Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 164 Insidious? This Is Called Soldiers Never Tire Of Cheating! The Battle For Hegemony Betwe


The voice of Huaxia representative fell.

There was another uproar in the audience.

Everyone looked at the Huaxia representative with shock on their faces.

The representative of Eagle Sauce stood up abruptly and spoke for the first time:

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

"Unmanned combat aircraft can't be made so big!"

"Representative of Huaxia, don't try to use this method to exonerate that pilot war criminal!"

Many people in the venue also suddenly realized.

It was originally to confuse the public.

The Huaxia representative smiled lightly and said:

"Who said unmanned combat aircraft can't be built this big?"

"Our Xuannv unmanned fighter jet is just this big, didn't you see it?"

The representative of Eagle Sauce sneered and shook his head, saying:

"The XN-1 has a cockpit."

"When you performed the flight test mission earlier, there was still the voice of the pilot."

"How do you explain all this?"

Everyone also nodded.

Yes, how to explain these two points?

The representative of Huaxia glanced at the representative of Yingjiang, with the kind of eyes that looked like an idiot.

Then he said speechlessly:

"Xuannvyi's cockpit is so small, how could it be possible for the pilot to sit?"

"Besides, the voice of the pilot during the test flight can be done by arranging a pilot in the control tower.

"Why, is this difficult?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

It seems that this explanation also makes sense.

After all, when the XN-1 fighter jet first came out, everyone was studying it.

Except for the engine.

Most of all, I just don't understand why the cockpit looks smaller.

There are explanations to save space.

There are explanations for using a special cockpit layout pattern.

But never expected.

XN-1 is actually an unmanned fighter!

Well, the small cockpit can be completely explained.

Because if you download the pilot in it, you only need to install some flight control equipment.

The space is indeed much smaller.

"Zero One Seven" thought of this, and everyone was at a loss.

Will the XN-1 be an unmanned fighter jet?

An unmanned fighter jet actually has such good maneuverability.

How did you do it?

The representative of Yingjiang was also dumbfounded, and then he didn't believe it:


"It's absolutely impossible!"

"Representative of Huaxia, you are lying, no one will believe your nonsense!"

However, there are already many people at the scene.

I think what the Huaxia representative said should be true.

Because, this seems to be more reasonable.

Except that the maneuverability of XN-1 is not reasonable.

However, this is not necessarily unacceptable compared to the speed of XN-1 exceeding Mach 4.

The Huaxia representative spread his hands and said:

"Whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believed."

After finishing speaking, the representative of Huaxia ignored the representative of Yingjiang.

Instead, he looked at the representative from northern Myanmar and said calmly:

"There is something to inform the Myanmar side."

"Tomorrow morning China time, the Foreign Affairs Office will issue a diplomatic statement.

"At that time, I hope you will pay attention.

After finishing speaking, the Huaxia representative nodded to the secretary-general, turned and left the venue.

There was an uproar and shock in the venue.

As well as the dumbfounded Yingjiang, the bewildered Ah San, and the frowning and puzzled Burmese representative.

Pentagon building.

Everyone watched after the Huaxia representative left.

Also bewildered.

The five-star general frowned, shook his head, and subconsciously said:

"It's absolutely impossible!"

"It is not necessary for the unmanned fighter to be so large, and the maneuverability cannot be so good!"

"When did you meet?"

"An unmanned fighter jet can actually dogfight with a Fak-22 fighter jet?"

Everyone was silent.

If it is true, then this blow is too great.

An unmanned fighter jet that does not require a pilot has maneuverability that exceeds that of a manned fighter jet.

This is simply horrible!

It's just killing people!

In comparison.

Building a fighter is better than training a fighter pilot.

It's so easy.

If XN-1 is really an unmanned combat aircraft.

As long as China's production capacity can keep up, it can produce unlimited!

Even, make a swarm of unmanned fighters!

The president thought.

Just now, I was in the cockpit of Z-1 and experienced it with great interest.

And gave that thing a cool name.

Looking at it now, Jian Ri is an idiot!


Unwilling to be a big fool, the president looked at Donald and asked:

"Mr. Top, you know Huaxia best here."

"Tell me, how credible are the words of the Huaxia representative?"

Everyone looked at Donald.

In fact.

I don't know Huaxia at all!

Here, no one understands Huaxia better than me!

Donald wanted to slap himself in the face very much at this time, why did he set up this character who is easy to be slapped in the face?

However, in the face of everyone's eyes.

Donald broke his scalp and said:

"Your Excellency the President."

"Based on my understanding of Huaxia, the words of the Huaxia representative are 90% credible!"

"Actually, the words of the Huaxia representative, I think, are still concealed.


Everyone was puzzled.

It is 90% credible again, and it is concealing something.

What is it like?

Seeing everyone's doubts, Donald tried his best to explain:

"Chinese people like to say half of what they say and keep the other half when they talk."

"For example, we have never believed that the top speed of XN-1 is only Mach 4."

"In terms of the art of war, this is called soldiers never tire of deceit."

"In terms of human nature, this is called insidious!"

Everyone couldn't help but nodded.

The rabbit who almost integrated the art of war into his blood and genes.

He looks innocent, but his heart is dark.

Very insidious.


The President burst into a foul language, saying:

"That is."

"The Z-1 fighter jet we saw just now, is it a joke?"

"I became a pilot, is it a joke?"

"Imitate the XN-1 to develop the sixth-generation aircraft, but the eagle sauce in the wrong direction is also a joke?"

Everyone was silent and did not speak.

Xin said, is Ying Jiang a joke?

His Excellency the President, must be a joke.

The five-star general thought for a while and said:

"The XN-1 may be an unmanned combat aircraft though."

"But that Baidi fighter must have a pilot

"This, our satellite, has proven."

At first, Baidi tried to fly.

Although Eagle Sauce's satellite failed to keep up for some of the time.

But when it landed, it must have followed.

It also captured the picture of the cockpit opening and the pilot coming out of it.

Think here.

The five-star general suddenly realized, and said:

"I sort of understand."

"Why haven't I taken pictures of the XN-1 cockpit opening!"

"Because, the fucking XN-1 is just an unmanned fighter jet that doesn't need a pilot at all!"

at this time.

Regarding whether XN-1 is an unmanned fighter jet.

Everyone has almost no doubts.

Seeing everyone's attention, Donald returned to the fighter jet and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then he was secretly proud.

Sure enough, no one understands Huaxia's character design better than me, it's very useful!

At this time, the President said with a headache:

"Now there is no chance to condemn China's trial pilots!"

"Besides, you have also heard that when the Huaxia representative left, he left a word for the Burmese side."

"Tell me, what does Huaxia representative mean?"

Everyone was silent again.

What else could it mean?

XN-1 is an unmanned fighter!

They all went directly to the battlefield between Ah San and Baba Yang to throw bombs.

Except threats.

What else could it mean?

The five-star general frowned and said:

"Myanmar, can it resist the pressure from China?"

"Do those warlords in northern Myanmar dare to fight against China, which owns the XN-1 unmanned fighter jet?"

Everyone bowed their heads and did not want to speak.

The answer is obvious.

The Burmese side may have been a bit stubborn before, and the warlords in northern Burma may have felt that they were messed up enough.

but now?

Xia ignored international voices and brazenly took military action.

And who can stop them?

After all, it only needs a reason.

Eagle sauce who has done this many times knows best.


The President sighed and said:

"This time, our actions have failed."

"The next international situation will turn into a hegemony between the two camps."

"Can we kill Huaxia in this battle for hegemony like we killed the giant red bear back then.

"We need everyone's sincere unity!"

After speaking, he stood up and walked out of the combat conference room with a heavy heart.

Get up early in the morning.

Luo Fei's mood was very relaxed.

Looking at the soldiers shouting and performing exercises, I just feel refreshed.

I also want to run with them for a while.

"Do you want to run for a while?"

At this time, the chief came over and said with a smile:

"Mental work also requires a healthy body, right?"

"I can't run too fast, and I can't run very far."

Luo Fei said something in advance, and then began to warm up.

It's just a simple leg lift, and some chest-expanding and turning movements.

The chief said meaningfully:

"You don't need to run too fast, and you don't need to run too far."

"But what you do can make us run faster and farther!"

Luo Fei smiled, but did not answer.

Because, this is indeed what he wanted to do the most when he came to this world.

Later, the two started running around the playground.

Not fast, just jogging.

"Don't want to know the results outside?"

The Chief is already in his fifties.

But the body looks very strong, said:

"Last night, a lot of things happened!"

"Do not want to know."

Luo Fei shook his head, controlled the rhythm, and said:

"because I know."

"When we decided to do it, the result was already doomed."

"It's nothing more than how much deterrent effect the Xuannv sent out can give the enemy."

"Can you use an actual battle to completely smash Tian Guo's conspiracy.

The Chief took a look at Luo Fei.

Can't help but nod secretly.

After running around, returning to the position just now, the Taoist priest said:

"It is said that Xuannv is very irritable."

"When we got to the battlefield, we started firing missiles without saying a word."

"Ah San's army has been disabled, and it is estimated that more than 10,000 people will die..."

"It also happened to be discovered that Ugly Country was behind the battlefield.

At a temporary command post on the other side, a missile was fired by the way.

"The effect is good, just behead it!"

Although I know Xuannv's fighting power is very strong.

Putting it on the battlefield is a dimensionality reduction strike.

But I heard the chief personally tell the results of Xuannv's victory after this dispatch.

Luo Fei was still involuntarily boiling with heat.

Then, still shaking his head, he said:

"In the temporary command post, I'm afraid it's just a small person?"

"If you kill a five-star or six-star general, that's called beheading.

"Now, because it's time to expand the war a little bit.

Luo Fei's words can't fix the chief.

After a while, Tuan said silently:

"Five-star, six-star general?"

"There are not many ugly countries in total, how can they easily appear on other countries' battlefields?"

"The aircraft carrier Ford that escaped yesterday is nothing more than a four-star general.

Luo Fei was a little disappointed.

Then I asked about northern Myanmar.

"Northern Myanmar is even simpler."

The chief smiled slightly and said coldly:

"The Prophet of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will inform them."

"For the time being, the two countries are presumably ending diplomatic relations.

"At the same time, close all passages leading to Myanmar, whether it is the sea or the sky."

Luo Fei was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this time the official reaction will be so big.

Then nodded and said:

"In this way, I'm afraid the Burmese side will cry."

"Every year, our Chinese people generate huge income for them just from tourism.

"Without tourism, the Myanmar side can't last long!"

The chief didn't expect that Luo Fei knew quite a lot.

So he said jokingly:

"Scientists and scientific researchers in my impression don't listen to the outside world."

"Including weapons R&D personnel in our military region."

"My mind is full of weapons, except for weapons, Rigen doesn't care.

"I didn't expect you to know these things."

Luo Fei said with a smile:

"Just because I don't care much, doesn't mean I don't understand.

"Between countries, there is nothing more than the word interest."

"The end of diplomatic relations, in addition to deterring other foreign forces, is to make Myanmar's interests unbearable."

"That's pretty much what it means."

The chief nodded, and then added:

"However, there is another use for ending diplomatic relations."

"If the Myanmar side can't let go of the Chinese citizens in northern Myanmar, then they can go to war directly!"

This time, Luo Fei was really surprised.

Huaxia, actually want to go to war directly in northern Myanmar?

After all, Xuannv is violent.

Or is China in this world more irritable?

Another half lap.

Luo Fei stopped, stood on the training grass next to him, and asked:

"Is the time ripe for war now?"

"There's no such thing as ripeness being ripe."

The chief put his hands on his hips, looked up at the sun in the east, and said:

"The Golden Triangle area will have to be resolved sooner or later.

"If we don't solve the source of chaos in the Golden Triangle, we will never be able to develop with peace of mind."

Luo Fei couldn't help but nodded.

The Golden Triangle is too messy.

If you don't solve it, let him continue to hide his filth.

0.8 in the current situation.

Next, the most likely to enter the Golden Triangle will be the people from Eagle Sauce.

They'll drive a nail in there.

Then, when Huaxia develops with peace of mind, it will come to you without hesitation.

It's really unsettling.

Thinking of this, Luo Fei agreed:

"Indeed, there is no need for the Golden Triangle to exist."

"Ugly Country failed this time, and will enter a new round of hegemony.

"In this case, the more stable Xia's surrounding area is, the more king it will be."

"The lessons learned from the red giant bear must not be forgotten."

That's the red giant bear.

The gigantic giant bear collapsed overnight.


For China.

The dead red giant bear is a memorable red giant bear.

Otherwise, it would be someone else sleeping soundly on the side of the couch.

Think here.

Luo Fei also couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"An ugly country is bad, but a good one is that there are few countries bordering on it."

"Since that's the case, the south also makes them suffer all day long."

"It would be great if we were surrounded by obedient boys like Kanada."

The chief nodded.

Afterwards, he could not help looking to the south.

After a while, the Chief shook his head and said:

"Let's not talk about that."

"Come here, in addition to safety considerations, there are also considerations for letting you rest."

"I don't know what you did. The Great Elder was so frightened that he ordered you to stay in the military area for at least three to five days. You can't go anywhere, you can only rest!

Luo Fei was helpless.

Didn't you just say that you will engage in a dozen projects in one breath?

As for?

Sighing, Luo Fei said:

"It's not an option to rest all the time. I know that the chief has a weapon research and development laboratory here. After eating in a while, let me go over and look at it?"


PS. Next chapter at 14:30 pm!.

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