Complete Body

Chapter 808: : World Class Decree

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After watching her mother leave the restaurant, Luo Yun added to Xu Haoran, but she didn't want to let her mother know about it. This big mouth said that it was leaked!

Luo Yun knew that his mother had originally disagreed with joining the research and construction of the Star Fleet, but now it seems that listening to the accent does not mean to object, and he is relieved.

Within a few days, Zhou Tong of the National Alien Joint Research Center brought relevant personnel to the Nuwa space city in person. One was to visit these researchers stationed at the outermost periphery of the solar system, and the other was to discuss with Luxi about the interstellar fleet Things.

This time the entourage is a bit large and the level is very high. Almost all the heavyweights of the research center have arrived, and there are also several famous scientists from other countries!

Although Luoxi is not the manager of the space city, of course she does not want to be those vain duties, but Zhou Tong's naming needs to be accompanied by Luoxi all the way.

After understanding the operation of Nuwa Space City and other details, Zhou Tong only mentioned the most important purpose of this time.

In the conference hall of the Space City, faint starlight can be seen in the dark starry sky outside the transparent sky dome.

Dozens of related people sat together. After Zhou Tong's simple opening speech, he opened the holographic star chart, and the perfect design drawings of Luoxi were displayed one by one.

"Academician Luo, we don't need to talk politely. There are many questions to ask you this time!" Zhou Tong said to Luoxi with a smile.

"Director Zhou, you're polite. If you ask for advice, it's too serious. Let's discuss together!" Luoxi laughed.

"Academician Luo, don't be humble. For more than ten years, if you are the second in alien research, no one would dare to say the first! Do you know, especially the design you provided a year ago? Picture, let the auditors of the research center have no interest in reviewing other design drawings! "At this time, a middle-aged man got up and smiled. The man's name was Liu Li, an expert on star fleet dynamics.

"That's it! We have audited the three auditors in three places and admired your design. If it is not limited this time, they will have to organize a group to meet you!" Another very thin man also said. .

"You guys are joking, now the design software is very powerful. Many interstellar enthusiasts, the ships they design are amazing and practical!" Luoxi said lightly.

"The difference between laymen and laymen is that they focus on good looks, but they do not take into account the various conditions encountered by starships in the starry sky. The design and construction thinking of the spacecraft must be perfectly adapted to the harsh environment in the universe." Zhou Tong smiled.

"Academician Luo, this is your fault. It ’s too modest but it ’s not good. I think you should know some news. This time we came here to implement all the details of the design drawings and then deliver them to the international joint interstellar. The Fleet Preparatory Office conducts a comprehensive budget verification! "A scientist from Europe said quietly at this time.

"Yes, although there are design drawings from other countries, but really think that only three copies can be put into construction, and yours is the most complete and most likely to achieve mass production." Zhou Tong said.

After hearing these words, Luoxi knew that the five major aerospace powers had determined that her design would become one of the first design references for the Star Fleet.

"Since everyone has said so, I naturally have to answer questions, but some of the installations and principles of this design and the required materials are only in my research project, so it will take some time to achieve, but it will not affect the interstellar battleship. 'S overall combat capability. "Luoxi smiled.

These elites present here, when hearing Xixi say, everyone's expression is a lot easier!

Building an interstellar fleet is an extremely simple matter for high-level civilizations, even for planetary motherships that are larger than asteroids.

However, it is still very difficult for the current human science and technology capabilities of the earth to produce scale!

A complete set of battleship design drawings are often jointly developed and produced by countless departments, involving almost all aspects of the entire civilized science and technology.

Starships do not know how many times more difficult than an aircraft carrier traveling on the sea!

The one provided by Luoxi has shortened their design time by hundreds of years and is more advanced.

According to the assessment of the military experts of the International Star Fleet Command, the design level contained in the design of Luoxi is at least beyond the current level of more than 10,000 years.

Although Luoxi has modified most of the most core equipment and construction technology, but the helpless Vellogi has reached the Italian civilization, and their warships are naturally the most powerful!

So this set of designs with only fur left out is still extremely advanced for humans!

This question-and-answer session has been open for nearly a month. For the questions on the design drawings, Luoxi patiently answered them one by one. Try to simplify these questions into a scientific theory that they can understand at present. In fact, she is clear in her heart. On the surface, she brought these scientists to ask questions on the design drawings. In fact, she still wants to learn more about extraterrestrials from Luoxi. Profound knowledge of civilization and technology.

Although the country has lifted any of her bans, as the most national treasure-level academician at present, her words and deeds cannot be published at will.

And from the current scientific community, the secret contained in Luoxi is just an undisclosed secret, and it has been recognized by all countries in the world, and has jointly issued a world-class decree that is only exclusive to Luoxi.

The content is that no individual, group, organization or country can independently visit Luoxi. All of her published scientific theories are considered to be shared by humans ~ ~ Once there are any individuals, groups, organizations And the country's violation of this decree will be permanently excluded from the gate of interstellar exploration.

In addition to the protection of Luoxi by intellectual property rights, the most stringent protection of its personal safety is also the most stringent protection. This protection is not a dispatch of bodyguards, but also a world-class decree. No individual, group, organization or country may initiate Any attacks and kidnappings on Luxi.

Once discovered, the countries involved will be regarded as public enemies around the world and will be subject to the strictest military, economic, and diplomatic sanctions.

This decree is much better than a bodyguard. No one dares to be an enemy to the world.

Because of this, the doubts in the design chart of this interstellar fleet, various countries happened to take this opportunity to conduct a large number of public consultations on Luoxi.

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