Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 172: The Rabbit Is Too Arrogant! Captured The Xn-1 Unmanned Combat Aircraft! [4 For Custom O

Got a secret weapon?

Hearing this, the little warlord leaders couldn't help but feel happy.

Immediately someone asked:

"What's the secret weapon?"

"Can you shoot down the XN-1 UCAV?"

This is what everyone is most concerned about.

With the Xuannv No. 1 unmanned fighter jet, they really don't have the slightest sense of security.

After all, they don't know when there will be a sound boom.

Then we have a group break.

Even the Xuannv unmanned fighter jet did not dare to fly so low, causing no physical damage.

But if it strikes in the middle of the night, it is enough to make people frightened.

The small leaders of the various warlords have all their subordinates who have not received any military training.

A sonic boom, estimated to blow up the camp!

At this time, the leader of the main warlord said confidently:

"Someone provided us with some special weapons."

"These weapons are specifically aimed at the XN-1 unmanned combat aircraft!


Everyone couldn't help staring.

Afterwards, he was pleasantly surprised and asked eagerly:

"What special weapon?"

"Someone offered it? Who was it? Garlic sauce?"

"Is it really for the XN-1 UCAV? Why doesn't Yingjiang use it?"

"Couldn't it be tricking us to die again?"

"I don't think it's believable! Unless I can see it with my own eyes!"

"Yes, it is necessary to see, otherwise we would rather surrender than wait here to die!"

"The power and internet will be cut off at eight o'clock, and everyone will be unable to do anything but rest!"

In a burst of noisy voices.

The main warlord leader frowned slightly, but there was nothing he could do.

He sits at the head of the table.

It's just because the qualifications are older, the prestige is higher, and the territory is larger.

I want these people to follow his lead completely.

It is absolutely impossible.

bang bang bang!

The leader of the warlord in the main position patted the table hard three times before finally calming down the crowd.

"The weapons can be shown to you."

The leader of the warlord glanced at everyone, and said with a sneer:

"But if you look at it, can you know its function?"

"You don't think so naively."

"Want to shoot down the XN-1 UCAV [by your guns and anti-aircraft guns?"

After speaking, everyone bowed their heads and remained silent.

Then he didn't continue to attack, but got up and said:

"Come with me, and open your eyes to you trash who have never seen the world.

"Look at what is called high technology and what is called advanced weapon!"

When the warlords heard this, they immediately got up and followed.

Three minutes later.

After going around with the warlord leader.

Everyone finally came to a hidden small courtyard. 670

With some moonlight.

They saw, two strange looking big guys in the yard.

All the warlords were stunned.

Then there is ecstasy.

He whispered to himself.

"It's amazing! It's amazing when you look at it!"

"I don't understand! I feel that it must be very advanced and can make things happen!"

"It's so thick! The gun barrel feels like it can hold a human head! What is it shooting?"

"Although I don't know what it is, I can definitely kill XN-1!"

"You still want to flatten my northern Myanmar? Don't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!"

"Send troops as soon as they are dispatched, and they even said it in advance! It's too arrogant! It's too arrogant!"

"Counterattack! Counterattack hard!"

Because of these two big guys in the yard who couldn't understand.

The little leaders of the warlords who spent a day of nervousness and fear.

At this moment, I finally have confidence!

See here.

The warlord leader also nodded slightly.

Then, he said another thing, which surprised all the warlord leaders.

Warlord Chief said:

"The friend who gave me these two secret weapons said so."

"As long as we can capture one, remember, it is captured, not used!"

"As long as we successfully capture a Chinese XN-1 unmanned fighter jet, we will gain their support!"

"At that time, whether it is weapons and equipment, or financial and material resources."

"Even, it is not impossible to separate northern Myanmar!"

The warlord leader finished speaking.

The small leaders of the warlords were shocked immediately.

Then, there is ecstasy.

"Done! An XN-1 must be captured!"

"With such a loud tone, Ri must be an eagle, right?"

"You don't think that the friend he mentioned is himself?"

"So excited! If you can really be independent, hehe! Then our business!"

"Independence is a must! The people from the Burmese government are so useless! They cannot be conspired with!"

"But, if you are independent, who will you listen to?"

This sentence immediately made everyone quiet.

Then they all looked at the warlord leader.

Frowning, not knowing what to think.

The leader of the warlord froze for a moment, and subconsciously hid behind the two heavily armed men.

Then, after confirming that this group of people had no intention of doing anything.

Then he stood up again and roared angrily:

"Can't I be the boss of everyone?"

"You don't think that if you move, someone will be my opponent?"

"And, don't forget, I have a friend!"

The first two sentences.

All the little bosses of the warlords scoffed.

But one last word.

It made these small warlord chieftains breathless again.

No need to guess.

This friend of the military leader.

Definitely eagle sauce!

Except for Ying Jiang, no one can take out this extremely advanced weapon.

Moreover, it is also a weapon aimed at the Xuannv unmanned fighter jet.

Huaxia may be able to create it.

But it is certainly impossible to give them weapons and then in turn plan their own fighter jets.

Unless their troops suck.

Become the same as Eagle Sauce, weapons can be sold even by enemies.

The leader of the warlord saw that everyone was intimidated, and the corner of his mouth turned slightly, and he couldn't help feeling proud:


"After three generations of hard work, I finally have the opportunity to become the boss in northern Myanmar!"

"No, it can't be done here in the future."

"What should it be called?"

"Why don't you name the newly established country after me?"

The warlord leader thought about it and couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the old warlord leader suddenly asked:

"You can be the main one, but what shall we do?"

"If you want to take away our weapons and troops, no way!"

"Without arms and an army, we would rather surrender!"

The little leader of the warlord who was pointed at by the little leader of the old warlord before also echoed:

"There are also many Chinese people who make money in our hands!"

"Without these money-making tool people, we can't maintain our strength."

"So you can't hand it over!"

All the small warlord leaders also nodded one after another.

One is military strength to preserve life, and the other is financial strength to preserve military strength to preserve life.

They definitely couldn't hand over these two things.

Otherwise, it is better to drop directly.

Or the fish dies and the net breaks.

"A bunch of idiots!"

The leader of the warlord has assumed the identity of the leader, cursing in a low voice:

"As far as those junk things in your hands, I will see them?"

"See these two things?"

"One of them is working now [looking for XN-1 that might come out."

"I have this thing, do I still need to be afraid of your rebellion?"

"Everyone, our goal now is to capture a Chinese XN-1 unmanned fighter jet."

"Get the support of my friends to fight for North independence.

"Then everyone will become bigger and stronger together, and create greater glories!"

All the warlords listened.

Watched some of those two secret sauces where I don't know which one is working.

Can't help but feel excited.

Then they all cried out in a low voice:

"Bigger and stronger! Create greater glories!"

"Bigger and stronger! Create greater glories!"

"Bigger and stronger! Create greater glories!"

at this time!

No one found out.

Several black and gray Xuannv unmanned fighter jets No. 1 have already taken advantage of the cover of the night.

Fly over northern Myanmar.

The electric propulsion system of Feiliu No. 2 produced almost no noise.

So Xuannv No. 1 was almost silent.

Although there is some moonlight, it is a coloring with black as the main color.

It made Xuannv No. 1 float in the air soundlessly like a huge black shadow.

Even if someone looked up and happened to find it.

Because of Xuannv's subsonic flight, it will disappear in a flash, and I think it is an illusion.

Xuannv dispatched half an hour ago.

The junction of northern Myanmar and China.

An army also took advantage of the cover of the night and the help of the moonlight.

Sneaked into northern Myanmar silently.

From here, there is still a long distance to the fraud park.

In addition, it is a mountainous area.

Running all the way forward is definitely not enough.

So the first task was carried out by the reconnaissance battalion.

Clear all levels ahead.

The troops behind can use transportation to reach the designated combat position as soon as possible.

(ccea) "Is it going to go well?"

Although the battle plan has been repeatedly deduced countless times.

The head of a certain unit who directed this operation was still a little excited and apprehensive.

The staff officer smiled and said:

"It will definitely go well!"

"The soldiers of our regiment are training every day!"

"And, this time, all of them are wearing exoskeleton armor!"

"When you move, it's like walking on flat ground in the mountains. Not to mention the speed, it's not tiring!

Speaking of which.

The team couldn't help grinning and said:

"This set of heavy exoskeleton armor produced by Sansody Industry is really good!"

"Individual soldiers fighting alone, individual soldiers fighting in groups, the increase in combat power is too obvious!"

Having said that, the team complained, saying:

"Three Body Industry is still insisting that this is an exoskeleton device."

"I don't know, who did you learn this way of deceiving your ears and stealing your bell!"

The staff officer also couldn't help laughing.

Then, looking at the time, he said:

"At this moment, there is no news from the reconnaissance battalion.

"It seems that it should have succeeded, and the road has been opened.

"The troops behind are also starting to pass."

The staff officer's voice just fell.

Layers of encrypted satellite phones are long.

The leader's eyes lit up, he connected the phone, and said:

"How's it going!"

The next moment, the person on the other side said:

"The reconnaissance battalion has cleared the obstacles."

"The battalions, with companies as units, are heading to the designated combat area at full speed!"

The team shook their fists and said:


After speaking, I hung up the phone.

Then, he said to the staff:

"We have to keep up, too."

"Otherwise, don't let these boys take down northern Myanmar directly!"

The staff officer smiled, nodded, and arranged for the troops to move forward.

at this time!


Soldiers in heavy black exoskeleton armor.

On the mountain road, running wildly.

these people.

It was this operation, a reconnaissance platoon in the reconnaissance battalion that performed the reconnaissance mission.

With the help of Chongming exoskeleton armor.

Not only can they carry more weapons and equipment, they can run without consuming too much energy.

Even more exaggerated.

Put on this heavy exoskeleton armor.

When running, the sound can basically be controlled within a small range.

And when walking.

It is the same as not wearing the heavy exoskeleton armor, nothing will appear.

"This stuff is so good!"

The reconnaissance battalion war king who has been wearing heavy exoskeleton armor and trained continuously for half a month.

While running, I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

However, the next moment, put your mind on the task.

At this time, the scout chief in front suddenly raised his fist.

The next moment, everyone stopped.

There is a checkpoint ahead.

It means that another battle to unplug the checkpoint whistle is about to begin.

five minutes later.

The reconnaissance platoon passed smoothly, leaving only one checkpoint post that had been controlled.

that's all.

One checkpoint, one sentry post.

Soldiers from the reconnaissance battalion scattered in the mountains of northern Myanmar successfully pulled out one by one.

During this period, there were basically no accidents.

When the soldiers of the last reconnaissance platoon arrive at the designated combat area first.

The only time he was injured was because he didn't see the road clearly when he was walking, and the skin was cut by the sharp thorns of the branches.

Other than that, no battle damage occurred.

After all the fighters of the reconnaissance platoon arrive at the designated positions.

The platoon leader immediately took out the encrypted satellite phone and got in touch with the battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion:

"The seventh reconnaissance platoon has all arrived at the designated combat position!"

"Everyone is silent, waiting for the combat order!"


After the reconnaissance platoon leader finished the call.

Cover your body behind a big rock, take out your binoculars, and observe the situation ahead.

At this time, two kilometers in front of their reconnaissance platoon was a small town.

Under the moonlight, there are only dark shadows of the sun.

This small town is their combat target.

Of course, it's not just them.

After a while the big troops will come.

In this small town, there will probably be a full battalion of troops.

After a while, the soldier beside him asked in a low voice:

"Platoon leader, when are we going to act?"

The leader of the reconnaissance platoon glanced at the sky, as if he could see something.


The fighters were apparently taking part in real military action for the first time.

Although military literacy is very good.

But still unavoidable excitement.


After the reconnaissance platoon leader finished speaking affirmatively, he grinned again and said in a low voice:

"Wait for a loud bang!"

After finishing speaking, I saw the nervous look of the soldier from the corner of the eye, and couldn't help laughing.

He patted the soldier on the shoulder and said:

"Don't prick your ears up.

"That voice will be very, very loud. Don't be scared when you hear it."

"After the sound appeared, within ten minutes, everyone immediately attacked the target city!"

The warrior nodded vigorously.

Then, like a platoon leader, he looked up at the sky.

He had already guessed what it would be.

This time, it's going to be big!

"Bigger and stronger! Create greater glories!"

In a city in the deception park, the whispers of the crowd finally stopped.

The warlord leader looked at the state of the crowd with satisfaction.

Then he walked up to the secret weapon and said:

"This guy is a high-powered heavyweight!"

"It can be said that the entire northern Myanmar is under its monitoring and control!"

"There is no response now, which means that there is a high probability that Huaxia will not send troops tonight!"


The small leaders of the warlords couldn't help being shocked.

And panic.

I'm afraid that after the warlord leader becomes the boss, use this to monitor them.

That would be terrible!

The leader of the warlord saw the expressions of the people through the moonlight and the faint light.

Satisfied in my heart.

This is his purpose, first to deter these small warlord leaders.

Then he pointed to another big guy and said:

"This is a powerful electronic jammer!"

"What are fighter jets, especially unmanned fighter jets, most afraid of?"

"I'm afraid of this kind of high-power electronic jammer!"

"With this thing, as long as it is a drone, everything will be shot down by it!"

"So, as long as Huaxia's XN-1 unmanned fighter jet dares to come, I can use it to take down that so-called monster!"

Hearing the introduction of the warlord leader, the small warlord leaders were very excited.

But at this moment!

A huge black shadow has silently appeared only one kilometer away from their heads!

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PS. The next chapter will be updated at 17:00!.

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