At this time, there was also a joy in the court.

The vision of ten thousand birds coming to the pilgrimage just now was also seen by everyone.

The civil and military officials are all saying hello and saying auspicious words below.

Ten thousand birds come to the court, although it is not the top auspicious birth of the top.

But it is also a very auspicious one.

The implication is that the emperor is born, and all the people return to their hearts.

In the future, he will definitely be a good hand at governing the country and leveling the world.

The Great Departure Dynasty can have such an heir, and they will be courtiers.

Naturally, I feel at ease.

After all, no one wants to follow a dumb king.

Fang Lingxiao sat high on the dragon chair.

Although there was only a faint smile on his mouth.

But in the bottom of my heart, I have long been happy.

"Say a few more words, I love to listen. "

"Praise Han'er more than I praise me. "

He thought to himself.

His gaze swept downward.

When I saw Ruyang Wang Fang Chongxiao.

The heart is moving.

"Now, I also have a crown prince, my imperial brother's son Fang Yuan, although his talent is extremely high. "

"I don't envy it anymore. "

Before, Fang Han didn't have a time to be born.

Listening to how powerful the prince of Ruyang was, he said in his heart that it was impossible not to feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, if he really did not give birth to a prince.

In the future, maybe this throne will really be passed on to this nephew.

But now, I don't have that worry.

"Brother Hexi, let's leave the dynasty to produce a prince who is accompanied by auspiciousness. "

"In the future, it will definitely be able to make the Great Departure Dynasty go to the next level. "

"When the crown prince grows up in the future, I will let Fang Yuan come to get closer. "

"How can you fight the world without your own brothers. "

The King of Ruyang has a humble face, chic and natural.

The Grand Master, the National Teacher and other powerful ministers glanced at each other.

Didn't speak.

The ministers in the rear all nodded secretly at the back of King Ruyang.

"Hahaha, good, good..."

Fang Lingxiao waved his hand in satisfaction.

It seems that he is very satisfied with the attitude of King Ruyang.

That's when it happened.

Suddenly, there was a eunuch outside, leading two palace maids.

Hurriedly knelt at the door.

"Double happiness is coming, double happiness is coming, the emperor. "

"Empress Fang Wan, she has regained her senses!".

The words of the little eunuch were like a thunderbolt.

Bombarded in the hearts of hundreds of officials and ministers.

There was an uproar in the DPRK and China!

It even made Fang Lingxiao, who was sitting on the dragon chair, almost fall down.


The little eunuch and the palace maid only felt a breeze in front of them.

The next moment.

Fang Lingxiao's body had already appeared in front of them.

"What you say, but it's true, isn't it wrong? "

His tone was still calm, though.

But everyone present could hear the emotions contained in those words.

It was the contradiction of expectation and fear after countless disappointments.

"It's true, Your Majesty. "


They weren't done yet.

As soon as Fang Lingxiao's body moved, his whole person turned into a streamer.

Fly to the dormitory.

"Taishi, National Teacher, Auxiliary Guogong, Zhenhaihou, you come with me. "

"In addition, Speedentai Hospital. "

The majestic voice wafted in.

Taishi and the others also had joy in their eyes, and their bodies shook.

They all turned into streamers and followed quickly.

King Ruyang looked at the shadows of everyone leaving, and a hint of strange color flashed in the depths of his eyes.


In the side hall of the dormitory.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the ministers have carefully examined it. "

"Make sure that everything is normal with the princess, and that her mind is full and calm. "

"The symptoms of lost souls are gone. "

"It must be the birth of the crown prince, the emperor's protection, and the blessing of the sky!"

"Caused by Chongxi. "

Several old ladies who came to examine Fang Wan had round eyes one by one.

I didn't expect that the congenital soul loss disorder that made them helpless.

It's so silent.

They don't dare to say that they are incompetent.

I had to start slapping rainbow farts.

They know too well in their hearts that at this time, they can only move the prince out.

is a card that does not die.

Fang Lingxiao was in a very good mood at this time.

Not only did he have a son, but his daughter also miraculously got better.

I was not prepared to punish them.

With a wave of satisfaction, let them go down to receive the reward.

Then, he squatted down.

His eyes were full of excitement.

A little uncertain, he stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Fang Wan's little face.

Fang Wan crossed her eyes.

Just now she was about to cultivate when she was interrupted.

A few imperial doctors came in for a check-up, and they were depressed.

Seeing that his father stretched out his hand, he was unceremoniously a block.

"Dad, your hands are too rough. "

"I'm not afraid to tear your daughter's face. "

Although she is not angry, she is only a two-year-old child.

The voice is milky.

There is no deterrent at all.

Instead, it's like a little girl who is coquettish with her father.

Hearing this, Fang Lingxiao's heart was not only not lost, but ecstatic.

"Sure enough... Wan'er, you're really sick. "

"God bless me to leave the dynasty!".

At this time, he didn't care if Fang Wan agreed or not.

I picked her up.

Fang Wan just wanted to stare at him.


She felt it.

A joy and sadness that is so thick that it can barely be dissolved.

From his majestic figure, it was transmitted.

A drop of warm water fell on her cheek.

Fang Wan, who wanted to struggle for a while, trembled.

"Daddy doesn't cry, hug..."

(Today's fourth update).

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