Complete Body

Chapter 895: : Distorted universe

It has been more than forty years since the disappearance of Xixi until now, and the technology of human beings is changing with each passing day to a new level.

Ephemeris 0088, solar year 2268. The first commercial curvature engine expedition ship of mankind successfully flew out of the solar system and crossed a two-light-year distant starry sky. In a real sense, he personally witnessed the appearance outside the solar system!

After the expedition ship rushed out of the solar system, they saw a barren universe, dark, and the original bright starry sky disappeared.

There are only rare and lone planets floating in the starry sky. These planets do not have any orbits. They should be left behind when the galaxy was born or the ancient submerged stars have survived!

Many of the starry sky constellations seen by observation stations installed in the solar system have undergone tremendous changes. Not only the starry sky coordinates have been displaced, but also from a known amount.

For example, Proximity Star, which was originally thought to be the closest to the solar system, is actually farther than Barnard's galaxy. Actual results like this are numerous.

When the expedition ship transmitted these data back to the Earth Observation Headquarters, almost everyone could not believe this result, completely subverting the whole world view.

They can't believe why the theories laid down over the centuries have been denied.

Zhou Tong After they got the data for the first time, they quickly summoned top scientists, including Shixi, to discuss this matter.

Because all current holographic star maps are based on known detection methods to locate galaxy coordinates, once an error occurs, the plan for alien exploration will be completely re-formulated. This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive project.

"The holographic star maps sent by Star Scout One just now do not match the nearly half of the ones we built before. This result is something we haven't encountered again. We have negotiated with the European Union and need to restructure the cosmic star Picture. What are your thoughts? "Zhou Tong presided over this meeting.

"From the perspective of current proofreading, we need to do a lot of work, only from near to far, and we can't guarantee that the coordinates re-detected outside the solar system are also correct. This data is really too large, At present, Star Scout One can only be used as a cutting-edge platform, at least until we completely draw the new holographic star map! "Someone said.

"Yes, I think so too. In fact, this is not bad news, because through our recalculation, it is confirmed from the side that the solar gravity boundary data outside the Oort Nebula exceeds the original forecast. It may be because of this gravity The boundary causes the space to bend, which will cause great errors in our observations. At present we are analyzing this data. If the conclusion is correct, as long as the average rate of this error can be calculated, our previous star chart will be No large-scale revisions are necessary. "The European Union representative also said.

"But this gravity boundary data seems to fluctuate. If it is just the mean error rate, it is not a big problem. It also involves volatility. As a result, the entire data value and its instability. I think that now that the solar system is out, it is better The establishment of a new detection space city on the periphery is probably the most accurate star map. "Zhou Tong also issued his own recommendations after listening.

"Director Zhou's suggestion is also feasible. We can take a two-pronged approach. In addition, the observation space city outside the solar system will be established sooner or later. You can apply for the United Nations, the five major space powers and the interstellar fleet to build." .

"If this is the case, the five frigate ships we have built have been slightly modified to meet the requirements of establishing a space city for exploration! If you want to go to other star systems, our star map must be extremely accurate, otherwise the curvature will be There was a huge deviation. "General Zanarell strongly agreed to build the exploration space city first.

"General Zanarell is right, five frigate ships converted into transport ships can build a large exploration space city within three years, and the mission of Scout One continues to the outer space of the starry sky. Brother 'Barnard B star, can be regarded as the first stop! "At this time, Xi Xi said.

"But now our star chart error is too large, I am worried that all the data obtained may be fake, the so-called" Earth Brother "may not exist, this adventure is a bit expensive!" Said the representative of the European Union.

"I also think it's too risky! It's like we want to conquer a continent, but even the coordinates of the other party are wrong. Who knows whether all the information about the continent is correct? In case of encountering a high-level civilization, or similar The second Zerg civilization is even a civilized race such as the Katharoni Stars. Instead, it ignited the upper body! "Some people also think that in the current situation, it is better to be careful about Scouting One!

After all, the star chart that subverts scientific theory is wrong. Then I do n’t know how to say that danger is waiting for humanity to come!

"We have stepped out of the solar system and there is no escape route for civilization. Even if we don't provoke them, we should still come! Despite the deviation of the detection data, the data for these stellar systems is basically correct, the gravity boundary It ’s just changing the surface of the space, it ’s impossible to change the physical properties! I ’m willing to take Scout One, and within 50 light-years from the center of the solar system ~ ~ is our basic survival range in the future If you do n’t even have the courage now, how can you talk about conquest? ”Yi Xi said quietly.

"Academician Luo made sense, but our current interstellar fleet is too small, and the relative offensive and defensive system is also very backward. Taking nuclear bombs as the main means of attack is the most backward way of attack in our established civilization system. If Tan-1 is transformed, the scientific research cabin will inevitably be reduced on a large scale, so it would be better to send frigates out! "Some people objected.

"You are also worried, but you may not be clear. If the reconstructed probe ship is sailing in the interstellar, it is much more dangerous than it has not been modified. This is like we are in trade voyage, and will not initiate commercial The attack of the ship is our trade principle, and it is also the trade principle among the stars. "Mu Xi replied.

"Academician Luo, but this is only your guess and our judgment. After all, we have not experienced these, and the chance of survival with self-protection ability is definitely much higher than none!" Some people retorted.

"Self-protection and conversion of commercial ships are two different things, and General Zhang actually knows best. If two of the same commercial ships are modified with a powerful offensive and defensive system, you will first attack and inquire who they are!" Asked with a smile.

"Naturally it has been transformed, first of all it will be the object of our monitoring! Ordinary commercial ships generally have complete procedures, we will let it go!" Zhang Tianwei replied.

"So this principle is equally feasible in the interstellar, I don't think it is necessary to transform the exploration ship at all, what kind of purpose we explore with what kind of rewards we will get!" Said Luo Xi.

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