Comprehension Heaven-Defying, Rebirth Sasuke, Revitalization Uchiha

Chapter 210 The Army Retreats And Ten Tails Transforms!

On the battlefield of the ninja world.

Uchiha Obito forms a seal with his hands and infuses Ten Tails with his Chakra.

As a result, Ten Tails began to struggle frantically, trying to get rid of the Mingshen Gate on his body.

"Huh? What a strong resistance!"

Senju Hashirama clasped his hands together and tried his best to suppress Ten Tails' actions.

If it were an ordinary tailed beast, it would be impossible to resist under the suppression of his Sage Art Myojin Gate.

But the energy of Ten Tails is so huge that even his move cannot completely suppress it.

"It seems that we still have to use a wide range of tricks!"

Obito understood clearly and slapped Ten Tails on him.

Suddenly, pillars quickly grew out of Ten Tails' tawny body.

At the same time, a large number of spikes slowly protruded from the pillars!

"What, Ten Tails02 can twist and change its body at will?"

Everyone present was surprised.

"Wood Style, Cutting Technique!"

As Obito performs ninjutsu, a large number of sharp Wood Style spikes are continuously shot out from Ten Tails!

The target is exactly what the coalition forces on the battlefield can’t bear to see!

"Wood Style, the tree world is coming!"

Senju Hashirama reacted and immediately used ninjutsu.

A large number of tall trees and vines continued to protrude from the ground, forming thick wooden walls, blocking the front of the coalition ninjas.


The sharp thorns penetrated into the trees, and they were still branching and growing!

Even, the trees burst open to reveal sharp wood thorns.

"What a cruel ninjutsu. If it were to hit a human body, I'm afraid it would instantly..."

Senju Hashirama's eyes narrowed slightly.

Such dense and large-scale Wood Style spikes would have caused huge casualties if he hadn't stopped them!

Moreover, even if he uses the sea of ​​trees as a buffer...

There were still a few spikes that passed through the gaps between the trees and hit the ninjas on the battlefield, causing a few casualties.

"Haiichi, Qing, immediately give orders to the coalition forces to have ordinary ninjas below Jōnin retreat quickly and stay away from the battlefield!'

Upon seeing this, Tsunade immediately sent an order to the intelligence department.

According to the information provided by Sasuke, once Ten Tails appears, ordinary ninjas will be almost useless.

Staying where he is and facing Ten Tails' killer moves will only increase the emperor's casualties.

Even, once Ten Tails turns into the divine tree state, those ordinary ninjas will even be easily drawn to Chakra by him and become his nourishment!

Not to mention ordinary ninjas, just some Jōnin, couldn't even break through the defense against Ten Tails.

However, relying on their ninjutsu, they may be able to attract Ten Tails' attention a little, which is of some use!

"I understand, Tsunade-sama!"

At the coalition headquarters, Yamanaka Haiichi, Ao, including Nara Shikaku and others quickly spread the news throughout the coalition forces.

Originally, the ordinary ninjas who were rushing to the battlefield stopped after hearing the order.

In the third unit, everyone who fought with Ten Tails also showed a hint of relief on their faces after receiving the order.

"Quick, retreat quickly!"

"Yes, this is Lord Hokage's order, stay away from the battlefield immediately!"

"Great, Ten Tails is too terrible, and we have no use here at all."

"Let's go, leave quickly."

Following the orders of some Ninja Village Jōnin, a large number of ordinary Chūnin Genin quickly evacuated the battlefield.

In fact, they also discovered how powerless they were in front of Ten Tails.

On the contrary, if you stay here, you will become the weakness of the powerful ninja.

Even Hokage and the others need to devote their energy to protecting it.

"Hmph, they are just a bunch of rabble after all, and now they realize how humble and weak they are?"

The corners of Obito's mouth raised slightly.

"No, they have completed their mission very well. The numerous White Zetsu are the opponents of ordinary ninjas in the coalition forces."

"As for Ten Tails, let us handle it!"

Tsunade clenched his fist and said with a relaxed face.

Obito stared at her with cold eyes.

In fact, what Tsunade said is correct.

The mass production of one hundred thousand White Zetsu is a great threat to ordinary ninjas and other people in this world.

Even their Kage-level elites were unable to cope with such a large White Zetsu army.

Only by mobilizing an equally large number of ordinary ninjas can the White Zetsu be completely eliminated.

Obito shook his head slightly, "Tsunade, do you think those 170 can really escape from the battlefield?"

"Once the Eye of the Moon is formed, the entire world will be shrouded in the light of Infinite Tsukuyomi. 1"

"Everyone, including you, will enter the same peaceful world."

Tsunade took a step forward.

"So, stopping you, stopping Ten Tails, is our goal!"

"Really? Hum, after all, you still underestimate the power of Ten Tails!"

As Obito finished speaking, Honda Oo's huge body began to slowly change.

His body quickly began to shrink, from the original appearance of a strong reptile to a thin human form.

The Mingshen Gate that was originally pressing on him was easily broken free by him due to the changes in his body.

Soon, Ten Tails' ten thick tails turned into claws.

Spikes appeared on the head, revealing a mouth, an eye, and ears.

"You see, Ten Tails is in state two. Do you think you can escape from the battlefield?"

Obito said coldly.

In this form, Ten Tails' Tailed Beast Bomb attack range is extremely large!.

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