Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 142 Xuannv's Elegant Headshot, Baidi's Handsome Kick At The Door! [2 For Custom Or

Come out of the lounge.

Luo Fei still couldn't think of it.

One day, I can go to Chengtianmen to watch the military parade.

I feel that for ordinary people, the distance from the Chengtian Gate during the military parade in a lifetime is probably the distance from the screen.

And myself, I will stand on it tomorrow!

I have to say, very much looking forward to it.

After coming out of the auditorium, Luo Fei saw Sun Xiaoyu who was waiting for him outside.

There are also Chen Zhe and others.

As for Xia Gong's older comrades, they have disappeared.


Seeing Luo Fei coming out, Sun Xiaoyu walked over excitedly.

Stretching out his hand and overlapping Luo Fei's ten fingers, he opened his mouth to ask something, then changed his mouth and said:

"Where are you going to play in a while?"

"I'm fine, where do you want to go?"

Luo Fei and the others nodded, looked back at Chengtian Gate, and suggested:

"We haven't visited the Forbidden City together, why don't we take a look?"

"From the south all the way to the north gate, then up to Jingshan Mountain, and then come back to overlook the Forbidden City?"

Having said that, I asked Chen Zhe and others, and said:

"go together?"

Just as Zhang Tao was about to say yes, Chen Zhe covered his mouth, shook his head and said:

"Hey, you two went to the Forbidden City to spread dog food, so we won't follow.

"Okay, since you've come out, we'll leave first if there's nothing else to do!"

"See you on National Day!"

With that said, Chen Zhe dragged Zhang Tao away.

The others also waved their hands to Luo Fei and left together.

Only senior brother Zhao Fei seemed to want to ask something, but he knew he couldn't ask, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Brother Zhao Fei is probably the most ignorant one?"

I noticed Zhao Fei's expression when he left.

Luo Fei took Sun Xiaoyu's hand, smiled and said in a low voice:

"From the beginning to the end, he didn't even know that he actually participated in Xuannv's project!"

"However, this is what he won."

"And, looking back maybe because of the TGL-1 material, he'll do it again."

Sun Xiaoyu nodded and did not continue the topic.

In Chengtianmen Square, although there are not too many people at the moment, there are still many people with multiple positions.

The two came to the monument.

I read the seven big characters on the front and the majestic text on the back.

Look at the relief around the base.

That is a section of history that has been frozen, a section of memory that cannot be forgotten.

Then, I went to see the big flower bed on the square.

It's big, but the presentation is average.

After the big flower bed, the opposite is Chengtian Gate.

"Speak up."

Luo Fei suddenly thought of a very interesting thing, said:

"The first time I came to the Forbidden City was when I was a freshman."

"It seemed that it was also National Day, so I went to the capital to play with my high school classmates who were studying in the capital.

"It was probably a cloudy day."

"So in my feeling, Chengtianmen faces north!"


Listening to Luo Fei talking about the past, Sun 57 Xiaoyu listened very interestingly.

Suddenly I heard him say that Chaotianmen faces north.

Immediately his eyes widened, he looked at Chengtian Gate, then at Luo Fei, and said:

"How can this be?"

"Even if it's possible to get lost, don't you at least not know it's facing south?"


As long as it is not due to special terrain reasons.

Houses, especially the gates of large buildings, always face south.

This should be a consensus, right?

"Fun is fun here."

Luo Fei smiled and pointed to the building next to the guide.

As well as Zhengyangmen and Zhengyangmen Archery Tower on the south side of Chengtianmen Square in the distance, said:

"I remember, until I passed Qianmen Street, after the watchtower.

"Looking back at Chengtianmen, I suddenly realized that my previous direction was completely reversed!"

"That was the only time I lost my way."

Sun Xiaoyu thought it was fun.

A person who is never crazy and never loses his way.

To be in a place with obvious directions, to lose one's direction.

The two then visited the Forbidden City.

Pass through the imperial road in the middle of the Forbidden City, pass the north gate, and go up Jingshan.

Overlook the entire Forbidden City.

Luo Fei thought about the area of ​​the Forbidden City, 0.72 square meters, and couldn't help laughing:

"Suddenly discovered."

"Our park is many times twelve or three times bigger than this!"


At this time, Sun Xiaoyu pointed to the side of the guide and said:

"I really did a special comparison, how big is 9.6 square kilometers."

"From Chang'an Street in front of Chengtian Gate to Gulou Street in the north of Shichahai, the distance is 4.4 kilometers.

"From Nanheyan Street on the east side of the Forbidden City to Fuyou Street on the west side of the sea, it is more than 2 kilometers away."

"In other words, the Forbidden City plus the entire sea."

"There are also Beihai Park, Shichahai Park, Nanluoguxiang, Prince Gong's Mansion Garden..."

"All these things added up, it's not as big as our park!"

Luo Fei opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

However, this is also the area where the building density is too high, because most of them are related to traditional low-rise buildings.

There are also the most well-preserved courtyard buildings in Beijing.

"Come on, go to my house."

After coming down from Jingshan Mountain, Sun Xiaoyu led Luo Fei to her house.

two days later.

October 1.

It was not yet full daylight.

Luo Fei appeared on the gate tower of Chengtianmen.

I saw the whole process of raising the national flag.

When the national anthem sounded, Luo Fei's memory suddenly drifted back to the original world.

Five years ago in the original world.

It was the 60th anniversary, and as a member of the student phalanx, he arrived in the middle of the night.

Together with others, temporarily hid in Wangfujing Street.

Everyone is wearing phalanx clothing, no pockets, and mobile phones are not allowed.

Because it is already autumn.

It was still a bit cold in the morning.

Wearing half-sleeve phalanx uniforms, many people shivered from the cold.

So in twos and threes huddled together to keep warm.

The moment the national anthem was played.

Inexplicably, there was a warmth flowing in his body.

Everyone stood up stupidly.

Then, towards the direction where the national anthem is played, towards the direction where the national flag is, silently salute.

"At this moment, there are probably some people who want to go to the mass phalanx."

"Is it the same as me back then?"

After the national anthem was played, the national flag was raised to the top.

Luo Fei knew that the 65th anniversary military parade was about to begin.

After a while.

He heard the sound of counting guns and goose steps coming from under the city tower.

He can't see that far.

It should be those pacesetters.

Time passed by and the sun came out.

When the Great Elder entered the Chengtian Gate, he announced the start.

The 65th anniversary of the National Day military parade officially began.

At this time, Luo Fei was standing in the corner, and she was wearing makeup, a disguised makeup.

He wore thick black-rimmed prescription glasses, had a beard glued on his mouth and chin, and wore a gray wig on his head, just like a little old man.

In order to allow Luo Fei to be here, but not to keep hiding behind.

The Great Elder and the others really thought of some ways.

It has to be said that Rabbit deserves to have done underground work, and he is very skilled in this method.

at this time.

The people on the scene and in front of the TV.

Emotions are growing.

Because if nothing else happens, the Air Force will be on the scene soon!

That is.

It is very likely that Xuannv No. 1, which will come out of today's military parade, will fly across the sky!

some moment.

Everyone at the scene lifted it up in unison and looked to the east.

Then, a scene that shocked everyone happened!


In the eastern sky.

A giant white bird dotted with bright red is slowly flying over!

And on both sides behind the giant white bird.

It's a row of big black birds!

It's Xuannv!

Many people exclaimed, and then collectively climaxed.

Many people stood upstairs and on the roof, waiting for the military parade of weapons and equipment.

They all stared wide-eyed, took the cameras that passed through the security check, and started shooting frantically.

He kept shouting and shouting in his mouth.

"Fuck! Fuck! It's Xuannv! There are so many Xuannv!"

"What kind of fighter is the leader? It looks too handsome!"

"Could this leading fighter be the new type of fighter that was rumored to be photographed by a certain country's satellite and is currently being tested?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How long has it been since then, how did it become combat power?"

"Isn't this a performance? How did it become a fighting force?"

"Hehe! You can even perform, and you actually believe that there is no combat history yet?"

All looked up excitedly.

Looking at the four Xuannv in the national model line together with the giant white bird.

Flying from afar, flying overhead.

And after the 5 wedges flew by!

Before everyone could react, there were bursts of exclamations from the east.

In the sky, another formation unexpectedly appeared!

This time, it turned out to be eight Xuannv fighter jets, forming a diamond-shaped formation!

Then again, flying over everyone's heads!

It just flew over so ordinary.

There was no fancy tricks, and there was no sonic boom when passing Chengtian Gate.

even so.

The media outside, as well as those who were invited (ccbj plus military parade.

At this moment, each of them looked complicated.

I don't know what to think.

Some foreign friends were also very excited.

"Fack! They've really come up with a new fighter!"

"What is Huaxia going to do? Isn't it just a test flight? How dare you fly out to make a debut?"

"It is said that they are the first generation of research and development, and the first generation of commercial installation... Could it be that these two are already backward models?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! It cannot be a backward model that can kill the Fak-22!"

"It's over! I suddenly realized that our eagle sauce is completely over!"

"From today, there will only be Chinese fighter jets in the skies of the world!"

"Shock! This is blatant deterrence! It's the same as we deterred the whole world with the Fake 22!"

The media of Eagle Sauce, some people of Eagle Sauce.

The heart is roaring.

At this time, I can't wait for things to be shot down by the formation in the sky.

And some others.

A person who has a friendly relationship with Huaxia, or is preparing to be friendly, but is coerced by Yingjiang.

At this moment, Sui suddenly understood something.

So he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Haha! It's really a feng shui rotation!"

"Everyone, what, I happen to have a business to discuss with Huaxia! Hahaha!"

"Well, I also have business to discuss, let's go together?"

"Hahahaha! Let's go together! Huaxia has so many X

N-1 fighter jet, there is also a new type of fighter jet that looks more powerful, some countries should stop it a bit, right?"

"Hey! Didn't you see, that person's face is black!"

"Well... Let's just say, isn't he originally black?"

On the tower.

Luo Fei watched this scene.

Can't help feeling a burst of emotion.

Xuannv No. 1 is an unmanned fighter jet, not to mention.

But Baidi No. 1, the pilot, is Captain Hu!

Because right now, there is no second person who can drive Baidi No. 1!

no way.

strictly speaking.

Baidi No. 1 did not really complete the test flight.

In such a short time, the effect of formation flight can be achieved.

Needless to say.

Captain Hu and the instructors.

There are also other backup pilots, ground staff, and tower staff of the flight test team.

And He Qiang and the others.

During this period of time, it is estimated that they are desperately training.

This is the standard of the task.

As for the Xuannv who has just been installed not long ago, the same is true.

Although it is an unmanned fighter jet.

But special operators are also needed to control Xuannv's flight.

at the same time.

People watching the live broadcast, when the first formation appeared.

Also jumped up excitedly.

Compared with watching it live, although there is a layer of screens, it is not so shocking.

But there is also an advantage.

That's an explanation!

The host said excitedly:

"What appears in the camera now is a formation of fighter jets!"

"It's a wedge formation!"

"The last four are the Xuannv No. 1 fighter jets we are most familiar with!"

"And the one at the front, my friends and compatriots, his name is Baidi!"

"Yes, he is the fifth generation Baidi fighter!"

After hearing the name.

The people in front of the screen were all boiling.

In the living room, in the dining hall, in the cinema.

Holding brightly colored small flags, jumping and jumping, cheering and shouting, tears streaming down my face.

in a living room.

The little girl looked at the grandfather with tears all over his face, and wiped the tears with her tender hands at a loss.

While wiping, Deng comforted like an adult:

"Grandpa doesn't cry, Xinxin is here!"

"Okay, grandpa don't cry!"

The old man smiled and held his granddaughter on his lap.

He said not to cry, but the tears did not stop, and he was still staring at the big screen of the TV.

"Grandpa, look! Handjob!"

The little girl pointed to the TV and said:

"Grandpa, there are so many handjobs!"

"Yeah, we have so many handjobs now!"

Heard granddaughter use the word handjob.

The old man even burst into tears.

He thought of it instantly, when his father returned from the battlefield with one arm and one leg behind.

Touching his head with the three fingers on the remaining arm, he murmured:

"Son, hurry up and grow up."

"When you grow up, you must go and make handjobs for Dad and his comrades in arms!"

"Build lots and lots of handjobs!"

At that time, he was only six or seven years old, and he was ignorant.

After learning Mandarin on the radio, he corrected his father:

"Dad, it's an airplane, not a handgun!

"Well, it's a handjob, not a handjob."

"Dad, you read it wrong, it's an airplane, not a handgun!"

He remembered that he corrected it many times, but his father still didn't correct it.

He doesn't know why.

Until later, he went to college.

Because of poor grades, he failed to go to the aircraft major.

Father was not reconciled, but there was nothing he could do.

It was just that when he was sent to school that day, he got drunk and said a word:

"Squad leader, I'm sorry you didn't let my son build airplanes!"

"Squad leader, you always say it's a handy machine, we have a handy machine now, but it's not as good as others..."

until that moment.

He finally understood why his father, who was obviously not from the south, used the accent of handjob.

At this time, I heard my granddaughter call the handjob again.

Seeing the fighter planes on the screen that made people feel full of security.

He burst into tears again, and murmured:

"Dad, did you see that?"

"We've got handjobs, lots and lots of handjobs!"

And at this time.

In the comment section of the live broadcast, there was also an uproar.

"Ahh! It's out! Xuannv really came out in formation!"

"Who dares to say that we only want to fight Xuannv?"

"Huh! Besides, believe it or not, I'll give you a level four sonic boom! Hahahaha!"

"Damn it! Is this actually called Baidi? Oh my god! He's so handsome!"

"Just show up like that? Is it really okay to show up like this without hiding anything?"

"Hey! We have Xuannv here, so why don't we dare to show up?"

"Well, from now on, Xuannv will be in charge of elegance, and Baidi will be in charge of handsomeness!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Xuannv's elegant headshot, and Baidi kicking the door in anger!"


Looking for a reward from a handsome reader with a lot of money and a monthly ticket, thank you!!!

PS. Next chapter at 12:00 noon! Good morning!!!.

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