Complete Body

Chapter 697: : Reunion

Although the shuttle has been divided into two, the civilized race hiding in the front end has not come out. They plan to prepare to die, but because the front end is deeply buried in the mud, they have no chance of escaping.

"Luoxi, we are going to make a strong attack, we must rescue the crew in the shuttle!" Amir said suddenly at this moment, anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Luoxi asked.

"Just now I detected that the Betty Basin inside the shuttle was a very important crew!" Emile quickly replied.

"Oh! Are you sure?" Luoxi asked.

"Okay, I found a familiar signal because I searched!" Amir's voice was pleasantly surprised.

"That line, just as I said just now, you go to attack the plane, I go there to attract attention, and kill them all at once!" Luoxi nodded.

At this time, in this broken shuttle, there was still a length of 34 meters buried in the soil. The control cabin was severely deformed, and all the crew members were hiding in the rest cabin behind.

As Emile detected, it was the Betty Baxing.

Chester Force, one of the commanders of the Betty Bastar, was an extremely brave and resolute commander.

It is also a mammoth who is highly appreciated by Amir ’s father. The relationship with Amir is very good. Amir has learned countless experiences of galaxy warfare in him.

Each of the other three or four people also looked tired, and they were all Chesterly's most loyal men, following him against the Adal Addos in these years.

"Lingshuai, what should I do now? It seems that we cannot escape this time!"

"If it wasn't for the guy who exposed our whereabouts, how could he be chased here, and if he could escape, I would definitely tear him to pieces!"

"Okay, do n’t even talk about it, there are not many Naweia stars outside, but their raiders are very powerful. Even if we can kill these people, I ’m afraid they ca n’t escape the raids. I mean, wait for me to go out first. You then fled separately, and now we have n’t contacted Emile, as long as you escaped, you ’ve tried every possible means to contact him. There are several other hiding places before him There are also ships available for departure. I do n’t know if they can be used. The sooner you leave, the better! "Chester Force said.

"No, the commander-in-chief is also yours to leave. It doesn't matter if we die, but the future of the Betty Bastars still depends on you and other commanders. And Lord Amir must be looking for us everywhere, as long as you live more useful than us!" The men rejected Chesteri's idea.

"That is, a few of us can cover you away, our protective clothing can also support for a period of time, and we can also kill a few of the Navia stars outside. They will not make them better before they die."

These Betty Bastars naturally refused to let Chester force go to death. In their view, as long as the handsome escaped from birth and contacted Amir, the Betty Bastars had hope of re-emergence.

Just as these Betty Bastars were arguing, there was a sudden explosion from the outside, and the screams of Naviaia ’s popularity.

Chesterley quickly opened the breath-taking screen, when they saw that the Navia star surrounded by the outside was being attacked by the air raiders, one by one, squirrel-headed, fleeing while looking for bunkers while returning.

However, they were naturally unable to resist the attack of the raiders, and most of the Naweia stars were killed, and several other raiders naturally launched a counterattack on this raid that attacked their crew crazy.

"What's going on here?" Chester force was a little bit circulated. What's the situation, they are infighting?

This is impossible!

Then, hiding from the surviving Navia Stars in the bunker, after seeing several other raiders driving the madman out of the shooting range, he quickly retreated out of the jungle, regardless of the surrounded Betty Bastars.

Emil drove the assault plane desperately to avoid the opponent's pursuit. He hasn't played such a chase for a long time.

Just after he sneaked into the pilot crew on this raid, he shot crazy at the Navia stars who surrounded the shuttle wreckage.

This long-suffering vent made him very happy. After thousands of years of evasion, he was chased and strangled. He can only be patient.

The previous momentum in the Lundil Galaxy Alliance was completely wiped out.

Familiar feelings, familiar chasing battles, Emile continued to play around with several of the assault planes in the back, and he was extremely skilled at controlling these carrier-based aircraft.

At this time, Chester Force, who was puzzled in the shuttle, was shocked by a loud noise, and the last door of the damaged hull to resist the invasion was destroyed by a huge force.

This kind of power is not a high-energy weapon, but is directly cracked by brute force.

"Everyone is ready to fight. Once the other party rushes in, no matter who shoots me first!" Chesteri's heart was shocked by this huge voice, and he quickly greeted his men to enter the fighting state.

"Okay, the Navian Stars ran away, come out! It's uncomfortable to stay inside!" Just then a clear and sweet voice came from their ears.

"Who are you? Why save us?" Chesteri would naturally not believe the words of Luoxi, he said with great vigilance.

"Who am I, do you know when you come out?" Luoxi said.

"Don't engage in these methods with us, it is impossible to deceive us out, even if you die, it is impossible for you to catch alive!" Chesteri said loudly.

"Come on, you are slowly staying inside! Then I will talk to Amir, there are a few cowardly people who are afraid of death and will not come out. Let him stop chasing the Neville star, we Just leave! "Luoxi replied loudly.

"Amir? Amir?" Chesterly paused, then said aloud ~ ~ Never mind! gone! "Luoxi turned around and left Dakeng."

"Miss Luoxi, it really is you! We are not dreaming!" Chester force shouted with excitement when he first rushed out of the wreckage of the shuttle and saw the familiar back and costume of Luoxi.

Since the return of Luoxi and Emile to the Campona Group, Chester force has begun to pay attention to it. Naturally, the image of Luxi and Emile has been kept in mind.

So when he saw the back of Luoxi, he knew that the other party had not lied to him. This was indeed Amir and Luoxi.

Chester couldn't care about his own image, and ran to the front of Luoxi, re-looked at it carefully, then knelt down heavily on the ground.

"Chester, bring her subordinates to meet Miss Luoxi!"

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