Complete Body

Chapter 848: : Establishing a crew training base

Just when the Manatina star was worried, the Neilia star Shangguan Moqiu, who was in contact with the earth, was a little crazy. The disappearance of Marsnor and the return of Luoyun to the earth surprised him.

The space city in which Luo Luo was imprisoned disappeared without a trace, and no traces were left in this star field so that they could be traced back.

If it is possible to use time to trace back, but this must be activated by the nearby fleet base, so that things are complicated!

Mo Qiu reported this incident to the captain of the mother planet, and described it in detail. For high-level civilizations, obtaining the secrets of low-level civilizations is an extremely small thing in itself. Belong to the jurisdiction of the fleet captain.

However, Mo Qiu wanted to use the fleet to exert pressure on the humans in an attempt to force the other party to release Marsno, but his request was immediately opposed by several of the captains.

What ability does a low-order civilization can kidnap the more than 5 million light-years of Marshal, and the people of the earth haven't even built a light-speed spaceship, let alone how it reached 5 million light-years!

In the face of the reasons of the captains, Mo Qiu could not refute, but he meant that there must be other civilizations involved in this time. Otherwise, how could Marsnow disappear.

What's more, Marsno was still guarded by a fleet at that time. If there is no powerful fleet to suppress, how can it be possible to save Luoyun.

As for who is this civilized race, this is what Mo Qiu wants to know! So this is the reason why Mo Qiu asked the captain to support him in captivity.

The captains still did not agree to carry out the offensive, because from the side, it was learned that Marsno had imprisoned Luo Yun for the secret of the metal block, which was also the reason for forcing the other party to shoot.

If they fight back, there will be a galaxy war, because it is not clear what the other party is from. An unpredictable galaxy war for an earth man, if the result exceeds the battle damage ratio, it is not worth the loss!

The commander-in-chief of the fleet is relatively comprehensive, but Mo Qiu is obviously eager to give lessons to the earth, and the two sides can't stand still.

After so much time for more than three earth years, Mo Qiu finally compromised. The captain of the general fleet asked him to be willing to send troops if he could investigate the forces behind Muxi!

Faced with such a result, Mo Qiu can only promise, after all, he is just a sergeant, not to mention the secret of listening to the metal block this time is not the command of the coach or the guru!

Within these three years, the Mars construction base completed two more interstellar warships. As the technology became more mature, the construction speed became faster and faster.

After this incident, Luo Yun changed her view of her mother. In addition to her powerful ability, there was also the control of things that Muxi had.

Now she feels more and more that her mother has firmly grasped the progress of the earth in her hands, and nothing can escape her lawful eyes!

On the surface, my mother does not ask about the world, but only cares about her own research projects, but in fact, the development of the entire human race has been perfectly arranged!

The previous construction of the Star Fleet was also carried out under her arrangement!

With Luo Yun's current abilities, it is naturally impossible to understand why Muxi has such a powerful ability. Of course, Muxi will only tell her some interesting alien civilizations. As for many others, she does not have much to tell.

When the entire alien civilization order on Earth resumed, the Galaxy Interstellar Fleet Union began recruiting crews. Due to the large number of crews required by these interstellar fleets, it is not enough to select them from the active **** fleet. !

Therefore, as long as Zhang Tianwei's proposal meets the recruitment requirements, he can enter the fleet. Of course, Zhang Tianwei also consulted with Xixi. He expressed support for this, and the personnel are also a strong fleet that can show their combat effectiveness.

Although the current state of development of the entire human race is very good, Xiye feels that the Neilian star has not given up on her peek, because there are already many Neelian star ships re-entering the earth.

She didn't know about this pretense, and she wouldn't be easily dispatched before the other party had not acted.

"Director Zhou, why are you free to come to Nuwa Space City to find me?"

One day, when Xi Shi welcomed Zhou Tong on the bridge of Space City, he laughed.

"Why aren't you welcome? Xiaolu!" Zhou Tong looked at Lu Xi and smiled.

"How is it possible that you are our gold prince, and the needs of the space city are all up to you, and I now wish to provide you with every day!" Xi Xie laughed.

"You are talking more and more now, but getting younger and younger! I wonder how busy and old people are, and how busy and young you are! Is there any secret?" Laughed!

"Life is movement. This is the truth! If you are allowed to run around the city ten times a day, it is definitely dozens of years younger than you are now. Would you like to try it?" Mu Xie answered.

"I can't stand this old bone, but forget it!" Zhou Tong waved his hand and said.

"In the message, you said that I brought a few students over? Introduce the introduction!" Xi Xie said at this time.

"Yes, there are more and more exploration projects in Nuwa Space City. Some time ago, you always shouted that there are not enough people, so I can only ask the top universities to bring you these outstanding talents who will graduate. But They are all newbies, you have to train yourself if you want to use it handy! "Zhou Tong pointed to a group of young people who were full of energy behind him.

"This is no problem. Originally, this is the place to train talents. I also came out of the Jiaolong space city! Besides, what you can see is definitely a good seedling!" Said Xixi.

"As long as you are satisfied, the recent recruitment of the Star Fleet is not going well. I heard Zhang Tianwei said that he has shown you the recruitment conditions ~ ~ You have modified some of them, it seems that the requirements are much higher! I also looked at the conditions, which are indeed high. By the way, I will discuss with you this time to see if they can be lowered! We must comply with the hard conditions, but some of us can be more flexible! "After leaving the bridge, Zhou Tongyi Speaking while following Muxi in a suspended vehicle.

"Oh, these conditions are indeed high, but I did not expect to affect the actual recruitment work. My original intention of adjusting the requirements was to see how many people can become crew members of the Star Fleet under this condition. Now it seems that the situation Not very optimistic! "Xi Xi nodded and said.

"Do you mean this is just a tentative request?" Zhou Tong asked.

"Yes, because I mean recruiting with high requirements, and see how many people we can adapt to being members of the Star Fleet. If we can't recruit people, what is the problem? We will open a special training base. Such a Come to our fleet reserve staff will be assembled! "Mu Xi replied.

"Oh, it turns out you think so!" Zhou Tong said.

"Yes! There is a huge demand for the crew of the Star Fleet. We must have a systematic training base. I considered it before building the Star Fleet. But now General Zhang has proposed it, which is even better!" Lu Xi replied .

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