Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 103 Not A Big Problem? Genius Solution! [5 For Custom Order And Full Order]


Pantao Lab.

After Chen Zhe and Xia Gong arrived, they saw that Luo Fei was already there.

Standing in front of Baidi...Look at it?

In his hand, he was holding a thermos cup.

Sun Xiaoyu was still standing beside her.

Sun Xiaoyu held a notebook in his hand, as if he was memorizing something.

Just when someone was about to speak, Chen Zhe immediately motioned for silence and pointed in Luo Fei's direction.

Mr. Luo is back!

Everyone's eyes lit up, and then their hearts jumped!

If you can't speak loudly, make eye contact!

As a team person, eye contact has long been a special skill.

"When Mr. Luo comes back, Baidi's problem will definitely be solved!"

"Well, it will definitely work!"

"When did Brother Luo come back? Did he arrive at the laboratory early in the morning?"

"I don't know, I probably came back early in the morning. It's not important, the important thing is that Mr. Luo is back!

"Great! I think Brother Luo has a solution now!"

I don't know since when, the people in Pantao Laboratory have blindly worshiped him.

This is still in the case that Luo Fei directly participates in the front-line work as little as possible.

Otherwise, worship will be more blind.

"Can it work?"

Xia Gong didn't step forward, and stated his evidence in a very low voice.

Chen Zhe shook his head, smiled helplessly and said:

"I can only say that if Luo Fei can't solve it, maybe no one can.

At this point, Chen Zhe denied this absolute statement, and added:

"If Luo Fei can't solve it, maybe someone from Cheng Fei or Shen Fei will have to be asked to help."

"By the way, Xia Gong, who did I hear yesterday that an engine research and development team came to the base?"

Xia Gong shook his head, he didn't know these things.

But still ask:

"The problem with the engine, are there any other laboratories in the base doing it?"

"Not really."

Chen Zhe thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"Professor Cheng is in charge of this experimental base."

"Aerodynamic layout research is only a small item, and the most other is the laboratory of aerospace materials.

"There are quite a few others, but they definitely haven't studied aircraft engines."

to be honest.

This national-level experimental base mainly focuses on aerospace materials.

There was no special research laboratory for aerodynamic layout before.

The main purpose of doing this is to try not to overlap with Shen Fei and Cheng Fei's research.

cause waste of research funds.

Now there is an engine R&D team, which is strange.

However, Chen Zhe immediately put aside this doubt.

Because Luo Fei, with

When Luo Fei turned his head and looked towards him, Chen Zhe almost screamed out.

Xia Gong frowned and stepped forward, staring into Luo Fei's eyes, and said:

"Luo Fei, when did you come back?"

"Did you not rest all night?"

Xia Gong's tone was a bit harsh, and he even directly called Luo Fei's name to 610.

In most cases.

As long as it is in the Pantao laboratory, or in a semi-public place, such as a test flight.

Xia Gong is called Luo Fei Luo chief engineer.

This is out of respect for Luo Fei's identity and ability.

but now!

He called Luo Fei's name directly.

Indeed, Luo Fei's current state, with bloodshot eyes, made him extremely worried.

Everyone feels the same way.

"Are you here?"

Luo Fei blinked, opened the thermos, took a sip, and said:

"Exactly, Xia Gong, Lao Chen, let's talk about Baidi's situation."

Xia Gong and Chen Zhe looked at each other, then they were full of helplessness.

Since Luo Fei skipped his question directly, and went straight to work.

They can only rush in.

So Xia Gong pointed to the middle of Baidi's fuselage and said:

"The problem lies in the main load-bearing bulkhead of this integral titanium alloy closed-die forging."

"When the three structural units of the main load-bearing bulkhead were assembled, I didn't know which part went wrong."

"I tried several times yesterday, but I couldn't assemble it together."

"But when examining each structural unit separately, no precision issues were found.

"Mr. Chen and I wonder if something went wrong during the forging process of the structural unit?"

The whole fuselage of Baidi can be divided into three parts.

Front fuselage, middle fuselage, and rear fuselage.

The front fuselage is mainly the cockpit, the front landing gear wheel well, and some equipment brackets, pipes, etc.

The middle fuselage, which is the part of the problem.

It is the most complex and the largest part of the Baidi Fighter.

Including wide wings, two main landing gear devices, as well as weapon bays, auxiliary power units, etc.

And all these things.

All are carried by the main load-bearing bulkhead, or connected.

Therefore, if there is a problem with the main bearing frame, the entire middle fuselage cannot be assembled.

After Xia Gong finished speaking, he looked at Luo Fei.

The same goes for the others, looking at Luo Fei expectantly.


Luo Fei took another sip of the water in the thermos and chewed it twice.

Then he said casually:

"It's not a big problem."



Hearing these four words from Luo Fei, everyone's faces were half puzzled and half shocked.

What does it mean that the problem is not big?

We all researched for a day yesterday and still have no clue.

You say it's not a big problem?

How can this be?

Isn’t this too perverted?!

Later, I heard Luo Fei say:

"I just made a mistake."


Everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In this case, they can more or less accept it.

After all, it felt like they were all trash just now.


Luo Fei's next words made their jaws drop in shock!

"It should be said that the three component units are indeed no problem.

"The problems you encountered when assembling yesterday cannot be counted as problems."


A bunch of questions appeared on everyone's faces.

I can't understand what Luo Fei is saying.

"How can this be?"

Chen Zhe said loudly:

"During assembly yesterday, there was a gap that could be seen at a glance between the three components!"

"A full 1.5 mm!"

"This was not there when it was designed!"

"Luo Fei, Chief Engineer Luo, you can't say that there is something wrong with Baidi's design, right?"

Xia Gong also nodded, this gap should not have appeared.

After the three components are assembled, they should fit perfectly!

It can't really be a design problem, can it?

This is unacceptable.

If there is a problem with the design,

Everything went wrong?

"Don't get excited."

Luo Fei smiled, pinched the bridge of his nose, opened his eyes forcefully, and said:

"Your design is naturally fine."

"However, after I came back yesterday morning, I carefully studied the problem you mentioned, and also looked at the three components."

"Finally found a place that can improve some of Baidi's performance!"


Everyone was at a loss again.

Chen Zhe, Xia Gong, and He Qiang looked at each other, completely unable to understand what Luo Fei was talking about.

Luo Fei smiled, knowing that they didn't understand.

In fact, the problem was found, fixed, and then promoted.

It was only when Luo Fei asked Sun Xiaoyu to come to the lab to see if he was there at dawn, that he finally figured it out!

The key to solving this problem.

It's still Qian Lao's system control theory!

Luo Fei had to sigh again, this theoretical idea is really awesome!

"You mean..."

For a while, the more experienced Xia Gong stared at the three large components on the ground.

He looked at the part of Baidizhong's fuselage again, and said:

"The problem in the assembly of the three structural units made you discover that the main load-bearing bulkhead may improve performance?"

Luo Fei nodded.

"Isn't this a bit unbelievable?"

Xia Gong couldn't figure it out, but decided to ask directly:

"What is your train of thought?"

"It's very simple."

Luo Fei pointed to the place where the three components were assembled, and said:

"Here, here, and here, add a couple of 1.2mm bar spacers."

"The material of the gasket should be of the same strength as these three structural units.

"The remaining 0.3 mm space is coated with heat-insulating and friction-resistant paste lubricant."

"that's it!"


Everyone was at a loss again.

Don't get it at all, this looks more like a patched solution.

How can the performance of the main load-bearing bulkhead be improved?

Xia Gong frowned and thought for a while, then his brows gradually relaxed, took a deep breath, and asked:

"Is this using the principle of rivets?"

"Barely count."

Luo Fei nodded, shook his head again, and said:


"It should be the unloading mechanism of bucket arches and other components in our ancient wooden buildings.

"The main load-bearing bulkhead with the three structural units tightly fitted together has really good strength and performance."

"But metals have fatigue properties."

"Under the long-term high-strength unbuffered cyclic stress and cyclic strain, the component will gradually produce local permanent cumulative damage.

"After a certain number of cycles of accumulated damage, (ccbg) cracks will occur, and even a sudden complete fracture will occur!"

Speaking of this, Xia Gong knew what the result would be.

Completely broken, it means that the fighter may solve the problem directly in the air!


In general, when each fighter is designed, there is a limit on the total flight time.

Every time before take-off and after landing, a comprehensive inspection will also be done.

Metal fatigue is also one of the important inspection items.


Luo Fei's method may really be able to slow down the occurrence of metal fatigue damage to a certain extent.

That is, it directly increases the total flight time of the aircraft.

At this time, Chen Zhe frowned and said:

"But, those gaps outside the gasket, is that all?"

"Is there really no problem?"

Luo Fei smiled and looked at Xia Gong.

Xia Gong nodded and said:

"CEO Luo's handling method is completely feasible in theory."

"As for the gaps you mentioned, even if they fit perfectly, they still exist."

"And the main load-bearing bulkhead is inside the body, so there will be no problem.

Chen Zhe nodded, but he still hasn't figured it out yet.

However, Luo Fei proposed a solution, and Xia Gong agreed.

That means, this solution is perfectly fine.

All that remains is to reassemble and test.

Of course, a few extra gasket parts must be made first.

Luo Fei

Seeing that Xia Gong was already drawing the size of the gasket and was about to make the gasket, he asked:

"Is there anything else besides this question?"

"there is none left."

Chen Zhe shook his head subconsciously.

"That's fine."

Luo Fei nodded, then yawned long and said:

"You guys continue to assemble, I'll go to sleep and not get up."

After finishing speaking, he handed the thermos cup to Sun Xiaoyu, and walked straight outside alone.

Although Pantao Lab can rest.

But it was rattling all the time during the day, and I couldn't sleep well, so I had to go back to my residence.

Just walked out the lab door.

Lieutenant General Nie Feng saw Luo Fei yawning all the time, and immediately said:

"Mr. Luo, shall I help you go back?"

" need!"

Luo Fei held back a half yawn, waved his hands, turned his head to see Sun Xiaoyu following behind, and said:

"I'm just sleepy, not tired, that's fine.

After finishing speaking, he walked out.

Sun Xiaoyu didn't help him either, but just walked beside him.

In the end, I was worried that Luo Fei would not fall asleep halfway.


Luo Fei thought of one thing, decided to say it before falling asleep, and said:

"Brother Zhao Fei over there."

"If he looks for you in the morning, let him wait until I wake up in the afternoon."

"Also, what you told me in the morning about the R&D team of that engine, let's talk about it in the afternoon.

"Well, I made a note."

Sun Xiaoyu handed the thermos cup to Luo Fei and said:

"Take two more sips."

"I can sleep well after drinking, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to wake up hungry after half sleep.

Luo Fei yawned again.

Then he took a big sip and said:

"Don't be so troublesome next time, and go to the kitchen to make soup by yourself.


What was in the thermos was that Sun Xiaoyu came back after seeing Luo Fei early in the morning.

I went to the kitchen to cook it myself.

"No trouble."

Sun Xiaoyu shook her head, glanced at Luo Fei's eyes, and said distressedly:

"Don't stay up all night like this in the future, it hurts your body."

Luo Fei hummed and didn't speak again.

Sun Xiaoyu didn't mention it again.

She is also engaged in research and development, and often stays up all night.

There is no way to completely avoid this kind of thing.

Pantao Lab.

When the gasket is made, and the assembly test is completed again.

Everyone looked at the data and was speechless for a long time.

Even Xia Gong, who has foreseen that the performance will be greatly improved, is really impossible.

"How can this be?"

Chen Zhe scratched his head vigorously, and said in disbelief:

"Just added a few spacers!"

"It doesn't solve the problem of loose fit at all, how can the performance be improved so much?"

"Xia Gong, is there something wrong with our testing procedures?"

Others also subconsciously felt that something went wrong.

This result has a fundamental conflict with the principle of small precision parts they have always insisted on!

Even at the very beginning, Jinwu No. 1 and Feiliu No. 1 used substandard parts.

But the result is also obvious that the performance of Jinwu No. 1 and Feiliu No. 1 cannot meet the design requirements at all!

Now, it is the opposite.

Nor can it be said to be quite the opposite.

After all, these three component units are completely precise enough.

So, what went wrong?

"no problem!"

Xia Gong put down the data and said with emotion:

"There was a problem with our previous thinking."

Everyone froze for a moment, feeling a little dazed.

Chen Zhe was also at a loss.

Then I heard Xia Gong say:

"Mr. Luo, from the very beginning, jumped out of the shackles that the parts must be absolutely precise.

"This time, we found a solution based on the structure of ancient wooden buildings."

"A genius solution!"

"You may not have been exposed to ancient wooden buildings."

"Let's put it this way, the ancient wooden buildings in our country are extremely earthquake-resistant!"

"The key is the buffering and unloading mechanism used by Mr. Luo!"

After listening to Xia Gong's words.

Everyone is still skeptical, but the data will not lie!

That directly improves the performance data by 50%. Although it looks magical, it is absolutely true!


Chen Zhe glanced at the data again, shook his head and sighed:

"I kind of understand why I've been overwhelmed by Luo Fei all the time!"

"Where is this overpowering, obviously he has always made me feel that he can only overpower me!"

When everyone heard it, they wanted to laugh but were too embarrassed to laugh.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha!"

He Qiang couldn't hold back, and laughed because of the sound.

Then, everyone else laughed too.

As a result, the air in the Pantao laboratory was filled with joy for a while.

Chen Zhe rolled his eyes:



Luo Fei opened his eyes and saw a face close in front of him.

Suddenly a foul language broke out.

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PS. The next chapter will be updated at 20:00!!.

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