. Of course, we will also give them some conditions. For humans, research This is a rare opportunity for the past with similar civilizations. At least under the current technological capabilities, we will have more alien civilization alliances in the future. Anything is often the first and the most difficult. ! "Mu Xi replied.

"Mother, what if they lose faith? After all, our strength can't compete with them at all!" Luo Yun said.

"They are too far away ~ ~ Besides, the masters of the Milky Way galaxy will not see other intelligent civilizations enter their own star fields and wantonly." Luo Xi said.

"But we haven't detected any alien civilization's reply in the Milky Way Galaxy?" Luo Yun said.

"Our technology is too backward, and the way of communication is so different. Even if they send us a signal, we can't capture or decipher it. The universe is more complicated than we thought. This is an extremely complex universe. Circle, and we are currently at the lowest level. "Xi Xi said.

"Mother, I want to go to explore the alien high-level civilization in person like you!" Luo Yun showed a serious expression for the first time.

"Luoer, extraterrestrial travel is an extremely boring thing. Although the universe is extremely bright, when you touch it, you will find that the truth will be very different! Any force in the universe can take you Torn and turned into ashes. "Mu Xi said, looking at the dark space outside the window.

"I'm not afraid. You told me countless experiences about yourself. Although it sounds exciting to me, I now know that you have done it all in nine deaths. Mother. Our life is short. I want to have the same experience as you! Luo Luo said.

"I know you have the ambition since childhood, this is the same as me. In fact, if you can protect the earth, I am afraid it is more important than experiencing any alien civilization. This is also one of the reasons why the mother wants to come back, because this is our home. No matter how advanced the alien civilization is, our roots are on the earth, in the unremarkable star field in the Milky Way! "Xi Xian turned to look at Luo Wan, and she saw herself in her youth from the stubborn eyes of the other party.

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