Complete Body

Chapter 1305: : Family reorganization

Luo Zhenxiao's face was very ugly. He didn't expect Luo Feng to say these scandals at this time. He didn't have any powerful rebuttal at this time. Obviously, what the other party said were all facts, and he couldn't go wild now.


After Luo Feng’s first shot, several younger generations also came forward. Although what they said was not very important, it also involved the core interests of the Luolong family. For a time, the entire hall was filled with The voice of resistance and being resisted.


  泞浠 did not speak, she hoped that such a situation would happen, otherwise, if no one in the family dared to tell the truth, then the Luolong family might as well disband, and each one would go solo.


   No matter what kind of family, it needs a cohesion, and this cohesion comes from the identity of the tribe with the family. Without a sense of identity, it is like a loose sand, which can be easily knocked down by external forces.


   Luo Tianxiong and several elders had extremely ugly faces. Everything the younger generations said was basically related to them, but because Xi Xi was present, he lent them 10,000 courage and did not dare to fool around.


   If it were changed to normal, the guard would have come to drive him away.


   "Okay, please calm down, everyone, this is a family meeting, not a street mall! Existing problems need to be solved slowly!" After a long time, Zhi Xi said slowly this time.


   Although her voice was not loud, everyone calmed down with this opening and looked at Zhixi quietly.


"A set of data can turn the entire situation of the Luolong family upside down. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing? This is what you call the top ten international families?" Zhi Xi's gaze swept across calmly. In the audience, every member suddenly felt like a sharp sword stabbed in the heart.


"Dear ancestors, some things are not what they said. The larger the family, the more pressure we will endure. We need to survive. Naturally we need extraordinary means, and some are helpless!" At this time, Luo Tian Xiong had no choice but to speak out.


   "That's right, the scale is bigger, and there are more people staring at you. In many cases, even if the decision is made, it may be for the survival of the family. There are no permanent friends, only permanent benefits!" Sai Xi.


"Yeah, you are too right. It is indeed very tiring to maintain such a family. The four elders are still involved in intra-clan affairs so far, so they should be enjoying the good fortune and don't have to worry about family affairs!" Luo Tian Xiong heard Xixi's words and quickly continued to complain.


   "Oh, indeed, these elders should really enjoy the blessings according to their seniority. Now that you have such an idea, then it is okay. Recommend the four elders again during the year, so they can rest in peace!" Zhi Xi smiled slightly and said directly.


"Ah!" When Luo Tianxiong heard Jiang Xi's words, he was immediately silly. He was originally a little credited for their hard work, but he didn't expect this ancestor to take advantage of his words and let the four elders retire directly. Caught him off guard.


   At this time, many other members of the family covered their mouths and snickered. They didn't expect that Zhixi would do things so decisively and directly let Luo Tianxiong get into the condom.


"Is there any problem? There is almost half a year left. It should be enough to recommend the new elders, right? Elders are just a kind of title, and have nothing to do with age. For example, your generation and the next generation are fine. Family If the development of China relies on the older generation, then there is no future!" Sai Xi.


   "No, no problem! If the ancestor, we will start planning immediately." Luo Tianxiong was a little embarrassed.


"You don’t need to be nervous, you will still be the patriarch. No matter what you are doing your duty, the development of the family is inseparable from your efforts! But I want to wait for the four new elders to re-recommend, and then to the entire family You must understand your role and position in the family. You must also understand that it is not you who made the family, but the family that made you! If you don’t know this, then you are not eligible to become one of the Luolong family. Member." Zhixi continued. Although her voice was calm, the intention revealed in the words was very clear. The Luolong family should be reformed and thoroughly reformed.


   "Thank your ancestors for your trust, Tianxiong will continue to serve the family!" Luo Tianxiong heard that Xi Xi didn't mean to act on him, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.


"In life, everyone has different goals. Some people like money, some like power, and some enjoy the ease and pleasure that nature brings. But when you are in an environment, you must adapt. This kind of adaptation may You will sacrifice part of your life, but it is also a choice, a different life choice. Everyone who started the Luolong family is very clear about who we serve and how high can we reach? How can we better survive in this complicated world. These all need to be seriously considered. The Game of Thrones is too far away for us, we can’t afford to play, and there is no need to play. Only in this way can you have the possibility of survival. Once it becomes a tool of the power system, what is your ability to contend with the entire country? I have warned your grandmothers to follow your original aspirations. Our goal is the stars and the sea, not just the earth. If this power is connected The temptation can't be resisted. In the future, facing a more powerful galaxy civilization, I am afraid that you will surrender the fastest." Zhi Xi's expression gradually became serious.


   After the members heard the words of Zhi Xi, everyone's face was very solemn. Over the years, the family has become stronger and stronger, and they have more or less started to have a strong desire for power. relies on the family's scientific and technological strength and frequently conducts power and wealth transactions in exchange for a large amount of benefits in a short period of time.


   But just like this data, the larger the size of the family, but the actual benefits flow to the individual members of the family, and the division of family interests is getting more and more serious.


   What they see is only short-term benefits, and they have ignored that if there is no family, they will be scattered and easily crushed.


   All this is dependent on what Zhixi gave. Once they lose this support, they are nothing!


   Although it may be difficult for them to understand the deep meaning of what Zhixi said, after all, they are all smart people. After a certain period of time, they will understand the truth.


   This meeting lasted until late at night, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed than before. Although there were still some contradictions, both sides were obviously more rational.


   The elders also expressed their willingness to step down. In terms of the reorganization of the family’s assets, most people also formed a preliminary consensus. Although they reluctantly cut off what they had for many years, they knew that they had no choice.


   The entire Luolong family has undergone a great change overnight, and this great change happened in the light of wind and light.


   There was no extreme action, no threatening oppression, Zhixi naturally relied on her ability and identity to help Luolong family back to the original aspiration. In the process of conquering the galaxy in the future, facts proved that Xixi’s direction was correct.


  Only by focusing on the stars and the sea, can we have unlimited survivability.

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