Complete Body

Chapter 801: : Hard times

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When Luxi knew the result for the first time, it did not say much. In the past three years, this kind of news has become accustomed to, although in this way to get the maximum effect, after all, the difference in strength between the two sides is too great.

Six months ago, she used her own strength to destroy nearly 6,000 attack ships of the other party and directly penetrated the defense line of the Karenel star, but even this still could not stop the other party's attack.

"It seems that they really want to throw all their lives here. The Karenel star has already ordered to die. Even in this way, they are worth it. When our attack ship has little left, , The combat effectiveness formed becomes zero. This is also the aspect they want to see most. "Mayor knows that the current situation is not optimistic. Although they cannot affect the final result of this siege, if these survivors all die, the Philippines Children are also intolerant.

"There is no hardest starting point, how to get the glory of the future, I thought I had experienced these when I first stepped into the universe! More than two thousand survivors exchanged for the rise of a powerful galaxy alliance, which is definitely worth it!" Luo Said Xi.

"Hey, what do we do now? The calculations of both sides are also known. Except for the large-scale head-on confrontation, we have used all the tactics. Your so-called thirty-six plan, it is estimated I copied them three or four times repeatedly! "Mayfair asked.

"It can't be done, I can only use the last trick!" Luoxi stroked the Qianlu. This little guy followed Luoxi, although he was very happy, but also frightened. Now he can even understand the dialogue between Luoxi and Mayfair.

"It doesn't seem to have reached this point yet?" Mayfair said.

"If I feel distressed for them, only I can attack again. Otherwise, there is no other way! From the star chart, we are already surrounded, although there are still more than thirty light-years of activity, but sooner or later will be packaged Dumplings. The remaining survivors, despite their fearlessness, if they can survive, will undoubtedly be the strongest cornerstone of the establishment of a new galaxy alliance. So I am in a dilemma. "Luoxi frowned.

"There are nearly 60,000 assault ships on the other side, and the carrier-based aircraft will not even need to be calculated. If you really want to keep them, I am afraid this is the last move. Although there are no restrictions and rules here, once you Using the unity of strings and sending them all into the cutting space will inevitably arouse the real attention of Karinel and other civilizations. We are not afraid, but what about Schwarzkopf? ”Mayer asked again.

"Well, I can fight them, but I certainly ca n’t send them to the cutting space for development. This will be contrary to my original intention. This siege is not a test of these survivors, it is better to me 'S test! "Luxi replied.

"This is something you take over, and you are naturally responsible for everything!" Mayer smiled.

"Understood! There are still two years left before the panoramic mode of this siege. Once the panoramic mode is turned on, everything on both sides will be undoubtedly unavailable for ambushes and counterattacks! So I hope that Schwarzen will persist until then , So that we can attack their attack ships as we please. The current situation of the attack ship's detection range setting, I can only temporarily forbear! "Luoxi said.

Just as Luxi was thinking hard about how to reduce casualties against the Karinel Star Fleet, in the Karinel Star City, the envoys had never looked better in these three years.

In particular, the recent corpse greetings from Ling Zun made them uneasy.

The difference of 80,000 to 1,600 was actually delayed by the other party for three years, and he also lost more than 20,000 attack ships.

How can this not irritate Zun!

"Several envoys have suffocated you, and you are all aware of the current situation. It is not that we can control it, unless the panorama mode is turned on after two years. The range of 100 light years, hiding these thousand attack ships, we want It's impossible to search all of them. Not to mention that the commander's mighty power has also been seen, which is probably beyond our cognitive scope! "Said a commander who was very respectful and envoy of the commander responsible for this siege.

"Lord Lord Cartos, you have to explain these words to the Emperor Ling. Even if you win this round of hunting, but the face of our Karinel star has disappeared. Before the war, we have reminded you , At least three or more commanders should be stationed. And let the stupid guy, Stoner, treat this siege as an opponent ’s performance. "The special envoy who spoke was Shirondela, who was very strong. Special envoy.

"But you have also seen that it is not the problem of Stonel Commander, but the problem of the opponent. Do you think these star slaves are not strong enough? The tactics we use now are the cost of high casualties." The commander of Catus is also a bit angry ~ ~ Actually, they have done a very good job. They have calculated all the factors in it, but the estimate for Luoxi is still far below current condition.

"Do you think the Emperor Ling will have the patience to wait for the panorama mode? If I guess right, the other party is also waiting for the panorama mode. By then she will definitely break one by one, and we will not have any power to fight back at all." Shilong Della said.

"I understand what you mean. I think Stonel ordered Chang to think about this! After all, we still have 60,000 assault ships. No matter how powerful she is, 60,000 ships have enough firepower to destroy her! "As for Lundra's ideas, Catus made the Lord understand.

Once the panorama mode is turned on, it is undoubtedly a plug-in existence for the powerful and powerful Luoxi. She can completely lock any attacking fleet that has been ordered. In fact, they didn't even know that in order not to arouse their suspicion, Luoxi had already forbeared. With the ability of Mayfair, they didn't need to wait for the panorama mode to kill them one by one.

In this way, the entire fleet will be held together, unable to decentralize the encirclement and suppression, but become a defender.

"So it's good for us to accelerate the loss of both sides now. These attack ships and star slaves are of no importance at all. I think Stoner makes the leader understand naturally!" Arondra said coldly.

"Understood!" Several commanders nodded their heads one after another. For them, why don't they want to end this siege war, now it's an intangible torment for an extra second!

They have never thought about it. The situation that has been completely crushed has become so glued, it is simply unimaginable!

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