Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 100 Let Those Idiots Calm Down! Knocking On The Door Of The Beautiful President In The Middl

A word from the President.

Everyone in the office couldn't help but feel a chill all over.

With the speed and stealth performance shown by XN-1 now, it appeared in the sky over Ugly Country.

I'm afraid I can't find it!


Definitely more advanced radar!

At this time, Little Tommy suddenly said something, pouring a basin of cold water on everyone:

"Even if XN-1 is not invisible, what can we do with him?"

"At least Mach 4!"

"Everyone, within the atmosphere, is there a weapon that can lock and catch up to XN-1?"


Everyone glared at Little Tommy instantly.

Then, before the opponent started to dodge, he was already defeated.


Even if XN-1 can be discovered in advance, how meaningful is it?

Can the XN-1 be instantly locked when it accelerates suddenly?

At present, the XN-1 on Huaxia's side is only acting alone, and has not formed a fighter fleet.

What if a fighter group is formed?

How to deal with it?

Also, think about it further.

Is it possible that China only has the XN-1 fighter with such superior performance?

Just rely on its powerful thrust.

Installed on some backward models, it can also reach supersonic speed in minutes, right?

The more people think about it, the more afraid they become, and the more they think about it, the more desperate they become.


The President saw the emotion on their faces and said:

"We have been promoting the China threat theory in the past, although there are elements of exaggeration and suppression."

"But unfortunately, since the XN-1 first appeared last year.

"The threat from China has really arrived!"

These words made everyone in the office feel a little mixed.

For a long time, they have promoted the China threat theory.

The fundamental purpose is to suppress the development of Huaxia.

The second is to reduce China's allies.

Because they have long realized.

The potential of China, a country, is sometimes really scary.

Although he has always shown the face of being good at "February 47".

But you don't even know if there is a plate in his hand behind this nuclear-friendly face.

Ready to give you a cold shot at any time!

Now it seems that Huaxia, the nuclear rabbit, is holding a brick behind his back called XN-1!

Moreover, Hua Lengzi directly killed two E-22 fighter jets for the first time!

Think about it.

Someone suddenly wondered, could it be a problem with this strategy?

If you don't keep promoting the China threat theory.

Is there a day when imaginary threats are not transformed into real threats?

Like now!

However, it was just a slap in the face.

Immediately get rid of this ridiculous idea.

so far.

The China threat theory is really too strategic!


Even with the existence of the China threat theory.

Even if you keep suppressing.

Hua Xia, a sometimes cute and sometimes dark-hearted rabbit, is a real threat after all!

At this time, the president said in a heavy tone:

"We may be able to live with the loss of world dominance.

"After all, we also had times when we competed with other countries for hegemony, and it was just history repeating itself."

"But what if we can only be little brothers in the end?"

The words of the President.

In an instant, everyone in the office was excited.

Some people even got their eyes red, stood up abruptly, and roared:


"Absolutely impossible!"

"It's always been us who accept younger brothers, so why should we be other people's younger brothers?"

Seeing that his words had once again ignited the emotions of ordinary people, the president nodded in satisfaction.

He motioned for him to sit down, then stood up himself.

Then with his textbook-level English accent, he said:

"Yes, we can't!"

This sentence made everyone at the scene think of the president's sentence:

"Yes, we can!"

The President looked at the crowd expectantly and said:

"Everyone, please work hard to develop it."

"Before Huaxia actually announces the installation of XN-1, try to make something!"

As he said that, the president pointed at him, and said solemnly:

"At least, let those idiots outside calm down first!"

Everyone froze for a moment.

Suddenly, I found that solving the immediate problem is more urgent than solving the opposite problem.

Of course, it's also simpler.

After all, they are all happy educated masses.

Excellent quality.


It took a day for Luo Fei to finish watching Yang Xiaozhi and find the temporary general blockade.

Overall, very satisfied.

First of all, the floor area and construction area are moderate.

Secondly, the buildings are all park buildings that have just been completed and have not yet been rented out.

Then, there are some buildings with relatively large spans, which can be used as laboratories for large-scale military product research and development.

In the end, the entire park is rented out for security reasons.

Luo Fei clapped his hands and said:

"That's it, hurry up and settle down."

"After the four people who made the exoskeleton came over, they temporarily arranged for the No. 3 building.

"Go back and make a few brands. The building is the Mecha Research Center."

"Others, you look at the arrangement first."

"Security should be done as soon as possible. You can ask Director Liang about this."

"Of course, maybe you have your own way, so I won't worry too much.

Luo Fei just said whatever came to his mind.

He doesn't need to worry about security at all, he will definitely use the best security force!

After Yang Xiaozhi wrote it down, he nodded and asked:

"What about when the equipment arrives?"

"I remember that the equipment you asked Zhao Fei and Yang Hui to purchase was mainly based on material research."

"Material research, should we integrate it in one building first?"

Want to go to the future.

The field of materials is the field most in need of technology accumulation.

It is also the field most in need of major breakthroughs.

Without better materials, many things can only be imagined and cannot be made at all.

Luo Fei thought about it seriously, and found that he didn't need to make the decision, so he said:

"At that time, you should listen to the suggestions of Senior Brother Yang and Senior Brother Zhao."

"The two of them have been engaged in materials science since they were graduate students. They must have seen many laboratories."

"I have a lot of experience in doing experiments."

This is why, Luo Fei can rest assured that the two senior brothers can go shopping.

See Yang Xiaozhi nod and write it down.

Luo Fei glanced at the time and asked:

"Anything else?"

"It's gone today."

It is already half past five in the afternoon, Yang Xiaozhi then said:

"However, you probably have to stay today."

"The exoskeleton, that is, the first batch of four employees of the Mecha Research Center, will have the last round of interviews tomorrow.

"Since the exoskeleton device is the company's first product, I think you still need to come in person."

"In addition, I have no idea about the manufacturing workers."

Yang Xiaozhi showed a helpless expression.

Luo Fei is also helpless.

During research and development, maybe the parts do not need to pursue refinement.

Especially the exoskeleton device, a bit rough, as long as the performance is sufficient, it can also be attractive.

After all, it can have an industrial style name.

But want mass production.

In addition to the assembly line production workshop, skilled manufacturing workers are also required.

"Let's take it slowly."

Luo Fei felt that if he dared to go to the battle situation to ask for manpower.

It is estimated that they will not be able to enter the gate of the Military Industry Administration in the future.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration.

Luo Fei thought for a while and said:

"When the things over there are almost done, there will be a manufacturing team of fifty people."

"At that time, recruit some more people."

"Bringing the old with the new, we can make up for it slowly.

That's all there is to it.

Afterwards, the two left the park and went back to the hotel to eat and rest.

Luo Fei naturally did not rest directly.

After a short video chat with Sun Xiaoyu, I started preparing for tomorrow's interview.

More importantly, the job arrangement after the interview.

Luo Fei needs to draw some sketches of the exoskeleton device and exoskeleton armor in his mind.

If the interview goes well.

The research and development of the exoskeleton device can be directly handed over to them.

Think here.

Luo Fei suddenly realized that he had overlooked one thing!

So he got up and opened the door, knocking on the door of the next room.

After a while.

Yang Xiaozhi opened half of the door in his hotel pajamas, and said doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not going in."

Luo Fei stood at the door and said directly:

"There is one thing I forgot, the exoskeleton device..."

Luo Fei just said it.

Yang Xiaozhi immediately waved his hand, opened the door, pulled him into the room, closed the door and reprimanded him:

"Why did you just stand in the corridor and talk about it?"

"Sit on the sofa and talk."

"All right."

Luo Fei just felt that it was not appropriate to enter a girl's room at night.

But now that it's here, let's talk about it in detail.

So he sat on the sofa, and after Yang Xiaozhi sat down, he opened his mouth and said

"The company's first two products are exoskeleton devices for civilian use and exoskeleton armor for military use."

"Since it is something that is intended to be used by most people, I think it still needs to do some market research.

"I made some large-scale military products before, and I made them according to the needs, so I didn't consider these.

"Now you need to consider exoskeleton devices and armor."

Listening to Luo Fei's words, Yang Xiaozhi couldn't help nodding.

She had thought about it before.

But Luo Fei didn't say anything, she thought Luo Fei had already thought about it.

I didn't bring it up.

Now that Luo Fei said it, Yang Xiaozhi said:

"My suggestion is to set up a team dedicated to market research.

"A team dedicated to doing market research?"

Luo Fei frowned, he didn't quite understand, do we still need such a team?

"This team is important."

Yang Xiaozhi analyzed Luo Fei from the company's point of view, saying:

"Generally, larger group companies will have a marketing department."

"The marketing department is also doing market research."

"Market research sounds like it relies on interviews, or looking up information on the Internet.

"not like this."

"This is a very professional team that can provide the company with research and development direction and ideas!"

"Especially our Three Body Industry Group.

"Whether it's you or other shareholders, they all hope to become bigger and stronger."

"To become a world-class group..."

"So a market research team, or even a market research center, is essential.

Luo Fei suddenly realized.

After thinking about it, he said:


You start to set it up, the first task is what I said before.

"R&D and market research can be carried out simultaneously."

"My idea is that the first civilian exoskeleton device should be made as soon as possible.

"Make a general-purpose one first."

"Help people with inconvenient legs and feet to stand up and walk; help people with disabled arms to perform some actions that are convenient for life."

"Mainly these two."

"As for other more product types, we will do it after the domestic market research comes out."

"Military products should be made of general-purpose heavy-duty products first, and they can also be used in other industries."

The field of exoskeleton devices.

On the one hand, this thing is indeed just needed for some people.

On the other hand, this thing is also semi-necessary for people who like mechas, armors, and battle armors.

If it gets bigger, it will be a big market.

Yang Xiaozhi immediately knew that Luo Fei already had a rough product idea.

After thinking about it, he asked again:

"Is the exoskeleton device to be made now with a chip or without a chip?"

Luo Fei was taken aback for a moment and said:

"What do you want to say, is the chip implanted into the body, and the device becomes a part of the armor of the body?"

"Well, it seems so."

Luo Fei nodded, shook his head again, and said:

"For the time being, we won't do anything with a chip, at most it will be a simple intelligent system."

"I won't do it in a short period of time when the chip is implanted.


Although Yang Xiaozhi is not a mecha fan, he also thinks that thing is pretty cool.

"It's a question of philosophy.

Luo Fei thought for a while and said:

"Mechs come from science fiction or comics."

"It is mainly divided into two categories, and there are also two differences in concept."

"The first category is auxiliary mechas. People are the main body, and the mechas are in an auxiliary position."

"The second category is wearable mechs, this kind of mechas, people usually hide in the mechas.

"These two types are actually exoskeletons, the difference lies in the size of the area covered by the body.

Yang Xiaozhi nodded.

These two categories are easy to understand.

The armor of Iron Man belongs to the second category, covering the whole body.

Luo Fei then continued:

"As for the differences between the two ideas."

"The point of disagreement is whether to treat the mecha as a part of the body."

"In terms of mechanical exoskeletons, even Iron Man's armor, or the arms and legs attached to the body, are not part of the body.

"It's more like a tool, a device that protects the body and enhances combat and work capabilities."

Yang Xiaozhi nodded, which is easy to understand.

However, if a disabled person with a broken arm or leg is equipped with mechanical arms and legs, is it considered an exoskeleton?

Yang Xiaozhi was puzzled for a moment, but didn't ask.

Luo Fei continued:

"The other way is to implant two pieces.

"Strictly speaking, it's not as simple as simply implanting a chip."

"It involves the connection of neurons and the programming of the operating system, which is still very complicated.

"Of course, it's not a complicated question."

"The main problem in 2.4 is that after the mech becomes a part of the body, there will be a problem."

"what is the problem?"

Yang Xiao subconsciously asked.

Luo Fei thought for a while before giving his own answer, saying:

"This involves the question of how to define a person!"


Yang Xiaozhi was stunned.

How can you talk about mechs and suddenly get involved in philosophy?

Luo Fei smiled and said:

"You said, what percentage of a human's body is replaced by a mech, does this person not count as a human?"

"Or is it that only the mecha with human consciousness is left, and he is still a person?"

Yang Xiaozhi widened his pretty eyes and said in disbelief:

"How is that possible?"

"If there is only consciousness and everything else is mecha, how can it be considered a human being?"


Luo Fei shrugged and said:

"What if only the brain is left?"

"Like that 'Source Code' movie."

Yang Xiaozhi was silent.

After a while, he shook his head with a wry smile and said:

"Forget it, let's not discuss this, it feels a little scary!"

Luo Fei nodded, changed the subject, and said:

"For the time being, the company mainly makes purely mechanical exoskeletons, the kind that don't require an operating system."

"According to some of my understanding, this kind of exoskeleton mecha is more attractive."

"Moreover, we can also define the mech as an auxiliary tool from the very beginning.

Yang Xiaozhi nodded and said nothing.

Afterwards, Luo Fei went back to continue sketching the exoskeleton device.

the next day.

In the morning, Yang Xiaozhi settled the matter in the park.

In the afternoon, just pack your bags and check in."

In fact, in Building 3, a meeting room was set up for interviews

Asking for more money, the handsome boss subscribes and rewards! Thanks!!!

PS. Next chapter at 12:00 noon! Good morning!!!.

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