Complete Body

Chapter 633: : Take a collection ship

However, due to the unity of strings and cosmic waves possessed by Luoxi, it still has an advantage in front of Italian civilization and finished civilization. Although the advantage is not large, when the wisdom civilization develops to such an extreme, a little advantage It will become extremely important, and even affect the entire galaxy island, the situation of the galaxy vortex.

The scope of the linear universe is much broader than that of the singularity universe, and the distance of trillions of light years, even in the eyes of some high-level civilizations, is still out of reach.

Some linear universes with a time frequency close to 10 have an extreme range of more than three trillion light years.

Since there is no need to enter the mirror image of space, the Suzaku quickly arrived at the edge of the eye of the linear universe under the guidance of Mayer ’s coordinates. Although it is said to be the edge, it is actually 100 billion light-years away.

Even at such a distance, Luoxi has actually felt the absolute power of the eye of the universe. It may not have felt much under the protection of the mirror image of space before.

"The power of this time is too strong, it is difficult to shield the superstring!" Facing the invisible time power, Luo Xi's expression is very complicated.

The edge of the eye of the universe is too vast. This linear universe has been born for more than 30 billion years, and there are still a large number of civilized ships that come to collect the crystals of ions.

Those who can reach the edge of the eye of the universe are high-level civilization collection ships. The technological level and scale of these ships are far beyond the singularity universe.

Despite their large size, they can also easily perform fifth-degree curvature flight.

The appearance of the Suzaku did not attract the attention of other ships, and these high-level civilizations came from all corners of the linear universe, and some have been flying for thousands of years before arriving here, so apart from the crystallization of 銄, there is nothing else relationship.

"Mayfair, shall we go to see other ships first?" Luoxi is naturally very curious. Although there is no newness to the alien civilization race, after all, it is the first time to meet the civilization race of the linear universe.

"This is up to you, but I don't think it will be received friendly!" Mayer smiled.

"Why? Are high-level civilizations so stingy?" Luoxi was puzzled.

"It's not stingy, it's just that it's a free collection area, and these collection ships come from various star fields. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, there is a default here. They just communicate with each other and will not send crews to go. "Fair explained."

"That's right, it makes sense! But I want to try it, anyway, it's just a shuttle. You look it up, those civilized races are better at talking!" Luoxi laughed.

Mayer shook her head helplessly, opened the super interest star chart, and soon listed all the suitable connected civilizations within the distance of this hundred light-year star range.

"Why, why did a god-level civilization actually appear here?" After looking at the list of civilizations, Luoxi discovered one of them: the Bunia Stars' civilization race.

"Yeah, it should be that they are about to touch the field of Italian civilization, otherwise they don't need to collect the crystals of Lu." Feier said.

"Let's go, let's go and see them on the collection ship!" Luoxi said excitedly.

Although there is a distance of more than ten light years, this distance can now be reached instantly.

When the Suzaku appeared near this collection ship, the other party sent a signal to signal that the stream was directly connected, and a tall Bunia star appeared in front of her.

The shape is a little weird. It is not the shape that humans normally understand. The proportion of the body is not coordinated. The long limbs support a somewhat elliptical body. If you add two more feet, it is like a spider on the earth.

Moreover, there was originally only one meatball protruding from the head, and the two huge eyes above it, the nose seemed to disappear and the mouth became thinner.

If it is not a reminder of wisdom and civilization, Luoxi will definitely treat him as an alien creature.

"Hello! Friends from afar!" This Bunia star clearly has no way of knowing the origin of Luxi, but his attitude is very friendly. After all, it is impossible for low-level civilization to reach the edge of the eye of the universe. of.

"Hello! I'm from the earth, called Luoxi. I don't know how to call you?" Naturally and generously introduced to Xixi, Luxi translated directly into Bunia Star language through the system.

"Earth? What a special name. We are the Bunia star, from the Kironito galaxy! My name is Kaya. Are you here to confine the starry sky to collect the crystals?" Apparently, the Bunia star did not see The other ships were close, and only one Suzaku was near their collection ship, which was a little surprised.

"The imprisonment of the starry sky is another name for the eyes of the universe of these civilized races. They naturally do not know that this is the eye of the linear universe. So they are called differently, but this name is relatively common." This is Mayfair's explanation.

"We are just a shuttle of the top civilization, and we do not know what material is the crystal of 銄? Strayed into the dark matter vortex when passing through the starry sky, and then was projected into this imprisoned starry sky!" Luoxi naturally does not say that it is for Lian crystallized.

"That's it! It's very dangerous to imprison the starry sky, you should leave as soon as possible!" Hearing Luoxi said that the other party's originally nervous expression relaxed, although the small mouth could not express more meaning, but it seemed to reduce a little hostility. .

"Dark matter vortex destroyed my power system, unable to perform fifth-degree curvature flight, and there is no star ring in the range of 100 billion light years." Luoxi said weakly.

"Then what do you mean? Would you like to take our collection ship to leave?" Kaya immediately understood what Luoxi meant.

"I have only heard about the starry sky, so it is not clear what kind of star field the starry sky is in ~ ~ and I understand that the general collection ships will not be easily taken by other civilizations, if you are in trouble Let me see if other collection ships can do it! "Luoxi's expression of frustration all over his face.

"But we just came here, I'm afraid we won't leave for a while!" Kaya said.

"Then how much time do you need?" Luoxi asked.

"It should be about a thousand years (about 1500 Earth years). If the collection is not enough, I am afraid it will take longer!" Ka Ya replied after thinking for a while.

"Yes! I can't leave this star field without the fifth-degree curvature. If the power system can be repaired on the collection ship, I will leave immediately!" Luoxi looked happy.

Then the Suzaku was shrouded in a blue light. Obviously the other party was scanning the Suzaku's structure, it should be detecting whether there were offensive weapons or other prohibited items.

It didn't take long for the light to disappear, and Kaya's voice became cordial, and he informed Captain Luxi that he had agreed to take the collection ship.


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