Complete Body

Chapter 683: : Lingdi

"Lord Emperor, they have reached the Sirze Galaxy, do we need to be close!"

In the cockpit of this ship, an old-looking Ayasian Adolescent stared very respectfully to the Emperor corpse standing in front of him.

"Sirzer galaxy? This is a stellar galaxy without any living bodies. Why are they here?"

The Emperor Ados Star King Ling, was extremely tall, and a black system exuded the unmatched imperial demeanor. He was trapped in the darkness, with only two rows of eyes exposed.

Despite this, no one can look directly at the sharp edges revealed by these four eyes.

"It is not clear at present, but they disappeared after they entered Fitero, and the detection system could not find any traces of each other." The old man said.

"It looks the same as I foresee, and he will come here!" Ling Di said with a deep voice.

"So how are we going now? Are we going to Fitlow Star or waiting here?"

"You come back, I know this!" Ling Di replied.

Although the ship spent a lot of energy to follow here, but the Emperor's sentence withdrew, the old man did not excuse it, and directly ordered the ship to return, disappearing into the darkness.

After seven Earth Days, Amir and Luoxi came to the most central part of the metal building.

This is a cone-shaped column with a diameter of more than 230 kilometers at the bottom, more than 100 kilometers at the top and a height of more than 500 kilometers.

I do n’t know what material the cone is made of. The creek feels bitterly cold. It seems that the whole body is frozen.

"This is gold, a metal unique to Fitroxine. Although its surface is up to thousands of degrees under the tyranny of the Silzer star, the presence of this metal ore can condense the heat inside. And the extracted gold can also be used as a condensing light weapon. The temperature of the light it emits is more than double the absolute temperature of your earth. Many metals ca n’t bear this. The temperature is low and cracked. "Mayor's voice sounded.

"It is twice as much lower than the absolute temperature, which is too incomprehensible! To know that our absolute temperature is the temperature that the elementary particles in the universe can reach in a static state. If it is even lower, this is What kind of state? "Luoxi asked in surprise.

"This state will stop the string energy from moving. Of course, the lowest temperature in the universe is far lower than you think. Your absolute temperature is only established above your own technological level." Mayer replied.

For Mayer's words, Luoxi has rarely refuted, at this time the facts cannot be changed.

"The information obtained from the black ball, which is the device that excites the superstring gap, but it does not explain how to start!" At this time, Amir flew the aircraft in a fast circle and said.

"Do you need security code verification?" Luoxi asked.

"I just asked the system just now, and their answer is very consistent: this has exceeded their system authority, and it is impossible to answer! It seems that the Xagesi star did not inform the system of the startup method." Emile replied.

"Then think about whether there are other items left on the father?" Luoxi said.

"No, he only told me about the black ball, there is no other explanation, now I want to enter the superstring gap, only this way. They are a space created by themselves, if there is no specific way to start It ’s inaccessible! And I checked all the systems here, and I did n’t find any words about entering the superstring gap. ”Emile was discouraged.

"Do n’t worry, now that we ’re here, we have enough time to explore. If the startup method is easy, I ’m afraid that the Xagers will not bother to carry out such a large-scale construction. The clues may be hidden In this metal mansion, it may also be somewhere outside the cave, anyway, do n’t let the related clues pass. ”Luoxi comforted.

"I know that they have built such a huge building, and it will certainly not be easy for people to open this passage, and this column is made of gold. The light emitted is extremely low, and even the string energy can not resist. The cost of constructing this column is too great! It is impossible to imagine! "Amir said at the time.

"Well! Since it was built with gilded gold, it is definitely the best choice to activate that space according to its attributes." Luoxi nodded and pretended to know.

"Yes, all the information permissions in the black ball have been lifted these days. I learned too many things. I didn't expect that we still have so many backhands. No wonder my father made me never give up, as long as I can come here, Betty The Baxing have a day to rise again, "Amir said.

While Amir and Luoxi were worried about how to enter the Jinjin, they were far on the Adal Adolius star in the Wassell star system.

The Emperor is secretly convening a civilized race.

This civilized race has the same cyan protective suit as the Emperor. Its only eyes are more terrifying than that of the Emperor. If the Emperor is the imperial, then the civilized race is the domineering of the Devil.

"I finally know the star field behind the Betty Bars ~ ~ I have also fulfilled your promise." Ling Emperor faced this civilized ethnic tone calmly, without the slightest majesty.

"How do you know that this is the back of the Betty Ba star? Is it the mark on this star chart?" The other party looked at the super interest star chart floating in the sky and said.

"You don't have to worry about this, when did I deceive you!" Lingdi obviously didn't care about his arrogance.

"You did not deceive me, but Amir had the key in your hand, and you didn't seem to reveal it to me?"

"That key is just my guess. After all, after thousands of years of hunting, he was running away without any resistance, so at that time I just thought that the old guy did not give the key to Amir." Ling Di Replied.

"Don't you want to catch him with your abilities? Isn't it going to take so long? You are now the Emperor, and naturally you don't care about my feelings! I'm still living in the dark, if I can't do that, One thing, I will never let you know her whereabouts! "The civilized ethnic tone of the cyan uniform is full of questions and threats!

"It's easy to catch him, but can we know the secret? Even if all his spiritual world is invaded, I am afraid it is difficult to gain something. Are you not clear about their means?" Ling Di said calmly.

"Don't tell me these meaningless topics, even if I believe in your coordinates, but also come up with something that convinces me. Then I will tell you where she is!" The civilized ethnic voice of the cyan uniform became Incomparably scary and weird.

"You can rest assured, I will!" When the other party said this, the Emperor's calm heart seemed to tremble.

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