Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 38 Plane Crash! Forge A Sword In Retreat! The Sword Can't Come Out! [6, Ask For Flower

Controlled Fusion Laboratory.

After Luo Fei entered, he saw a huge experimental device.

Professor Qin said half helplessly, half jokingly:

"It looks big, doesn't it?"

"But it was never lit, it was for experiments."

"The one that can really ignite the fire is not in this place."

"However, you have also read the news. A few years ago, Dongfang Super Ring successfully completed the discharge experiment for the first time, obtaining a high-temperature plasma discharge with a current of 200 kA and a duration of nearly 3 seconds."

"Yes, it's only 3 seconds, or 3 seconds in the laboratory environment."

"Do you know what that means?"

At this moment, Luo Fei looked at the densely packed wires inside the device and was speechless.

Because in my mind, AI's intelligent and ethereal voice sounded again:

【Ding! 】

[You have an epiphany by observing the EAST thermonuclear fusion device, and you know the principle of the EAST full superconducting tokamak device! 】

A lot of knowledge about thermonuclear controllable nuclear fusion.

Like the dense wires in front of his eyes, they were guided into Luo Fei's brain.

After a cursory glance.

Luo Fei still had to sigh with emotion.

Thermonuclear controllable nuclear fusion and cold nuclear controllable nuclear fusion are completely two routes.

Maybe someone will ask.

There is already cold nuclear fusion technology, why should we engage in thermonuclear fusion?

Because the energy output of thermonuclear fusion has greater potential than cold nuclear fusion!

In other words, an easy-to-understand explanation.

Cold fusion, its reaction environment, does not conform to the nature of nuclear fusion.

And thermonuclei, like the sun, are nature.

When the nature is trapped, the energy that can be displayed will naturally be much less than after the nature is exposed.

Closer to home.

Although Luo Fei knew the principle now, he still couldn't get it.

Professor Qin had no intention of letting him approach either.

After talking about the development of controllable nuclear fusion in the world for a while, I started to be like Professor Xu again.

Started digging corners face to face.

"Okay, old Qin, it's useless."

Professor Cheng smiled and said:

"Luo Fei is doing something completely different from thermonuclear fusion. What's the use of having him here?"

"Besides, this kid is more talented in the military industry."

Professor Qin froze for a moment, sighed and shook his head, and didn't say any more insulting words.

Later, Luo Fei and Professor Cheng were about to leave.

At this time.

Lieutenant General Nie suddenly walked in with a gloomy expression.

"What's wrong?"

Professor Cheng's heart skipped a beat.

Luo Fei also had an ominous premonition.

Could it be something wrong with the lab?


What Lieutenant General Nie said.

But it made Luo Fei feel a sudden chill from his heels to the back of his head!

Lieutenant General Nie said solemnly:

"A plane flying back to Beijing from Ugly Country has an accident!"

"On this plane, some of our returning scientists are sitting!"


Luo Fei only felt that a mushroom bomb exploded in his brain!

Professor Cheng and Professor Qin also swayed, grabbed Lieutenant General Nie suddenly, and asked hurriedly:

"When did this happen?"

"Did the plane land safely, and is anyone okay?"

Lieutenant General Nie shook his head with a gloomy face.

His mouth opened, but he couldn't utter a single word.

"Everyone is gone?"

Professor Qin's eyes were red, and he wanted to get a glimmer of hope from Lieutenant General Nie's face.

Lieutenant General Nie just shook his head.

"Damn it!"

Professor Qin staggered, and the doctoral students beside him hurriedly supported him.

His face was livid, and tears began to flow out of his eyes!

Then he staggered and walked towards his office.

Professor Cheng's face was full of tears, and his lips kept shaking.

"It's Ugly Country! It must be Ugly Country!"

Luo Fei's whole body was trembling, and he was screaming in his heart, but he couldn't say a word.

The fist was clenched tightly, wanting to swing it, wanting to hit someone, but there was nowhere to do it.

He remembers it clearly.

In the last life, such a thing happened!

But in this life, unexpectedly, it happened so suddenly!

No premonition at all!

No news at all!

"Why is this happening?"

Professor Cheng gritted his teeth and asked.

Lieutenant General Nie couldn't answer.

He just learned the news, and didn't know the specifics at all.

And he told Luo Fei and Professor Cheng the news just to say another thing:

"Professor Cheng, classmate Luo Fei."

"The organizational suggestion is, Shen Fei and Cheng Fei don't go, and go back to the basic laboratory overnight."

Professor Cheng didn't respond, just nodded painfully.

Luo Fei bit his lip, looked at Lieutenant General Nie, held back his tears, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"Did they do it?"

Lieutenant General Nie was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

According to the temporary news, the plane had an accident.

But Lieutenant General Nie knew that this could not be an accident after years of experience in fighting foreign forces!

It must be a conspiracy against returning scientists!

Luo Fei knew he guessed right.


Luo Fei supported Professor Cheng's arm and said:

"Let's go back."

"Well, go back."

Professor Cheng was a little lost.

On that plane, there must be people he knew, and even some students he had brought!

"go back?"

After walking a few steps, Professor Cheng suddenly asked in a daze.

"Yes, go back!"

Luo Fei gritted his teeth, his eyes became firm, and he said loudly:

"Go back and forge swords!"

"The sword won't work, I won't leave the lab any more!"



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