Chapter 30: Shocking Words, Unyielding Spirit!

"You bastard!!"

The elder of the clan slammed heavily on the nearby bluestone and angrily said, "Chen Zhixing!! It's bad enough that you're useless and idle all day long, but in the end, the only one you harm is yourself. You bring shame to your parents and disgrace to our Chen family! Don't influence other Chen family juniors here!"

Upon hearing this, a smile slowly disappeared from Chen Zhixing's face as he squinted his eyes.

If this elder of the clan was only talking about him, he wouldn't mind apologizing.


"May I ask how I bring shame to my parents and disgrace to the Chen family?" Chen Zhixing said indifferently.

The elder of the clan snorted coldly upon hearing this, stroking his green beard and sneering, "Being useless and idle all day long, isn't that bringing shame to your parents?"

"How do you know that I am useless and idle?" Chen Zhixing looked directly at the elder of the clan and spoke calmly.

Upon hearing these words, the elder of the clan laughed coldly and said, "It seems that you still don't accept what I said? Then let me ask you, what level have you reached in our Chen family's Five Spirit Qi Collection Technique?"

"I haven't practiced it." Chen Zhixing said frankly.

As soon as these words fell, the elder of the clan became extremely angry, and the other Chen family juniors also showed astonishment on their faces.

The Five Spirit Qi Collection Technique was created by the Great Eternal Life realm ancestor of the Chen family!

It was also recognized as one of the few supreme cultivation techniques in the world that could reach the Longevity realm!

This technique involved collecting the five types of spiritual energy between heaven and earth, refining them within oneself!

Almost the entire Chen family, from the Supreme Peak ancestor to the ordinary Chen family juniors, practiced this technique!

"As a member of the Chen family, you actually don't study the Five Spirit Qi Collection Technique? And you still have the nerve to say it out loud?" The elder of the clan stared at Chen Zhixing with a piercing gaze and sneered.

Even Chen Zhaosheng furrowed his brows slightly.

Even though he had seen countless cultivation techniques at the Mighty Sun Academy, he still regarded the Five Spirit Qi Collection Technique as his main cultivation technique.

In the next moment...

"The Five Spirit Qi Collection Technique is nothing special, and it's not suitable for me. Why should I practice it?" These shocking words calmly came out of Chen Zhixing's mouth.

In an instant...

The whole hall was in an uproar!

All the Chen family juniors were shocked and looked at Chen Zhixing in disbelief.

The Five Spirit Qi Collection Technique was the foundation of the Chen family and held a high position in the Chen family!

Who in the entire Chen family dared to say a single bad word about it?

But Chen Zhixing?

Not only did he say it, but he also arrogantly claimed that the Five Spirit Qi Collection Technique was nothing special!

This... this... this was simply shocking!


The elder of the clan stood up with a loud noise, his whole body trembling with anger.

If before, he was more frustrated with Chen Zhixing's lack of progress, now he was truly furious!

"Chen Zhixing! The Five Spirit Qi Collection Technique is the foundation of our Chen family and one of the few cultivation techniques in the world that can reach the Great Eternal Life realm! Not only do you have no respect for it, but you also openly belittle it in front of everyone!"

"If you can't give a reasonable explanation today, don't blame me for disregarding your status as the direct descendant of the Chen family and taking you down!"

With a furious shout from the elder, the entire main peak was alarmed.

In the forbidden area behind the main peak...

An old and decrepit figure surrounded by chaotic aura slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were cloudy, but then he raised his gaze and looked towards the top of the main peak, a hint of interest flashing in his eyes.

On the top of the main peak...

Countless gazes looked at Chen Zhixing all at once.

"Too arrogant."

Chen Zhaosheng shook his head and felt somewhat puzzled in his heart.

According to his understanding, Chen Zhixing is a person with deep city and low-key behavior, almost never doing anything to attract attention.

Why is he acting so out of character today, even belittling the Five Spirit Qi Cultivation Method?

Beside him, Lu Ying couldn't help but chuckle and said, "This person really can't see himself clearly. I wonder who gave him the courage to criticize the Longevity Cultivation Method?"

There were also members of the Chen family who said,

"Ah, it must be because the elder of the clan spoke too harshly, so Chen Zhixing said such rebellious words out of anger."

"If I were Chen Zhixing, I would apologize immediately. As long as his attitude is sincere, with his identity as a direct descendant of the Chen family, the elder of the clan will definitely not do anything to him."

"Chen Zhixing is still too young and impulsive."

"Impulsiveness is not wrong, but the consequences of impulsiveness are not so easy to bear."

For a while,

The entire mountaintop was filled with low discussions, countless gazes focused on Chen Zhixing's face, wanting to see how he would respond.

The elder of the clan looked at Chen Zhixing expressionlessly and said, "If you don't have an explanation for today's matter, don't blame me for causing trouble for you with the clan leader. You will be punished."

After speaking, he closed his eyes and began to contemplate how to handle the situation after Chen Zhixing apologizes and admits his mistake.

"Do you have an explanation?"

Chen Zhixing stood up, took a step forward, and calmly said,

"Alright, then I will give you an explanation."

In an instant, the elder of the clan opened his eyes abruptly and sneered, "Chen Zhixing, it seems that you are not giving up until you reach the Yellow River. Come, let me see what brilliant ideas you have."

Chen Zhixing nodded and then slowly said,

"I'll tell you this, the Five Spirit Qi Cultivation Method is not only not the foundation of my Chen family, but it has also misled my Chen family for a thousand years!"


As soon as these words fell, it caused a huge uproar, like a stone causing ripples in the water.

The entire mountaintop was once again in an uproar!

Everyone was shocked, their mouths wide open, their faces filled with horror.

Even Chen Zhaosheng couldn't help but be shocked, looking at Chen Zhixing incredulously.

The Five Spirit Qi Cultivation Method has misled the Chen family for a thousand years?

Does this guy even know what he's saying?

"You, you, you!"

The elder of the clan pointed at Chen Zhixing, trembling with anger, and said, "You are truly rebellious!"

Before the elder of the clan could finish speaking,

Chen Zhixing took another step forward and calmly said,

"You said that the Five Spirit Qi Cultivation Method is a Longevity Cultivation Method. Then let me ask you, after the ancestor, has anyone successfully cultivated this method and achieved immortality?"

The elder of the clan was stunned by Chen Zhixing's words, then angrily said, "That's because after the ancestor, no one has had the same talent as the ancestor."


Chen Zhixing interrupted the elder of the clan and took another step forward, indifferently saying,

"Let me tell you the real reason!"

"The cultivation method of the Five Spirit Qi Cultivation Method is to absorb the five elemental energies of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth between heaven and earth into oneself."

"This doesn't have much impact in the early stages of cultivation, but as one progresses, the drawbacks gradually become apparent!"

"Especially when facing the hurdle of achieving immortality, the five elemental energies do not merge. At that time, the five elemental energies will explode within the body!"

"At that time, forget about achieving immortality, even surviving without being blown to pieces on the spot would be a great stroke of luck!"

"I said that this method has misled my Chen family for a thousand years, is there anything wrong with that?!"

With the last sentence spoken,

Chen Zhixing had already stood in front of the elder of the clan, his voice resounding, like a stern warning!

(End of this chapter)

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