Chapter 22: No More Shackles

The next day.

Early morning.

Purple Wei Chen Family, Third Peak.

In a room, there were only Chen Tianliang, Ying Shuangshuang, and Chen Zhixing.

"Tianliang, drink the medicine."

Ying Shuangshuang held a bowl of medicine and scooped up the liquid with a spoon, gently feeding it to Chen Tianliang.

Chen Tianliang's face was pale, his breath weak. His cultivation, which was originally at the Second Stage of True Self, had fallen to the First Stage of True Self, and was even on the verge of falling to the Astral Wandering realm.

"I know my situation. This medicine is useless."

Chen Tianliang struggled to sit up, gently pushing away the bowl of medicine, and smiled bitterly.

Ying Shuangshuang fell silent at his words.

A reverse illness was a fundamental injury to the Great Dao. What use could this mere tonic for recuperating the meridians have?

After a pause, Chen Tiankai turned to ask, "And you? How are you doing?"

Upon hearing this, Ying Shuangshuang also smiled bitterly. She rolled up her sleeve, revealing a pale arm emitting a cold aura.

"I'm fine, but the sealed Snow Cold Body has been reactivated. I might have to return to the Frozen Plateau for a while."

The two looked at each other, both with a hint of worry in their brows.

It wasn't until a while later that Chen Tianliang seemed to remember something and turned his gaze to Chen Zhixing, asking, "Son, tell your father what happened after those two took you away."

As soon as these words were spoken, Ying Shuangshuang's spirits lifted, and she also looked at Chen Zhixing with curiosity.

She had wanted to ask yesterday how Chen Zhixing managed to survive in the hands of the two assassins, but there were too many things happening yesterday, and she was afraid of startling Chen Zhixing, so she held back from asking.

Chen Zhixing had already thought about how to phrase his words. He immediately spoke in a naive and innocent tone, "Father, I don't know either. After those two people took me away last night, not long after we entered the alley, an old man suddenly appeared from the sky. With a wave of his hand, he killed those two people."

As soon as these words were spoken, Chen Tianliang and Ying Shuangshuang were both stunned.

"An old man? Son, are you joking with your father?" Chen Tianliang's expression was full of disbelief as he spoke.

This was too absurd.

If it weren't for the fact that it was Chen Zhixing who said this, he would have thought he was being insulted.

Chen Zhixing blinked his bright eyes and said sincerely, "Father, do I look like someone who would lie?"

Chen Tianliang was about to say something else.

Ying Shuangshuang gave Chen Tianliang a glance and said, "Alright, how could a child like Zhixing lie? If it wasn't for someone's intervention last night, could it be that Zhixing killed those two people?"

"Some high-level experts are kind-hearted and like to live in the mortal world to cultivate and comprehend the Dao. Last night, when they saw Zhixing in danger, they casually killed those wicked people. Isn't that normal? This can only mean that our Zhixing is blessed and favored by the heavens."

Chen Tianliang listened, stunned and skeptical. He said, "Are there really such coincidences in this world? Is it really that our Zhixing is blessed and favored?"

"Otherwise?" Ying Shuangshuang gave him a glance.

Chen Zhixing listened to their conversation and silently gave Ying Shuangshuang a thumbs up in his heart.

She really is his mother!

She managed to come up with a reasonable and logical story in just a few words.

"Zhixing, tell your mother, what did that old man look like?" Ying Shuangshuang asked with a smile.

Chen Zhixing replied in a naive and innocent tone, "That old man had white hair and a white beard, and he looked like an immortal. I didn't see him clearly."

"I see." Ying Shuangshuang nodded and made up her mind to find someone to draw a portrait of the old man based on Chen Zhixing's description when she had the time.

This kind of life-saving grace must not go unthanked.

"What else did that old man say?" Ying Shuangshuang asked.

Chen Zhixing's mind stirred, and he took out the Sea Calming Pill Formula and the Nine Revolutions Cold Heaven Technique from his chest pocket. "This is what the old man gave me before he left."


Chen Tianliang and Ying Shuangshuang couldn't sit still when they saw the situation, and quickly took the Sea Calming Pill Formula and the Nine Turns Freezing Technique.

The two of them carefully examined it.

In the next moment.

"How is this possible?!!!"

A loud exclamation erupted instantly.

Chen Tianliang widened his eyes, suddenly sat up in shock, and stared at the Sea Calming Pill Formula in front of him with an incredulous expression on his face.

"The Sea Calming Pill Formula can refine the Sea Calming Pill and suppress the reverse illness!"

Just this sentence made Chen Tianliang's hand holding the prescription tremble.

For so many years!

The intense pain that felt like being torn apart under the outbreak of the reverse illness not only tortured him to the point of despair, but also kept his cultivation stuck at the True Self Second Stage, unable to make any progress!

He struggled, searched, lost his way, and fell into despair, until he was completely disheartened.

But now.

A prescription capable of refining the Sea Calming Pill and suppressing the reverse illness appeared out of nowhere in front of him!

At this moment, Chen Tianliang's eyes couldn't help but turn red, tightly gripping the prescription in his hand, afraid that all of this was just a dream.

On the other side, Ying Shuangshuang looked at the Nine Turns Freezing Technique in her hand, and her body trembled as if struck by lightning, then instantly paled.

Why are snow women considered symbols of disaster and misfortune by the world?

One of the main reasons is that once a snow woman leaves the frozen plateau, the cold air she emits will uncontrollably infect the surroundings.

Later on, wherever the snow woman went, the land automatically turned into an icy wasteland, with no grass growing and all living things dead and silent!

In addition, without the extreme cold air from the frozen plateau, they not only cannot cultivate, but also age rapidly.

When Ying Shuangshuang had her fortuitous encounter and left the frozen plateau, as long as she didn't reveal her true snow woman form, she wouldn't be affected.

However, last night, in order to save Chen Zhixing, she didn't hesitate to reveal her true snow woman form.

She originally thought that in order to prevent her cold air from harming the child, she would have to choose to leave soon and return to the frozen plateau alone.

Then she would live a lonely life on that frozen plateau, never seeing her husband and child again, forever separated.


Just now, everything changed!

"The Nine Turns Freezing Technique is a perfect cultivation method for the extremely cold body. It cultivates with its own cold air, condensing cold pills within the body, with each cold pill representing a major realm."

Ying Shuangshuang slowly read out the introduction of the technique, and tears glistened in her eyes, falling drop by drop onto the ancient book.

In the next moment.

Ying Shuangshuang wiped her eyes and, at the same time as Chen Tianliang, looked up at each other.

"We are saved!"

At this moment.

Both of them cried and laughed.

Chen Tianliang even let out a long howl, releasing all the pent-up frustration from these years.

In the next moment.

Both of them reached out at the same time and tightly embraced Chen Zhixing.

Chen Zhixing, who was being hugged and struggling to breathe, smiled faintly in his heart.


Looking at Ying Shuangshuang and Chen Tianliang, he couldn't help but feel a faint anticipation in his heart.

Now that the two of them have resolved their constraints and shackles, how strong will they become in this lifetime?

(End of this chapter)

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