At the foot of the mountain, Xiong Dali and the others hid their figures and lurked in the grass, looking through the gaps in the grass to look at the black wind carving nest on the mountain wall.

They are counting the number of black wind sculptures.

"Twenty-eight, all of them are in the nest, it seems we have some waiting." Xiong Dali said helplessly after counting the number.

There were only four of them, and it was obviously unrealistic to deal with twenty-eight king-level star beasts at the same time.

If you are really reckless, you will probably get lunch together.

"Wait and see, the Black Wind Eagle will go out to look for food for a certain time every day, and only the Black Wind Eagle King is stationed in the lair." Blake said.

So a few people had to wait patiently.

Around noon, there was the sound of the black wind eagle's chirping in the sky, and then a strong wind blew up, and huge figures flew out of the nest, spreading their wings and rushing into the distance.

"Let's go!" Xiong Dali and the others shook their spirits, and said hey: "Damn, I finally left. Wait for ten minutes, and then do it."

Blakai and Huston were already eager to try, staring excitedly at a huge lair at the highest point of the mountain wall, and could faintly see an extremely huge black shadow entrenched in the lair, as if taking a nap.

Wang Teng's eyes fell on the black shadow, and he couldn't help opening the pupil of the spirit vision, and a group of extremely dazzling blue light burst out.

"Damn it, this is clearly the Hei Fengdiao of the first rank of the imperial class, but these three guys actually say that they are of the seventh rank of the king rank!"

Wang Teng almost swears.

But in the end he didn't shout out.

He looked suspicious, and hid in the dark to carefully study the faces of the three of them.

The emperor level is equivalent to a human star-level warrior. If he is just a planetary-level warrior, facing the emperor-level star beast, he will definitely be cheated to death.

These three guys don't have evil intentions and want to bully him, right?

But judging from their appearance, it seems that they really don't know the true strength of the Black Wind Eagle King.

"Are these three guys reliable or not?" Wang Teng was speechless.

Fortunately, he can still handle the emperor-level star beast, otherwise, this first jungle operation in the virtual universe would have failed.

"Do it!"

At this moment, Xiong Dali gave a low shout.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The three of them rushed out almost at the same time, turned into a series of startled dragons and charged high into the sky, directly attacking and killing the Black Wind Eagle King.

Wang Teng was still considering whether to remind them just now, but they were already impatient to die... Bah, they made a move, so they stopped talking and took a step slowly to keep up.

He still remembered his duty, and used the original force of the earth element to help the three of them stabilize their bodies.


Xiong Dali yelled, and a huge warhammer appeared in his hand. The original force of the fire element was condensed on it, and the flames suddenly shot up into the sky, turning into a huge phantom of the flaming warhammer, and bombarded towards the lair of the Black Wind Eagle King .

Brackay and Huston also acted at the same time.

Brakai held a saber in his hand, and the golden blade light condensed and turned into a 100-meter sword light and slashed out.

But Huston was somewhat beyond Wang Teng's expectation. He was holding a longbow, and the original force of the water system was condensed into sharp arrows on the longbow. The Fengdiao King shot away.

The sudden attack came like overwhelming, the Black Wind Eagle King suddenly spread his wings, and let out an angry cry, like piercing gold and cracking stones, with extremely strong penetrating power.

Boom boom boom!

The attacks of the three landed on the body of the Black Wind Eagle King in an instant, making a violent roar.

The lair of the Black Wind Eagle King was ignited by the flames and instantly burned.


The three of Xiong Dali didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and all of them were happy.


However, at this moment, another howl came from the flames.


A strong wind rose from the ground, and the flames in front seemed to form a tornado rising into the sky, and within the flames, the figure of the Black Wind Eagle King was looming.

"Not good, go back!"

The three of Xiong Dali immediately realized that something was wrong, their complexions changed drastically, and they drew back while shouting angrily.

The Black Wind Eagle King suddenly flapped his wings, and a more violent wind blew out. Under the strong wind, those flames turned into pillars of fire and rushed towards Xiong Dali and the others.

"Damn it, how did this Black Wind Eagle King become so strong??" Xiong Dali yelled in disbelief.

However, they were not too flustered. The three of them flew back, Huston shot an arrow with a bow, and a powerful force of the water system faced the flames ahead.


When the two collided, the flame was only the aftermath of Xiong's vigorous attack, and was immediately submerged by Huston's water system attack.


However, the Black Wind Eagle King has rushed out of the lair at this moment, his black wings seem to be made of metal, reflecting the cold light, his red eyes are staring at the three of Xiong Dali, full of hatred, as if he wants to kill them Torn to shreds.

The cyan light surrounded the surface of Heifeng Diao King's body, forming sharp cyan wind blades that cut through the air and rushed towards Xiong Dali and the others.

Suddenly, the sky was completely filled with dense wind blades, and there was almost no place to hide.

The three of them looked horrified, and tried their best to resist the terrifying wind blade attack.

Boom boom boom!

The original force collided, making a roar, and swaying circles of ripples in the sky.

The sky is the domain of the Black Wind Eagle King, and the three of them are like living targets in the sky. They have no power to fight back under its wind blade attack, and can only be exhausted.

"This black wind carving king is the emperor class!!!"

Xiong Dali finally discovered the clue, and shouted in disbelief.

He never expected that this Black Wind Eagle King would be promoted to the Emperor rank in a short period of time. This is unscientific!

Here I have to feel the reality of the virtual universe. The star beasts in it do not appear out of thin air, but just like real star beasts, multiply, grow, and become stronger...

"What to do, we can't beat it at all." Blake said with a serious face.


Xiong Dali made a decisive decision and decided to give up this hunting operation.

The emperor-level black wind carving king is not something they can deal with.

Retreating is a helpless move, but life matters!

If they die in the virtual universe, although their bodies will not die, their spirits will also be affected to a certain extent, and they must rest for a period of time before they can enter the virtual universe again after their spirits recover. This is an unbearable loss for them.

The three wanted to escape, but the Black Wind Eagle King did not calm down his anger. It was impossible to let them go. It suddenly opened its mouth wide, and a cyan light condensed in its mouth.

The three of Xiong Dali felt the terrifying fluctuations in the original force, and their expressions were extremely horrified.

"Escape separately, only one can escape!" Xiong Dali shouted.

The three of them prepared to disperse and flee without any hesitation.


However, at this moment, a terrifying fist print suddenly bombarded from the side, and landed directly on the head of the unprepared Heifeng Diao King.

So, the Black Wind Eagle King, who was preparing to attack... headshot on the spot!

"???" Xiong Dali and the other three!

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