Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 67 Ultra-Short-Distance Super-High-Angle Take-Off! Sonic Boom! Sonic Boom! 【Seeking First Or

January 1, 2014.

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

Somewhere in the capital that cannot be named.

In a simple and generous office.

A majestic man glanced at the clock on the wall and at the landline on the armrest of the sofa from time to time.

Then, he lowered his head and flipped through a thick document.

Obviously, he was expecting something.

Sitting on the other side of the landline is Luo Fei's tutor, Professor Cheng!

The man smiled apologetically and said:

"Speaking of which, if it wasn't for accompanying me, you would be able to watch the first flight ahead now!"

Professor Cheng shook his head, smiled slightly, and said:

"Great Elder, let me tell you a story."

"It was four months ago, when graduate students wanted to open a graduation project.

"As soon as this kid came up, he told me directly that he wanted to engage in the Nantianmen Project!"

"I didn't understand at the time, we've heard of Nantianmen, the gate of Lingxiao Palace, but what is the Nantianmen project?"

"He said that the Nantianmen plan is a global comprehensive strategic defense composed of large-scale strategic air-space aircraft platforms, air-space unmanned fighters, air-to-air fighters, and air-to-tactical aircraft.

"I couldn't figure it out at the time, who is this thing going to defend against?"


"He also said that the Nantianmen Project is a strategic plan for aerospace development in the next 30 to 50 years.

"It is said that if the strategic deployment of the Nantianmen plan is followed, in the next 30 to 50 years, China's scientific and technological strength will achieve more prominent development."

"Even if some things cannot be done now, we can accumulate corresponding technologies."

"I'm in my sixties, and this is the first time I've heard a student in his twenties talk about strategic deployment!"

"Although I thought his Nantianmen plan was a bit whimsical at the time, I was really relieved to be able to think of a strategic plan and not follow the idea of ​​going behind Ugly Country.

Listening to the "story" told by Professor Cheng, the Great Elder gradually calmed down from his anxiety.

"You will know what happened after that."

Professor Cheng sighed with emotion and said:

"This little guy, he created a controllable cold nuclear fusion device called Jinwu with a maximum output power of 15 million kilowatts!"

"An electric propulsion system called Feiliu with a thrust of tens of tons!"

"There is also a Xuannv unmanned fighter jet with a maximum Mach number exceeding 9 in the wind tunnel laboratory!"

"And these things, he told me, are just the first phase of the Nantianmen project.

"Phase 1 experimental project?"

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, picked up a red-headed document on the table and glanced at it.

"Request for Instructions on the Test Flight of the "Xuannv" Unmanned Fighter First-Phase Experimental Project of the Nantianmen Project"

Experimental project!"

The Great Elder suddenly thought of something and asked: 080

"The four things in the Nantianmen project, Xuannv, is it the sky unmanned fighter?"

Professor Cheng nodded and said:

"It's in the "Nantianmen Project" Strategic Planning Document you're holding in your hand."

The Great Elder said with a little embarrassment:

"Sorry, my mind has been on the Xuannv first generation machine, and I haven't had time to take a closer look."

This plan is very thick.

There are more than 200 pages!

The Great Elder weighed the thickness and weight of the plan, and said:

"Is this Comrade Luo Fei's graduation thesis?"

"Not all of the time."

Professor Cheng said:

"I asked him to temporarily write out what he is currently studying."

"Based on what I know about him, there should be some things that he didn't put in it.

The great elder nodded.

The honest palm touched the two-character name on the cover, and said with emotion:

Whenever Huaxia encounters a crisis, there will always be one or two shocking heavenly groups.

"Academician Cheng, this is really my China's blessing."

Professor Cheng was also silent for a while.

It seems Director Liang said this before.

After a while, the two looked at the time, and it was not yet the scheduled time.

Professor Cheng sighed again and said:

"Some time ago, didn't he develop the LF-1 material?"

"I brought him to the capital to report the results, and then visited several laboratories."

"Academician Qin's Controllable Nuclear Fusion Laboratory, and Academician Xu's National Pneumatic Laboratory of the Institute of Mechanics."

"I was supposed to go to Shen Fei the next day."

"I went to Chengfei on the third day."

"As a result, I heard the news that the plane crashed..."

Speaking of which.

Professor Cheng's eyes were red again.

It was later determined that there was indeed a student he had taught on the plane.

The Great Elder also had fists in his hands, grieved, but he had no ministers.


Professor Cheng let out a long breath and said:

"The kid told me at the time that he wanted to go back."

"I asked him what was he going back to do?"

"He said he wanted to make a sword! If the sword is not made, he will never leave the laboratory!"

"When he said this, there was a ferocious anger on his face."

"To be honest, I have taught him for six years. In my impression, this is a child who has always been gentle, studies hard, and is very talented.

"I've never seen him so angry."

Professor Cheng recalled the scene at that time, shook his head, and continued:

"Later, for a long time, he even ate, slept, and bathed in the laboratory, and didn't go to bed until at least two o'clock every day...

"This state will not end until Xuannv's fuselage is manufactured."

"In two months, the whole person lost more than 30 catties!"

"To be honest, every time I see him in the laboratory, I want to persuade him not to be too anxious. I want to tell him that I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry for scientific research. I want to tell him that only by being healthy can we forge a sword for the country.

"But looking at the anger and unwillingness hidden in his eyes every day, I can't express it."

"It was probably the first time a smile appeared on his face when the Golden Crow device was tested for the first time."

Speaking of which.

Professor Cheng's eyes were filled with tears.

The great elder also had moist eyes.

"it's good now!"

Professor Cheng took a deep breath, and with a smile on his face, he said:

"After a while, the Xuannv first-generation machine will finally take a test flight!"

"With this sword, even if you can't swing it at those people's heads, if you think about it, it can relieve the anger hidden in this kid's heart a little bit.

Hearing this sentence, the Great Elder couldn't help laughing.

It's a bit like giving a child a stick, as long as you shake it twice, you will feel better.

After the Great Elder laughed, he said with a complicated expression:

"It was supposed to be something we were supposed to do, but it fell on his shoulders.


Professor Cheng nodded and said:

"He's still young now, if nothing else..."

"Great Elder, I safely believe that he will be able to carry out this Nantianmen plan step by step!"

The elder also nodded.


Professor Cheng stared into the elder's eyes and said:

"If the first test flight of Xuannv's first-generation aircraft does not succeed as expected, please give him a little more time.

The Great Elder froze for a moment, then nodded seriously.

was about to speak.


The clock on the wall suddenly sounded.

The two looked at each other and said in unison:

"It's about to start!"

next moment.

"Jingle Bell!"

The landline at the elder's hand rang.

Quickly picked it up and pressed the speakerphone.

The Great Elder and Professor Cheng sat on both sides of the landline, listening to the voice from the opposite side.

After a while, only a slightly hoarse voice said:

"I declare!"

"The first phase of the experimental project of the Nantianmen Project, Xuannv's first-generation unmanned combat aircraft, the test flight has officially begun!"

this moment!

Observation stations located in several parts of the country received the signal for takeoff.

So everyone's faces turned to one place.

Everyone's eyes seemed to have traveled thousands of miles and landed on that runway.

Right on the airstrip after clearing everything.

Xuannv's first machine is stopping there with an elegant figure.

In front of her is a runway that seems to have no end in sight.

Behind is the tower.

On the tower, there is the man who made her.

Xuannv is black and gray all over, with some white on the edge of the wings and the front end, it looks so elegant, if it is full of futuristic sense of technology.

There should be a number on her folding wings, called XN-1.

Because it is not listed, it must be replaced with a serial number first.

When Zhang Tao proposed this symbol of international conventions, many people in the laboratory directly and strongly opposed it.

After all, an unmanned combat aircraft with a pure Chinese identity called Xuannv.

It is blasphemy not to write in Chinese characters.

It doesn't look harmonious either.

Zhang Tao explained that the shape of Xuannv is actually the word "Xuan" and "Nv" in oracle bone inscriptions, and the number is XN-1, which is actually nothing.

But still not accepted.

Finally, Luo Fei gave a solution.

The main font on the top is the Xuan character and the female character of Oracle, and the secondary font on the bottom is XN-1.

A compromise.

Everyone agreed.

As for why it is not printed (cbdc)?

Will netizens complain that the logo is for everyone to understand?


Luo Fei doesn't care at all!

Besides, isn't there someone clamoring for the restoration of traditional Chinese characters every day?

Then let's go directly to Oracle!

Of course, these are some jokes.

Luo Fei's real thoughts are:

"Once Xuannv takes a test flight, it will definitely not be possible to keep it completely secret."

"In addition to things like models and engines, the serial numbers will definitely be studied repeatedly.

"At that time, people all over the world will have to be forced to learn about oracle bone inscriptions!"

Isn't it just carrying private goods?

What else can be more influential than carrying private goods on Xuannv's body?

Closer to home.

Luo Fei announced the order.

Then, on the instrument panel, remotely press the takeoff button!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were instantly focused on the runway, on Xuannv!

next moment.

The Jinwu-2 device was ignited, and the power began to soar at the designed speed.

Sun Xiaoyu's brief report:

"The power system of Xuannv Generation is running normally!"

Subsequently, a small amount of current poured into other device accessories.

"Xuannv Generation's systems are operating normally!"

And a larger current flowed into the two Feiliu No. 2 devices through the two transmission lines.

Then, a plume wrapped in azure blue and orange red appeared!

"The propulsion system of Xuannv Generation is running normally!"

After a few seconds.

Xuannv began to slide forward gracefully!


In the tower, when everyone saw Xuannv activate it, they couldn't help but


"Xuannv's gliding state is stable!"

Sun Xiaoyu immediately reported the situation.

Then, under their watchful eyes, Xuannv slid faster and faster.

When the speed reached a certain level, under the intelligent main control system, Xuannv suddenly raised her head.

While everyone was stunned, with an exaggerated high angle of elevation, he directly pulled up from the runway and rushed into the sky!

In the blink of an eye.

All they heard was a huge sonic boom.

Xuannv suddenly disappeared from sight!

If you want to see it again, you can only see Xuannv's situation through the camera on the tail wing.

But in this way, she and her figure cannot be seen.

And in the surveillance footage captured by the Beidou system, Xuan Nu was not caught up at all!

Disappeared directly from the monitoring screen!


Some people who understand the process of fighter jet takeoff are just a swear word.

"This, this, this...."

Although she already had a hunch, Xuannv's performance must be astonishing.

But it's so amazing, the battle situation is still a bit incoherent, and then it's completely excited and shocking!

Zhan Si suddenly grabbed Luo Fei's arm and asked loudly:

"How far has she coasted?!"

"How long did it take from starting, to accelerating to take-off speed?"

"How long did it take from takeoff to acceleration to supersonic speed?!"

"Stop stop!"

Luo Fei quickly stopped the exciting battle.

I wanted to say that he was too excited, but when I turned around, everyone looked at me.

So he had to ask Sun Xiaoyu to report the situation.

"Battle situation, and leaders."

Sun Xiaoyu immediately transferred the data to the big screen, and said:

"The taxiing distance of the first-generation Xuannv takeoff is 111.11 meters!"


When everyone heard the sliding distance, their first reaction was not shock.

But doubts.

Is this distance too coincidental?

Then it's shocking!


Zhan Si said excitedly:

"The taxiing distance of the F-22 is the shortest among the fifth-generation aircraft, and it is 240 meters!"

"Luo Fei, Xuannv weighs more than an F-22, right?"


Luo Fei nodded, and asked Sun Xiaoyu to tell Zhan Si and others about the statistics of the Xuannv generation machine.

Sun Xiaoyu has already memorized the melons, and directly reported loudly:

"The captain of the Xuannv first-generation aircraft is designed to be 18.5 meters, but it is actually 18.6 meters."

"The main wingspan, that is, the wingspan after the folding wings are opened, is designed to be 14.1 meters, but it is actually 14.3 meters."

"The design empty weight is 18.9 tons, and the actual empty weight is 18.3 tons, which is 1.6 tons lighter than the F-22."

"The maximum take-off weight is 61.8 tons!"

"Currently, the first flight weight of the first generation Xuannv is 38 tons...

Speaking of this, Sun Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, but said:

"Mr. Luo said that this weight is based on the maximum take-off weight of the F-22 fighter jet.

"For this reason, he also found two missile models that are just enough to make up an integer of 38 tons."

Hearing this sentence, everyone was speechless for a while.

Mr. Luo, let's say he's out of tune, but he made Xuannv.

Let’s talk about it, in order to make up the take-off weight of 38 tons, put two missile models on one end of the F-22!

The battle situation looked helpless and said:

"You can't tell me, I can find someone to help you build two special missiles!"

"What's the deal with a model missile?"

After finishing speaking, he took another breath of cold air and said:

"The maximum take-off weight is 61.8 tons? This is too exaggerated! Too exaggerated!"

"By the way, how many seconds did it take to take off? How many seconds did it take to accelerate to supersonic speed?"

Sun Xiaoyu immediately said:

"From start-up to take-off, it took 18 seconds a day."

"From take-off to acceleration to supersonic speed, it took a total of 7 seconds!"


Inside the tower, there was a sound of sucking air.

It starts too fast!

This acceleration is too fast!

It is simply beyond their imagination for the current fighter jets!

The Xuannv generation, this is the first time it comes up, from the performance point of view, it directly rubs the F-22 on the ground for a while!

At this time, Luo Fei smiled and asked, saying:

"Zhan Ji, the photographer you hired is not a comrade of Zhan Suju?"

Zhan Ji resisted the urge to roll his eyes and ignored him.

at this time!

On the screen, an excited voice sounded:

"Observation Station No. 1, the target flying object has been observed!"

"The target flying object is coming from the south and is approaching me!"

"The target flying object is in good flight attitude!"

Just after reporting that the flight status was good, the voice reported loudly with a little helplessness:

"Observation Station No. 1 was hit by a sonic boom from a target flying object."

"The distance is very high, and the attack effect is negligible!"

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