Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 115 Carbon-Based Chips! Smart System! The Real Chinese Programming Language! [3 Requests For


【By observing the graphene material, you have an epiphany and know the principle of carbon-based chips!】


Luo Fei frowned.

Feeling a lot of theoretical knowledge about carbon-based chips, I don't know what to say for a while.

That's it?

Only the principle, no manufacturing method?

All right.

It appears to be what I want to do long.

Luo Fei shook his head, stood up and said to Yang Chuang:

"Senior brother, you can continue to study, I'll look elsewhere first."

The graphene semiconductor material research and development center was established.

Luo Fei went straight back to Tianma Lab.

as far as I can tell.

Several projects underway by Santi Industry Group are in good shape.

The first is the research and development of TGL materials by Zhao Fei and Luo Man.

Solving the problem of B2 crystal is equivalent to solving half of the problem.

The next research and development is a bit like water grinding, just move forward according to the experimental design little by little.

if things go well.

In a week or two, there will be good news.

Then there is the Mech R&D Center, the exoskeleton device of Anxin's team.

03-A1 and 03-B1 were finally named Chongming.

The name Chongming is taken from the Chongming bird in "Shan Hai Jing", which has nothing to do with birds.

An Xin said that Chongming has the subtext of seeing the light again.

The civilian device of 03-B1 is more for those users with inconvenient lower limbs.

Allowing them to walk again is tantamount to seeing the light again.

Luo Fei thought it was okay, so he agreed.

The two products, Chongming Type and Chongming Type II, are currently entering the stage of experimenting with testers.

Need to take more test data.

After this stage.

Then you can consider whether to hold a press conference first, or start a by-product.

The last is the chip research and development center.

The design of 14nm and 7nm chips has already started.

What Luo Fei has to wait for is to strictly design the 14nm as soon as possible, and then throw it to Jiao Mo for construction according to the "577" diagram.

these three items.

It is a project of the Jinling side of the Three Body Industry Group.

In addition to Jinling, there are two other projects.

One is Xuannv.

After 14 days of flying.

Zhang Tao led people to do some experience on Xuannv's main control system.

Also, those data collected.

It is extremely valuable for the upgrading and construction of domestic wind tunnel laboratories.

Right now, Xuannv is about to enter labor.

The Great Elder finally decided that this batch of Xuannv No. 1 will produce twelve first.

Form a formation.

As for the current "prototype", it will be used as an experimental model and will be used for long-term experiments.

Then there is Baidi.

Baidi's wind tunnel experiment has been blowing for more than a month.

For now, everything works fine.

It seems that the flight test mission can be completed within the expected time.

Inside the Tianma laboratory.

Luo Fei ticked each item, or focused on drawing lines.

Then put those things aside.

Including the principle of the carbon-based chip just obtained.

I have a few days to spare.

Luo Fei decided to overcome several key technologies of riding the yellow armor.

First and foremost, is the intelligent system.

I have to say, Jarvis in Iron Man.

Definitely in all sci-fi movies.

Luo Fei likes it the most, and thinks it fits the AI ​​system set by the smart housekeeper the most.

Don't be a demon.

Not against water.

Just like Batman's butler, Alfred, always loyal and always wise.

However, if you like it, you like it.

The intelligent system is not like others, there is no real thing that can trigger Luo Fei's perception.

So far, he has tried many methods.

Learn everything about intelligent systems and study intelligent systems in movies.

Even sometimes.

Luo Fei also made a point of "holding the Mark3 armor" while watching the Iron Man movie.

As a result, it was useless.

"never mind!"

"It's better to write the architecture and program by yourself!"

Luo Fei sighed, took out his mobile workstation, and decided to write an intelligent program himself.

It's just that this kind of program requires a lot of work.

Luo Fei is going to write out the architecture first.

Then recruit some people who understand programming and set up an AI intelligence research and development center.

Let them write the program for themselves.

"I don't know, if the programming language is in Chinese, will it be more concise?"

"Or will it be more complicated?"

Before starting to do AI architecture, Luo Fei couldn't help thinking about programming languages.

At present, there are some Chinese programming languages ​​in China.

But it's a pity that it's so eye-catching.

Rather than saying it is a Chinese programming language, it is better to say that it is a programming language translated from English to Chinese!

At least when typing, use Luo in English!

Keyboard letters are converted to Chinese.

Then Chinese is edited with English programming logic.

It can be said that this is completely an act of deception.

"Cheating the world?"

"Chinese input method, why not?"

Luo Fei looked at the letters on the keyboard.

This has almost penetrated into the bone marrow of the layout, helplessly smiled, and said to himself:

"Is there really no way to change the keyboard to pure Chinese?"

"It doesn't seem to make much sense, after all, English is still the universal language of the world......"


Luo Fei shook his head helplessly, ready to start.

at this time!

The intelligent and ethereal voice of AI suddenly sounded again!


Luo Fei was overjoyed!

Could it be that it finally triggered the intelligence system's heaven-defying perception, right?

That would be great!

【By observing and feeling the current 26-letter keyboard layout, you have an epiphany, and you know the principle and design method of the pure Chinese keyboard layout!】


Luo Fei had a question mark on his face, a little confused.

In the next moment, a lot of knowledge about the principles of Chinese keyboard layout and design and manufacturing flooded into my mind.

After reading it, Luo Fei felt a little headache.

This Chinese keyboard uses the basic strokes of Chinese characters as a single character for layout.

A stroke is a line that is written continuously at one time without interruption when writing Chinese characters.

It is the smallest constituent unit of Chinese characters.

At present, for the dismantling of strokes, that is, how many basic strokes there are.

There are two main types.

One is the "Printing General Chinese Character Shape Table" published in 1964, summarizing 6 basic strokes and 25 derived strokes, a total of 31 kinds.

The basic strokes are flat strokes.

That is, horizontal (1), vertical (1), left (), dot (,), right (?), lift (?).

Derived strokes are folded strokes.

That is, horizontal folding (??), horizontal skimming (?), horizontal hook (7), horizontal folding hook (??) etc.

The other is the 2001 "GB13000.1 Character Set Chinese Character Folding Pen Specification".

Taking the printing of italic Chinese characters as the standard, the strokes of Chinese characters are divided into 32 types.

It is not far from the division in the "Table of Common Chinese Characters for Printing".

In the Unicode standard, some special strokes have been added, and the latest version contains 36 strokes.

Looking at the knowledge of these strokes, Luo Fei felt his scalp go numb.

The current Chinese input method has only two types of logic.

One type is pinyin input.

One category is Wubi input.

However, these two input methods require the user to learn letters!

In pinyin, ABC becomes ah oh eh.

But in Wubi, you have to memorize the root table first, which makes most people forget and daunt.

Think here.

Luo Fei felt that it seemed urgent to develop a real Chinese input method!

Before the information age.

That is, in the era of typewriters, some people also developed Chinese typewriters.

But it is very complicated, even if the mechanical workmanship is very delicate and gorgeous.

Still no audience.

After the information age, the alphabetic keyboard layout based on font machines has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

And it is also convenient to input Chinese with the alphabet keyboard.

Therefore, no one studies purely Chinese input.

On the mobile phone, there is a stroke input of Jiugongge.

But too simplistic.

Thinking of this, Luo Fei went ahead and designed a Chinese keyboard first.

Whether it can be widely promoted does not say.

But Luo Fei thinks that it can be used as the internal general-purpose keyboard of Santi Industry, hard promotion!

In this way, perhaps, a unique corporate culture of Santi Industry can also be formed!

Ha ha!

After deciding.

Luo Fei started designing.

The layout of 26 letters does not need to be adjusted at present.

Therefore, what Luo Fei needs is to use the current 31 or 32 or 36 strokes.

Unified into 26 kinds of strokes.

This is not difficult.

After all, some strokes, although not the same, can be classified into one category.

For example, the horizontal oblique hook (B) and the horizontal oblique hook (?), can be classified into the horizontal bending hook (?).

Or vertical fold (ㄣ), which can be classified into vertical fold (??).

After summing up the 26 basic strokes.

It's the layout!

The layout is scientifically based.

The layout of the English letters is not arranged in the order of the parent table.

Instead, they are arranged according to the frequency of use of each letter.

Commonly used letters will be placed in positions that are easier to press to improve input efficiency.

At the same time, there is also the moving distance of the fingers.

When typing, fingers need to move constantly.

If the movement distance of the fingers is too large, it will lead to inefficient input and hand fatigue.

Therefore, the commonly used letters are placed where the fingers can easily reach, so as to reduce the moving distance of the fingers.

For example, the letter e is the most common letter in English.

It's just within reach with a slight movement of the middle finger of the left hand.

Then there is the symmetrical layout.

In general.

The layout of 26 letters is more widely used because of these things.

"The next step is to analyze the usage frequency of Chinese characters!"

"At present, it seems that the Chinese dictionary contains the most Chinese characters."

"Then use the Chinese characters in the Huaxia Dictionary as the basis, combined with the standards for commonly used and rare characters stipulated by the national standard.


This is no small project.

But when Luo Fei did it, he had an inexplicable sense of responsibility.


After the stroke-based layout keyboard comes out.

From another aspect, it can slowly reduce the general influence of English in China!

no way!

The 26-letter keyboard is simply too broad.

Even people who don't need to speak a word of English all their lives, if they want to play with computers, they must know this thing!

But how to Englishize?

Luo Fei thinks, first de-alphabetize the keyboard used in daily life.....

Maybe there is a way out.

Of course, considering that English is still a common language now.

The redesigned keyboard also leaves some room for letters.

Zoom out and fit in the corner of each keyboard button!

Wait for China to become really strong, wait until Ying Jiang is completely beaten down, and wait for Chinese to become a common language.

If only this could be done.

At that time, there will be no place for it in the corner

Luo Fei had a cold expression on his face.

Even if you know, this matter, even if it is done in the end, it will take a long process.

But, he is still young.

There is plenty of time to advance this matter step by step.

Many people think so.

Chinese characters are difficult to learn.

In fact, it is completely a kind of stubbornness and prejudice!


Learn it in one bite!

Therefore, the official establishment of the Nantianmen project, the progress of Xuannv and Baidi.

It also gave him more confidence.

So in the following time, Luo Fei became a researcher of Chinese characters.

The frequency of use of Chinese characters is analyzed every day.

And the corresponding basic stroke usage frequency.

After analyzing the usage frequency of strokes, it is time to redefine the input logic instructions!

Same as letters.

For each stroke, define a binary code.

This is also simple, just apply the letter code of the same position directly!

a week later!

The first keyboard based on the 26 basic strokes of Chinese characters was successfully developed by Luo Fei!

"Well, let's call you Bai Ze too!"

Luo Fei originally thought of a different name, but when he thought about it, the name Bai Ze was quite good.

You can also hide your code name.

Moreover, it is also said in "Rui Ying Tu":

"The Yellow Emperor patrolled the East China Sea, came out of the White Lake, and learned the essence of all things, so as to warn the people and prevent disasters.

This name is too suitable for this Chinese keyboard!

The Baize keyboard designed and manufactured has a very tricky place.

That is, on the keyboard, an input method switching key is added.

When switching to an alphabetic keyboard, the letters on the keyboard will light up.

However, these letters are less than half the size of the letters on a normal keyboard!

After switching to the stroke keyboard, the 26 basic strokes on the keyboard light up.

It is a circle bigger than the letters on the normal keyboard!


Looking at the Baize keyboard he made, Luo Fei couldn't help grinning.

Whether it can be promoted or not.

This sense of accomplishment has come out.

Next, design the input method again, and you can use it!

Then, Luo Fei was speechless again.

Because, you still have to use a fucking English programming language!


Luo Fei was very angry.

I feel like I can't get by in English.

It is necessary to thoroughly develop a Chinese programming language.

And it must be more concise, more practical, and more effective than the English programming language!

"Let's talk about the input method first."

Luo Fei didn't want to finish all the work right away.

After all, redefining a programming language is not a small amount of work.

But at this moment!

AI intelligent ethereal voice sounded!


[Through observation and experience of 5.7, an unpopular English programming language, you have an epiphany, and you know the principles and underlying logic of the [Xuanwu] programming language!]

"Damn it!!!"

Luo Fei almost jumped up.

Because, this turned out to be a programming language with a name!

What does this mean?

Luo Fei didn't dare to think too much!

next moment.

A lot of principles and logic of this Chinese programming language called [Xuanwu] poured into Luo Fei's mind!



Quickly browse through these language principles and underlying logic.

Luo Fei couldn't help saying with emotion:

"Really powerful!"

From a long time ago, Luo Fei firmly believed that Chinese is an excellent language in the world.

Because this is a typeface that goes hand in hand from symbol to meaning!

Unlike English.

Just looking at a letter, you have no idea what it is!

And Chinese characters.

Although from oracle bone inscriptions, and even earlier undiscovered characters, to the later Bronze Inscription Bian, Seal Script Bian, and Li Bian, to the current simplified or traditional characters.

Most of them can no longer see the original symbolic meaning of Chinese characters.

Many of them basically have no original meaning.

However, these symbols still exist.


English adds some new words every year, and some of them are not ridiculously long!

And what about Chinese characters?

Except for some element words created in the early years to define the elements on the periodic table.

Basically, there is no increase in the number of Chinese characters.

Added, only some semi-fixed phrases.

"Chinese is the best!"

Luo Fei from the second grade shouted that he was about to put programming aside and fix the input method.

At this time, the landline phone on the table suddenly rang!

The content of this chapter is a bit dry, and it came out a bit late! Please support and support more! Thank you!

PS. The next chapter is at 15:00 pm! Good afternoon!!.

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