Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 187 I'm Feeling Bad Now! Shock Bomb! Hidden! [6 For Custom Order And Full Order]

Room 1213.

There were eleven people in total, seven of whom were resting.

A standard double bed room.

On the bed and on the ground, people were lying all over the sky.

The remaining four people.

One is in charge of the telescope.

One person is responsible for watching the surveillance video in the telescope.

One person is in a daze.

The other one is the boss of this team.

at this time.

The boss is sitting in a chair, thinking about the plan for this operation.

He has a wealth of operational experience.

I still feel that this operation is full of unknown dangers.


The boss suddenly cursed, and said to the bespectacled man next to him in a daze:

"It's been rumored all along."

"China is a forbidden land for mercenaries, I don't believe it."

"After coming to Huaxia, I finally understood why it was said to be a forbidden place.

"Here, intelligence and intelligence cannot be guaranteed, and logistics and logistics make people want to vomit blood!"

"After completing this mission, I will never come to Huaxia again!"


The dazed man with glasses opened his mouth and found that he didn't know what to say.

After a while, he smiled wryly and said:

"Who made us not regular mercenaries?"

"When the order is given from above, it can only be carried out.

After finishing speaking, the man with glasses hesitated for a moment, then whispered:

"Boss, I suspect that we are cannon fodder..."

The boss was silent.

The man with glasses said to himself:

"The people above can't send other teams, so they can only let us take risks.

Success is naturally their credit.

"If it fails, naturally it has nothing to do with them."

"Shut up!"

The boss glanced at the other two members who turned their heads to look over, grabbed the glasses man's clothes, and growled:

"What's the use of talking nonsense when you're doing this?"

"With this time, why not help me think about how to act!"

After speaking, he said to the two of them:

"I promise, after this task is completed."

"Everyone can get what they want, money, beauty, green card."

"Everything, everything you want, you will get!"


The two who believed in the character of the boss did not speak, and continued with the things they were responsible for.

The man with glasses looked at the boss, finally nodded and said in a low voice:

"I have many courses of action."

"But no matter how you plan, you will find it difficult to get out unscathed.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the boss with an ugly face, and said:

"Ethan, I still suggest that it is better to give up this mission and retreat immediately."

"I'm not feeling right now, really bad."

The boss named Ethan couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

He knew that the teammate 363 in front of him had always had a very accurate feeling.

This is also the secret that every time they act, they can turn danger into good fortune.

After the brain was running rapidly, he asked:

"Simon, when did you feel bad?"

"that is...………"

Simon thought for a while and said:

"Just now, the feeling right now is particularly bad!"

Ethan was startled, and his body tensed up immediately.

His eyes fixed on the direction of the door.

The next moment, he felt something was wrong.

Because, it's so quiet!

Although the hotel is well soundproofed, there were not many people in the hotel.

However, it's a bit unusually quiet now!

Ethan stood up immediately, took the gun in his hand, and walked slowly towards the door.

at this time!

The one who keeps looking at the target building through the binoculars.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

The next moment, it was a foul sentence:


"iron Man?!"

"Boss, what the hell did I see Iron Man?"


Ethan, who was walking towards the door, turned around with question marks all over his face.

Simon, as well as the person watching the surveillance, also had puzzled faces.

Because he didn't see any abnormalities from the monitoring.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Simon, who has always been elegant, couldn't help but swear.

But the next moment.

bang! bang!

They saw that the glass of the window was smashed by something.

Right through the gap in front of the telescope.

And the person in charge of the telescope also quickly lay down on the ground and moved to one side at the same time.

At the same time, the mouth is lowering:

"Iron Man! I saw Iron Man!"

"Isn't Iron Man on our side? Why did he come to China!"

"Illusion! It must be an illusion!"

"Shut up! Falk!"

"Hidden! Get up and take action!"

"Attention to counterattack!"

Under Ethan's low growl, everyone who was resting in the room got up one after another.

But at this moment!

From the broken window, two more things were suddenly thrown in.

"Fack! Concussion bomb!"

Ethan's eyes widened, feeling a burst of despair in his heart.

Seeing this thing, he knew that the end was almost doomed!

He is not the Ethan in the movie who can pick up planes, nor is he the omnipotent Ugly Captain.

He is just an ordinary person, with better fighting power.

In the face of concussion bombs, there is no way to dodge them.

Moreover, there are two concussion bombs!

next moment.

bang! bang!

Ethan's brain went blank, and he lost consciousness directly!

At the last moment, he uttered a desperate (ccca) curse:


outside the window.

Those who have completed the task ride on the yellow battle armor and walk away.

And at the same time.

Outside the door of the room, Captain Tiger and others were about to break in.

Although across the door.

It was also a surge of Qi and blood that was shocked by the two concussion bombs.

"Fuck! What's going on?!"

Captain Tiger resisted the nausea in his heart, cursed angrily, and immediately shouted:

"Break the door! Quick! Break the door immediately!"

next moment.

The team members wearing exoskeleton armor kicked the door open with one leg.

Then, the situation in the room fell into the eyes of every team member.

"What's happening here?"

Looking at the group of people staggering around in the room, Captain Tiger looked bewildered.

Go in quickly and control everyone.

A team leader found the concussion shell fragments after the explosion and said:

"Captain, there are shock bombs here!"

Captain Tiger naturally knew that a concussion bomb had exploded.

But who threw it?

He looked at the team member who was in charge of throwing the concussion bomb.

The teammate also looked at a loss, hesitatingly said:

"Could it be that they played concussion bombs by themselves and accidentally blew them up?"

Captain Tiger rolled his eyes and said:

"Can you believe this bullshit?"

"This group of people looks like professional mercenaries. Except for their weapons being a little behind, their combat quality is not low!"

Captain Tiger looked at the positions of the fallen eleven and said:

"Before the shock bomb exploded, they were all in the usual and most suitable hiding place."

"It's a pity, in such a small room, two concussion bombs were blown up at once, and it's useless to hide anywhere!"

After speaking, he looked at the shattered window glass.

He couldn't figure it out for a while, and smiled wryly:

"No, there is a pig teammate here, he didn't play well with the concussion bomb, did he detonate it?"

The teammates who were controlling people were also silent for a while.


Captain Tiger cursed and said:

"What kind of mission is this?"

"Targets collectively blew themselves up, and we have taken credit for nothing!"


Immediately called the team leader in the hotel lobby and said:

"The task is completed, there are a total of eleven targets, and all of them are under control.

The team leader said suspiciously on the phone:

"Captain, I just watched the surveillance..."

"Okay, let's talk about it later."

Captain Tiger didn't want to say this on the phone. After hanging up the phone, he was about to call the third team.

The phone rang immediately.

The team leader of the third team reports:

"Captain, the suspicious vehicle has been controlled, and no one has been found in the country!"

"Plus, there's a ton of second-hand weapons in the car!"


After all the tasks were completed, Captain Tiger breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Control the vehicle and keep an eye on the weapons."

"These people came to Huaxia, they must have bought weapons in China!"

"Follow the vine, this time I want to knock out this weapon dealer!"

"It's a big deal for Li Tongwai!"

After speaking, Captain Tiger hung up the phone.

Then look at the eleven targets that have been completely controlled, and then call home to report:

"Tiger reports, the task has been completed!"

"There are a total of eleven people targeted, three white, five black, and three Asian faces!"

"Temporarily found a high-power telescope, a computer, a vehicle, and some weapons and equipment

After listening to the report on the other side.

He said with satisfaction:

"That's right, the mission went well!

"Are any of our men injured?"

"Report, none of our people were injured, and all were unscathed!"

After Captain Tiger finished speaking, he thought for a while, and reported it truthfully:

"It's just that the task is completed strangely."

"When I was leading the team to break the door and throw a shock bomb, a shock bomb exploded in the room!"

"There were two concussion bombs in total, and one of them knocked everyone out...


The other side was obviously stunned for a moment, and then asked suspiciously:

"Anyone else involved in the operation?"

"have no idea."

Captain Tiger was also stunned for a moment, forgetting about this possibility.

However, he immediately shook his head and said:

"There should be no other teams involved in this operation."

"Judging from the situation at the scene, there is no trace of the second force.

"We wondered, could it be that someone among these people accidentally quoted the sales order?"


The person on the opposite side was dumbfounded by this guess.

Then he said helplessly:

"Stop making wild guesses."

"As long as the task is completed, keep people under control, and review it later to know what happened."

"Everyone and everything is under control and sent to the safe house.

"Then, the mission continues!"

"Before Professor Luo returns to Jinling, you are responsible for the protection of the second floor!"

"Guaranteed not to allow a single mosquito to appear within one meter of Professor Luo!"


After hanging up the phone, Captain Tiger immediately started making arrangements.

At the same time, I didn't forget to tell Captain Leopard that the danger here has been lifted for the time being.


In the office.

When I heard Feng Jiu say.

Cheng Huang battle armor successfully threw two concussion bombs into the room, blowing up everyone.

The corner of Luo Fei's mouth twitched, and then he said to Professor Cheng calmly:

"The danger should have been temporarily lifted."

Although I don't know how Luo Fei got the news.

Professor Cheng believed it, and his tense body finally relaxed.

"Sorry, Professor."

Seeing this, Luo Fei couldn't bear it, and said:

"Because of me, you are also frightened.

"What nonsense?!"

Professor Cheng glared at Luo Fei, then said in a serious tone:

"Luo Fei, I found out."

"You still don't understand your own value, you don't understand what you mean to Huaxia!"

Luo Fei shook his head.

He naturally knows what he wants for this Huaxia.

"No, you don't really get it."

Professor Cheng shook his head and said:

"Let's put it this way, Luo Fei.

"If today, my office is really attacked by someone."

"Even if I die, nothing will happen to you!"

Luo Fei opened his mouth, unable to speak.

"Listen to me."

Professor Cheng stared at Luo Fei, and said in a serious tone:

"If Huaxia loses you now, it may be able to maintain its lead for a while."

"Perhaps, because of the things you left behind that shouldn't belong to this era, we can keep researching and keep leading in technology and military."

"You won't deny that once China rises, it won't allow itself to return to the situation it was 100 years ago, right?"

Luo Fei shook his head.

On this point, he is extremely convinced.

Professor Cheng continued:

"However, we may need to double, triple, or even double the time.

"In order to complete your huge heavenly plan step by step."

"Or, the Heavenly Court plan will be put on hold one day."

"Do you know why?"

Facing Professor Cheng's question.

Although Luo Fei probably knew it, it was hard to answer.

Sun Xiaoyu quietly poured water for the two without joining in.

"Because the key technology cannot be broken through!"

Professor Cheng gave this answer, and then said helplessly:

"You probably didn't know it before your Nantianmen plan appeared.

"On Earth, or rather, even Ugly Country's technology seems to have reached a bottleneck.

"How to break through this bottleneck, everyone is working hard."

"While we are chasing Ugly Country, we are also breaking through from other directions.

"However, it's as if it's blocked."

Speaking of which.

Professor Cheng picked up the cup, took a sip of water, and continued:

"That technological explosion you were talking about earlier."

"I and some academicians believe in the possibility of it happening again.

"However, there is no way to predict when it will happen.

"But you, you can lead us to find the direction of breakthrough!"

Professor Cheng stared into Luo Fei's eyes and said:

"So, your significance to Huaxia is not today.

"Also in the future!"

Luo Fei's face was a little red when he was told.

He grinned and said with a smile:

"I heard what the professor said, hehe!"

"I feel like I'm awesome!"

"I'm almost inflated!"

See Luo Fei suddenly changed into a cynical look.

Professor Cheng shook his head with a smile and said nothing.

He said this.

I just want Luo Fei to understand his worth.

Then protect yourself better and don't put yourself in danger easily.

Think here.

Professor Cheng suddenly smiled wryly and said:

"I suddenly found out that if it wasn't for convincing you to come to Huagong University as a professor.

"This time the dangerous situation may not appear.

The more he thought about it, the more Professor Cheng felt.

The dangerous situation this time may really be caused by him himself!

Luo Fei hurriedly waved his hands and said:

"Professor, don't think so!"

"I can't stay in the park all the time, can I?"

"In that case, someone will definitely say that I am as timid as a mouse, and that the state controls me and makes me a scientific research worker?"

"Besides, this time is a dangerous situation."

"But there are our soldiers, which are called future fighters by domestic and foreign netizens.

"Professor, do you think I will be in absolute danger in China?"

Professor Cheng was stunned for a moment, but couldn't help laughing.

This is really the case.

If Luo Fei was in the country, accidents would happen.

That's a big joke!

Thinking of this, Professor Cheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The sense of guilt in my heart also dissipated a little.

at this time.

Xiao Li knocked on the door and said:

"Professor Luo, the situation has been resolved.

"Okay, I know."

Luo Fei nodded, got up and said to Professor Cheng:

"Professor, shall we go eat first?"

"Hey, wait a minute, I might have a small interview!"

Professor Cheng looked up to the sky and sighed, quite helpless.

Then, he rolled his eyes and asked a sentence that made Luo Fei puzzled.

PS. The last chapter! The first chapter tomorrow at 01:00! Will definitely be on time!.

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